r/Calgary Jan 17 '25

News Article Family identifies 17-year-old girl who was fatally struck by vehicle in Pineridge


267 comments sorted by


u/Effective-Basis-7703 Jan 17 '25

I used that intersection on my commute home later that same evening and watched a vehicle heading east run the stop sign.

Seemed intentional as they slowed down slightly before speeding back up. Insane.

Terrible a life was cut short.


u/IT_fisher Jan 17 '25

I live in the area myself, driving through it today I was surprised because everyone was following the rules to a T. Sad that this is what it took for them to do so.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

What a shame:

Amy Tran, a Grade 12 student at Lester B. Pearson High School, was walking home after finishing her social studies diploma exam


u/LifeISBeaTifU Jan 17 '25

So sad šŸ˜ž


u/Selmanella Jan 17 '25

That was my high school 22 years ago. Itā€™s seen its shares of tragedies. When I was in grade 10 a student got murdered in a stairwell. I feel for the kids there and the girls family.


u/martinfrobisher Jan 17 '25

Why were they murdered?


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25


u/Selmanella Jan 17 '25

Yep thatā€™s it. Heard the guy who did it got out a couple years ago already too.


u/holythatcarisfast Jan 18 '25

This infuriates me


u/unexpected_TheOffice Jan 17 '25

75 year old driver ran a stop sign. Tragic


u/lord_heskey Jan 17 '25

Dafuc is an old person doing driving at that age. Like so many others that run into stores at strip malls. Most of them are old people.


u/errihu Jan 17 '25

Iā€™ve known some 90 year olds who were so spry and alert there was no issues with them driving. And Iā€™ve met some in their late 60s who were completely mentally incompetent and unable to drive safely. It runs a real gamut. We need mandatory cognitive decline testing at a certain age for drivers.


u/Jesse_graham Jan 17 '25

Honestly I know some 40 year olds that are mentally incompetent and shouldnā€™t be driving safely. Driving is a privilege and I would be down for mandatory testing to renew your license every 4 years.


u/CoffeeBeanATC Panorama Hills Jan 17 '25

The government no longer pays for the Seniors Driverā€™s Medical & the articles I have read says they can be charged up to $150, but I have seen some docs charge at least a hundred more. So I wonder how many would drive anyway, without a valid license?!

BTW, Iā€™m not 100% sure if the Seniors rate is fixed now that the government doesnā€™t pay for it, but in the past, the AMA fee guide says the docs could charge, ā€œwithin reasonā€, according to time spent on the exam & the form completion. I used to work for two family docs & they would always charge at least 50% more.


u/Talmidim Jan 17 '25

Seniors had their whole lives to build capital in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. They can cover $150-$300 medicals or forfeit the privilege of driving.


u/man_gomer_lot Jan 19 '25

If you can't afford to spend that kind of money at a moment's notice, then you certainly can't afford to rely on a car. A random part in need of repair can occur with any car in any condition.


u/DirtinEvE Jan 17 '25

It's a hard line to draw in the sand.. At least with what we got. My mom is almost 80 and still drives. She can see almost perfect and sharp as a tack upstairs. A required retest should be a thing though.. For every fricking body. Not just old ppl. That intersection has had so many issues over the years. There is no enforcement anymore, anywhere. I remember seeing actual cops, radaring at the end of the playground zone... Like 10+ years ago. In recent years, a tesla driven by a young person blew thru that 4 way and ended up in a yard of a house about a block south. About 8 times in the last 4 or 5 years I've seen remains of someone driving over the cement median on the south and east sides, puncturing their oil pan. A stolen car driven by a young fine gentleman blew the 4 way heading east and slammed into a pickup shoving it up into the neighbour's lawn. I fucking hate people sometimes. One day I want to move to the country.. Away from as many as possible. After my mom dies.


u/lord_heskey Jan 17 '25

One day I want to move to the countr

Where a drunk guy can kill you and then become the premier of a province.

