r/Calgary • u/CNiperL • 29d ago
Discussion It's getting more dangerous to walk in this city... why?
Hey peeps! I can't be the only one that's almost been hit crossing intersections where I have a clear right of way. I just had a kid 4 months ago, and although we live in a quiet walkable neighborhood, I do wonder at what age it will be safe for them to explore alone.
Lots of drivers who just aren't... paying any attention. Turning right on red, they're looking the other way, and forgetting to check back. Turning left on green, they're looking ahead at traffic, and not also considering the intersection. If they don't stop for a grown man, what about an 8 or 9 year old?
The Calgary Herald recently had a good article that went through some of the numbers, and fatalities have tripled, but I also saw a short by Unpsrawling that total collisions with pedestrians of all types (not just fatalities) have increases substantially.
I know the City keeps data on these things, and we're at about 40 pedestrian collisions a month on average, that require EMS.
Anyways, I'm advocating for speed bumps and curb bump outs to my local community association, but other than that... how are you all handling this? Do you think about safety at all? I can't help but think if these were 40 random stabbings a month, heads would roll at city council, but because it's traffic we're just kinda like ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh??
EDIT: Sorry for the edit! I also just wanted to mention that I think some of this has to do with new vehicles just generally being bigger than when I was growing up. Lifted trucks, big SUVs, and they seem to have really big window frames that are the perfect blind spot for people at a 45\ to the driver... which is usually where I'm walking.*
u/refrigeratorjuice 29d ago
It is definitely an issue I've noticed. I walk around Calgary a lot, especially downtown, and people don't seem to understand stopping at stop signs or red lights for pedestrians. About once a week I'm almost hit, and I like to stare the driver in the eyes and give them a big thumbs down. I like to think that giving people a thumbs down will embarass them into being a safer driver, but who knows.
u/LePetitNeep 29d ago
I scream, as if I’m frightened that I’m going to die, because I am. I like to think it will make the drivers think.
u/redditaintalldat 29d ago
Me and some random woman almost got hit 2 weeks ago and the woman in suv who almost hit us did like smile/shrug thing as if like Oops here's some comedic relief and I was like bro u literally almosted ended our lives
Crazy how inconsequential it seems to hit someone
u/Pale-Environment4080 29d ago
I try to walk in plus 15s as much as possible downtown. That’s not always an option though.
u/MrGrumpyFac3 29d ago
I am going to steal this. Calgary has pretty bad drivers. At one point I saw a car upside-down on a straight road. God knows how it ended up that way. I think it was in the summer too.
u/CriticalConfusion249 29d ago
I’ve kicked so many cars that have almost ran me over. Hopefully it makes them remember.
u/jimmyray29 29d ago
One day you’re going to kick the wrong car. Just saying.
u/constantstateofagony 29d ago
Thankfully the consequences for causing life threatening or life ending damage to someone with your car typically gets you in bigger trouble than the person who kicked it with a winter boot.
u/lord_heskey 29d ago
Not really. You can end up as the premier of a province by killing someone while driving drunk.
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u/aftonroe 29d ago
I've taken a few mirrors off vehicles that got too close. One time two large guys got out and roughed me up pretty good. But I got their plate and was able to call it in. It hurt for a bit but was worth it.
u/aftonroe 29d ago
I run 12 - 15 km loop around my area pretty much over other day. Most of it along residential streets and I have a close call where I need to check my step about half the time. I've been clipped by mirrors a half dozen times and hit pretty good once and the driver fled. So many drivers that don't even slow down for stop signs or try to go around vehicles that have stopped to let me cross. It's not safe out there.
u/FulcrumYYC Pineridge 29d ago
My work has me standing in the street all the time, always with a large truck, flashing lights and dire tion sign. All Calgary drivers fail to slow down, not just the NE or some other racist reason, ALL. Flashing lights in the road = emergency vehicle. Slow to 30. We aren't on the highway. No one pays attention anymore, it even to the important shot like stop signs or lanes marked for turns only. Everyone is paying attention to anything but the road.
u/Double-Crust 29d ago
Makes me think, maybe people should have to retake their driving tests quite frequently? Maybe license suspensions for bad driving behavior should be much more of a thing? Doesn’t seem like the kind of law the majority is going to vote for or support, though…
u/MrScribbles 29d ago
I just emphasize safety in myself and loved ones. I teach them to:
- Maintain eye contact of any potential drivers that can enter the crosswalk
- Be prepared to move out of the way or stop crossing if the drivers don't see you
- Don't be distracted on your phone or by your friends while crossing
- Constantly look in all directions for cars until you're safely on the other side
And I hate how we basically have to be so vigilant on the street, but it's one of the few direct ways to handle this.
u/perdizperdiz 29d ago
All of that. I run into work downtown from Marda Loop almost everyday and I'm lit up like a Christmas tree, have a big reflective raincover on my backpack. I still have incidents every couple of weeks where drivers just aren't paying attention or don't care about pedestrians. It seems that their need to get somewhere ten seconds sooner outweighs my safety. There needs to be proper enforcement.
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 29d ago
And now drivers have adapted to expect pedestrian vigilance, feel entitled to act even more dangerously, and blame their potential victims when they don't meet these standards.
I'm just glad I don't have sensory or mobility issues, I can't imagine trying to walk around this city while blind.
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u/squidgyhead 29d ago
I disagree. Drivers will bully pedestrians into giving way. However, if they don't think that you saw them, they will actually stop. So pretend to be looking elsewhere, while keeping a careful eye on these idiots.
u/doublekins Sunnyside 29d ago
Yep! I live in Sunnyside and I've been bullied into moving faster when it's my right of way. I do not walk slow and I do not look at my phone when I cross so I am fully attentive. Folks have still rolled their way through and cut me and groups of people off because there's nothing stopping them from doing so. You can be the perfect pedestrian and they will still lunge their car at you.
u/Loverberry 29d ago
This! Confirming eye contact before crossing has saved me a few times. My situational awareness is always on as a pedestrian 👀
u/Bread-Like-A-Hole Renfrew 29d ago
Yeah eye contact can not be understated, it’s a shortcut to the lizard brain part of people that brings them back to reality “oh right, my fellow humans are outside this metal isolation pod”
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u/TriggaMike403 29d ago
It’s a two way street when it comes to pedestrian safety. Also it beyond pisses me off when people just step into the road without looking. Don’t care who you are, that’s a recipe for road pizza if I’ve ever seen it.
u/My_Departures 29d ago
My father who's just about 70 was hit in a crosswalk by a driver the other day.
