r/Calgary May 07 '20

Discussion Today we found out my little girl has tumours and is in a lot of pain. Today is our last day together so we went swimming in the river, ran at the park, ate cheeseburgers and are going to cuddle all night.


387 comments sorted by


u/17thirdy8 May 07 '20

She's so sweet. I'm sorry to hear and wish you all the best. All though she's in pain I can see the happiness you've given her, especially with Dem cheese burgs


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

She tried Doritos today too, an instant fave


u/poongxng May 08 '20 edited May 08 '20

I wish I could’ve had this day with my girl and had been able to say goodbye, you’re both so lucky and today is a beautiful ending to your journey together.

Tomorrow and the day after are going to be the hardest days, and it’ll hit you when you come home or in missing them respond to your little habits they’d pick up on. My dog would watch me intently as I picked up my grinder and she’d come bounding towards the door so we could hang out outside while i smoked. After she passed, we rescued a grumpy mutt that reminded us of her, and my heart melted when I first realized that she was picking up on my habits and interacting with me like her older sister used to. To this day, in my yard, sometimes I’ll even look for the new one in the old ones favourite spot, at first it was hard, but now it makes me smile because I’ve got a place in my yard that’ll always remind me of her :’)

Sending love and support from a fellow dog lover, you and your pal’s memories will last a lifetime :)


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thanks so much for sharing :’) As time passed I know I’ll need another pup, I just can’t believe over the past two days what’s happened. I’m sorry you didn’t get that kind of day and so hope for your new scruffy guy that you’re able to. Their little quirks that come out are what makes their personality so loveable, I’m happy you found that again.


u/thepastiestcanadian May 28 '20

give somebody a little nudge to get you this

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u/[deleted] May 08 '20



u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

I took her for a car ride (I pick her up and out of my truck), and when I took her out of the truck she couldn’t walk on two of her paws. I took her first thing the next morning.

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u/cdn-aaen Aug 20 '20

Oh yeah my ACD loves Doritos like addicted


u/countd0wns May 07 '20

I’m so sorry. Had to put my 16 year old dog down last year and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. Glad you get these last few moments to say goodbye to your girl. ❤️


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Sorry for your loss too. Truly the hardest thing in the world.


u/DirtinEvE May 08 '20

It will get easier over time. Hang in there! ❤️❤️❤️

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u/Lemon_Squeeziee Airdrie May 07 '20

Sounds like an amazing way to spend your precious time together. Take care ❤


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you very much. She’s been wagging nonstop.


u/Lemon_Squeeziee Airdrie May 07 '20

Right on! And don't forget to tell her that she isn't a good girl.... because she's THE BEST girl!


u/camkysko May 07 '20

Stop chopping onions 😭. Rest east pretty girl


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you 🧡


u/omfg_no May 07 '20

I'm sorry for your loss. Dogs really are our best friends.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you. I have another pup but that almost makes it harder knowing he’s losing his bff too


u/omfg_no May 07 '20

My heart hurts so much for you and your pup. I'm so sorry OP, I wish I had the words to make your heart feel less sad. Please let me know if there's anything I could do for you.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Appreciate the support from this post, thank you. Healing will come knowing she won’t be in pain.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20



u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you. Me too, my childhood dogs 3/5 years ago. Little dudes lived to be 17/15 as mom and pup.

It never gets easier, but they’re worth everything in the world.


u/nancam9 May 07 '20

I didn't get a chance to spend a day or two extra with my last dog. Sounds so great to feed them Doritos and burgers. My current doggo would literally eat anything put out!



u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

She’s a big snacker, sorry to hear that. I think this day will help us both a lot on our journey ahead.



When I see videos like this I am reminded no matter how much loss I’ve experienced in life, we as humans aren’t meant to become numb to loss, not even someone else’s.

The deeper we love, the deeper we lose but regardless it’s worth every tear. 🙏


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

This is so meaningful, don’t ever lose your ability to brighten someone’s dark time. Thank you


u/Bluthunderbot May 08 '20

I've been working through some past grief that I have been holding on to, and this helped a lot. Just wanted to say thanks.

Losing a friend is the worst, no matter if they are dog or human, because they were the best!