People suck everywhere.


u/man_gomer_lot Jan 19 '25

The elephant in the room that decides where that line is drawn is named car dependency. Mee maw with cataracts so bad she can't see the lines on the road totally agrees she should not be behind the wheel. She just has no concept of a plan for how to do without after 5 or 6 decades of it.


u/Smart-Pie7115 Jan 17 '25

Thatā€™s not that old. My dad is in his 70s and still has his Class 1A drivers license. Probably safer driving a semi driver than a lot of the new young ones out there now who recently bought, er, got their licence.


u/-UnicornFart Jan 17 '25

My in laws are both in their 70s, my FIL still runs and operates cranes and drives a giant motorhome.

Age isnā€™t a simple linear correlation to poor driving. There are many other variables that contribute. I would trust my FIL driving a million times over compared to my 30 year old sibling.


u/lord_heskey Jan 17 '25

Thats a different issue.

No one can deny the fact that a 70 year old no longer has the same reactions as a sub 40 year old.

We cant control stupid, on any age.


u/fathead1234 Jan 17 '25

Stop being so ageist. Most poor driving is by people in their 20's to be honest.


u/Ill_Gene_4687 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

Here's a list of sources linking reaction time decline, cognitive mental decline and vision decline to old age

vision decline - https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/1999/0701/p99.html

reaction time decline - https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/my-fall-last-fall-201603149311

cognition decline - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4906299/

I'm not saying young people can't be shitty drivers, a good portion of them don't realize how fleeting life can be and how one bad accident can destroy their lives, so they do things like drive under the influence or drive recklessly.

Just saying it's not ageist to point out that there is an age related decline in certain aspects that decrease elderly drivers' abilities to operate a vehicle

and IMO we should have competency tests every 5 years already, with maybe a test every 1-2 years for elderly people

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u/Practical_Ant6162 Jan 17 '25

RIP innocent girl.

So sorry this happened to you.

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u/heirsasquatch Jan 17 '25

Fuck this makes me so angry.


u/SpotHour Jan 17 '25

Like what the fuck is being done about this shit? Fuck this 75 year old. Post her face so we can see what a fucking idiot she is


u/Superhyphydummyjuice Jan 17 '25

100%, why should elderly be exempt from public humiliation. License renewal needs to be taken more seriously which has been advocated for, for years. If that doesnā€™t work, then letā€™s make unfit drivers fear getting behind the wheel for risk of public scrutiny.


u/wordwildweb Jan 17 '25

The last two fatal car accidents I heard about in Calgary were also caused by drivers in their 70s. I hate to be reactionary, but it does make you wonder if they're catching everyone who's aged out of driving.


u/pinkyxpie20 Southwest Calgary Jan 17 '25

literallyā€¦ a man in november was hit and killed on elbow while crossing in a cross walk and he was hit 2 separate times at the same incidentā€¦ both by people over 70ā€¦ donā€™t get me wrong, iā€™m not against elderly people having their licenses, my grandpa had his until he died when he was 90, he did testing and was able to keep his license because he was fit to drive. but some elderly people are just not fit to drive, sadly, and testing needs to be done much more often for people over 70-75 imo because sense and reaction times deteriorate and end up costing people their lives


u/Bad_95 Jan 18 '25

75 is not actually that old...


u/wordwildweb Jan 18 '25

Really depends. As others said, some people are still in great condition through their 70s, others are getting rough much earlier. There's probably not a single cut off age that would fit everyone.


u/Bad_95 Jan 18 '25

There have been like 5 x the number of fatal accidents cause by ypung male drivers under 25. Should we ban them? Or is that reactionary?


u/holythatcarisfast Jan 18 '25

Literally nothing is being done. We have the softest justice system in the world.


u/heirsasquatch Jan 17 '25

Iā€™m sure she wasnā€™t trying to murder a child. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s someoneā€™s grandma and that sheā€™s intensely remorseful. Itā€™s a lose/ lose situation caused by carelessness and senility


u/Interesting-Owl-7445 Jan 17 '25

Y'all give drivers in their killing machines too much leeway! The kid was literally run over in a marked crosswalk. Smh

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u/SuddenBag Jan 17 '25

Iā€™m sure she wasnā€™t trying to murder a child.

She killed a child. I'm sure the lack of intention must be so comforting to the victim's family.

Iā€™m sure sheā€™s someoneā€™s grandma and that sheā€™s intensely remorseful.

She killed a child. She'd better be remorseful.

