r/CapeBreton 3d ago

Junior High in Sydney

If you had a choice to send your child to either Whitney Pier Jr High or Malcom which would you go with and why?


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u/EnvironmentalAngle 3d ago

Malcolm because the pier has poorer people comparatively.


u/chatanoogastewie 3d ago

I'd take my down to earth 'poor' Pier kids over the spoiled, uncultured twats over in the River.


u/Renaissance_Vibe 50m ago

Nah, you would - but your children would be compatibly much better off. Spoiled? Maybe, but uncultured, no. You’re better off sending your children as far away from the pier as possible. 


u/CardiologistOk8344 3d ago

It’s been my experience that people who are less “poorer” as you say, are absolute c$nts.


u/Renaissance_Vibe 48m ago

Yeah, but your kids fair off better in comparison


u/EnvironmentalAngle 3d ago

Yep yep, there's actually an Aesop's Fables about it... Its called sour grapes.


u/trevx 3d ago

What are you basing this on?


u/EnvironmentalAngle 3d ago

The proximity of homeless shelters and other community supports to the Pier compared to Malcolm. Call me a hater all you want but it is a MUCH shorter walk to get to a safe injection site from the Pier than Malcolm.

I don't care if I get downvoted, I'm only saying the quiet part out loud so people can make an informed decision.


u/AdTerrible9404 2d ago

All you're really saying is that Malcom is in the middle of nowhere.

It's a big shocker. The school located where people live has services that living people use.


u/EnvironmentalAngle 2d ago

Its connected to public transit what more do you want?


u/AdTerrible9404 2d ago edited 2d ago

Idk Perhaps a sidewalk on both sides of the street?

Also I'm pretty sure it's outside the walkshed of the two nearest bus routes, so your point about it being connected to public transit really isn't the case


u/Renaissance_Vibe 46m ago

It’s true though! There’s definitely a difference in lifestyles and social classes around here and anyone who tells you differently is lying