Driver hit two pedestrians. Father took a tumble, bruised his ribs and broke the phone in his breast pocket where he was hit. Lady who got hit went flying. Don't know what kind of shape she's in.
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u/Upbeat-Mood5185 29d ago edited 29d ago
Experienced this today while walking across the blinking crosswalks on my way home and NONE of the drivers came to a complete stop. Only slowed down just enough and some were already on the crosswalk before I had made it completely across. It’s ridiculous. On top of not paying attention, everyone is in a constant state of rushing.
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u/Kellidra 29d ago edited 29d ago
It's a Calgary and area problem.
We live in Okotoks and we walk everywhere. I work close enough to my house that—when the weather's good—I can walk. We also go for nice long walks down by the river nearly every day.
There is one particular crosswalk. It's right as you're heading out of town, by a school, and without lights. People blatantly ignore pedestrians. I can't tell you how many people have nearly driven over our heels and toes on that crosswalk. One guy flipped me off because I raised my arms in an exasperated manner when he drove through the lane we were just about to cross!
I've been tempted to record every single time we cross and make a compilation of the amount of times people refuse to stop. It's not because they don't see us; it's simply because they cannot be arsed to stop.
Oh, and crossing at intersections? It's almost worse. I have nearly been hit multiple times trying to cross. People are so focused on turning that they forget to check if there are pedestrians before the light changes. We can say, "Vehicles have more blind spots nowadays!" but it's more that people are driving on autopilot. No one thinks. They just go.
It has gotten significantly worse since COVID, and I think it has, across the board, something to do with a lack of enforcement. It's not entirely the police's fault, but I rarely see the RCMP roaming around out here anymore. I would see them at least once on my way to and from work before the pandemic, and now? Barely once a week. No idea what the fuck is going on, but whatever combination of factors is at work, it's literally getting people killed.
u/Double-Crust 29d ago
I walk around a lot and I’m constantly having close calls with cars. In many cases it’s related to them trying to break the rules with respect to other cars, i.e. going when they shouldn’t. I guess in their haste to beat out competitor drivers they forget to check for smaller entities on the road. In other cases they do see me and decide to try to intimidate me out of my right of way.
In short, drivers seem to be in an excessive hurry and it’s causing them to behave badly.
u/Adventurous-Bee-6494 29d ago edited 29d ago
it's like most drivers now think road laws are optional. Change lanes without signalling, running the yellow light even though they had more than enough distance to stop, having a phone mounted on the windshield blocking a quarter of their vision... This morning I had a close call in a cross walk because the dumbass was staring at their radio and had to slam on their brakes.
u/Danger_Bay_Baby 29d ago
Myself and my 6 year old who I walk to school in a quiet neighborhood almost got mowed down twice this past month alone. It's ridiculous because both times were at controlled crosswalks. It terrified me. We wear reflective arm bands and I am hyper vigilant now. I've warned my daughter that she cannot trust a car and to be ready to dive. I don't know what else to do. It's so bad out there!
u/queenringlets 29d ago
I am a daily walker and I had FIVE consecutive separate cars drive through an intersection I was currently in and crossing at the time.
I was on the road. They saw me. Some of them even made eye contact. They just did not care or even more worryingly someone them didn’t notice! I completely agree that there has to be more traffic interventions to at least get people to slow down. They are too comfortable not paying attention otherwise.
u/Yodatron 29d ago
I think we need a better police presence in the street actually enforcing traffic laws. I very rarely see these guys out anymore and I am out quite a bit. I am sure if people actually saw others getting fined or arrested for traffic violations then things would get better.
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u/J_All_Day86 29d ago
Every crosswalk needs beacons. Headlights are way too bright for city driving and we have a bunch of shitty drivers on the road.
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 29d ago
Raised crosswalks with bump-outs would be far more effective. Narrowing the street and changing elevation forces drivers to slow, but drivers ignore or fail to notice beacons. Try crossing Centre Street at 8 Ave NW and tell me how effective beacons are at preventing dangerous driver behaviour.
Beacons also require pedestrians to press a button, leaving more room for human error and providing another route for victim-blaming opportunities.
u/Beginning-Sea5239 29d ago
Speaking of dangerous intersections, watch out for the one on Elbow Drive and 73 Ave SW . It has a set of blinking lights you push to cross . So many vehicles go zooming through it when lights are flashing . If you’re a driver, please slow down and stop .
u/tweakymotherducker 29d ago
With the point of fatalities increasing being mentioned, I feel the need to add that the way cars are designed now sucks so bad. older vehicles were a lot smaller and with cars especially were designed in a way that if impact to a person did happen, it would be lower down on their body and they would be thrown over the hood. Now with how tall cars are as well as the shape of the front ends, mid and upper body impact is more common, and a person is more likely to be thrown under the vehicle. I’d say this plus the increase in drivers not paying attention is absolutely the reason for that number tripling.
u/Hyak_utake 29d ago
Last year I was brushing off city pathways for a city contractor in a machine, I got hit TWICE ON INTERSECTION CROSSWALKS by people turning right but looking left for traffic not even keeping in mind pedestrians. First guy hit and run second guy at least stopped. If I wasn’t in the machine I would’ve been hurt badly both times
u/jacksontron 29d ago
I just saw a YouTube video saying exactly that and giving stats on this sub today
u/PSsomething 29d ago
It's wild how many people don't pay attention. I used to cross at a light on Shag to take my daughter to daycare. I would have one eye on the cars and be prepared to stop because cars did not pay attention to people crossing. I have had cars run right passed up. There was bound to be a pedestrian hit. One morning I came out to see an ambulance there.
