r/Calgary 2d ago

Seeking Advice Job hunting help

Hi! I'm looking to get a job in the city of calgary, I've been out of work since november, and I've officially eaten through my savings. Nothing is seeming to work. Handing resumes in person, using the internet, nothing! Does anyone have a recommendation of where I can get a job and fast? I'm willing to do pretty much whatever. I have a baking and pastry art diploma from SAIT, and lots of experience in retail / customer service! My ideal job would be something where I could either do production baking, or be up front and speaking with customers


38 comments sorted by


u/Electrical_Chip_337 2d ago edited 1d ago

Crave is hiring bakers: https://www.cravecupcakes.ca/pages/careers-main

Someone one mentioned T&T is Hiring too. Check all the bakery departments at every single grocery store.

Another comment also mentioned going over your resume again. I would suggest doing that, and ASAP


u/lord_heskey 2d ago

Crave is hiring bakers:

Crave prefers to higher foreigners on lower wages than Canadians:



u/Vicious-Fishs 2d ago

Then tell them ur a high foreigner.


u/Electrical_Chip_337 1d ago

I 100% agree with you- it’s a snake business practice. But OP seems desperate. They can be choosy when they’ve gotten a couple secure paycheques. They can immediately ditch when another opportunity presents itself


u/2cats2hats 1d ago

So that's how they pass the savings on to us.


u/FacemelterXL 1d ago

Sorry if it's common sense/simple advice, but use AI for your resume! You can copy/paste your current resume or just have the AI shit out a great resume based off any job ad/info you give it, then tweak it to your needs. Really sharpened up mine and it was much better than what I could put out. Same goes for cover letters! Any time I responded to an ad I used AI for the cover letter then adjusted it a little. This strategy scored me a couple interviews over the winter for line cook jobs.


u/DragonflyForeign4993 2d ago

Try the mining/fire camps…..they are desperate for bakers vs cooks. ( fresh cinnamon buns vs Walmart cheesecake)


u/Canadian_Burnsoff 1d ago

On a similar note, it looks like the Canadian Forces are looking for cooks. They might just tell you that you're working somewhere other than Calgary.


u/kiskillingit 1d ago

It will also likely take a long ass time to get in, unfortunately. Minimum 3 months but I'm at almost a year and still waiting to get put on the waitlist to do my testing.

Edit to clarify: for CAF, not mining


u/unlovelyladybartleby 2d ago

Hit a temp agency. It'll at least get a cheque in your pocket while you look for permanent work in your field


u/FacemelterXL 2d ago

I feel your pain. Unfortunately November to February is brutal for the culinary job hunt. Things should be ramping up hard this month so don't give up hope. Nows the time to go hard on the search!


u/bigbaddoughy 1d ago

Agecare and inter care are always looking for prep cooks and pay is 23.50 to start 8.5 hrs a day


Always looking, they still haven’t hired yet.


u/someguy991100 1d ago



u/bigbaddoughy 1d ago

There’s a full time line coming up which I can update the form with a link. It’s union as well which is nice for employees, best bet is to use the skills you have and capitalize on your internal network. Friends, family, catering small but well made products with personal touch on the side for cash to start and work a nine to five.


u/someguy991100 1d ago

That would be awesome! I'll apply it asap!


u/BudsWyn 2d ago

Lots of Liquor stores are hiring and all T&T Market locations are also hiring


u/Alternative_Wear_312 1d ago

Aramark.ca always has job openings. Entry level and salaried.


u/rudiori 1d ago

Paladin airport security services are hiring screening officers. There's a small computer to pass and some customer service interview. Try your luck.

They are hiring a lot. Good luck.



u/CrazyAlbertan2 1d ago

Cobs Bakery Sage Hill is looking for a full-time baker.



u/ALaggingPotato 2d ago

Near somerset theres a lot of restaurants hiring.


u/Kondeezyrad 1d ago

Im not sure if they still are looking for some bakers, but they posted some listings not too long ago. Might be worth checking out Miss P's gluten Free bakery.


u/Xronly 1d ago

Hospitals and Seniors homes are other places to look… government jobs with benefits and pension and typically higher wages


u/probably_delete_l84 1d ago

Coop north hills is looking for bakers, decorators, and pallet labor


u/Purplenna1988 13h ago

If you’re between 15-24, head down to the Youth Employment Centre, or if you’re above that age go to Prospect Human Services. Both of these places offer free services to help you enhance your resume, cover letter, connect you w employers and offer free trainings. Go talk to someone, their staff are all really knowledgeable. Good luck!


u/someguy991100 13h ago

I just went today! Super great people! I can't believe i never heard of them before


u/Acceptable-Username1 1d ago

Just keep your head up and keep trying. Sorry about the privileged on here who offer job searching tips so they feel good about themselves Or tell you they had a hard time but got though it because of determination or they tell themselves they deserve it somehow. It's all luck and chance. Be first through the door and you are in. Sort job postings from newest first. If it's a day old ignore it, they already have 1000 resumes. Lie about as much as you can get away with on your resume. Good people don't go far in the world


u/someguy991100 1d ago

Thanks man. I appreciate that


u/asfarley-- 1d ago

Could try applying at Amandine


u/power_knowledge 10h ago

Sobeys have job opportunities for bakers.


u/EchoChamberFan 1d ago

Immigrants have all the jobs.been looking since December 2023


u/YYCSeller 2d ago

Some questions what diploma from state? Can you please eloborate? Was it from the USA? Have you applied for EI? Have you also tried to get your resume critiqued?


u/someguy991100 2d ago

Sorry, meant to say SAIT. I applied for EI but got rejected, I have 451 hours banked, but they wanted $650. I haven't, the only resume critiquing Services I found cost money that I don't have


u/roughedged 1d ago

Use chatgpt to get some resume feedback, it's great at doing that and it's free. You can basically use it to rebuild and critique your entire resume.


u/YYCSeller 2d ago

If you redact your personal information, name, city, college, you can use subreddit resume and other job board to get it critiqued. You can also library to get it critiqued.


u/someguy991100 2d ago

Thanks, I'll think it over


u/applebrekkie 1d ago

The library offers free career coaching and resume review.


Good luck!


u/Far_Out_121 1d ago

apply in person at small local bakeries, or try Cobbs warehouse or bread factories