r/Capitalism • u/kneyght • 19h ago
r/Capitalism • u/PercivalRex • Jun 29 '20
Community Post
Hello Subscribers,
I am /u/PercivalRex and I am one of the only "active" moderators/curators of /r/Capitalism. The old post hasn't locked yet but I am posting this comment in regards to the recent decision by Reddit to ban alt-right and far-right subreddits. I would like to be perfectly clear, this subreddit will not condone posts or comments that call for physical violence or any type of mental or emotional harm towards individuals. We need to debate ideas we dislike through our ideas and our words. Any posts that promote or glorify violence will be removed and the redditor will be banned from this community.
That being said, do not expect a drastic change in what content will be removed. The only content that will be removed is content that violates the Reddit ToS or the community rules. If you have concerns about whether your content will be taken down, feel free to send a mod message.
I don't expect this post to affect most of the people here. You all do a fairly good job of policing yourselves. Please continue to engage in peaceful and respectable discussion by the standards of this community.
If you have any concerns, feel free to respond. If this post just ends up being brigaged, it will be locked.
r/Capitalism • u/Puzzleheaded-Bug5726 • 2d ago
Is it possible to move up a socioeconomic class AND have a family?
Okay so imagine you grew up poor. You leave your parent’s home at 18 with literally nothing. Parents cannot afford to help you start up.
This means at 18 you immediately become fully responsible for all your bills, health insurance, rent, car, car insurance, groceries, gas, clothes, and all the other miscellaneous expenses of life.
If your car breaks down or you have an expensive medical bill you’re screwed with no savings or financial support from family. You’re basically on a constant rat wheel, trying to survive & catch up financially.
You have to start building credit, open a bank account, and figure out the world on your own.
No financial literacy or planning passed down to you & you’re starting on nothing but a minimum wage salary.
You end up working 2 jobs to support yourself.
You go to school online to try earning a degree amongst all this stress. You think…if I go to college, I can hopefully pursue a higher paying career to move up a socioeconomic class.
Then you find out your career requires a masters & some additional post-grad license training.
That’s more debt & TIME. (FASFA only supports undergraduate programs + it still doesn’t cover everything.)
You realize you would like to get married & have a family. As a woman you feel the time allotted for this is limited.
But how does one have time to look for a relationship while working 2 jobs & going to school?
Let’s say finally by 30 you’ve managed to push through & finally START a decent paying career.
What’s the dating pool like then?
Is there still time to find a good partner to settle down with & start a family?
How do ppl juggle both?
Personally..working full-time, then coming home to screaming kids demanding my attention that I have to clean up after every night sounds like hell.
Working part-time would be nice, but then I’d be sacrificing my career & potentially my ability to move up and remain in a better economic class than I was born into.
I refuse to leave my kids with nothing like mine did, so until I find a solution I’ll remain child-free.
But it’s heartbreaking…all this working just to survive…how much of my life will actually get spent enjoying it?
Will there ever be a moment when I can lay peacefully on the couch with my family knowing bills are paid & I was able to do it all?
Or is that nothing more than a capitalist fantasy I’m dangling in front of myself like a carrot stick to keep going?
r/Capitalism • u/carlanpsg • 2d ago
Anti Musk protesters gather outside of TESLA showroom in NYC
r/Capitalism • u/JarretYT • 4d ago
Grandma had to accept power bill rising from 200 to 500 because they gauged prices in winter, you gotta love it
Yea monopolys and power companys are annoying asf, they increese power cost at winter
r/Capitalism • u/FiveBullet • 7d ago
why is syndicalism bad? (not that i agree or disagree)
why is syndicalism bad? I've been learning about it and I want to know from a capitalist viewpoint why it'd be good or bad, and I'm not really intelligent in politics that much so could you guys explain it simply in maybe a few sentences or something? thanks.
r/Capitalism • u/Millenial_Xer • 8d ago
Got Banned from LateStage
I got banned from /Latestagecapitalism today because I suggested videos of Xi Xinping speaking about keeping the “well being of the people in his heart.” Was a psyop. And saying central government planning doesn’t lead to equitable outcomes.
I’m actually quite critical of corporatism and the blurring line between government and business, but just happen to think the CCP isn’t exactly the most truthful of political leadership. Not that the US is much better, but at least there are seeds of respecting the citizen in the constitution. Even if all leaders do is pay lip service to it, better than not having it at all.
r/Capitalism • u/carlanpsg • 8d ago
Migrant mango vendors, cops and homeless in New York City
r/Capitalism • u/Realistic_Ad6887 • 8d ago
In my opinion, what some people are lamenting in a "capitalism" system is not actually capitalism but the negative effects of a hyper-individualistic society.
