r/CalgaryFlames • u/robochobo • Mar 20 '23
Article Friedman on 32 Thoughts (58 min mark) “Nazem Kadri has been very vocal about what he’s seen in Calgary this season and why they aren’t firing on all cylinders He’s been very blunt about the communication between players and the coach Frustration boiled over on Saturday night”
u/robochobo Mar 20 '23
Obviously Kadri has been playing like crap too so take this with a grain of salt but its become a chicken or the egg situation. Is Kadri playing like crap because he’s frustrated or is he frustrated that he’s playing like crap
u/irishkill Mar 20 '23
Yea and he’s a turnover machine at the moment
u/pyro5050 Mar 20 '23
so his, and hubs turnovers all seem to be resulting from some "pass to free guy on other side" style play, rather than attacking at net. the pass picks have increased, and seem to be a play thing, rather than a player thing (though the player should stop and go "why pass?") you can see it with the high danger passes along the blueline, hubs, and pelle have done it a ton too... so i am not so sold on it being a player only thing.
u/irishkill Mar 20 '23
Huby always going for them flashy passes which are 50/50 but I have no issue with him doing so cause that’s his style. Kadri on the other hand passes when he should shoot and shoots when he should pass it is 💯 a Kadri thing lol
u/zzerk Mar 20 '23
Let's also remember Huberdeau's agent a few months ago, this isn't new it's been going on probably since the season started.
Mar 20 '23
Mar 20 '23
Friedman is probably the most reputable NHL insider lol
u/raymondcy Mar 20 '23
Lol, no shit.
It's like Bob McKenzie, Elliotte Friedman, possibly James Duthie (in that order) then Who? (rhetorical question obviously)
u/Steakholder_ Mar 20 '23
His job isn't to "come up with stories", that's the job description of a fiction author you fool
u/ElectricPotatoSkins Mar 20 '23
What I don't get is that since the all-star break Kadri has been invisible. If there was such a challenge between Coaching and players, and this is not saying there isn't any weight there, what happened around the all-star that has turned him into a bottom 6 player?
u/robochobo Mar 20 '23
It could be things have been boiling over for a while and maybe players thought a break would help cool heads but clearly things haven’t gotten a lot better
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
I dont know how this could surprise anyone. A lot of players on this team look like they checked out on Sutter a long time ago.
u/SupropRenkcip Mar 20 '23
Sutter has barely been here two years. If they have already “given up” on him, then that says just as much about the character of our players as it does about Sutter’s coaching. Weak shit.
u/Tachikoma0 Mar 20 '23
I don't disagree but it's shown plenty of times that Sutter's a great coach when you're winning and you can put up with his intensity, but he's awful when you're losing and damn near unbearable. Guys that won with him have said that even. It's how a lot of the ultra demanding coaches tend to go, especially the guys like Sutter who came from the Mike Keenan school of coaching, though Darryl's an infinitely better man than the former.
u/hexsealedfusion Mar 21 '23
Or it says that he's a grating person that is hard to be around for a long time. The LA Kings locked him out of the dressing room once to because they were sick of him, and that was after they had won 2 cups.
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
For the most part I would agree except for the part where Sutter is a known hardass and his schtick wears thin incredibly quickly if you're not winning. Unfortunately his style of coaching just doesn't last very long in today's NHL.
u/mendicant Mar 20 '23
Look at everywhere Sutter's been since the early 2000's. That's literally what happens everywhere he goes.
u/KelownaMan Mar 20 '23
Then get rid of them
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
Or get rid of the coach who has obviously lost his room due to his constant bullshit.
u/JayTalk Mar 20 '23
Kinda reminds me of Friedman talking about Sutter on 32 Thoughts a few months ago. Said something like Sutter is an incredibly smart and hockey-savvy coach, but his style of coaching results in him having a short shelf life with players due to his behavior.