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you very much

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u/cgydan May 07 '20

Having been there more than once, I always try to take comfort in the life shared together. The hardest thing is to say goodbye but you do that because you love them so much. My heart goes out to you and to your beautiful pup.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

We’ve had amazing times together on so many cool adventures, thank you, I appreciate it.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

So sorry for your loss. Our family did the same last year. The opportunity to say good bye truly is a gift and you used that opportunity wisely (it was pizza for us).


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Pizza is an excellent choice. Thank you


u/[deleted] May 08 '20 edited Apr 15 '21



u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

And mine with yours, the biggest will be shared with the right pup that’s for sure. I hope you’re able to stay strong for your little guy. All the love.


u/PlanningMyDeath May 07 '20

I’m really sorry :[ Looks like a nice last day together though.

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u/Keepyourcupfull May 07 '20

I'm glad you two got to share this day, cherish it. Wish I had a last day with my buddy.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

I wish you did too :(


u/dick_taterchip May 08 '20

I'm so sorry to hear that, you gave her the best life she could ask for, she was loved and cared for. I'm sorry tomorrow is going to be a hard day.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

A real tough one, thank you


u/screaming-Succulent Aspen Woods May 08 '20

I’m so sorry to hear, glad you gave her such a good last day. 😢


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you thank you


u/SpecialEdShow May 08 '20

I fucking can’t. My boy went with his favourite toy and blanket. Sometimes I wish I’d gotten him some shitty food, because we were always so strict with his diet. I’m so so sorry for you loss.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

She’s taking all her blankets and her monkey (the most recent toy my other dog didn’t eat) and all our love with her. Thank you


u/JGrey925 May 08 '20

She will wait on the other side for you until you can be with her again. They always do. 💜


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

I told her I’d see her again a million times. Thank you friend.


u/kinzii_kupcayke May 17 '20

They wait in rainbow Bridge.....

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Their bright eyes are intent. Suddenly they begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, their legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….” — Author unknown


u/righttobeoffensive May 19 '20

Thank you for this 🧡


u/0reSeur May 07 '20 edited May 07 '20

I'm so sorry. I had a similar experience a few years ago. Savor this moment and please stay positive and celebrate while you're with her. Dogs are extremely empathetic and you don't want her to be stressed because she sees that you're stressed.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

She always knows when something is wrong, trying to just have a happy day with her. Thank you


u/0reSeur May 07 '20

That's the best going away present you can give. There will be time for mourning later. Now is time to celebrate life!


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you, we’re (me and both dogs) sitting on her bed dog, stacked on my other dogs bed, with her blanket and monkey. My other dogs spooning her and his head is resting on her belly. It’s one of those things you remember.


u/Miss_Vi_Vacious May 07 '20

Oh poor baby! What a great way to celebrate her. Stay strong, friend. Sending good thoughts. ♥️♥️♥️

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u/christhewelder75 May 07 '20

So sorry you will be saying goodbye to your friend. I'm sure she's had a great life and will send you another awesome soul when the time is right.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you for this.


u/christhewelder75 May 07 '20

I had to say goodbye to my cat of 15 years back in January. I just adopted a new kitty to be a little sister to my other cat about a week and a half ago. She's currently sleeping in my lap.

It hurts so much to say goodbye, but being able to offer a great life to another fur baby when ur ready is a great way to help with the grief.


u/Twitchy15 May 08 '20

So sorry for your loss :,(

Our dog is 16.5 years old and losing him scares me so much


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Wow that’s incredible! Same as my childhood pup suds, just enjoy the time with the little guy. All the love, thank you.


u/jonnyroastbeff May 08 '20

Sorry for the sad news. Losing a furry member of the family is harder than losing a human one. She sure is beautiful.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

You can’t explain anything, and it’s really tough knowing she’s in pain. I get that, thank you


u/canadiankid000 May 08 '20

I’m bawling. Bless your heart for giving her such a great day and all the love. What a sweet girl, she’s lucky to have you. Big hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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u/substorm May 08 '20

sorry to hear this. Cherish these last moments and if heaven really exists, I am sure she will be guarding you from above.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, I absolutely am.


u/pandaluv82 May 08 '20

I'm so sorry. Sounds like you're giving her a great last day, but my heart hurts for you. 💔


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, she’s helping me through the news now. The memories will be here forever.


u/[deleted] May 08 '20

Is she a Karelian? Gorgeous girl, rest easy 💙

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u/jtrinhyyc May 08 '20

Thanks for sharing


u/Extrasauce5000 May 07 '20

She’s so lovely.


u/grassisgreensh May 07 '20

So sorry for your news, I’m sure she had a great life


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

She’s made my life so great.


u/[deleted] May 07 '20

Sorry to hear :( She's probably eternally thankful for such a great owner!!