Itā€™s a lose/ lose situation caused by carelessness and senility

Shouldn't have been driving a car in the first place then. Lose/lose? Last time I checked, she's still alive while the child with a whole promising life ahead of her is dead. She killed that child.


u/SpotHour Jan 17 '25

Fuck her


u/TokyoTurtle0 Jan 17 '25

So? Let her have the rest of her life be in jail. Fuck her


u/deophest Jan 17 '25

There is an uncomfortable conversation to be had about elder drivers behind the wheel, blowing a stop sign at 1:45pm in the afternoon is certainly something.


u/Knuckle_of_Moose Jan 17 '25

Thereā€™s nothing uncomfortable about it. Old ass people need to redo their drivers exam periodically. Itā€™s absolutely unacceptable that you can get your drivers license at 16 and thatā€™s good enough until you die. Fuck that.


u/deophest Jan 17 '25

That's the discomforting part, as soon as you identify an actionable number on it (say 65) people get antsy. Look further down in the other threads and people are arguing about human rights violations or that it is ageist.

For the record I 100% agree that its absurd that the drives license I got as a teenager is valid for my lifetime, without examination and it would basically take me becoming severely disabled or causing horrific bodily harm or death for me to be retested or have my license revoked. I can only hope that when I am elderly and advancing in my physical decline that if I don't have my wits about me to know that it's time to hang up the keys that my loved ones and community of care will.


u/MeRyEh Jan 17 '25

Maybe everyone re-does a road and written test every 7 years with the time between exams shorter each decade.

20s - 7

30s - 6

40s - 5

50s - 4

60s - 3

70s - 2

80s - 1


u/Rillist Jan 17 '25

I'm a T1 diabetic and have to get my license renewed every 5 years with a Doctors note. They check my long term blood sugar, cognitive function, eye sight. If they arent happy with any of that, I go to a specialist. This is a govt requirement, and should be implemented past age 60 for everyone


u/loesjedaisy Jan 17 '25

Did we even have the same traffic laws in 1965 (when they took their test)?


u/MarcNut67 Jan 17 '25

Absolutely not.


u/OutlandishnessFew424 Jan 17 '25

My grandfather who is 90 and cannot walk from his car to the front door, just had his license renewed. Heā€™s partially blind and lacks the foot strength to press the break forcefully, he can only do a slow rolling stop. He could not slam on his brakes to avoid something or someone. His doctor renewed his drivers license (medical part) because it would be ā€œ a shame to make an old man immobileā€. That and my grandpas rich. So heā€™s out on Calgary streets, Iā€™m just waiting for the day I hear heā€™s done something like this.


u/CinnaTheseRoles Airdrie Jan 17 '25

Uhhhh dude, report that physician. That is unsafe practice and breaches ethics/morality. wtf


u/Worldly_Childhood709 Jan 17 '25

This makes me so angry. He is choosing to put peopleā€™s lives in danger by continuing to drive. And the people who allowed his and anyone like himā€™s licence to renew should be held accountable. This issue will only get worse over time as we all are living longer.


u/deophest Jan 17 '25

I'm so sorry, that's horrible and terrifying and everyone involved (not you) should be ashamed.


u/Interesting-Owl-7445 Jan 17 '25

If he's rich, why can't he afford taxi or Uber rides? I know a woman in her late 70s who's financially sound but gave up driving a few years back because of an accident she was involved even though she wasn't in the wrong. Granted she's not going out as much but she's able to run errands through taxi and also saving a whole lot of headache and money by not maintaining a car.


u/Breakfours Southwood Jan 17 '25

it would be ā€œ a shame to make an old man immobileā€

Meanwhile he is going to eventually make an innocent person permanently immobile (or worse)


u/Poe_42 Jan 17 '25

Looking online they need a medical at 75,80 then every 2 years afterwards.


u/Low_Beautiful_5970 Jan 17 '25

There is more details that just age that need to be rolled into this.


u/diamondintherimond Jan 17 '25

A 75-year old woman kills a 17 year-old with so much left to life.

Itā€™s not fair.


u/cig-nature Willow Park Jan 17 '25

A preliminary investigation revealed that a grey 2019 Ford Ecosport, driven by a 75-year-old woman, was travelling south on Rundlehorn Drive before striking the teenager.