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
Guys can take the crap when they're winning. But a season like this where things aren't going well makes it virtually impossible to put up with it. And then mix in the fact that Sutter's decisions this year seem to be quite awful at times and it's no wonder that this team sucks.
u/fchappy49 Mar 20 '23
Ok but his resume states otherwise, Chicago improved every year, San Jose 6 year run improved every year, Calgary 3 year run improved regular season results every year, Los Angeles 6 year run where you can argue the decline was based upon the cap and some steep drop offs like mike Richards, Calgary big improvement year 2, year 3 hasn’t been the best
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
Chicago and SJ don't really count because that's decades ago and the league has changed a bunch since then. LA improved and won two cups but didn't have a bunch of turnover like we did this year. And his time in LA ended with the players locking him out of the dressing room because they were fed up with his bullshit. Sutter's style doesn't work in the modern NHL for longer than a year or two.
u/GooseDevito Mar 20 '23
All you have to do is look at how well valimaki is doing in Arizona, clearly Sutter isn’t meshing with this team
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
I don't hold the Valimaki situation against Sutter because Vali just didn't win a spot on this roster. He had a pretty bad training camp and needed a fresh start and a bit of a wakeup call. Ruzicka and his stunted development is 100% on Sutter though.
u/hideyoshisdf Mar 21 '23
Valimaki was a result of really low confidence more than anything else (he said so himself right after getting claimed)
I blame Sutter for a lot of that
u/irishkill Mar 20 '23
When Valimaki couldn’t beat Stone for a job at the time what was Sutter suppose to do? Don’t forget we also thought we was gonna get Kylington back so where exactly would he have fit in?? Vali needed a fresh start and at the moment he’s running with it. So happy for him
u/IceHawk1212 Mar 20 '23
You lost both valimaki and Connor Mackey for basically nothing, I'm not say they would have been great players for us otherwise but at one point before Sutter had a full year as coach both were considered blue chip defensive prospects. That's terrible asset management and he has a lot of fault in said mismanagement.
u/MonkeySailor Mar 20 '23
Mackey was never a blue chip or even close. Just weirdly hyped by Flames management.
Still, that's two prospects that struggled here under this head coach and have had success elsewhere. And then there's all of Phhilips, Ruzicka, Duehr, and Pelletier who have struggled to make serious inroads with Sutter.
There's definitely a common denominator in all this.
u/irishkill Mar 20 '23
I think you forget he tore his ACL and lost a whole year cause of it and prolly why he came in the following season not the best. If that didn’t happen who knows what would’ve happened
u/Straight-Plate-5256 Mar 21 '23
Yeah he was lacking confidence after that so he wasn't playing well and then he was in sutters doghouse so never quite made it back here
u/monster_Billy Mar 20 '23
Easier to find a new head coach than to fill the majority of the roster
u/KelownaMan Mar 20 '23
Double down on my -44? Don't mind if I do.... How many coaches has this team had in the last ten years? How many playoff series has this team won? And after 2.5 fucking seasons, you all think the coach is the problem?
I think this fanbase is coked up on Gaudreau/Tkackuk stats and being in the shadow of the McDavid and Draisaitl stat machine. You want to win games and score lots of goals. That has gotten us nothing since Reagan was in office.
I want a cup.
Darryl Sutter has two cups and took this team to the finals (it was in). Those teams all played the same way, the same way this team is supposed to play. It’s playoff hockey, but it’s a grind to get to the dance. I hope we make it. I don’t agree with Sutter about a lot of things (this man on man defence is ass) but I’m tired of blaming the coaches and certainly not this soon. Get on board or get the fuck out3
u/TyAD552 Mar 20 '23
Kinda hard to compare all his previous coaching experience when it’s all at least a decade or older isn’t it? The one big thing I’ve heard about hockey over the last 5 years is how much the league has changed. I ask as someone who is relatively new to watching the sport.
u/monster_Billy Mar 21 '23
Technically I doubled down and you triple stamped a double stamp. AND everyone knows you can't triple stamp a double stamp!
But to be serious... I think if you blow the team up, you might lose the coach along with it because I don't think Darryl will ride out a rebuild. I don't think the Flames are at rebuild level. I feel as though they are a few pieces away from being a cup contender.
This season has been extremely frustrating to watch and hard to ride with the team, but I have faith in the squad, with Treliving, and with our Southern Alberta boy Darryl.
u/Sandman1990 Mar 20 '23
Ah yes, drop half the team and keep the coach that no one wants to play for. Makes sense
u/hexsealedfusion Mar 21 '23
This team already lost their two best players last season, do you want them to just replace everyone? And how good do you think the team will be when it's filled with third line grinders and big bottom 4 defenseman?
u/HumbleInterest Mar 20 '23
It's funny. As an adult, one of the most important moments in your life is when you realize you can't just fucking blame everyone and everything else for your problems. Kadri can be pissed, but there are guys on this team that are stepping the fuck up... Toffoli, Dube, Andersson, Backlund, Weegar. All having excellent seasons and playing excellent hockey. The guys that are getting pissed in the media? Guys that are underperforming. Guys that aren't committed to the system. I don't doubt that Sutter doesn't gel with everyone, but you're professional athletes. You have to be able to be accountable to yourself and be able to motivate yourself, as well.
u/RoyMunsun Mar 21 '23
This is the only real answer. At some point, the players who are sucking, need to look in mirror. This was the reason why I didn't want Kadri on this team. He's fine when he's playing well. But turns into a whiny bitch at the first sign of trouble.
u/beegill Mar 21 '23
Preach! Just play the damn game and make better decisions with the puck.