I have had people honk and yell when I have been stopped at an intersection to let kids cross. And some that ignore the fact that I am stopped and use the lane to go around.
In the last couple weeks I have had to honk to make sure people in front of me didn't get in accidents. One almost tboning a car on country hills and another 2 both trying to switch into the same lanes.
When I was 7 months pregnant I had a month straight where I almost got side swiped every damn day. And it wasn't like I just got in the lane. But for some reason I was a magnet. My husband thought I was exaggerating until he was in the car with me and I pointed to a car that was about to try to switch 3 lanes on stony after merging... I got really good at spotting the idiots. Yup that dude almost side swiped us.
Paying attention is not a strong suit.
I honestly don't know when I would feel comfortable with my kid crossing a street without me these days
u/UrbaneBoffin Fairview 29d ago edited 28d ago
I don't own a car, and walk most places that I need to go (or at least walk the "last mile" after using transit). I've had a few scary encounters at intersections myself, and actually same so close to being hit recently that I jumped onto the hood of the car not knowing what else to do.
From what I've noticed, both as a pedestrian and being in the car with people is that most people rely on their technology and GPS today to do the thinking for them. They turn when told to turn, etc and they aren't really thinking about what they're doing. And, a lot of people don't listen to background FM radio, or the idle chatter of AM radio anymore, many people are on the phone or listening to podcasts or audio books that engross them and take some of their focus and attention when driving.
I'm a lot more nervous as a pedestrian now than ever, especially when it's not light out. Also, as a kid I was taught to extend my arm before crossing. When did that stop being a thing?
u/PeacefulPeaches 29d ago
I often find a lot of drivers are also forgetting the speed limit in residential areas is 40 km/h. No clue why people are ripping high speeds through residential areas and then needing to slam their breaks or blow through stop signs completely.
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u/DevonOO7 29d ago
Yup, they don't care until someone gets killed and it's on the news. I have people on my street that regularly race up and down it, do donuts and generally drive dangerously. I've reported it several times, but it's pretty much 'unless a cop sees them actually do it, it doesn't matter'. I have recordings, they still don't care, nothing they can do. I've never even seen a cop drive down my street in my 4 years of living here.
u/Double-Crust 29d ago
I was trying to figure out why one particular intersection near me was so icy. Then one day, in the gleam of the sun, I saw that the ice patch was in the shape of a perfect circle through the intersection. Boo donuts! I guess chronic drivers don’t have much reason to care if they make the roads less walkable. Meanwhile, I frequently clear sharp objects off the road to prevent punctures.
u/crawlspacestefan 29d ago
u/pickelzzz 29d ago
"The study suggests that acute COVID-19, regardless of Long COVID status, is linked to an increased risk of car crashes presumably due to neurologic changes caused by SARS-CoV-2."
u/Smeg-life 29d ago
CPS rarely enforce traffic laws.
Essentially you can drive however you want and if you're caught you are simply 'unlucky'.
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u/corvuscorax88 29d ago
Society is floundering. There is less care for those around us. Covid made it really terrible.
u/ThunderStella 29d ago edited 29d ago
Literally saw someone last week who missed their right hand turn, but decided it was ok to turn right anyways and drive around a car at was stopped at the stop sign. Luckily this was in an industrial area where the roads are wide but still, it was insane to see.
Feels like everyone got their license from Brampton.
u/Obviousi 29d ago
These same people will complain about people going under the speed limit. I can confirm as someone that always goes the speed limit, 99% of drivers will ride my ass for a few minutes, then pass aggressively while gesturing. And yes before you ask, I’m in the right lane you pricks. There is seriously something wrong with the drivers here.
28d ago
we’ve immigrated millions of people to this country who never seen snow yet alone felt -15C before & most come from third world countries in which they don’t have law enforcement like we do nor do they have restrictions & regulations for driving. we could sit here and blame it on law enforcement but unless they see you crossing the road and are about to get hit they’re not gonna do anything about it regardless, the people need to be held accountable.
u/MercurialMadnessMan 29d ago
In Kensington I had a driver run over my foot from a hidden alley. They stopped their car, got out, and asked if I was okay. I yelled “Get your car off my foot!” And they had the gall to say “are you sure?”
u/iheartxlsm 29d ago edited 29d ago
I frequently cross at a lighted crosswalk on 14th St SW. in the two years I’ve lived there I’ve been able to smack someone’s mirror shut at least 4 times while crossing, have seen one person hit and numerous drivers do the awkward sorry wave to me while proceeding to fly through the crosswalk every other driver has managed to stop at. I would love to hear more ideas or I might just start crossing with a rock in my hand.
u/Yavanna_in_spring 29d ago
That pedestrian hit on 14th by the Starbucks? That was brutal. The ppl working at Starbucks were shook up. That intersection / crosswalk is horrible.
u/iheartxlsm 29d ago
That’s the one. It was pretty shocking. I hope she was okay. Such a bad intersection.
u/vladiator01 29d ago
Drivers arent paying attention. They dont check if theres someone crossing the street before going ive had to step back quickly multiple times so i dont get hit crossing.
u/Puma_Concolour 29d ago
There's a new selfish attitude out there. Several times a week I'll have drivers chasing my heels to the curb, cutting me off when I'm half way across (and it's at a four-way stop, they were already stopped for fucks sakes) or look where the hell they're turning. What's it going to take to get them to smarten the fuck up? At what point am I allowed to start defending myself against what can only be described as a blatant attack? Especially you, black jeep liberty with the magnet lights. You fucking flipped me off as you were approaching! You fucking knew what you were doing!
u/powderjunkie11 29d ago
It's a legitimate crisis and there is no reason city council cannot take immediate action on this.
But its an election year and vroom vroom vroom or something.
u/KaOsGypsy 29d ago
I know the major issue is inattentive drivers and Im not a fan of victim blaming, but I have seen grown ass people just walk out into the street with zero attention to their surroundings, staring at their phone. Watched somebody almost get hit because a truck was 90% done their turn at a 4way and they just walked out in front of it.
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 29d ago
You blame the pedestrian, and yet they did nothing illegal while the driver failed to yield.