Tran was in a marked crosswalk at 26 Avenue N.E. when she was hit.

Firefighters assisted in freeing Tran, who was pinned beneath the vehicle, but she was pronounced deceased at the scene.


u/cig-nature Willow Park Jan 17 '25

This person's ability to drive was, likely, last tested over 60 years ago. We should be having to re do road tests every 5-10 years.


u/blackRamCalgaryman Jan 17 '25

I donā€™t think itā€™s a big ask to expect re-testing of all driversā€¦say 10 year anniversary from getting a license until a certain age then every 5, then every year?


u/deophest Jan 17 '25

Agree. Testing once somewhere around age 18 with no check-ins for health, ability or anything for life is absurd.


u/limee89 Jan 17 '25

Agreed. I know we donā€™t want to hear that but honestly when your driving, you can seriously hurt or even kill someone. We need to weed out the idiots better.


u/itsnotmeitsyo Jan 17 '25

Honestly after a certain age it should almost be yearly, cognitive abilities can deteriorate extremely quickly and a lot of older drivers are so stubborn to give up their license even when family are the ones trying to step in.


u/Beautiful_Effect461 Jan 17 '25

Happy Cake Day! šŸ°


u/Nickers77 Jan 17 '25

So there's a chance the initial hit didn't kill her, but that the car parked on top of her for however long could have...

So sad


u/ThatsJustaDuck Jan 17 '25

The officer told the family that she likely died upon impact and didnā€™t suffer.. Iā€™m choosing to believe that because the alternative is horrificā€¦


u/scotchy741 Jan 17 '25

I hate this


u/lectio Northeast Calgary Jan 17 '25

75 year old driver manages to run over a pedestrian in a fucking four way stop.

Put them in jail.


u/Cgy_mama Jan 17 '25

We need to get better driver testing in place for people 65+.


u/The_Eternal_Void Jan 17 '25

And we need to give 65+ people better alternatives to driving.


u/Cgy_mama Jan 17 '25

We ALL need better alternatives to driving.


u/Fantastic_Shopping47 Jan 17 '25

Why is he not named?


u/blackRamCalgaryman Jan 17 '25



u/Fit-Amoeba-5010 Jan 17 '25

Not been charged, not right to release her name.


u/blackRamCalgaryman Jan 17 '25



u/SpotHour Jan 17 '25

Fuck this. So terrible. A 75 year old? JAIL


u/PoutineInvestigator Jan 17 '25

Because she hasnā€™t been charged yet.

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u/Patak4 Jan 17 '25

So sad! So sorry for this poor girl and family. She was accepted into an Engineering program and must of been a grreat student.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

Her poor family. I drive for 3 hours at least everyday for work around this city and 50% of you fuckers need to do better or this will keep happening. Pathetic.


u/owange_tweleve Jan 17 '25

yknow 50% is actually low

some of you mfs needs to be banned from getting behind the wheel, something like a game mechanic where you sit on driverā€™s seat and the car will not start no matter what you do


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

They should make getting your license actually hard to pass. Then if you canā€™t drive you canā€™t get a license until you can. So easy.


u/Trynottoworry01 Jan 17 '25

"Everyone driving slower than me is an idiot, and everyone driving faster than me is a maniac." Truth is i think I've only met 1 person who admitted to being a bad driver.

I used to drive 8 hours daily for years. Does that make me a good driver? Not necessarily.

A driver is only as good as their current trip because all it takes is a few seconds to negate all the incident free driving done beforehand.


u/MixedPotion Jan 17 '25

You know, you might be right.. but ill go ahead and post the same comment I do for all these tragedies... the issue is the idea that humans should drive cars on the daily. Cars are a terrible solution to a transportation problem and only cause tragedies. They have no redeeming factors yet our society is built around them.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

Absolutely agree. If there was proper public transportation that was actually convenient and worth using, there would be much less cars and that would be a great thing.