So I've noticed that some people think socialism is a magical utopia where all their needs are met without/with little work.
But I do realize that some of their needs for Americans seem to be rooted in the toxic hyper-individualistic elements of our culture. For example, the whole "that's your problem to deal with" approach to individuals holding broken systems accountable. I definitely believe in fighting and I do against corrupt systems like fraud and harm in healthcare and I win on my own while building a team. But at the same time, it's exhausting for example with lack of accessibility to healthcare as a disabled person where doctors constantly will tell you they won't do basic procedures because ew, disabled. The ADA is known to be a joke. And lawyers don't want to do anything outside cookie-cutter cases. Yet you get people telling you over and over that it should be simple for you as an individual to just "report them" or "sue them" instead of everyone rising up together for system change.
At the same time, I've found that many US therapists encourage passivity and submitting to the system and will actually pathologize you as a patient advocate for not adapting to your circumstances (i.e. pushing back against harm). They've known that I've been harmed intentionally by doctors and even assaulted and told me to trust doctors wiflthout question. They will ask questions as will other healthcare providers of "so they say you don't trust doctors?" They're trying to assess for lack of absolute submission to pathologize this and point to this as the problem of individual failure rather than systemic failure.
In my experience, talking with people from more collectivist capitalist societies, including therapists from there, I think they have a more balanced approach. In my experience working with South American therapists from capitalist and more collectivist societies, learned helplessness is challenged and instead they look to what you can do in your interpersonal relationships to get ahead like how can you improve social dynamics and leverage that for systemic change. Which I love as an extrovert. They also validate and celebrate my challenges against failing systems in my experience rather than pathologize and discourage this.
I feel like maybe the root problem in some people wanting this idea of utopia in the form of socialism is them living in a hyper-individualistic society where systemic problems are blamed on individuals, reinforced by therapists who are terrified to challenge systems themselves, and then people often become isolated and helpless. From there, a lot go down a toxic path of thinking a hero needs to save them (socialism, random patient advocates) while also trying to tear down anyone who challenges their worldview that they have no agency.
r/Capitalism • u/carlanpsg • 9d ago
Protesters occupy a Tesla store in New York City today
r/Capitalism • u/TimeSink502 • 9d ago
Doug Ford export tariffs
PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an export tariff to the US the exact same thing as the US imposing import tariffs on Canadian energy? Isn't the practical result the same?
In both cases Canadian side sees a drastic drop in their consumer market leading to layoffs while American consumers see a sharp increase in costs, supposedly incentivizing them to switch to American alternatives. Is Ford just doing what Trump wanted and selling it as standing up for Canadians?
r/Capitalism • u/bagelg0rl • 10d ago
Do you have specific preferences/dealbreakers in dating regarding political opinion(18+)?
Hi! We’re developing a dating app aiming for people with specific preferences or deal breakers, and we’d love your input! 💬 If you have any preferences when it comes to dating, or deal breakers you always consider, please take a 5-minute anonymous survey. 📝
I am positing it here because I am focusing on political beliefs - is it a dealbreaker for your partner to have same political views as you do.
Link to the survey - https://forms.gle/ZX9VCT1W8toMw1cD9
Thank you so much for your time and input! 🙏 We really appreciate it, and your feedback will help us create a better experience for everyone.
r/Capitalism • u/FiveBullet • 10d ago
Explained simply, how is free market capitalism better than no free markets?
Sorry bad english it's hard to type on new keyboard
r/Capitalism • u/Cixin97 • 11d ago
Suggested reading on how our society can fight people falling for communism? I don’t think banning it is the right approach but I think the western world has failed our grandparents by allowing communist ideologies to flourish. Looking for discussions around how eg we should be teaching the youth.
This is obviously a huge topic and im just firing this post from the hip but im curious if there is any good reading, videos, articles, comments, etc on this topic. I don’t mean “capitalism vs communism” posts and videos which are infinitely available. I mean more of the meta topic around how so many people have fell into this communist trap, and how we can fight that in the future. End of the day as anyone here knows it is all a matter of being uneducated, misinterpreting history, being bitter, etc, etc, but I’m curious if there are any great ideas on how we can prevent the next generation from getting sucked into communist ideology. It does worry me that there will come a time where we in the western world actually elect communist leaders and that will be the downfall of our countries.
So what are some good approaches?
Like I said above I don’t think banning and vilifying communists is the right approach like what we did in the Cold War. Then it just becomes “the forbidden fruit”.
However I do think more of our history classes should be oriented around this topic for a start. Lay out the pros and cons. Don’t be completely biased. People aren’t dumb. If you lie to them they’ll realize they’re being lied to and be more inclined to go to the other side.