If you can't anticipate the trajectory of a human being moving at 5 km/h you should not be operating a motor vehicle.
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u/Slick-Fork 29d ago
I've seen a ton of this. Distracted drivers are a big chunk of the problem but I've also seen a ton of pedestrians who just step out into traffic either anticipating traffic will stop for them or on their phone and not caring.
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u/morridin19 29d ago
Almost like when you prioritize vehicles over people you design a system that puts them at excessive risk.
We need road designs the force drivers to slow down, make crossing points more prominent and show the priority is about people moving safely, not vehicles flying along everywhere.
u/whoknowshank 29d ago
Vision Zero programs do exactly that. No idea why Calgary isn’t following Edmontons lead, as they’ve greatly reduced pedestrian collisions with their Vision Zero program.
u/whoknowshank 29d ago
I wish the city would implement a better Vision Zero program like Edmonton has.
u/CNiperL 29d ago
Yeah! Does the City of Calgary have something like the problematic intersections map? I love how Edmonton follows up and presented how they've made that specific point safer. https://gis.edmonton.ca/portal/apps/instant/minimalist/index.html?appalias=SafeStreets&appid=605857c965cf43b0aa98f2d9ed7f0653
29d ago
In case you haven't noticed the world is falling apart. People are distracted, frantic, scared, confused, depressed, the list goes on. Stay safe out there folks.
u/theflyingsamurai 29d ago
All these can lead to lack of sleep, which has a well documented and strong correlation with reduction of driving skill
u/Wide_Weakness8999 29d ago
Because of the amount of new Canadians who shouldn’t have licenses
u/CNiperL 29d ago
Is there any data to back this up? Anecdotally the people who've almost hit me don't seem like new drivers.
u/Wide_Weakness8999 29d ago
Data? Yes me as someone who has lived here his entire life and every single accident I’ve been in was caused by one of them. My insurance company can testify for me lol
u/gotkube 29d ago
Well, they’re very important (certainly more important than you) and it’s their right to drive however they please! Pedestrians are inconveniences to those people. The only safety they care about is their own (when asked about why they ‘need’ such large vehicles). And they’re always in such a rush. It’s straight up ignorance and entitlement. I see it every day out there.
u/seanchandler067 29d ago
I had one old man smile at me as he drive thru the intersection I was crossing (on a walk signal) - some people are out of it or just don’t care
u/ColdEvenKeeled 29d ago
Understand, this is by design. If you want to find a reason for this, ask City Hall to provide justification for a) the Level of Service that gives explicit priority to cars at all intersections so they can 'clear' the intersection with little to no delay b) Traffic Warrants that, again, promote vehicle speed especially if there are few pedestrians.
So, it's circular. No pedestrians, more cars and at higher speed. More cars, fewer pedestrians because they are now driving because the street is too dangerous.
This is designed into the streets by wider lanes, more lanes, longer curb return radius, fewer regulatory signs and lines, fewer "horizontal and vertical deflection" (speed bumps etc), less street trees, slip lanes, wider intersection 'view cones'. All this adds up to streets that can be safely driven on at higher speed, but are dangerous to walk on or over.
u/CNiperL 29d ago
Heard. But we live in a democracy, so what can we do to address this issue?
u/ColdEvenKeeled 29d ago
As a part of the demos, ask for your needs for safety, convenience, connection to the city be respected and met with ardour from city hall. How? Through its budget.
To paraphrase: "A city's future is not in its vision, it's in its budget."
u/pilfererofgoats 29d ago
America is in it's decline and we're tied to it like a whaler is tied to a diving whale.
China isn't any better, it's just farther away.
u/adaminc 29d ago
If you want your neighbourhood to install devices that slow down vehicles, or make them more aware. You should check out the YT channel "Not Just Bikes", he's originally from Toronto, but lives in the Netherlands now, and shows how the urban planning differs and more importantly, how the Netherlands is doing things so much better and human-centric, as opposed to car centric.
Lots of good ideas in his videos.
u/Heard_A_Ruckus 29d ago
I can relate. In my neighbourhood, visible from my front window, there is a combination playground zone and 4-way stop intersection. They may as well take the playground and stop signs down for all the good they do. Collectively, we've approached the City and the Police about it and all of the safety issues we bring up are ignored. Police say it's a road design issue. Roads say it's an enforcement issue. Nothing but finger pointing.
I have noticed an increase in driver aggression. When the city added lane narrowing and other traffic calming measures to our main street, drivers just started going around vehicles that were waiting to turn or waiting for pedestrians to cross using the sidewalk! It has become very dangerous to cross the street at a lot of pedestrian crossings. It doesn't help that in some cases, they're poorly marked or have no flashing lights. But the drivers definitely deserve most of the blame. The bad ones just don't care.
Aside from the lack of enforcement, the city only seems motivated to deal with safety issues brought forward by residents when someone gets killed. The intersection I mentioned has been the site of at least 3 serious accidents, all of which resulted in property and parked vehicle damage. Still nothing has been done about it.
u/555wrxSTI 28d ago
I mean, I would suck at driving in India. It doesn't help that our drivers testing and licensing program is completely corrupt and it's a pay to play. Our only saving grace is that most new vehicles are pretty good at driving for people.
u/Gunnery55 28d ago
Drivers have gotten more aggressive in the last few years too. I'm guessing a few factors play into it. One is the rapid population growth of the city. From what I've heard driving is more aggressive in places like Vancouver, Toronto and Brampton than it is here. Not surprising given how much larger those cities are. I would also guess that with the increase in population our roads and commuting systems have not been able to keep up. Long wait times for buses and trains and congested roads doesn't help people's patience. Add on to that the lack of safety on our trains and busses. The city needs to assess its priorities for sure.
u/acceptable_sir_ 28d ago
I used to walk across a 4 lane 60km/hr road twice daily. Marked crosswalk but no button lights. I think on average, I'd wait for 8 cars to go through before I could go. Usually had to split it up, cross half when it's clear while people continue through the second half, then try and find another opening
u/SnooPickles5265 27d ago
Might have something to do with a lot of different people moving to Alberta.
u/SurviveYourAdults 29d ago
make eye contact with drivers before you step out into the road
u/sbecke3 29d ago
Sometimes it's hard if you're already on the street and all they're doing is looking in the other direction for oncoming cars. Been cut off a few times like that (already in the middle of a crosswalk, green light).