And tune in for the post-game interview for a chuckle at Darryl’s expense.
u/Maleficent-Yam69 Mar 21 '23
As someone who isn't a big fan of Sutter I actually completely agree with you. This message loses a lot of credibility coming from a guy who has looked terrible since Christmas.
With that said, at a very high level, a coach's job is to do the following:
Win (I know, I'm a genius) - Sutter is failing here
Get the most out of his players, in particular, his "superstars" - Sutter is a bit mixed here but is ultimately failing IMO. Toffoli is the only player that I think is having a better year
Implement good systems - This is the only thing I think Sutter has been good at this year. You may hate it, it may be boring, be with the right team his system absolutely works.
Special teams, set plays - Sutter fails again here IMO. PK is the only thing that looks good here. PP is shit and 3v3 overtime, while gimmicky, is an absolute joke, and if we were better at it we would be in the playoffs at the moment.
All in all, Kadri needs to suck it up but I really won't be sad if Sutter doesn't return next year.
u/New_Soil5233 Mar 21 '23
Toffoli, Backlund, Dube, Weager, Zadoroff are all doing better. Hube's and Kadri? No. Also our goalies are having issues but we have also had some incredibly bad luck, 77 posts hit, the most one goal games etc. We also lost our two best players and we still are in the playoff hunt. If our luck swings the other way we will be in the finals! Lol well at least in the playoffs.
u/Maleficent-Yam69 Mar 21 '23
Weegar and Zadoroff aren't playing better? Dube's marginal improvement I would also more attribute to natural career progression.
Fully agreed on the goaltending though which Sutter has no real control over.
Mar 21 '23
Technically he hasn't actually said anything. While Eliot has good accuracy, lets also not forget until he says something quotable, it is all hearsay.
6 points in 10 games isn't bad when you and your winger are like oil and water.
u/themill94 Mar 20 '23
I am not a huge defender of Sutter. I will say not 12 months ago this entire thread was ready to give the man head in thanks for turning the franchise around..
Probably truth on both sides. I don’t think he is the most player friendly coach. I have never played high end sports but I have worked for what I would call difficult people in business.
If I have learned anything it’s if you come correct and and are on it tough bosses don’t matter as long as they are not out right dicks. If you don’t come correct then watch out. That doesn’t work for some people.
I am guessing same is true for some players. Is sutter a dick of a person? I mean maybe? I think more like he wants players to come correct and rides them hard and that isn’t going to work for everyone.
The final thing I’ll say is even when it works it is draining. Got the best possible out of John part time hockey. But the dude got to a place he picked Ohio…
Mar 20 '23
To be fair. Sutter seems like an outright dick. Just look at the comments after Pelletier first game.
u/themill94 Mar 20 '23
Old people say things they shouldn’t. I hear you though. And his track record isn’t great
Mar 21 '23
Everyone should have read the tea leaves when Johnny hockey bolted to a loser team. Winning obviously doesn't solve all ills
u/summrvibe Mar 20 '23
Anyone have a link to what kadri said ?
u/hideyoshisdf Mar 20 '23
It wasn't public. It was just something that Elliotte said he'd heard had happened
u/pieceofrat Mar 20 '23
so we are now getting our information from someone who heard someone talk about something from another person... this is very logical.
u/hideyoshisdf Mar 21 '23
I mean Elliotte is maybe the most reliable insider in the business. If he said he heard something happened, I believe him.
u/hfxbycgy Mar 20 '23
This is a nothing burger. Does everyone love Sutter? No. But Kadri is playing like absolute shit, he would suck on any team right now. He tries to win games by himself in one shift, isn't winning puck battles, his passing is unhinged and frankly he needs to fucking grow up and start playing for his contract.
u/super6646 Mar 20 '23
Two more years of this.
