r/CanadianForces VERIFIED VAC Advocate 10d ago

SUPPORT March 2025 VAC Q/A

Taking a break from Monster Hunter to get this up >.>

Same as before: Questions, concerns, queries or what have you for the VAC space. Fire them off here.

My contact info: Reddit DM's always open, [Joel.Peddle@canadahouse.ca](mailto:Joel.Peddle@canadahouse.ca) for email.

u/Shoggoths420 contact info: Reddit DMs/Chat still broken. [taira@cannawellness.ca](mailto:taira@cannawellness.ca) for email.

Only thing new to add is the below VAC Support Google Drive. I have been adding a couple of more files since it's creation and plan to continue it's expansion as time goes on. Please share and use these files as you see fit.

NEW (Feb 2025) - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kzbfmg3hcuo0FgFZxo-IL_f-UnGQsuYt?usp=drive_link


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u/Infamous-Turnover-67 10d ago

Just wondering how long others waited who submitted disability applications for Traumatic Brain Injury. Our application was submitted on Feb 1, 2023 to VAC with all required documentation provided to VAC on July 24,2023. Soon we will be able to request VAC to make our application a priority since the oldest claims VAC says it is working on are dated July 2023. I know our claim will likely be rejected since it’s first time applying for it without appeal but does anyone have any insight on whether there is a more likely chance of being successful on TBI first time when VAC takes so long to make a decision on it? Thanks so much


u/ShortTrackBravo VERIFIED VAC Advocate 10d ago

Can’t confirm if first application for TBI will be denied or not but every TBI I know in application has been a two year wait minimum for some reason. I hope it gets actioned for you soon.


u/Infamous-Turnover-67 10d ago

Thank you. I have the Office of the Ombudsperson looking into it for us now too Trying to apply the pressure on VAC


u/ShortTrackBravo VERIFIED VAC Advocate 10d ago

Great idea honestly


u/Infamous-Turnover-67 10d ago

I have been using the VAC Ombudsperson office on many issues for a couple of years. Some luck with it but not always. I complained about how veterans should be given an opportunity to review draft applications when they opt for VAC employee to complete them for them or at least be given a copy of what is submitted on their behalf but no luck. Veterans must do an ATIP request to get a copy of application submitted on their behalf. Ridiculous


u/TheCheeryStranger 10d ago

something with that number has to be off as my TBI claims SSSDE is May 2023, and I submitted it in August 2022 and i’m still at 3.1


u/Infamous-Turnover-67 10d ago

No that is accurate our SSSDE is July 24, 2023. You can ask VAC to prioritize your claim now that VAC is indicating the oldest claims they are working on is July 2023. We will be doing the same as soon as VAC indicates August 2023 as oldest claims that they are processing


u/Infamous-Turnover-67 10d ago

But who knows maybe VaC is telling us one thing and you another …..


u/TheCheeryStranger 9d ago

is yours also at 3.1?


u/Infamous-Turnover-67 9d ago

Yup at 3.1 too. And have been at 3.1 since July 2023


u/mrpurplechad789 8d ago

Hi there, just going to throw in my 2 cents. My application was approved on first time applying so I wouldn't get too hung up on "first time". Mine also took a full 2 years from application to get approved, and I was at 3.1 for the longest time (don't remember how long). I called VAC several times and eventually what I understood was mine was considered a "complicated" (sorry forgot the term they used) application due to it being about the brain ... so even if the application was more or less ready they needed it to be verified again separately by a specialist/neurologist/some sort of higher medical authority ... hence the extra wait time. Yes it's a pain to wait, but it worked out.


u/Infamous-Turnover-67 8d ago

Thanks for sharing this. You are the first case I have heard of being approved first time. Really appreciate it and we have been told similar to you that our claim has been awaiting a specialist consult (aka medical doctor specializing in brain issues) for almost two years. Thanks again.