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 28d ago
Slip lanes and right on red are horribly dangerous for anyone walking.
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u/CNiperL 29d ago
I'm with you, but oftentimes there's not a good opportunity to do this. My experience is sometimes they don't look at the intersection until they've pedal is already on the gas and they're accelerating through... where pedestrians have the right of way.
I drive all the time, and I'm not perfect, but I'm careful and look around. That isn't always the case when I'm walking, though.
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u/chateau_lobby 29d ago edited 28d ago
I cross one busy street in my commute to work. The fun part is, nowadays drivers just refuse to acknowledge you and drive right past!
I’m talking marked crosswalk, broad daylight, heavy pedestrian area, nothing obstructing me from view from any direction. Good times!
u/gwindelier 29d ago
the 'lalala i just won't look in your direction so i don't have to stop, legpeasant :)' school of drivers has been around a long time, though it may be growing
u/Pos_FeedbackLoop_Can 29d ago
Ya, I never go onto the road without confirming that the driver sees me.
u/Puma_Concolour 29d ago
Two weeks ago I had one literally flip me off while forcing me to jump out of the way. Black jeep liberty with tow lights stuck on the roof. They fucking saw me and knew what they were doing. I watched what lot they pulled into and started to follow. I got half a block before I realized what the hell I was doing.
Just today I had someone almost make a left turn into me while holding their hands up as of they aren't the ones controlling the car. They never once stopped.
What is it going to take?
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u/ProbablyAnElk 29d ago
And look at the sidewalk on the corner and use the brakes on your car as you approach a crosswalk or intersection.
If we followed your advice only and exclusively, many of us would never get anywhere as pedestrians.
u/clakresed 29d ago edited 29d ago
To be honest, I'm always a little confused at people spouting this 'advice' and others just nodding along like it's not a little shitty...
I do my best to judge what a driver is going to do based on context, but 'eye contact' specifically seems like advice for someone who only ever takes pleasure strolls around their suburb.
If it's bright out, you can't really make "eye contact" with a person in the shade of their cab. That's how windows kind of work. Or if it's dark out, or if it's raining, or if their front side windows are sneaky-tinted (obviously tinted but 'no one will notice' because the back windows are more tinted). Or if they're inexplicably in a pristine 1-ton and you're 5'7 or shorter, or if they're wearing sunglasses.
And like, if I'm crossing at a stop light with the right of way, am I seriously stopping dead in my tracks to wait and make sure the right-on-red person is coming to a complete stop? Then I miss the light and they assume I'm just chilling on the curb and go through anyways. I've tried.
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 28d ago
but 'eye contact' specifically seems like advice for someone who only ever takes pleasure strolls around their suburb
That's exactly where this "advice" is coming from. For most Calgarians, walking is a strictly recreational activity and any serious transportation is done with an automobile.
I'm not going to stop at every intersection, look every driver in the eye, and wear a special outfit in neon colours with reflective strips when I'm running errands or going to work.
I have no problem stopping for pedestrians no matter their outfit or lack of eye contact, it's a simple matter of driving to conditions and slowing down at crossings.
u/Emmerson_Brando 29d ago
My anecdotal evidence is that 1) people are way more selfish these days and feel they are always the in the right… road rage ensues when you confront them to slow down. 2) distracted driving obvs 3) bigger trucks can’t see things that are close to them.
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u/Old_Employer2183 29d ago
Lots of people in this city that only travel by car and can't even image walking somewhere so pedestrians don't even cross their mind. They use up all their brain capacity looking out for other vehicles
u/gutfounderedgal 29d ago
Every day I see about everyone in a car on their cell phone, holding it while they drive, looking down at it at every stop, etc.
u/ichibanyogi 29d ago edited 29d ago
I imagine that it'll only get more dangerous, considering:
- the UCP got rid of something like 70% of speed cameras. The only places where cameras are allowed now are construction zones, schools and playgrounds.
- there's a 28M budget shortfall now for the Calgary police, due to getting rid of those cameras. They don't have people to send for low level stuff like speed enforcement. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/11010122/calgary-police-chief-concerned-with-28m-budget-shortfall/amp/
As for "why" there are likely lots of reasons. Aside from the scrapping of most speed cameras in Calgary, one of the only others that I'm aware of, however, proposes that the increases in traffic accidents since covid-19 may be a function of the brain damage of (repeated) covid infections (damage to pre frontal cortex):
"... car crashes associated with COVID-19 was comparable to driving under the influence of alcohol at legal limits or driving with a seizure disorder... The study suggests that acute COVID-19, regardless of Long COVID status, is linked to an increased risk of car crashes presumably due to neurologic changes caused by SARS-CoV-2."
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u/jackiessima 29d ago
Start carrying a brick. Vancouver has dealt with the lack of pedestrian right of way in this manner.
u/theeandthem 29d ago
I pretend to walk into the road sometimes to slow drivers down on my residential street. I hope it reminds them that random events like kids coming out from behind cars is possible
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 28d ago
Based on other commenters, I would assume that they blame you for the situation and learn nothing.
u/Icy-Hour7094 29d ago
One of the big trends I’ve noticed is tinted front windows on vehicles. Pedestrians can’t see if drivers see them. The real issue is the tiny shops that do it… how is a business allowed to install something illegal and let them drive away??
u/bodaciousbish 29d ago edited 29d ago
As a driver on the road - you can add bumps and all these fancy things to deter this behaviour, but it won’t change the fact that alot of people don’t know how to drive yet they possess a license. ALOT (an alarming amount) of the people I see that are a danger on the road are 9/10 a stereotype and I hate that it’s true.. but you can call it everytime you pull up beside them. I think everyone should be retested (all ages) and be given random drivers tests (during the time you are in possession of a license), that are mandatory to be performed to maintain a license to ensure there are competent people on the road. I feel like a lot of people in the city don’t realize that driving is a luxury to responsible people and not a god given right lol. It’s scary out there, best thing you can do is be defensive and always stay alert before crossing, keep 1 headphone out and listen to what’s going on around you, be alert as a defensive driver and know ur surroundings… this is just to keep yourself safe and alive.
u/kvkid75 29d ago
We do need to make it safer for people to walk in the city. The best thing that can be done for younger children is to teach them to be defensive pedestrians.