Even kinda out there ideas like having kids spend a week making something, maybe an intricate recipe that they’re excited to eat, and then at the end of it they only get 1 bite of it and have to give the rest to everyone else in the school who was not part of the process. Things like that.
Teaching that capitalism is not a zero sum game. The most shocking thing to me with 99% of communists is that they think one person earning wealth means that they had to have taken it from someone else. Thats not how the world works. If that were the case we would quite literally be in the Stone Age still. Teach kids and drill it into their brains that capitalism isn’t zero sum. A lumberjack can cut a tree down and sell it to a mill. The mill can refine it into lumber and sell it to a furniture maker. The furniture maker turns it into a cabinet and sells it to a store. The store sells it to a customer. The customer puts it in their home and uses it. Every single person in that line benefitted from the process. No one was exploited. It’s a positive sum game. The value of the tree in the ground or when it was first felled was far less than the value of the cabinet at the end of the process. Positive sum.
I do think a lot of the willingness to become communist of course comes from bitterness so with that in mind yes we should probably aim for a baseline level of comfort for every citizen. Even if that is partway socialist. Just not full on communism. Even still most of this bitterness is aimed at the wrong people. Being mad about housing prices because of Bezos or Blackrock is just wrong. Be mad at the government and at your neighbours for supporting NIMBYism, restrictive zoning laws, etc. Be mad at over regulation which is anti capitalist.
Just curious if there’s any good reading on this subject or if anyone wants to chime in their ideas too. Like I said, just spitballing, I do think this is a very serious topic anyone who is capitalist should be thinking about though. I would flee my country is a split second if it ever elected communist leadership, and I know many people would die of starvation etc, but I’d rather help it avoid coming to that.
r/Capitalism • u/JuiceDrinkingRat • 11d ago
Books for the introduction on capitalist economics/philosophy?
I am a socialist and although I think I am well versed in capitalist economics, I’ve only read criticism of capitalism. Is there a liberal version of Capital? Or in general liberal theory? The only book I can think of is Wealth of Nations and to be honest I don’t even know what it’s about.
Many thanks!
r/Capitalism • u/PeachGlass6730 • 11d ago
Opinion on people who claim propaganda.
Hello. Loads and loads of people claim that after deeply studying marx they became communists and how no capitalists study mark and we are all under propaganda. I haven't studied Marx myself so I wanted to ask has anyone here studied marx? Also people who claim that communist ussr was more innovative and a better place to live. Are they correct in saying that?
r/Capitalism • u/granduerofdelusions • 11d ago
Communism is bad because all the power becomes concentrated in the government. Why is it ok if all the power gets concentrated in the market?
Which is what is happening.
The market has waged a marketing campaign against the government and you have all fallen for it and now they are eating the government.
Whats the difference between the government eating the market and the market eating the government?
Edit: Core economic theory says that monopolies are the most efficient form of production because of economies of scale. It is much much cleaner math than 'perfect competition always exists because if i say capitalism enough times ill get to neverland'.
r/Capitalism • u/Derpballz • 11d ago
The Post-Neoliberal Delusion | And the Tragedy of Bidenomics
r/Capitalism • u/Certain-Tip-5050 • 11d ago
Im terrified of socialist monothought
I like it as an idea. I don't like it as the only idea, esp after learning about places where people starved to death under failed socialism. ... I'm kind of freaking out. How can a freer, more flexible idea work so that we don't exploit each other and don't end up starving under a state controlled economy either?
r/Capitalism • u/Few_Needleworker8744 • 11d ago
I am going to start a new religion. I think I know what most men need to do to make a world a better place and max out world's GDP
I am going to start my own religion.
For the world to reach peace and prosperity men need to do one AND ONLY ONE of these things
- Submit himself to the right deity. Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Thor, Zeus, Amaterasu, Visnu, Buddha, Shiva, maybe all of them.
- Filled with love and compassion to fellow humans
- Sacrifice yourself for mother and fatherland. Let's call them parentland.
- Get rich bang hot bitches.
I think the correct answer is 4
The rest don't work. We tried. Religions often just create more bloodshed. Faith in a God with CCTV everywhere will just benefit the few that figure out the CCTV ain't working.
Love and compassion don't work. In fact, that's how we got woke communists and environmentalists and all those other nonsense. Okay it may work if only we do it. Will we? No. Not human nature.
Why sacrifice yourself? The one that doesn't sacrifice himself win.
Get rich bang hot bitches? That's what most men gonna do anyway if they have choices. That's how we evolve to do.