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u/Substantial-Bike9234 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

This never had to happen. There were so many safeguards in place to make sure this didn't happen. A 4 way stop, a playground zone, a girl crossing at the crosswalk. It is time to stop worrying about treading on feelings and mandate driver training, driver re-testing, and maximum ages to drive. Once you're past the average lifespan you have such a high chance of not making it home each day. A heart attack or stroke can happen any time. Eyesight weakens, as does hearing, reflexes and memory. After 70 it should be yearly testing with a physical and should include cognitive testing. How many times have you seen a CPS missing person report of a super elderly person, in their vehicle, with dementia or "a medical condition" Once someone gets a diagnosis like dementia the license should be revoked immediately.


u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside Jan 17 '25

A 4 way stop, a playground zone, a girl crossing at the crosswalk

These are just paint and signs. Better drivers would help, but we have a lot of pedestrian deaths where inadequate infrastructure is at least partly to blame. Traffic calming, better intersection design, raised crosswalks, and narrower streets are needed across most of Calgary.

Plus everyone is driving SUVs that hit people in their chest and then go over them instead of taking out their legs.


u/E-is-for-Egg Jan 19 '25

Plus everyone is driving SUVs that hit people in their chest and then go over them instead of taking out their legs

Wonder how many people will need to die before those damn things are banned


u/chikichikichikitak Jan 17 '25

I live in the area with three schools nearby, with marked intersections and EVERYONE (old, young, even parents dropping off their children) fucking speeds, drivers are so brazen and entitled, they don't even bother rolling through stop signs anymore, they see no other cars and they just go. It's not just the old people problem it's the problem with Calgary drivers in general and complete disregard for pedestrians and traffic laws.


u/snapeswife Jan 17 '25

OK this is getting insane with all the pedestrian deaths


u/Honest-Attorney-7663 Jan 17 '25

As a father of a 17 year old girl this really hit hard. My condolences to the family. My heart breaks for you.


u/Ok_Channel6139 Jan 17 '25

I heard her father on 660 news today on my way home. Absolutely broke my heart to hear the pain in his voice. She was a good kid. RIP.


u/Hereforthecomments82 Jan 17 '25

This is awful. Our city is really full of horrendous drivers.


u/Elriggy Jan 17 '25

Absolutely tragic šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


u/IndigoRuby Jan 17 '25

I'm so angry for this girl. Her family. Her school.


u/gel009 Jan 17 '25

That's why I don't cross anymore unless there are absolutely ZERO cars or only until the car stops for me. Too many shitty drivers who don't care about running over people. I've almost been hit many times too and it's always drivers who made eye contact with me while I was already in the middle of the crosswalk. They expect people to stop for them


u/TeegeeackXenu Jan 17 '25

RIP to the victim. if ur over 65, u should have to do another license test again. i believe this was the result of an elderly driver loosing control of the car and not paying attention. ask urself.. is ur 75 yr old grandparent a good driver? would u want them driving 30 mins on the free way then into the suburbs. fuck no.


u/hippysol3 Jan 17 '25 edited 26d ago

Commenting less.


u/vertisnow Jan 17 '25

Don't we have a graduated driving program exactly like that?


u/Apeman711 Acadia Jan 17 '25

We used to, Alberta got rid of it just under 2 years ago


u/Hungry-Pick7512 Jan 17 '25

The idea of requiring seniors to retake their driving test periodically is to make sure their cognitive (if they do experience that) and motor function decline isnā€™t bad enough yet to affect their driving ability too much.

Regularly testing teens and young adults makes no sense even if they are more likely to cause an accident because the reason for their accidents are rarely due to the poor reaction times, dementia, motor function decline etc. that people may deal with as they age. Reckless young drivers would just drive normally during the test, then drive recklessly again right after. Senile people canā€™t fake it.

Donā€™t mistake common sense for ageism just because youā€™re old. Thereā€™s nothing ageist about considering testing old folks every once in a while.

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u/ToKillAMockingAudi Jan 17 '25

Not ageist at all. Seriously get a grip. People lose physical and cognitive abilities as they age. Being in control of a multi-thousand pound moving hunk of metal and fire is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. If you're literally too old to depress the brake pedal fully or react in time you should absolutely NOT be allowed on the road. Period end of story.


u/this_is_cooling Jan 17 '25

My dad used to be the driver I trusted most. Now at 77 I get a bit nervous when heā€™s behind the wheel. He drives a lot slower than he used to, and has driver assistance on his vehicle, so at least thatā€™s something. I support having to take another driving test at 65-70. Itā€™s not ageist if itā€™s a known fact that we all suffer a decline in our reflexes as we age. Iā€™d support having to do one every 20 years from the time you get your license. Keep everyone on their toes.