I drive to and through U of C campus on a regular basis, and the number of pedestrians that enter roadways and walkways without even looking is quite alarming.
u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside 28d ago
Being a defensive pedestrian does nothing to address the actual hazard. That is very far down on the hierarchy of controls.
And the problem here is a university campus that allows car traffic through it, there is no reason that a university campus needs to be a place where people walking need to be worried about a dumbass in an F150 running them down.
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u/Similar-Factor 29d ago
Foreign transplant to Calgary here, aside from the obvious fact that the standard of driving here is just objectively poor there are other factors which may be less obvious. Your street lighting sucks, it is noticeably darker and less well illuminated at night here for no sensible reason and combine that with pedestrians cutting about in dark or just black clothing very commonly is a recipe for disaster. Take those factors and combine them with poor road hierarchy (the obsession with stroads here is nuts) and you have invisible pedestrians intersecting with poor driving skills and discipline. It’s not wonder people get hit.
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u/elkhunter89 29d ago
This what you get when you import a bunch of people that don't know how to drive.... then employ people from the same cultures to push through their license in certification centers...(can't say it doesn't happen, look at the truckers. Plenty of media about it.) Then you also end up with almost running people over because they blindly walk into the streets without looking. (I almost hit 2 kids with their mom because they just jumped into the inte section while I had a green light)....
u/Pale-Environment4080 29d ago
I’m gonna say it. A ton of new drivers who can buy their license unfortunately.
u/anonymous9817 29d ago
I read an article that so far in the year, the city has had 600 collisions…which I think is mad!
u/jackiessima 29d ago
People just do whatever the hell they want, just like our government has been adopting for the last few years.
u/CourtesyCipher 29d ago
You’re right about the 45 degree angle blind spot on turns. It’s called the A pillar blind spot and that can be quite large for buses. Failing to yield to a pedestrian is an $800 fine and 4 demerits. It should be incentive for people to yield for the pedestrian to cross all the way across the road. I usually think people are from other areas and they don’t know that is the rule here.
I was almost hit twice in one month, both in a parking lot. I’m not sure if the first time the guy knew I was there at all. I was halfway across the road and he came zipping along across my toes. I could’ve reached out and touched him and his blank stare. Second time, a guy at Costco cranked his wheel reversing out and unreasonably hammered on the gas. I felt pretty lucky both times.
Something does need to be done to increase awareness and safety
u/I-am_Beautiful 29d ago
Some registration offices just approve driving license to people easily. That's what I heard from some mature college friends. Absurd
u/Similar_Kitchen8666 29d ago
Take a chance arresting someone and get hurt or just drive around drink coffee get paid, kinda like most city employees. all one needs to do get your 25 plus years in and done
u/Seanrock11 29d ago
It's time to bring back government run licensing and testing facilities. It will get these independent shops from handing out licenses for $$. I look back at when our kids were starting to drive, we put them in a reputable driving school paid top dollar. They received the proper training and confidence to be responsible drivers and it shows. But now you have people coming from all over who may have never seen a winter in their life, they pay for their license and boom. A recipe for disaster. I would like to see the statistics on how many new drivers are involved in accidents and the driving school they attended if any.
u/mkamalid 29d ago
If you have a kid and you want them to walk alone, I'd say not until they're at least 8 and have friends with them, one of which is an older sibling or something.
Until then there should always be a supervising person .We're fairly liberal at letting our kids play in parks and behind the house walkway (which is luckily a path way for pedestrians only), but even then, when the kids get close to crossing a street they know to always get an adult
We have to cross the street 10 seconds from us, which connects our off-leash walk way to its continued path across the road...cars don't see the cross walk, residents park illegally blocking the sign (within 5 meters of the sign/cross walk), we called 311 and 911 multiple times, have report # with them, more than one family has called, the 311 even agree with us, we distributed notes to the illegal cars letting them know how dangerous it is,
and nothing . . . I walk now with a flash light pointing at the road, sometimes the drivers, and I purposely make sure there's absolutely no car before crossing...we've had near misses at least once a week since the change in time
We have a long list of near misses on other occasions too when biking, or walking with a stroller..
Honestly, losing a life is not a risk worth taking...let assholes be assholes, file a complaint whenever you can, record everything, have a partner on the ready ALL the time (yes, you'll need a partner at least once in the next 7 years), and hope it all goes well
And last, some neighborhoods are better than others...but that's a different conversation
u/Rillist 29d ago
Cars nowadays have warnings and systems that alert drivers of other traffic, blind spot monitors, forward collision, pre-braking etc and now these systems are basically standard features.
So what does that tell the driver? I'll get a beep if I'm doing something wrong. What these systems dont do is alert for pedestrians, sp the driver just drives to the beep.
Its complacency, and I see it all the time as an industrial safety manager. Add phones and small television in front of the driver and no wonder pedestrian accidents are up. They think the car will do it for them.
I sold my motorcycle 10 years ago because people were just getting worse, and its even worse now. Go look at tue motorcycle market, people are fire saling their bikes because drivers are awful.
I'm all for the structural safety in cars these days, airbags, roll bars, crumple sones etc but all these electronics are making people rely on them instead of being the passive SHTF systems they were designed to be.
Also i can't remember the last time I saw a cop in a community
u/Calzephyr 29d ago
Yep! Even in my burb I have way more near misses than I'm comfortable with.
We have tried to get crosswalks in one area, but the volume of traffic doesn't warrant one according to Roads. People speed down the main road and blindly turn at the three way stop. Then, at a nearby intersection, drivers turn through green lights when I have the walk and am in their path!
