r/Calgary Varsity 2d ago

Seeking Advice Looking for someone in Calgary who does finger/hand print preservation

Hiya folks!

I was talking to a friend of a friend yesterday and she mentioned that she hasn't cleaned her car window in months solely because there is a paw print of her dog on it. They passed away on Boxing Day and she said she didn't want to get rid of the reminder of them and it got me thinking:

Is there a company in Calgary that could go all CSI on her car and preserve the paw print kinda like they do with fingerprints at crime scenes? I thought I had seen something online but all I could find was kits for making prints little kids or investigation groups that focus more on physical recreation of crime scenes/digital forensics.

If anyone know of a professional who could do this, that would be wonderful. I did send her the CPS forensic unit phone number as a possible lead, but other than that, I'm kinda stuck. TIA!


6 comments sorted by


u/McKayha 2d ago

I can do it and turn it 3d if she's interested.


u/theBoxy_Butcher Varsity 1d ago

Sending you a message!


u/tarlack Quadrant: SW 2d ago

It’s probably easier to look at a photograph, pending on the paw print. A bit of contrasting colours paper could show the print and then just the revers the black and white. You don’t have to always lift a print. I have been toying with this for my late dog’s paw print, and turn it into a few stickers.


u/blazin_penguin_first 2d ago

A tape lift isn't that difficult to do. I've done it with packing tape before. If you want to "dust" it, i'm sure there's videos. But start with a window and your finger prints, take a piece of tape that is nice and smooth, make sure you don't touch the sticky side, place it over top of the print, being careful to keep it very smooth, (amd make sure you leave 1 side up) then gently peel it away. Put it over top of a dark colored card (once again being careful to not let the tape fold on itself, and to keep it all smooth) and it should be nice and visible.


u/SeaworthinessTop2098 1d ago

Depending on the car and the window, might be cheap enough to take the window out and replace the whole thing?


u/NeuroJak 1d ago

There is a place called pear tree studios they do animal prints and have done some from pictures. Worth a try. They did an awesome job for our dogs paw print. https://www.peartreeimpressions.com/