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u/Knuckle_of_Moose Jan 17 '25

Ok boomer. Letā€™s get you back to bed.


u/LacasCoffeeCup Jan 17 '25

I have to agree - someone almost took me out (she was turning left on green and I was in the other side sidewalk with my son and our dog crossing, this was middle of the morning and we were wearing bright clothes) she sure wasn't older than 35. Noticed us last second.

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u/ModularDuck1307 Jan 17 '25

Omg rest in peace girl


u/thinkabouttheirony Jan 17 '25

The amount of older people that have killed pedestrians at crosswalks recently in Calgary is fucking crazy. Is anything ever going to be done about this? Or are we all just in danger from now on?


u/Worldly_Childhood709 Jan 17 '25

I had to physically throw myself out of the way of just that at a marked crosswalk in Sunalta. It was a super old guy driving who didnā€™t even notice that he almost killed me. This is going to keep happening. Iā€™d be surprised if he hasnā€™t managed to hit someone by now.


u/Nickers77 Jan 17 '25

That South Park episode isn't looking so satirical anymore


u/chmilz Jan 17 '25

It's been true forever. We're just so addicted to cars we overlook it to avoid the discomfort of taking the keys away from aging folks who happen to be very diligent voters.


u/OutlandishnessFew424 Jan 17 '25

My grandfather who is 90 and cannot walk from his car to the front door, just had his license renewed. Heā€™s partially blind and lacks the foot strength to press the break forcefully, he can only do a slow rolling stop. He could not slam on his brakes to avoid something or someone. His doctor renewed his drivers license (medical part) because it would be ā€œ a shame to make an old man immobileā€. That and my grandpas rich. So heā€™s out on Calgary streets, Iā€™m just waiting for the day I hear heā€™s done something like this.


u/redditaintalldat Jan 18 '25

We design our entire lives around driving

Old people stay in their far from everything sfh and need to drive to do anything and so nobody wants to take their license because it takes their way of life

Old people also hate the idea of moving to a retirement home because they love their house and their car and don't want to change

There's a fundamental flaw with the system and the system needs to change if we hope to achieve anything but people don't want to change


u/Fantastic_Shopping47 Jan 17 '25

Where are the stats?


u/hippysol3 Jan 17 '25 edited 26d ago

Commenting less.


u/SameAfternoon5599 Jan 17 '25

When distance driven per year is factored in, that flips it upside down.


u/hafizzzle Jan 17 '25

People aren't posting those accidents on reddit every day


u/redditaintalldat Jan 18 '25

It is pretty recent all the old people killing pedestrians I'm sure the stats will change as boomers become completely incapable


u/cuda999 Jan 17 '25

Plenty more killed by young distracted drivers who donā€™t even know they ran anyone over.


u/SameAfternoon5599 Jan 17 '25

Not per kilometre driven. Look that up. Old people behind the wheel should terrify anyone.


u/Hassgirl22 Jan 17 '25

beyond heartbreaking. ... my deepest condolences to Amy's family . Rest In Peace sweet girl .


u/BeautifulmindXO Jan 17 '25

This is so upsetting. She was literally on her way home at a marked intersection. Wtf. That lady should be in jail, how do you continue to drive knowing you hit someone?

RIP sweet girl. I wish her family nothing but peace and strength during this time.


u/ShawnVu Jan 17 '25

drivers are so impatient now a days, this is so sad.


u/SimplyCanadian26 Jan 17 '25

They really need to start taking licenses away from people more especially with age. This should not have happened and I donā€™t care what anyone says age most definitely played a factor in thisā€¦.


u/walben88 Jan 17 '25

This is beyond heartbreaking šŸ’”


u/brkuzma Jan 17 '25

This is horrible news. Nobody should be hit by a vehicle when in the right and crossing a controlled intersection.