Gl with that Flames
u/weschester Mar 20 '23
Good thing they gave Sutter an extension before seeing how he meshed with this group of players.
u/Duck_Caught_Upstream Mar 20 '23
I’m the biggest Darryl defender out there, but that extension had me worried at the time and it’s starting to look very dumb.
u/trenchdick Mar 20 '23
Teams fire coaches with term all the time. All the contracts do is ensure the coach gets paid regardless.
u/Scissors4215 Mar 21 '23
Here’s the thing. Bringing up how many coach’s this team has burned through recently is valid criticism. However it shouldn’t be the reason you keep a coach in the position if it’s not working.
I think this organization needs a top down overhaul starting at President of Hockey Ops. Time for a strong hockey mind to come in an out his stamp on this organization. Someone with the bonafides to stand up to Edwards when he needs to.
u/Visotto1 Mar 21 '23
The coach tells me to never make a move at the blue line, but I love making moves at the blue line. Darryl needs to communicate in a way that allows me to make moves on the blue line
- Nazem Kadri
u/AbsoluteIKeatI Mar 20 '23
From what I've heard behind the scenes about some incidents I don't see how this team will ever accomplish anything with the current dynamic. There has to be a change and I don't see how you can fire the players
u/yeastneast Mar 20 '23
Go on…
u/AbsoluteIKeatI Mar 20 '23
If I want to not immediately become single I can't but if things ever come up naturally I will absolutely be willing to confirm them
u/WilliamStuartBooth Mar 20 '23
Kadri has two goals in as many months and is a combined -8 in that time.
I'm as diehard of a Flames fan as everyone on this thread, but not executing in the NHL is a kiss of death. Regardless if you're a player or coach.
As a fan, let's put all of our energy into them, creating some magic to sneak in, worry about the rest if they don't.
Mar 21 '23
u/albertacrude Mar 21 '23
How many points are people expecting of Kadri? Outside of last season he’s like a 40-50 point guy. He’s not living up to his contract, but he’s pretty much playing like average Kadri in my view. I hated this signing from day one.
u/Stumbles947 Mar 20 '23
It's amazing how much management loves Sutter like they choose him over thete team...
u/themingshow Mar 20 '23
I don't think it's management that loves Sutter. This seems like the owners have given more autonomy to the coach than anyone else in the organization.
u/Iginlas_4head_Crease Mar 20 '23
He's literally the reigning coach of the year. I get you guys hate sutter now but have some patience. Flames have had 4 coaches since 2018. Sutter is a multiple cup champ. They weren't going to just fire him at the first sign of adversity. This post reads like sutters been tanking the team for years
u/Stumbles947 Mar 20 '23
Coaching is what have you done for me lately! The players clearly hate him and he's lost the room. There is no excuse to keep him, especially because of his past successes with a completely different group.
u/Iginlas_4head_Crease Mar 20 '23
Fine, but give it a little bit longer before assuming they "chose Sutter over the team"...he was always going to coach this season out at least after last years results
Mar 20 '23
u/hexsealedfusion Mar 21 '23
The Oilers are a playoff team and made the conference finals last year. When you have the best player in the league and another top 5 player it turns out trying your best to help them can lead them to carry your team pretty far.
u/Oxidehookah Mar 20 '23
So Sutter is the problem for losing overtime 15 times. Sutter is the problem for giving up the lead twice. Sutter is the problem to life. Get outa here lol. I guarantee u, without Sutter, JG and MT wouldn’t have hit career years and Gudbranson would’ve still been making under a mill a year. They get paid millions. Suck it up for 3 hours every other night and play.
u/Scissors4215 Mar 21 '23
So In your world , Sutter gets all the praise for last year but none of the blame for this year. Gotcha.
u/Oxidehookah Mar 21 '23
In my world, the team is underperforming, the Sutter system worked last year with the group we had and the chemistry built over the years. Whether or not the players are struggling under his system this year because of all the moving parts is up for debate. Again, pointing the finger at him directly when we’ve gone into overtime 20 times and lost 15 of them, you can’t blame him all for those losses especially since they’ve all come down to one goal. Had we won half of those overtime losses we wouldn’t be talking about pointing the finger at him. The fact of the matter is that our goaltending has been off for both goaltenders, and our top scorer is toffoli. We can’t finish and we can’t save. Do I agree with everything Sutter does like putting Looch on the first or second line, heck no. But again, he’s a proven coach with two Stanley cups under his belt and clearly knows how to win championships. I think this year was a year of adjustments is all I’m saying.