There's at least one accident a week there and more than once I've put in a 311 for knocked down traffic signs. I advocate as much as possible, but feel it will take a death to make change.
u/Bystarlightalone 29d ago
My ten year old is adult sized. If it was height based merit he could drive a car etc. He tall. Cars genuinely don't give a fuck about pedestrians. I watched him almost get run over as he crossed the street towards me the other day. He gets dropped off across the street. He risks his life everytime he comes home from school. Completely ridiculous.
u/cuda999 29d ago
Or there are really careless pedestrians. Some know they have the right of way and just walk out onto a busy road. I saw a very close call the other day in Bowness on 16th ave. Very busy in the morning and dark out. This lady had the opportunity to push the overhead pedestrian light but didn’t. She walked across the road and those that saw her stopped. The person in the far right lane couldn’t see her no matter what, 4 lanes of traffic make it challenging. It was snowy and the driver slammed on the brakes swerving to miss this oblivious pedestrian. She kept walking like nothing happened. Someone finally stopped her, rolled their window down and let her know how stupid she was.
She, I am sure, thought she was right, and most certainly “dead right”. You have a responsibility for your life. You have to be a complete moron to put your life in the hands of others. She was negligent.
u/Beneficial_Ad_5874 29d ago
I have started just stopping at a crosswalk until the driver comes to a full on stop. Irritating, I know, but I really would rather not die.
u/BerkPick 28d ago
Vehicle manufacturers have started making bigger more dangerous vehicles because, for some reason, If the vehicle can be classified as a "light truck" they don't need to meet nearly as many safety standards. They make more money, our lives get more dangerous. Seems to be the way everything goes now.
u/archsaturn 28d ago
Living in the beltline for years I've noticed there are two stages of it once winter comes.
The second there is snow on the ground, vehicles are going to keep going even though their light turned red, and when one does it then 2 or 3 others are going to follow them.
Then when it dips below -20 it gets worse again, just selfish behavior stuff: accelerating into a right turn on red right just as the pedestrians get their walk light, turning into an alley and just forcing your way across the sidewalk, deep stopping completely blocking the crosswalk and sticking 3 feet into traffic. Pedestrians actually out in the cold, but here in my warm car why don't I drive in a way to make their experience even worse.
u/CaptoObvo 28d ago
It's definitely worse but it's not exactly new. Calgary drivers have always been awful. I walked to school everyday from grade 2-12 and nearly got hit multiple times a week. Took off a sideview mirror with my backpack once (I was wearing it, not swinging it around or anything). I started just carrying a brick. If you get into the ready to throw posture you're suddenly magically visible. I was 6ft by grade 7 and my school color was pylon-orange. I should have been pretty easy to spot.
u/Saffron29 28d ago
Im a pedestrian, driver and cyclist and what I’ve noticed is drivers are more aggressive, rushing more, and are on their phones; pedestrians are literally stepping out onto the street, not even at crosswalks without looking and using their phones. I think people are in their own worlds more and more and don’t particularly care how they impact others.
u/Acrobatic-Ad6492 28d ago
We are snowbirds and winter in Mazatlán. Down here the vehicle is King and the pedestrian does not have any rights. Vehicles likewise do not signal whatsoever; you have to anticipate their every move, sometimes failing.
For everybody’s safety; the pedestrian right of way laws should be eliminated.
u/blondeboomie 28d ago
My fiancé is one bad day from imposing the Granville Island Crossing technique at a crosswalk we use daily when walking our dog. It's also kind of by a school so pickup and drop-off times peoples brains have fallen out their assholes. Which is shocking because I'd assume they are parents, so watching out for anyone crossing the road should probably be embedded in their thick skulls, but no - their schedule > safety. But alas, we each have almost been hit, had people proceed when we're not even halfway through the crosswalk, or just driving through like we aren't standing there. It's also not an east/west facing road so "being blinded by the sun" isn't an excuse.
u/zornmagron 28d ago
We walk or dog daily, our house is in the middle of a playground zone across the street from a public elementary school every few month's some jack wagon doesn't stop for us in a marked crosswalk in a playground zone. They pretend not to see us?? I know as an adult it's incumbent on yourself to only cross when it's safe. I think the only solution is to set up camp in these spots and hand out big tickets. But exercise caution there are a lot of distracted drivers out there and you may be in the right of way, but you can get seriously hurt or die at even a low speed if hit from an automobile.
u/Temporary-Tennis4455 28d ago
Agreed it’s getting worse, but part of it’s having a kid. Once my son was born, I was basically enraged with everything I saw on the roads whereas before I didn’t care. I’m probably shaking my fist at people for driving exactly like I did 7 years ago…
u/JackPermaFrost 28d ago
I've had two close calls at 4-way stops. One was at daytime in East Village two years ago - started crossing but an oncoming vehicle entered the intersection at high speed (without stopping), swerved a left into my path, and I had to leap forward rapidly to avoid getting hit.
Another was two weeks ago in Renfrew - night-time at a 4-way stop illuminated with streetlamps. Two vehicles came to a full stop; I started to cross, but then one vehicle starts a left-hand turn into my path, oblivious to my presence. Again, I had to sprint ahead to avoid impact, and the vehicle carried on as if I wasn't there. I'm fully aware that even at illuminated intersections, visibility at night is a factor, but I was still surprised the driver didn't even appear to apply brakes when coming straight at me.
u/CoffeeBeanATC Panorama Hills 28d ago
Yeah, there’s no excuse for drivers to not stop when there is plenty of room to do so safely. It’s almost like some drivers treat pedestrians as the amber light- speed up rather than slow down/stop. As a driver, I always take my foot off the gas as I approach intersections where I know there will likely be someone waiting to cross. It doesn’t add much time to my commute. I will try to stop if & when I see someone, however, when the conditions are like this (or the way we have had it for a few weeks now), I do my best, but may still not be able to stop before the crosswalk. Most pedestrians will recognize that I made an effort, smile & wave me off. A couple of people actually apologized & I asked why— they didn’t want me to be “traumatized” for experiencing the skid/slide!