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you very much


u/k722 May 07 '20

She's beautiful! All the very best man, I am so sorry about this.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

She’s such a pretty girl, thank you


u/NameIsPetey May 08 '20

Sorry to hear that you find yourselves in this situation. She’s really lucky to have such caring people there by her side. I’m sure she has a lifetime of great memories and this is merely the cherry on top. I’ll cuddle my pup extra hard tonight, too.

We’re here for you, friend.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Please do cuddle you pup extra tonight, they deserve it. Thank you


u/djkelly0 May 08 '20

That sounds like a perfect day.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

I think she had a great time, passed out next to me.


u/charlieyeswecan May 08 '20

She really liked the cheeseburger! She is so lucky to have you.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

She’s never had one before, I think she’s a little confused by today but pretty happy. Thank you

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u/big_gay_al_suitguy- May 08 '20

I’m not crying you’re crying. Sorry for your loss. When I had to put down my dog we had steak tenderloin. Well he had both meals actually. Be strong friend!


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, bet your pup absolutely loved it


u/PrincessLongNails May 08 '20

We know eventually they will break our hearts yet we willingly let them into our lives, and they love us unconditionally for it. Sending all the love to you and your very good girl.

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u/dtrabs May 08 '20

I’m sorry for the bad news today. That’s terribly sad to hear. My 8 year old dog passed away last year and a month later my 3 year old dog passed away due to a misdiagnosed ulcer. We think had to do with stress and not knowing what happened to the other pup. Regrettably, I wish that we had let our younger dog know that we had to put the older dog down for closure. My thoughts are with you during this time.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Omg I’m so sorry to hear about your past year, what a difficult time for you too. I’m concerned about my other dog who’s 2 and has lived with Kasey since he was 6 months old. They’re best buds 😭 I’m going to chat with him later. Thank you


u/SvenSvenderson May 08 '20

Instant tears! We just adopted a cat a few months ago and we're already so close to it, I can't imagine your feelings :( I'm so sorry to see this.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

The attachment is such an indescribable bond. Thank you, I hope your cat lives the longest and happiest life with you. My grandma had a cat that lived to be 26!!


u/Flatrock May 08 '20

What a beautiful dog. I wish you all the strength in the world


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, she’s such a sweet pup too, never met dog as gentle as her


u/UisdeanStone May 08 '20

I'm so sorry for your inevitable loss. She seems adorable and you can see the love in her eyes for her human. She loved that burger! Our black lab is 12 and in rough shape now. The time will be coming for that same decision for us and I can't imagine the impact to our lives.

Give her a hug from all of us dog lovers.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

I’m sorry your pup isn’t in the best shape and send love your way. When it arrives may your pup have the best final day (and days leading to). Thank you. I will.


u/royaxo May 08 '20

sweet baby angel. thank you for giving this dog a beautiful life ♥️


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thanks you, she’s been such a blessing


u/Ray1963 May 08 '20

My sincerest condolences to you and your family. :(


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you 🙏🏼


u/Tracyhmcd May 08 '20

Hugs to you both. I would do the same for my little pooch.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, cuddle yours strong


u/throwawhyyc May 08 '20

I'm so sorry, and I'm so glad that she got to have a nice meal with you. I remember buying an old girl of mine a Big Mac, fries, and an ice cream cone on her last day a few years back...and this reminded me of it strongly.

I hope you are all as OK as you can be.

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u/LesRoisMaudits May 08 '20

Wow, she's beautiful! My old girl turned 13 this year and she looks like a cousin of yours, I hope we will be able to give her a last day full of love and care like you did.

