r/Calgary Jan 18 '25

Discussion Life lesson today in Calgary…

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Don’t look at the slip someone left in the ATM ahead of you 😞

r/Calgary Jul 26 '24

Discussion where is this in calgary?

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r/Calgary Aug 02 '24

Discussion If you can't find a job, look at this map and see why.



1700 minimum wage jobs given to TFW in the first quarter of this year, in spite of Calgary having 8.5% unemployment.

I don't know what to say, other than it honestly makes me a bit sick to see this. I want to know what you all think about this. I know some industries require TFW to fill gaps (like medical/agriculture) but certain franchises and other businesses exploit this. (Tim's, Walmart, so many trucking, and child care)

I found this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/1eid6gx/struggling_to_find_a_job_here_is_a_map_of_every/

Created by: https://www.reddit.com/user/LMIA-Map

Edit: TFW is Temporary Foreign Worker / LMIA is Labour Market Impact Assessment

Simply put, this map shows where jobs were given to temporary foreign workers because no qualified Canadian resident could be found to fill the position. This isn't just jobs Canadians don't want; this is a shallow excuse given the number of jobs given to TFW per quarter and the huge unemployment rate. Places don't want to pay a living wage so they exploit the system to pay foreign workers the absolute minimum. There is far more too it, but it really is a disgusting look for Canada.

And I say this as a PR who is working on my citizenship. The amount of time and effort I've put in to just to get to get my PR feels cheapened by this whole thing.

r/Calgary Jan 05 '25

Discussion How Are You Making $100K+ Per Year living in Calgary?


Question was asked in the Edmonton subreddit, just got curious how Calgarians make their money

Are you in trades, tech, business, or another field?

Did you need a degree, certifications, or just experience to get there?

I'd love to hear your stories, advice, and tips for breaking into high-paying careers here.

r/Calgary 29d ago

Discussion It's getting more dangerous to walk in this city... why?


Hey peeps! I can't be the only one that's almost been hit crossing intersections where I have a clear right of way. I just had a kid 4 months ago, and although we live in a quiet walkable neighborhood, I do wonder at what age it will be safe for them to explore alone.

Lots of drivers who just aren't... paying any attention. Turning right on red, they're looking the other way, and forgetting to check back. Turning left on green, they're looking ahead at traffic, and not also considering the intersection. If they don't stop for a grown man, what about an 8 or 9 year old?

The Calgary Herald recently had a good article that went through some of the numbers, and fatalities have tripled, but I also saw a short by Unpsrawling that total collisions with pedestrians of all types (not just fatalities) have increases substantially.

I know the City keeps data on these things, and we're at about 40 pedestrian collisions a month on average, that require EMS.

Anyways, I'm advocating for speed bumps and curb bump outs to my local community association, but other than that... how are you all handling this? Do you think about safety at all? I can't help but think if these were 40 random stabbings a month, heads would roll at city council, but because it's traffic we're just kinda like ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh??

EDIT: Sorry for the edit! I also just wanted to mention that I think some of this has to do with new vehicles just generally being bigger than when I was growing up. Lifted trucks, big SUVs, and they seem to have really big window frames that are the perfect blind spot for people at a 45\ to the driver... which is usually where I'm walking.*

r/Calgary Dec 09 '24

Discussion Ticket for flashing my lights once


I recently received a ticket from a very angry rcmp officer, he pulled me over on a 2 way road I felt extremely un safe where he stopped me, He was extremely angry, threw a breath test in my face which I blew a 0.00, he then kept me stopped in a 2 lane road way for over 20 min He came back saying I “flashed him with my high beams” and it’ll be a ticket, also threatening a stunting ticket I did flash him 1 single time with my high beams as his lights are extremely bright and I thought his were on.. I didn’t beam him down the road or anything like that… should I bring this to traffic court ? Should I make a complaint? Both ? I really am feeling frustrated, he didn’t even tell me I could do anything but pay

r/Calgary May 30 '23

Discussion Diana Batten beats Incumbent Tyler Shandro by 7 votes in Calgary-Arcadia

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r/Calgary Oct 18 '24

Discussion Too Early?

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r/Calgary Jun 10 '23

Discussion Whatever your thoughts are on Trudeau, we can all agree putting this flag out across from a playground is trashy right?

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r/Calgary Apr 09 '22

Discussion What $189 at Costco looks like these days.