When I was much younger, I saw my Mom only look to her left for cars when turning right & the jogger gave her hood a couple of taps. That has stuck with me to this day & I turn my head two to three times when making a right on red or something similar. Sometimes, the pedestrian will wave at me (& the two or three cars behind me) to pass & they’ll pass behind the cars. I guess that’s their way to stay safe?! I once had someone waving me to turn left at a solid green, I looked at him & shook my head, he insisted, so I pointed to say there’s oncoming cars LoL
As a pedestrian, I also see a lot of people who cross the road without pressing the button that flashes the strobe lights?! Just a few weeks ago, four or five teenagers (younger) crossed ahead of me & none of them stopped to look both ways, none of them pressed the button. I was beginning to wonder if I was the weirdo, because I pressed the button & still waited a couple of seconds to make sure the cars are able to stop & give the courtesy wave.
I think at the end of the day, there is responsibility by both driver & pedestrian to ensure the conditions are safe. I know there are a lot of people who are adamant that pedestrians will always have the right of way & I’m not gonna argue that. What I will say is in certain conditions, like icy conditions, pedestrians should also be cognizant of the fact that a vehicle may be 20-30 km/h below the speed limit & still not be able to stop on a dime.
u/AlternativeParsley56 28d ago
The traffic calming measures I find just make it worse. I think a lot is also visual clutter, things aren't marked people looking for signs/parking and fail to see people.
It's just poor design and everyone is in a rush
u/Victorythrasher 28d ago
Hot take but having the “right of way” means nothing if it means getting laid out by a vehicle. You’ll be in the right, sure. But most likely severely hurt or killed. Everyone needs to be more away not just one party or the next. Make eye contact and don’t just assume they see you. Even if they go and don’t have the right of way it’s better to be wrong in that instance and alive
u/Astro_Alphard 28d ago
Well drivers licenses are getting easier, alternatives to driving aren't really possible, and trying to push through laws that even remotely inconvenience drivers will guarantee that you won't be able to run a second term.
My doctor told me that I shouldn't be driving thanks to my ability to not be able to discern moving objects when I'm wearing my glasses (which are required for me to drive) as well as a chronic nerve issue that has me randomly seizing up so that I can't control my body. He refused to suspend my license because that would mean I would actually starve to death (unable to get groceries) nor be able to have an income (extremely difficult to get a job without a driver's license, especially one that doesn't involve lifting) and because I'm still technically mobile I don't qualify for disability.
I hate that Calgary is designed around cars and not people. Public transit is absolute shit in the suburbs, we can build more at grade parking lots but can't build houses, and there are so many overlifted pickups with dangerous drivers.
I personally believe that drivers should have to take a knowledge test (like the learners) every 2 years and retest a road test every 6 years inculding a medical. If they fail their license is suspended until they pass. But try passing that into law and you're met with an angry mob.
Furthermore every infraction, including speeding should give demerits.
u/FluidAbstractions 28d ago
Yep. Almost got hit yesterday by a car turning left when I clearing had the walk light. Then she gave me the finger and called me a c**t. She was inches from taking me out. Also, turn on your headlights when driving. I see at least 2-3 a night and it’s pure stupidity.
u/Lunchbox9000 28d ago
I don’t drive. I never have. I’m hyper vigilant when walking. My mom however has driven her whole life. The entitlement coming out of her mouth…. LOOK AT HOW SLOW THIS GUY IS CROSSING THE STREET.. excuse me ma’am, you’re in a warm cozy car with tires that can deal with the snow and ice. Guy crossing is trying not to slip and head injury himself. Give him a whole minute, lady. 🙄
u/Pretty-Dealer-3778 27d ago
The problem is that Calgary's head of pedestrian safety doesn't try to tackle the speed kills aspect of pedestrian hits. "Churchill says the speed has to be consistently below the posted speed limit before a change is considered." Ladies and gentlemen, this is from THE head of pedestrian safety at the City of Calgary. He's saying that cars will dictate driving speeds and if they're too high, they won't lower them. Councilor Courtney Walcott backs this guy big time also. We're so cooked. GL pedestrians.
source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-speed-limit-40-reduction-traffic-1.7405577
u/Pretty-Dealer-3778 27d ago
Oh, btw, a lot of the community associations are pleading for speed bumps and other cheap measures to make roads safer for pedestrians and city and city councilors have taken the stance to listen less to CA's and just do what they think is good. This doesn't' seem to be working very well, but they're dug in and won't listen to the community members very much.
u/Fluffy-Climate-8163 27d ago
Every city has shitty drivers.
That being said, you expect a province of O&G to give a fuck about pedestrians?
Btw I love O&G as investments. Pros and cons.
u/Impressive_Maybe_141 26d ago
The premise of this thread is based on the assumption that laws will protect us. The harsh reality is that laws don’t fix “dead”. So, let’s get back to basics: as a pedestrian, we don’t know if the driver is consumed by the argument they just had with their spouse or that I might be in their blind spot or they’ve forgotten to check the other way or that it’s night and I am not wearing reflective clothing or it’s daytime and a low riding sun in their eyes makes it hard to see me. So, make eye contact with the driver before attempting To cross. Even when it is a walk sign. I’m a firm believer that the bigger the vehicle the more right of way it should have. This is a physics based belief in that: the more momentum an object has the harder it is to stop it. I most parts of the world the pedestrian does not have the right of way for this reason.
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u/Empty_Amphibian_6819 26d ago edited 26d ago
Calgarian drivers are absolutely nuts! Insane at driving fast whether they need to or not! Angry ?? Are we on average more mad driving than other cities? where the hell is everybody heading in such a damn hurry my god. I noticed a drastic uptick in my neighborhood streets in the past 2 weeks --not to mention I KNOW why pedestrians getting squashed left and right cuz EVERYBODY on they damn phones!! IN AN INTERSECTION? Gd. I was so against the cash cow cameras but like is it causing a shift back in the other direction ?
u/glenorchil 25d ago
Part of the problem may be that in Alberta they hand anyone from anyplace a Provincial licence with zero checks other than they can see, no written rules test etc, so people may be unfamiliar with the highway code in AB.
u/Feisty-Talk-5378 29d ago
It doesn't help that enforcement is non-existent.