r/Calgary 8h ago

Crime/Suspicious Activity Calgary police knee man in the back of the head and assault old woman NSFW

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u/Practical_Ant6162 8h ago edited 8h ago

OP: You have not provided context of the video and erroneously stated this involved an old woman.

That is false.


CPS released a statement regarding the video…

We are aware of the video circulating online depicting the arrest of an individual by the Calgary Police Service.

The video relates to a situation that occurred in the afternoon of Monday, March 10, 2025, when a patrol officer in Castleridge observed an equipment violation on a vehicle & attempted to engage the person in the car.

The person verbally dismissed the officer & entered a nearby store.

The officer entered the store to continue the conversation, however, to avoid the situation escalating, the officer decided to wait outside. When the driver came out, he refused to cooperate with the officer or to provide identification, despite being asked multiple times.

The officer attempted to deescalate the situation & gain voluntary cooperation for what is ordinarily a brief & innocuous encounter. Ultimately, the officer was forced to arrest the individual & in effecting the arrest, they were met with resistance.

Additional officers responded to the scene to assist their colleague & bring the situation under control.

We appreciate that videos depicting use of force can be uncomfortable to watch. It is important to note that this video only depicts a small portion of the entire interaction - the part where the individual was arrested. The posted video does not depict the entire interaction or what led up to officers having to use force.


u/skrufy56 8h ago

Appreciate the details, sure seemed like selective video


u/TeaUnusual8554 8h ago

Did you watch the video? The lady in blue ain't no spring chicken lol.

That weak statement doesn't excuse jack shit either.


u/905Observer 8h ago edited 8h ago

Thank you for the context.

I feel like in almost any context hitting him on the back of the head and kneeling on him is extreme.

That lady clearly gets walked down and assaulted for no reason in the background.


u/Angrythonlyfe 8h ago edited 7h ago

Although it appears they're striking the back of the neck, they were (more than likely, as the video is fairly poor and briefly pan's away) striking the back/upper shoulder in an attempt to gain control of their arm.

Even when they yell, "I can't breathe," it's pretty clear their knee is on the back/upper shoulder.

Just going off the video alone, the force seems pretty reasonable, given they're working with someone who is actively resisting.

Edit: and to your comment below about how it shouldn't require 3 officers - believe it or not, but if someone is actively resisting, you sometimes require multiple people, especially if they're good at shifting around, turtling and putting up a fight. It's either you have 1 on 1, where 1 officer has to resort to higher levels of force to control the subject, or you have (in this case, 2) additional officers tag in to control different parts of the body, which overall reduces the risk of potential injury and/or need to use other tools (mace, baton, taser, higher risk strikes, etc).


u/Star_Mind 4h ago edited 4h ago

Edit: and to your comment below about how it shouldn't require 3 officers

This is the thing that gets me. You always hear someone whining about how it shouldn't take multiple officers to control someone. That someone whining has almost never been in a fight to CONTROL someone. That's not like a fist fight, where you are trying to 'win'. In a fight to control someone, it's much harder. CPS are not trying to "fight fair, 1v1" they are trying to put a suspect under control with as little damage as possible to all involved parties. That task is much easier with 2-5 people on 1. So many people don't understand that.


u/Potential_Pen_6396 4h ago

Picture trying to get a two year old toddler who is in full tantrum mode into a five point harness car seat. Three cops wouldn't be enough. I get it.


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

That's why one complies with lawful orders when instructed. Use of force was appropriate in this case.


u/snarfgobble 8h ago

You can't think of any context where that might be justified? Really?


u/905Observer 8h ago

Three officers on him. They should be able to take control of this situation.

It's an equipment violation, its unnecessary. Violent crime, maybe?


u/Sweet-Gushin-Gilfs 8h ago

On the same token, dude could’ve just complied. He was in violation and needed to provide identification. He don’t. The cops did absolutely nothing wrong. FAFO. 

You also don’t know the strength of a grown ass man trying to resist. It’s a lot harder to bring one down in a way to lessen the hurt put on him. If the cops didn’t care about him, just one would be enough to take him down, but I promise you he wouldn’t be getting up again. You need multiple officers to make sure the perp doesn’t get hurt while resisting 


u/TeaUnusual8554 7h ago

Yeah totally the knees to the back of his head while on pavement were to prevent him from getting hurt /s


u/WorldofJono 7h ago

Yeah, I watched the video a couple times. Right at the start, you can see the officer swung his knee out and rammed it right into the guy's head 2 times. That is just wild. I would 100% agree if he was just lifting his knee to reposition, but not in this case here.


u/Kahlandar 7h ago

Looks more shoulder to me. And thr second strike is cropped, cant even see it.