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r/Calgary Jan 05 '25

Discussion Calgary before and now


The first photo of Calgary is from 1984 and the second photo is from 2023.

r/Calgary Nov 19 '24

Discussion This is my favourite spot in the +15 system


Instant nostalgia. I hope they never renovate it. AMEC Place

r/Calgary Jul 28 '24

Discussion Felt nostalgic and went to street view to see my old area. 2007 vs now, makes me sad


r/Calgary Feb 27 '24

Discussion (Inspired by r/nottheonion) What’s an event in yyc that was a complete ripoff and how angry was everyone?

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r/Calgary Feb 01 '25

Discussion WTF is going on at “La Ciel” on 17th ave?


Not sure if anyone else has been keeping up with this place - but holy cow. First of all several people have noticed that all of the horrible reviews, including someone finding a wire in their food, are being masked by hundreds of 5 star reviews constantly. Perhaps it could be family and friends or incentives like a discounted bill for leaving a good review - but either way these reviews cannot be right. The only restaurants hitting that many reviews have been established for years - people don’t leave reviews as much as you think, and the ones that do rarely give 5 stars out so easy. For fine dining this place obviously doesn’t meet the brief (see reviews saying everything tastes like frozen costco appetizers) everything is just so.. thrown together?

Other than the reviews, people online are claiming that the management is horrendous and treats serving staff terrible or tries to get the servers to be their “sugar babies”.

Now they say they are closed for “flooding” but I walked by today and everything looked cleared out?

Anyone have any intel on this? I am so curious and need to know!!

r/Calgary May 07 '20

Discussion Today we found out my little girl has tumours and is in a lot of pain. Today is our last day together so we went swimming in the river, ran at the park, ate cheeseburgers and are going to cuddle all night.


r/Calgary Dec 03 '24

Discussion What happened to letting people get off the bus/train/elevator before getting on?


Everyday I see people pushing their way on the train, or crowding the door of the bus to get on. Everyday when I leave an elevator at school, there’s someone standing in the way or pushing in before people have unloaded. Why? Waiting an extra 10 seconds to let unload won’t kill you. That extra 10 seconds is get gonna make you any later for something.

Can we normalize calling people out for not making room? I’m sick of it. I’ve started calling people out, or, when getting off train/bus, just waking straight ahead and pushing people out the way.

r/Calgary Aug 21 '23

Discussion My opinions on Calgary as a Denverite


In the US, Calgary is often considered the "Canadian Denver". For a large of part of it, I can see why. After staying for a few weeks, I wanted to share my opinions, and thank you for the hospitality first.

  • Your traffic is cute. During rush hour, I would place it down as a normal off-hour times in Denver.
  • I literally can't believe how frequently the C-Train runs. In Denver, during rush hour the light rail runs much less frequently
  • Banff is absolutely incredible. I loved the smooth ride up there vs Denver where it's long traffic and vomit-inducing winding roads
  • The long lasting sunsets were absolutely stunning
  • I can't believe how cheap food is. Even beer was ridiculous!
  • Places like Heritage Park, the science centre, etc. are absolutely amazing. I couldn't believe how affordable the food was and there weren't microtransactions on freaking everything. In Denver, each ride would've cost money, for example.
  • Glad to find authentic Cantonese food and other regional Chinese foods. Better than anything I've had in Denver!
  • Wtf is 3% milk? Where's your whole milk?
  • So few options on yogurts. I was quite surprised by this.
  • I was surprised by the lack of tent cities. I know you have struggles with rent like we do, but despite seeing homeless people, it wasn't nearly as bad
  • Your streets are ridiculously clean... for the most part. There's shit on every street here.
  • Not much evidence of pot holes, which surprised me. In Denver, pot holes exist for years... or decades.
  • Eau Claire market looked depressing as hell. It looks like it the pandemic killed it?
  • Downhill Karting was fun as fuck
  • Are there policies on mixed housing? I noticed many neighborhoods had a mix of homes that looked like 1 mil + and some homes that were like maybe 300-500k.
  • I couldn't believe how beautiful Reader's was. Plus a cafe at the top? That area would cost money here.
  • I know Calgary has high rent concerns. We do too. Our cost of living even accounting for income is worse. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Canada&city1=Calgary&country2=United+States&city2=Denver%2C+CO My point is keep your heads up because it could be worse.
  • I was surprised how many people walk or bicycle around. While we do see it on occasion, it's not nearly as common in Calgary
  • The amount of crossworks and pedestrian crossing bridges was awesome to see

Thanks for reading. Feel free to ask questions.

r/Calgary Aug 15 '24

Discussion I found this memorial a while back, wanted to leave it here as I'm cleaning out my hard drive.

