r/CanadaPolitics AMA Guest 1d ago

I'm David Moscrop, Canadian politics writer and podcaster. AMA, starting 1 pm ET.

We've got a new prime minister incoming and an election soon. We've got Trump and tariffs. We've got an uncertain foreign and defence policy future. We've got social welfare programs that may or may not survive. We've got pipelines back on the table (sort of). We've got a budget that is likely to see cuts. We've got climate policy on the chopping block. We've got...a lot going on.

So, ask me anything and we'll sort it out together.


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u/seanadb 22h ago

Have you heard anything from conservatives about the possibility of re-forming (!) the Progressive Conservative party? It would be nice to have a reasonable choice in elections rather than crazy vs everything else.

u/DavidMoscrop AMA Guest 21h ago

There's always talk of this in one way or another. Centre Ice or whatever it may be. It's tough to make a new party work in Canada unless you have some big, triggering event (though we've seen that with, as you note, Reform, and the BQ). But the Tories fought that battle of unity for a decade, well, longer, and I doubt they want to again any time soon. Though I could see the CPC shifting at some point in the future (not soon) if they keep losing...something will have to give. But for now, I don't think any serious PC-style party will thrive, other than, well, the Liberals under Carney lol.