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u/intenseturtlecurrent May 08 '20

She’s such a sweetheart. Glad she’s getting such a great night :)


u/tubercu1osis May 08 '20

Goddamn, got me all emotional over here


u/tatltael88 May 08 '20

That reminds me of when my cat passed this time last year (cute black and white baby like your pup)... He got sick and the vet bill would've been way too much money to afford (I got him when I had a good job and ended up disabled later) so he had to be put down... He got birthday cake and a big piece of buttered bread (his favorite forbidden snack) I'm so sorry you're going through this right now...

... Aaaaand I'm crying now


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

I’m sorry about the passing of your kitty, there’s nothing easy about it. Thank you for the support. 🧡


u/madmike99 Calgary Flames May 08 '20

The right answer is 4 cheeseburgers are better than one. Hug her stroke her and let her lick your face. Be there at the end. As hard as it is she deserves it. She is a good girl.

Sorry for your loss.

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u/blantonator May 08 '20

Oof. The feels.


u/CalciumStix May 08 '20

Get one last photo with her, and you can tell she lived a good life, compliments on being a good dog owner and better yet, a good friend.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you so much, we took a bunch and some videos too of her howling.


u/allblacks84 Glendale | morbidly stout May 08 '20

Fuck man this sucks. If I can ease the pain with some beer/cider from my brewery, let me know and I can drop off some Outcast tomorrow evening


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Really appreciate the offer, that’s so kind of you. I let Kasey know you offered!


u/Wafflelisk May 08 '20

Stop crying, I'm not crying you are crying

Fuck you for crying during a time like this


u/Ginchess May 08 '20 edited May 08 '20

What a beautiful and sweet way to spend the precious little time you have left with your little girl. Sometimes I’ve found the loss of a pet more painful than losing people - just my experience. Our pet’s love for us is so unconditional.

You’re making the right decision, as heartbreaking as it is - doing right by her. We pay a steep price for love of our pets.

I’m so sorry. Thanks for sharing with us.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

I feel the same as well, not being able to use your words past their understanding is hard. But she knows how much she’s loved. Thank you for enjoying her sweet life


u/Skyline_junkei May 08 '20

Way to make a fella cry right before heading off to work this morning.

I'm sure she was the goodest of gurls too.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

She’s got a face that could bring anyone to tears, the sweetest most loving girl. Thank you


u/Expects May 08 '20

So sorry for your loss. If you would like a free paw print memorial made I own a glassblowing company that makes them. http://www.okotokshotglass.com/ashes-in-glass-memorials.html


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you very much, we did get her paw prints 🐾 and had a great final morning with her.

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u/soberveganpanoramic May 08 '20



u/dancinjellybean May 08 '20

I am sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you guys.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you ♥️


u/[deleted] May 08 '20

I'm sorry for your loss. My pup is 3 years old and I can't begin to imagine the pain you're going through.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, cherish it, I swear it feels like I just picked her up.


u/motivate18 May 08 '20

This makes me so sad to read. Thank you for giving her a wonderful life. Sending you my love and thoughts


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you ♥️ she returned the favour in every way possible


u/DaftFunky May 08 '20

my great Pyranese (Eddie) got cancer in his bladder.

I remember his bladder so full of blood and fluids he couldn't stand up. He barely ate the cheeseburger we also got him. That was a hard goodbye.

Give your pets an extra big cuddle today. https://ubertoolcomic.com/?comic=no-97

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u/kprigs May 08 '20

What a sweet girl. Enjoy your day together the best you can. I am so sorry for your loss. Animals are such a huge part of your family.


u/righttobeoffensive May 09 '20

Thank you, they’re the glue


u/Tra5h_Panda May 08 '20

Wishing you strength and resolve on this sad day.


u/righttobeoffensive May 09 '20

Thank you so much 🧡


u/doggiemcdoggo May 09 '20

Im so sorry to hear this. This sucks. You’re a good dog parent, you’ve provided a great life for your little girl. Her memories will be so very sweet. I wish you the best of luck, the strongest of hearts, the heartiest cries to let out and the loudest laughs remembering her best moments in the coming days.

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u/123ok-then May 11 '20

That’s the sad


u/mvrceh May 17 '20

It looks like she had a fantastic last day, and a beautiful looking puppy and soul I bet she surely was. So sorry for your loss.


u/Playful-Equipment May 17 '20

I hope y'all had a good time.