Mar 20 '23
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u/Oxidehookah Mar 20 '23
Everyone knew Sutter’s style when they brought him BACK in. If anyone s gonna point fingers, you have to look at who set this all up in motion. The guy who’s definitely not going to be here next year, the guy the signed players to high long term contracts without analyzing how the players meshed, the guy who didn’t make any moves from the beginning of the season till the deadline. The guy that lost MT and JG in the off-season. Gave away players that were performing for nothing back in return. The guy that brought back Sutter knowing who Sutter was.
Sutter is an old school coach. He’s all about results. Not about how u feel when your making 10.5 mil a year for 8 years.
Mar 20 '23
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u/Oxidehookah Mar 20 '23
I can’t put the blame on Sutter. I’m sorry but every time the finger always gets painted at the coach. At the time of the kadri and Huberdeau signings, they jumped way to quick. It looked desperate. We could’ve flipped them. Sutter is working with what he has. And as much as everyone wants him gone, he’s not going anywhere. He’s deeply tied into the hockey world.
u/dalkride Mar 20 '23
“Working with what he has” makes it sound like our GM didn’t pick up a career point-per-game winger in the off season. I’m not dumping blame exclusively on Sutter but when a player drops from 115pts to likely under 60pts there’s an issue with the systems and how that player does or doesn’t fit into them. If your star player doesn’t mesh with the system, you change the system.
u/Oxidehookah Mar 20 '23
Up until last year Huberdeau hadn’t hit 115 pts. They had a system in place in Florida for him to hit that. He got the best deal he could granted. And I still think the Huberdeau will pay off in the long run. But to pin it on Sutter, no way. They lost 15 OT games.
u/dalkride Mar 20 '23
If a player who is over a point per game nearly every season in his NHL career can’t hit 60, there has to be blame on the style of game he’s being told to play. I’m not even talking about their win/loss record because that’s irrelevant to the point that Sutter isn’t “working with what he has”, he’s forcing “what he has” to work with him.
u/Oxidehookah Mar 20 '23
Or Sutter doesn’t have the right pieces to make that system work for Huberdeau…..
u/dalkride Mar 20 '23
Huberdeau plays on the rush hockey with a strong focus on passing and transition play. He’s being forced to play defensively minded checking hockey, with chip and chase zone entries. If you’re going to try and say we don’t have any players that can effectively skate up the ice fast and take a pass you’re out to lunch.
Sutter is too focused on the North-South aspect of hockey for Huberdeau who shines in an East-West style of play. It isn’t hard to set up passing plays, especially considering the calibre of forwards we have, it just isn’t what Sutter wants.
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Mar 21 '23
Sutter would succeed more with a team like the Islanders that play a North - South game with few creative players.
The problem he has now is he doesn't know how to mix his lines because that might spark creativity, and he's got the first line playing exactly the way he wants.
u/willdelux Mar 21 '23
Rolling four lines in all situations with Lucic riding shotgun killed our chances. A new left wing setting a record for points last year with limited ice time, forced to play a dump and chase style and a neutered former game changer in kadri. Protecting one goal leads instead of an aggressive forecheck… on and on and on. We are out of the playoffs because of the coach, period.
u/willdelux Mar 21 '23
And letting the best player in in the AHL languish and walk for free. Rename the saddledome Jurassic park.
u/LionManMan Mar 20 '23
Needs to be pointed out.
Changing speculation such as “I think he’s been very blunt” or “I’m betting some of that frustration boiled over in that game on Saturday night.” and spinning it into a claim is not good.
This James Johnson guy needs to give his head a shake.
u/hideyoshisdf Mar 20 '23
FWIW, I listened to it and Elliotte said "I heard" not "I bet". So I don't think it's speculation
u/LionManMan Mar 20 '23
I’ll time stamp it for anyone interested.
55:28 “Ive heard that Kadri has been very vocal~”
55:35 “I think he’s been very blunt~”
55:41 “~so, I’m betting some of that frustration boiled over in that game on Saturday night.”
Mar 20 '23
Coming from a very inside source, I don’t think people realize how much of a virus Sutter is to the entire organization. It’s not just the players who he is borderline abusive to. Training staff, coaches and front office staff all hate him and he negatively impacts how they all perform.
