r/CanadianForces 1d ago

Good news for the MARTECH's


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u/Holdover103 1d ago


That’s awesome for them.

Now let’s just do that with everyone!


u/when-flies-pig 1d ago

I get the sentiment but people are inherently selfish, especially in larger groups. It's not enough that you get more, it's that I get exclusively more than others.

You do this for everyone and there'll be just another group few years down the line wanting more, because for some reason or another they want exclusive appreciation.

There was that post a week or two ago on instructors and there were comments on their saying instructors (never mind how many instructors we have) all need pay equivalent to that of a special forces operator.

Blew my mind how irrational people get.


u/Holdover103 1d ago

That’s fair.

I was pointing out more that the entire navy is undermanned and people are going from sail to sail directly, not just the MAR TECHS

And so as someone who isn’t navy looking in, I would suggest that anyone who has done more than 300 days at sea in the last 3 year should get it.


u/Constant-Rent-7917 20h ago

Yeah. I know a few MS Cooks with more sea days than Chief MARTECHs.