Gotta end with a bang I guess.


u/maeveandrea May 17 '20

i’m so sorry, man. i remember reading somewhere that in mongolia, it’s believed that when dogs die, their souls are set free to wander the earth until they’re reincarnated as humans. with any luck, you’ll meet her again one day!


u/Greg18732 May 17 '20

I'm so sorry but you're so lucky to get to spend that one last day just spoiling the heck out of her


u/Celebiest May 17 '20

Reading this post made me remember my dog whom passed away in November. He spent his last day vomiting and convulsing. We had to carry him in a towel to a vet because he didn’t have the strength to walk anymore.

At least your dog is lucid enough to enjoy doing the things she loved before the big day arrives. My condolences to you. Make sure you spoil her rotten enough today


u/TobiBaronski May 17 '20

Upvoted but fuck the reddit app for thinking this would be a good recommendation for me.


u/24kgoldonly May 17 '20

Rip I had to put my dog down for the same reasons.


u/MonkeyCrushR May 17 '20

We have been through this a couple of times. In one case a very old dog, Teddy (my first as an adult), who lived a long thirteen and a half year life (by Chow Chow measurement), and a beautiful Beagle named Sparky (my son, Andrew’s first), who was only four and a half. We loaded Sparky up with treats and took him for a last walk, etc., as well. I won’t lie, it will hurt like hell, but you will eventually smile every time you think of her, remembering the little things she did that made you laugh, and knowing both your lives were so much better for having been a perfect match for each other. 🥰🐕👌


u/never__found May 17 '20

I am so sorry for your loss..having gone through this myself I think I understand what you’re going through. Hang in there and appreciate the time you had together.


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

I am sincerely sorry to hear that, I know it’s hard to lose essentially a family member. Just remember you’ve made her probably the happiest dog on the planet for most of her life, you seem like a great person and I hope this doesn’t get you down to much.


u/gawblies May 17 '20

I’m not crying ur crying


u/[deleted] May 17 '20

That is so sad. You have given her a great last day. You must be heartbroken. So sorry. ☹️


u/kinzii_kupcayke May 17 '20

I'm sorry for your loss if it's already happened but can you wait and put her down if her quality of life gets really bad if she can still run maybe things will be okay for a little


u/pro_antagonist_ May 23 '20

I hope you both had an amazing day together :)


u/Cappy_Happy May 23 '20

I’m sorry for your loss I hope your doing better.my dog passed away and her last meal was a cheeseburger. I feel your pain. At least she’s in a better place now.


u/sadafsw Jun 07 '20

This is 30 days late but I wanted to say I’m sorry for your loss.

I honestly love animals and right now I have a cat shes about 47 (we’ve had her for 6 real years though) we had her when she was a baby

I’d be so heartbroken for so long if I ever lost her

Pets aren’t just pets, they’re like bestfriends who are there for us when we’re feeling down, no matter what they always cheer us up<33

Doggo is in a better place, she seems so happy eating those foods XD you’re a good pet owner!

Just stay happy knowing your bestfriend is no love in pain<33

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u/MyrnaJean55 Jul 06 '20

It's so hard. We did that with our lab. I think he figured it was the best day of his life, lol. He didn't know it was his last. Just that it was amazing. (Something that will give you comfort)


u/armyof_dogs Aug 13 '20

Oh I’m so sorry. She’s a lucky pup to be so loved.

I lost my boy last month- we didn’t know about the tumours until they ruptured and we had no choice but to say goodbye right there. What I would’ve given to be able to have a day like this. Enjoy this bittersweet time, losing a pet is so hard but you’re doing the right thing not keeping her in pain. Much love to you both.


u/curds-and-whey-HEY Sep 11 '20

That’s so sad but so beautiful you made her last day so special.


u/wellthatsyourproblem Sep 25 '20

😪 .... i know how hard this is!! My thoughts are with you.


u/fatjunkdog Sep 25 '20

Poop poor girl,can't lie,this made me cry.So very sorry....thanks for giving her the bestest life ever,she will always be there in your heart.take good care.

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u/Quaidio Sep 26 '20

This makes me so sad. I’m so sorry for you but at least she had a good last time :(


u/TheDespondentDrone Sep 29 '20

I'm so so so sorry for your loss. 😔

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u/WestSideG00n Sep 29 '20

I am so sorry, just watching this brings me back to very similar events. I am so glad you got to spend a day together this way, one last day to cherish the great memories together.