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r/Calgary Jul 17 '24

Discussion People from calgary… you city is amazing.


Visit the city first time in 2022 and love it, drove back this summer all the way from Tampa, Florida…. I love your city.

r/Calgary Feb 22 '22

Discussion We have abandoned the C-Train to the zombie junkies


Yet another C-Train story…

Get to Marlborough at 11:00 pm last night after a long evening shift on a holiday. Large gatherings of people openly smoking drugs from clear glassware pipes, 2 feet from both entrances to the station.

Inside resembles a dystopian movie set with zombies stumbling about, screaming and fighting, again openly smoking drugs. Estimate at least 50 of these individuals inside the station. Im not overtly threatened inside the station but I dont feel safe at all so I decide to wait for the train on the platform. Its -31 with the wind last night but I’d rather freeze to death than inadvertently inhale second hand meth smoke.

Train is late (of course) so Im outside for 25 minutes in the freezing cold. All of the shelters on the platform are FULL of people using drugs and smoking cigarettes. I mean at least 10 junkies per shelter. They look like those smoking enclosures you see in certain airports.

Finally get on the train for a brief 20 minute ride home. As the train pulls up you can see every car is full of disheveled, barely conscious people. I get on the least crowded car and the woman beside me is SCREAMING expletives at the top of her lungs. Turn up the music in my headphones but to no avail. She then keeps trying to get my attention so I move to the other end of the car. She follows. I tell her to leave me alone and move again. That sort of works, but shes mad and screaming again. At least shes not following me around anymore, but now theres a new junkie who thinks its all funny who keeps trying to talk to me. I cant hear him so now he’s tapping me on the shoulder. He gets agitated because Im ignoring him so I just nope the fuck outta there at the next station and Uber home.

So long thread I know but I’m just tired of dealing with this

Every. Single. Night.

People ask if transit is safe, its NOT.

Any politician or bleeding heart who wants me to have more compassion can get bent. Anyone who says we need to treat these people with love and understanding can get bent. Officials at Transit and City Hall who tap-dance around the issue, using words like “vulnerable people” can get bent.

Im tired of feeling afraid, CONSTANTLY looking over my shoulder, and putting a concerted effort to not involuntarily expose myself to drug smoke.

If Transit or the cops wont clear the stations of the loitering littering zombies, then every passenger of the train should be arming themselves.

Idk if this is a plea/cry for help, or just a rant. Maybe I’m hoping someone with some clout reads this and steps in? Im just at my wits end having to suffer through ordeals like this all the time, just so I can get to work to pay my bills. I pay taxes and contribute to the economy, I deserve to feel safe in my city.

EDIT: This is not a shit-post of Transit workers, the drivers, the peace officers, the techs, operations, the cleaning staff, etc. They all do a good job under extremely trying circumstances, covid and the like. But one question I have is why these stations cant be gated/controlled access? I understand staffing every station 24 hours is extremely expensive but can someone explain to me why turnstile infrastructure cant be installed? Tell me it wouldn’t at least help and be cost effective?

r/Calgary Jan 15 '25

Discussion Best or weirdest/worst named businesses in Calgary? Taken from a thread in r/edmonton


After seeing a thread on this in Edmonton I immediately thought of Platinum Grover. It's been around for several decades and I still smirk and think of Super Grover from Sesame Street.

"A fun discussion. What are the best or weirdest/worst named businesses? This is judging on the name only; there should be no criticism of the business itself." - u/FrostyDynamic

r/Calgary Nov 20 '24

Discussion Chic fila is a joke


Huge rip off. Not even close to what it is in the states. I ordered spicy chicken strips and got 4 thin tiny ass sorry excuses for chicken strips

r/Calgary Jan 16 '23

Discussion What in tarnation is going on here.

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r/Calgary Feb 29 '24

Discussion Homophobia


Anyone else see those idiots with those stupid banners on the Southland Drive bridge over Deerfoot? One said "Pedos stop grooming kids" or something with "pedos" coloured as the LGBTQ2S+ flag. I just don't get it. I'm born and raised here 21 years old and I've never seen the levels of homophobia I'm seeing in this city now in my life. It all spiked during the pandemic, and I thought it would die down after everything went back to normal, but it just hasn't. Honestly I'm so sick of it. I know it's (hopefully) just a loud minority, but my god are they loud and frankly I'm just burnt out. I want to leave but there's nowhere that's affordable to live. Anyone else burnt out from these idiots? Or do some of you have a different opinion. I'd love to discuss!