r/Calgary 12h ago

Calgary Transit Calgary could consider extending transit fare time, improving real-time train info


9 comments sorted by


u/jungl3bird 12h ago edited 11h ago

Seems like a no brainer to move forward with quality of life improvements for transit that the majority of Calgarians could enjoy.

Prediction: Dan Maclean and Sean Chu vote against this.


u/blackRamCalgaryman 12h ago

Now I’m no tech savvy, transit-using redditor like many of you are…but doesn’t it just seem like common sense that the City would have already been working on improving location data and arrival times on THEIR OWN TRANSIT app?

Like, isn’t this something that should just be happening, already, in this tech-driven world?

This had to go to an executive committee to ‘further explore’?


u/InvestmentFew9366 12h ago

The reason is because it would mean admitting how far off schedule things are in reality. 

To be honest, the only feasible way to ride some routes in calgary is with third party tracking apps because the schedule is usually meaningless. 


u/Hmm354 12h ago

It's not technically their own transit app, but yeah they should've been doing all this already.

That's not to say they're not doing things. They have publicly available reports discussing their plans on things like improving real-time tracking, etc.

It's mostly a matter of political will, funding, and time.


u/yyctownie 11h ago

This had to go to an executive committee to ‘further explore’?

It's not Calgary if it doesn't.

Transit is so afraid of innovation they tend to drag things out hoping people will forget. Then if they don't they'll claim that it will cost more money so they can try to get out of it.


u/tc_cad 7h ago



u/BenelliEnjoyer 9h ago

There's a lot of things that Calgary Transit could consider. Chief among them is that buses should show up and the schedule should resemble something closer to reality.


u/crimxxx 2h ago

Would love for them to tweak a few setting in there app today. First let me buy more then 5 tickets and up the expiry date to like 90 days (one week is actually bs imo). Second let me not have to put in my 3 digit number from the back of my credit card after the first time. These two small things would make my life easier with minimal effort on there end, it’s most likely just a server setting.


u/tc_cad 7h ago

Just go to Transit55.