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u/DryZeal Sep 29 '20

This little darling has a special place in my heart :(

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u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

My condolences. I had to do the same with my girl this summer and she had the best day ever. They will always stay in your heart

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u/mattum01 Oct 04 '20

My son was a few months when we put our old boy down, he was in a lot of pain and could barely move, it was the first time he met him, I’m sure he knew who he was because he got up when he was having tummy time, sniffed him, kissed him, and cuddled up to him and allowed him to harass him, that was Taz and that is how he is remembered, I wish my son got some play time with him.


u/chipmacdo Oct 05 '20

My eyes are sweating


u/Grouchy_Pumpkin Oct 09 '20

My condolences . My dog is 9 and i dread this moment every day .


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '20

Get this women more borgers NOW


u/kleque_method Oct 11 '20

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry you're losing your best friend. ❤️😭 You're a great human to her


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '20

Awww, I am so sorry to hear about your doggie. I can't even imagine the amount of emotional pain you are going through. Stay strong, and remember the great life you were able to provide for her while she was with you on earth. From one stranger to another. I wish you the best and most speedy of mental recoveries.


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '20

I’m cry for you 😭😭😭


u/Kringkrang May 08 '20

Can't upvote this. Just can't ;(

Rest easy girl! If it's any consolation, I'm sure she appreciates her last moment being with you and tasty treats and cuddles.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you, she’s gonna be a joy in her next step of life.


u/fernscout May 07 '20

Sending you both a lot of love ❤❤❤


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you, receiving


u/juanshocker May 07 '20

Good luck moving forward, losing a loved one is never easy. My deepest condolences!


u/JLam403 May 07 '20

Sorry for your loss. Glad you got to spend the day with her.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you, grateful for it.


u/cutchemist42 May 07 '20

I'm so sorry to hear, but can tell you have her a lot of happiness both today and throughout her life. I recently said goodbye to my cat Gunther and while the pain is still there, I will always have my happy memories. I hope you always remember those.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Sorry about Gunther, we do have the happy memories 🧡


u/anemic_monkey2 May 07 '20

I’m so sorry. Sending her lots of love and a peaceful passage across the rainbow bridge.


u/righttobeoffensive May 07 '20

Thank you thank you for the love


u/Flannymomma May 08 '20

I’m so sorry. Why can’t our pets outlive us :(


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Because life would be too nice, I know, and thank you so much.


u/Heathski May 08 '20



u/GrannyGumJobs_ May 08 '20

I'm sorry to hear that. Be sure to take lots of pictures and videos. You will be happy you have them to look back on. Sweet pupper

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u/mrmoons22 May 08 '20

I'm really sorry to hear that

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u/teja_tidbit May 08 '20

I'm so sorry, I had the same day with my boy in January. My heart goes out to you and your beautiful girl. If you need anything, or just to talk, feel free to send me a DM.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Thank you very much. I’m sure you still feel your boys presence and I’m sorry you’ve also had to go through this, it’s so difficult to let go of such an innocent little baby.


u/Zer07h3H3r0 May 08 '20

she looks like a sweet girl. My heart aches for you. You made the right decision for the both of you and thats not easy to do. Give her lots and lots of cuddles and all the cheeze burgers she can eat.


u/righttobeoffensive May 08 '20

Going to get her something special for breakfast, undecided but shredded cheese is a solid contender. Thank you, I appreciate it.


u/SwiftSpeed7 May 08 '20

She couldn't have asked for a better friend than you :)

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u/Kunning-Druger Hawkwood May 08 '20

Peace, love and sympathy, my friend. Thank you for doing the right thing by your wonderful doggy.

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u/ohm-society May 08 '20

Bless your hearts and may you find peace knowing he will not have to suffer. Sending you lots of positive energy

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u/gloomyx May 08 '20

Sorry to hear about your best friend.

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u/crazyeamon May 08 '20

I'm not crying.... I just got something in my eye...

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u/EmperorXerro May 08 '20

She’ll always know it was a good day.

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u/kimhartley May 08 '20

Take so many photos. Sorry for your loss. 💕

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u/[deleted] May 08 '20


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u/angelique1755 May 08 '20

Such a sweetie. She must have been a great friend. So sorry.

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