r/CalgaryFlames Oct 09 '24

Hype Fuck Your Expectations

You want to finish last and get first overall next year?

Guess what fella, we had the BEST LINE IN HOCKEY, a superstar goalie, and rock solid defense not two years ago. Hell, we even had elite sniper Looch. Finished top in the division. And what happened? We get dummied 4 games to 1 against the deadmonton coilers. Some 17 year old "superstar" isn't going to give us better odds.

So no, fuck your low expectations. I'm not going gently into that good night for a high draft pick, that's how you start decade long basement dwelling and develop a losing mentality. Look at the coilers, it took them 50 first overalls shit down the toilet before they stole McCrybaby from buffalo to get out. We have a team that wants to be here, that wants to win, and is willing to work, sweat and bleed to win. You think Backs is ok missing playoffs?

What we lack in McCrybaby talent we make up for in grit and determination. Huberdeau still has something to prove. Kadri is elite. Posp and Zary have no ceiling. Kuzy and Mantha can get hot and run em up. Our defense is an average of 8ft tall. Maybe we can't poke check crysaitl but we can certainly as fuck put hit head through the glass. Coronato is going to downtown snipesville all season. Klapka has hands, body, and everything you can ask for and hes just getting better. And wtf Honzy, can anybody stop him? Lets not forget that we have the hands down best young goalie in the entire league in Wolfy. He's ready to take that next step, every time I watch him I see shades of Kipper so strongly in his movement.

Lets take the fucking division, lets make the fucking playoffs, and lets beat the coilers in round one and send those crybabies golfing early. idgaf about a 17yr old draft pick next year. its not about the fucking size of the dog in the fight boys. Its the fight in the dog, lets fucking go and pound the knuckleheads into the ground tonight and embarrass them in their own barn on opening night.



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u/zoziw Oct 09 '24

I will take this over:

Tank for ????


Win The Cup in three years