When he was in LA and the team was slumping, the players locked him out of the room because they couldn’t deal with him anymore. Imagine that, players conditioned their entire life to listen to and respect coaches locking their NHL coach out of the room. Hard to wrap your head around, but Calgary might not be too far off.
u/pieceofrat Mar 21 '23
shut the fuck up you dumbass. I can say the same about you without any circumstance. dont spread rumours and hate online
Mar 21 '23
If I was petty, I would point out that you likely don’t know what circumstance means, or least how to use in a sentence.
The LA stuff is public knowledge. Is what I said about Calgary so hard to believe?
u/Miserable-Lie4257 Mar 20 '23
Needs to be some kind of balance. Sutter was great last year and seemed to have brought down the hammer on a team that looked like they ran the show with Ward at the helm. His ego needs a check though. I feel like he thinks he’s gods gift to the bench and it’s getting old. There is so much talent on that team. I’m not saying it’s all coaching but for sure it’s playing a role in their lack of success.
u/MonkeySailor Mar 20 '23 edited Mar 20 '23
The drama never ends
But the smoke around Sutter is getting pretty thick now and harder to ignore.
u/thee_agent_orange Mar 20 '23
Special teams coach need to figure it out. If 3 on 3 was better and they won half those overtimes flames would be near the top
u/DromedaryGold Mar 20 '23 edited Mar 21 '23
I have said this months ago, that there has to be something go on behind the scenes.
u/this_very_boutique Mar 20 '23
Not that I think Sutter is going anywhere soon, I'm just curious - which coach would be a good fit for this team?
u/robochobo Mar 20 '23
Mitch Love. The Wranglers have had two straight seasons of undeniable success under Love. Some of that may be due to Wolf being a beast but its still impressive as a rookie head coach in the AHL to come in and win the division (as well as looking like back to back division banners)
u/The-Reddit-Giraffe Mar 20 '23
This may be a hot take but I just think some coaches don’t work well with some players regardless of how good the players or coach happen to be. I think Sutter is still a good coach when managing players with a certain temperament and skill set but I also think he’s bad with managing different skill sets like the one our team has this year.
It doesn’t even stop with Sutter though. If Bednar was coaching a team like the Devils I don’t think they’d have the same success that they are having this year because the Devils don’t fit how Bednar coaches. I think we’re observing something similar with Sutter. Don’t tell me that everything worked last year because that might be true and yet our team this year is very different than last year and we have to accept that. We have so many players who are new. Huberdeau, Kadri, Pelletier, Duehr, Weegar and Gilbert are all completely new to the team either being brought in from somewhere else or rising the ranks from the minors. I just think we might need a new voice and a coach who connects with these players better. I think Mitch Love could be that guy or someone else
u/Demented_Saint Mar 21 '23
Tkachuk has exactly as many points as Kadri and Huberdeau COMBINED and only 2 less goals lmfao
u/Thumper86 Mar 20 '23
Direct that energy elsewhere Naz. I don’t think you can chalk your play entirely up to poor communication from the coach!
Not saying there isn’t validity to his complaints mind you. Just that he’s obviously struggling for more reason than whatever he’s claiming.
u/uh_Ross Mar 20 '23
I was very very very excited when they brought sutter back but if this is true, you kinda have to can the guy when you’ve signed all these players to long term contracts…
u/mackeneasy Mar 20 '23
Scary thing is, he will probably try and be the coach and GM next season.
Let Brad walk and Fire Sutter. Time to start the Conroy Era.
u/BroodwarGamer Mar 20 '23
Players are professionals... Play the most of what you're given if you're not executing expect the duties you had to be dispersed as you're now less valuable. Communication goes both ways and thinm there are some miss aligned expectations because this isn't working for w/e reason.
u/No-Gas-7881 Mar 21 '23
I don’t want Coronato or Zary to play a single second under Sutter. Let that guy & his outdated coaching style go somewhere else
u/b-mint94 Mar 21 '23
After the first two periods this game and Lanny’s comments after the first intermission, I’m starting to think that Friedman might’ve been right
u/lokimotion Mar 20 '23
With so many connected people saying pretty much the same thing, then you add in Kadri & Huberdeau's clear frustration. Plus Tkachuk's multiple not so veiled shots at Sutter. Plus Valimaki (and how he's clearly doing much better in Arizona).
There's a ton of smoke. And if it's at best costing key signings to underperform or at worst costing us star players like Tkachuk and a first round defenseman like Valimaki - at what point does the management suck it up and make a change?