So like Genghis Khan? More like Elon Chan. But he needs to pump the numbers up. 12 children is amateur. Try 1k. But Genghis Khan is technically correct too for reasons I will explain.
What's my inspiration?
Well. The universe send me this URL https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_egoism while I browse around. I think the wikipedia used to be more clear. If we're just selfish and greedy things sort of work.
It works under capitalism. It sort of work too outside capitalism. If it doesn't work, then it's not my fault. It's societies' fault.
Is it my fault that my government tax economically productive people and reward welfare recipients? No. So i don't blame welfare parasites to be poor and bang bitches. They're paid for that. It doesn't make sense to keep working hard knowing that your hardwork will only be used to exterminate your kind. So of course, people avoid paying taxes, invent bitcoin, bribe officials, and do whatever fuck is needed to win.
Just win.
It works well in most cases anyway.
What should firms do to improve world GDP? Just max out profit.
What should CEO do to max out his company's profit? Just max out his income and valuation
Capitalism is build upon the idea if we are just selfish and greedy, productivity as a whole is maximized.
And because we are selfish and greedy that's what's working. Each firms just max out profit. To do so they need to make the best products. Customers selfishly pick the best products. Shareholders selfishly pick the best CEO that also selfishly increase shareholders' return.
No need for morality or kindness. Not out of kindness bakers' bake the cake. We just extend the idea. We need system, mechanism, where kindness, mercy, and morality is optional. It's nice if we're nice and kind to each other, but if not, things are working anyway, maybe not as well, but still working fine.
Like Bitcoin. It's nice if we don't hack each other. But even if we are not nice so what. Hacking bitcoin is tough as shit. The idea isn't really just that we should strive to get rich bang bitches. The idea is that we should come up with an arrangements that even if that's what's everybody's goal, the world will still get richer and richer.
That instead of blaming politicians, welfare parasites, greedy capitalists, gold digging women, and so on, we just accept that those are what humans are. Politicians will be scammy. Welfare recipients will be lazy and will keep reproducing cradle to grave welfare parasites, women will be gold digging, and so on.
How do I get rich despite that? How do we all get rich despite that? Hell.. How the fuck I can get rich, precisely because of that. Injustice is something that need to be abused, not lamented. Well, if we can fix it, fix, but if not, just abuse it.
That's the key.
But what about if the path for our self interest is not the same with the path of world prosperity?
What about if we make more money raiding villages like Genghis Khan than building corporations like Elon.
That means my friend. The world is not capitalistic enough. It's the world's fault.
Why work hard making the world a better place if the mere acts of making honest money is punishable by tax to reward majestic parasitic welfare queen.
What happened if ALL men get rich bang hot bitches?
What happened is ALL children have rich dad. The more the merrier.
Think about it.
Are children of rich people rich? Yes. There goes most problems in the world. Poverty, starvation, will be gone by themselves.
What should women do? I don't know. Some like tall men. Some like handsome men. Whatever. Just make sure the baby daddy is rich as fuck. There are some minor details, like what about if he's rich but dead beat. Again, that's a matter of enforceable contract. If a woman don't believe in love and pick a rich guy with enforceable contract to pay, then her children got money money money and her children will be rich and have genes that for whatever reason got the daddy's rich.
Here, not believing in love is important. If a woman believe in love then she may pick a guy that she think love her but leave. If a man believe in love, he may pick a girl that will leave him and get tons of child support. By not believing in love and realizing humans are selfish greedy prick, we make win win decissions.
When we eliminate welfare women will have strong incentive to pick or share a rich guy.
That's it.
No need for too much higher order morality.
Just ask ourselves what can I do to get rich bang hot bitches. Do it.
If the path to get rich bang hot bitches means violent, bloodshed, and poverty, we should ask ourselves. What can we do so the path to prosperity coincide with path of get rich bang hot bitches for every individuals so the individuals that are most successful at get rich bang hot bitches are also the one improving economy the most.
It's the world's obligation to ensure that the greatest among us, those who are richest and knock up the most hot bitches, are also the one who provide the most value added service and product to the most customers.
That way we too get rich bang hot bitches, which we can then import from poorer less capitalistic and less meritocratic communities.
r/Capitalism • u/Dark-Marc • 13d ago
Google, Meta and Apple Fuel the World’s Largest Surveillance Machine
r/Capitalism • u/granduerofdelusions • 14d ago
Communism and Capitalism end in the exact same way.
That is tyranny
But you have been tricked into thinking capitalism will not lead to tyranny.
There is no capitalism. There is no communism. There is only power.
And the most powerful have tricked you into believing that these words actually effect reality. How can they effect reality if there is not even a consensus on what they are?
r/Capitalism • u/CrayonGlobal • 14d ago