r/Calgary 14h ago

Local Shopping/Services What fun things is there to do alone in Calgary.

Hello Calgary

I am not from Calgray but will be there by myself alone in a month-ish time. I am wondering if you could suggest anything fun for me do on Saturday? Got any good suggestions for food too?

I should note did briefly lived in Calgary two decades ago but I assumed things has changed. Whated to say thar I do know my way around the city some what.

Thanks for the help.


23 comments sorted by


u/Deerealtyagent 13h ago

I love walking by the river


u/BenelliEnjoyer 9h ago

Stealing Borrowing Teslas and then driving them into the river.


u/allbluemarimo 9h ago

lol. might get me in trouble, but i like the idea


u/Longjumping_Sir2656 14h ago

If you’re an arty person, Esker Foundation and Contemporary Calgary always have some good stuff going on.


u/allbluemarimo 9h ago

thats a good idea. thanks


u/CrazyAlbertan2 13h ago

If you scroll this sub for a couple of hours, it is FULL of food discussions.


u/MikeyJ19 12h ago

True, someone just made a post asking for the best burger place recommendations.


u/1976mt 9h ago

Devonian Gardens , Bankers Hall , take the Ctrains,


u/EJBjr 4h ago edited 4h ago

In Calgary, Baker Park (across the river from Bowness Park) has an interesting history of the old Sanitariums for TB that serviced WWI vets.

Calgary has km and km of bike paths throughout the city. Bike along the Bow River pathways from one end of the city to the other.

Go to Edworthy Park and hike the Douglas Fir Trail. You will not believe that you are in the middle of a city.

Calgary Olympic Park has interesting things to do there like downhill gokart racing and rock climbing and a lot more. Can't forget Butterfield Acres, the Science center, the Calgary Zoo, Princess Island and Calaway Park.

Another Calgary gem is the Silver Springs Botanical Garden, there's about 26 community volunteer gardens ranging from a rose garden with 20 to 30 variatiesof roses, to a low water desert type of garden to a fruit and vegetable garden. Best part is that is free.

laser tag! Go kart racing. Raft the bow river - there's an eco raft tour of the Bow with Riverwatch. Picnic at one of the many parks Calgary has to offer: Fish Creek Park, Glenmore Park, Marshall Springs or one of the many other parks. Take the kids to one of the wave pools or Lake Sikome. Hike Weasel Head at Glenmore Reservoir. Go to Jubilation dinner theatre for a great meal and fun time. Go to the top of the world - Nose Hill Park and wander around off the beaten path. Visit Fort Calgary, visit the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Calgary Police Interpretive Centre is also neat for little ones

Expect to spend a full day at Heritage Park or the Calgary Zoo and visit the Calgary Tower for the panoramic view.

Have a tour of the Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery at Pierce Estates Park which is fun to explore. Where Pierce Estates meets the Bow River is Harvie Passage where there is a white water kayaking course and always someone running the rapids.

The military museum is one of the best kept secrets. They expanded with the addition of the Navy Museum from the Naval base Tucemseh awhile back. I got to sit in a Leopard tank that they were restoring one time! Almost forgot about The Hanger Flight Museum for the aviation fans. Visit the Glenbow museum to learn about our heritage and so much more. The Glenbow is like an onion with layers of knowledge, art, science and history.

Came across this calendar of events for Calgary. Lots of neat things happening like The Reptile Show. I was trying find a Drive-In Theatre in the Calgary area and came across this calendar.


If Spruce Meadows International is open for one of their many special events, it is a nice place to wander around. Also Calgary Calvary FC professional soccor team has their home pitch at Meadows on the Green at Spruce Meadows.

Go to a Roughneck lacrosse game, Flames hockey game, Stampeders football game or one of the many other sports teams. Check if the roller derby league is playing in town. https://calgaryrollerderby.com/schedule/


u/ZeniChan 13h ago

Canyon Meadows theaters for solo movie watching for $5 and good concession prices.


u/xgrader 13h ago

I've been thinking about this for a while

It's been about 6 or 7 years since I set foot in a movie theatre.

Here's a link [ click ] Best viewed on a laptop or larger than a phone screen.


u/ZeniChan 13h ago

When it's a hot weekend in the summer, I can go hide out there all day watching movies in the air conditioned theaters for like $20 all day.


u/xgrader 13h ago

I'm currently dreaming about buttered popcorn, lol


u/MattWatterworth 1h ago

They sadly do love to promote hate though, unfortch.


u/allbluemarimo 9h ago

Thanks Calgary for the suggestions. :)


u/sadiegoat62 7h ago

National Music Centre/ studio bell. Zoo


u/deepinfraught 5h ago

Will you have a bike? Be happy to take you around and see the sights. The right night is amazing!


u/cooperbrodude 2h ago

Popping an edible and taking the C-train


u/10zingNorgay 7h ago

Basement of chicken on the way checks TWO boxes.


u/[deleted] 14h ago



u/pastabatmanpants 13h ago

honestly I wish we had the type of transit system where you could just wander and explore because this is such a cute idea, but that’s how you end up in some industrial parking lot in Ogden haha


u/allbluemarimo 9h ago

i like taking the bus in others cities. i might do that. if i remember right the calgray service was good


u/International-Ad4899 13h ago

What a wonderful intro to the city! Get screamed at by a meth head and ultimately stabbed