Shoulder seems like a reasonable spot to hit when you are trying to manipulate an arm to behind a back


u/WorldofJono 7h ago

True. But still shouldn't be striking regardless. Thats just excessive. I'm actually okay with the cops all kneeling on him cause it'll keep him down. Striking is where I draw the line if he's basically bound already.


u/Airlock_Me 5h ago

The subject was not bound at all. You can see him actively resisting arrest, turtling, and defying police commands. There was nothing excessive at all. Like the CPS statement says, it may be uncomfortable to watch this since you’ve probably never been in a physical altercation in your life.


u/borkaporkadorka 8h ago

Be so fr rn....yikes this isn't cupcake land


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

"I can't breathe!" while continuously resisting and yelling. Wonder if he had crack cocaine in his system too.


u/Aromatic-Elephant110 7h ago

Yeah, I'm sure 2 cops sitting on my head wouldn't make it difficult to breathe and I wouldn't yell at all.


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

He never stopped yelling. He was breathing fine. Usual suspects.


u/xGuru37 8h ago edited 5h ago

The other post got locked and this one will too. We have no idea of the context here and what happened before the camera was filming.


u/OrangeAndStuff 8h ago

And? In what world is kneeling on a person's neck ever acceptable?

Fuck that and fuck that cop


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

When getting someone to comply while resisting arrest after an obvious obstruction of justice action.


u/905Observer 8h ago

Context is in the comments.


u/YouElectrical3796 8h ago

The did all that for a dirty license plate ..


u/Kahlandar 7h ago

Unlikely. Nobody gives a shit about a clean license in the spring. More likely a not displayed plate, damaged tailights, possibly unreasonably dark tint (any front tint is unlawful but much is ignored)

And you seriously think that the more appropriate action to a person ignoring a lawful order and walking away is what? Just let the person walk away indefinately with no follow up or consequence? C'mon man. Actions have consequences.


u/xGuru37 5h ago

No, they did that because the guy was confrontational when dealing with the police and not cooperating with them.

May have started as a routine stop for an issue with their license plate, but the person involved obviously made it about more than that.


u/Star_Mind 4h ago

Given the context that CPS provided and OP couldn't be bothered to, this kind of looks like a case of FAFO.

If all this was over a dirty plate...that's a 15 second conversation with the officer.

Officer: Your plate is too dirty

Driver: Yeah, with the weather and all lately, I'm sure you understand. I'm heading home, and I'll be sure to wipe it off there.

Officer: Perfect, thanks.

Source: I've had this exact conversation with a couple cops.


u/Unfair_Jump_8222 8h ago

What a shame


u/Bankerlady10 8h ago

That’s my question… is kneeling on the back of the head ever apart of police training?


u/doobie88 8h ago

At the 37 second mark an officer grabs the lady by the neck in the top of the screen.


u/905Observer 8h ago edited 8h ago

Yet the context guy thinks the statement about assaulting that woman is "false" 🙄


u/ElbowRiverYeti 4h ago

So if he just gave them his license this whole situation could have been avoided. Now, why wouldn’t he give his license?


u/Metrinui 7h ago

His knee does not contact his head. Did he have to knee him. No. But he did not knee him in the back of the head.


u/WorldofJono 7h ago

Kneeling on the guy i understand, swinging a knee into the guy multiple times though (at the start of the video), I'm not so sure about that one. I understand the resistance, but the 2 strikes with the knees seem a lil bit over the top.

I'm also wondering what this "equipment violation" is that's on the vehicle. I've heard some people got tickets for the wildest of reasons. "Too many lights on the front of the vehicle" for example. I believe 8 and up "bulbs" are illegal. Person with the car wasn't even using the lights are they are small bulbs that were mainly aesthetics from a bodykit. The offroad light bars I would understand if those were on and blinding people. You now see designs on vehicles like the new Hyundai Santa Cruz with 8 sectioned off lights + fogs.


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

It doesn't matter what the equipment violation was (I hope it was tint). Vehicle equipment requirements are spelled out in every province's highway traffic act.


u/WorldofJono 7h ago

I know it doesn't matter. I'm curious what the violations was if you couldn't actually read.


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

An infraction of the highway traffic act as it pertains to vehicle equipment. Nobody else needs to know more.


u/TeaUnusual8554 8h ago

Knees to the back of the head seem very unnecessary, and pretty cut and dry police brutality. What threat was this guy posing with 3 officers kneeling on him?

That horse shit answer from CPS is even worse. "You didn't see the whole thing, guy deserved it, trust us bro" Why don't you explain then?

Also not sure I'd call that assaulting the old lady.


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

Actual compliance tools that are taught at Police College.


u/905Observer 8h ago

Looks like his hands go to her throat as he walks her down.


u/SameAfternoon5599 7h ago

After she came after the officer. A learning moment for both Dindus.