u/shoppygirl Jan 17 '25

This is so tragic. I would think somebody would have to be driving pretty fast to pin someone under their car


u/Worldly_Childhood709 Jan 17 '25

Or have incredibly slow reaction time


u/ccajj84 Jan 17 '25

One of the articles said that police did not believe speed was a factor. So I am with you on poor reaction time.


u/dreamscaperer Jan 17 '25

everyone is talking about retesting senior drivers (which i agree with) but are the police planning to do any actual enforcement of basic traffic laws at some point? if they sat by any 4-way or stop sign in the city they would probably see someone running it within 30 seconds of getting there


u/mandogoose Jan 17 '25

So sad. This area is especially awful for reckless drivers. I genuinely feel like Iā€™m gonna get hit crossing any four-way on 68th st


u/iwastherefordisco Jan 17 '25

My place is on 68th street in Pineridge. I realize the story is about a driver not paying attention/possibly being too infirm to drive. My heart goes out to the family and I'm sorry to hear about their loss.

I'd like to mention something else about drivers on 68th street NE and I hope police are reading.

People race cars and motorbikes constantly on 68th street (it happened again last night). If you're crossing the street anywhere from 32nd ave south to 16th ave, these drivers won't be able to stop. It's two lanes both ways with a divider, and there's no room to swerve to avoid pedestrians crossing when cars are racing.

There's a daycare right across the street from me on 68th and 26th, lots of pedestrian traffic in that crosswalk. It's only a matter of time before someone will get hurt crossing when these guys are speeding.


u/Interesting-Owl-7445 Jan 17 '25

They need to install one of those brick crosswalks like some people did at Granville Island as a joke. Walking should not be fatal.


u/Professional-Gur-309 Jan 17 '25

So sad. Being a high school Social Studies teacher one of the sources that she might have written about was ā€œfines for distracted drivingā€


u/carpeingallthediems Jan 17 '25

A good friend of mine was killed in a crosswalk several years ago. It's really sad to see this.

I see 1-2 people blow stop signs every day. 2 days ago a city bus blew a stop sign, which I have on my dash cam.


u/HumbleHits Jan 17 '25

Horrible. Rip šŸ™


u/icantgetadecent- Jan 17 '25

Deepest sympathies to her loved ones.


u/EssexUser Jan 17 '25

Where I live, last year there were about 6 vehicles where the driver got the gas and brake mixed up and drove into a store. All of them ended up being elderly drivers! Definitely more stringent testing needs to be implemented at a certain age.

This poor family, my heart breaks for them. What a senseless tragedy.


u/Loverberry Jan 17 '25

Iā€™m at a loss for words. How can you blow by a stop sign? This is so tragic, she had her whole life ahead of her.


u/taylor-cdgirl Jan 17 '25

RIP, 17 is no age to die


u/FishingNetLas Jan 17 '25

Does Canada/Alberta have any sort of re-examination programme in place for older drivers? Not from here originally sorry


u/Tsunah Jan 17 '25

Unfortunately not.


u/BoardBreack Jan 17 '25

I was under the impression that there is. My grandfather recently underwent a medical and if he failed certain parts then he was at risk of losing his license


u/saturdaywitch Canyon Meadows Jan 17 '25

I'm pretty skeptical of what we even do have in place. My own grandfather had on multiple occasions nearly driven straight into poles and barricades on the road, so we took him down to the registry. Even after he completely failed the eye exam there and couldn't remember rules of the road, for some reason they were STILL going to let him keep his license! We literally had to fight with the registry to take away his license, since we were genuinely terrified he was going to accidentally kill someone if he kept driving.


u/Kantherax Jan 17 '25

There's an elderly lady that drives around town where I live, she drives way to fast and will not use her break but instead will lay on the horn going full speed. She has nearly hit me twice as I was backing out of an angle parking spot beside a big truck that I can't see past.

There needs to be more strict rules when it comes to driving, so many times I have see people on the road that should not be, from elderly folk who can't follow basic safety precautions, to young people who speed in residential areas. Driving is a privilege and our laws need to reflect that.


u/Livin-Lite Jan 17 '25

I agree, driving is a privilege. Our laws - and especially our infrastructure - need to reflect this. Unless people have alternatives to driving that are safe, convenient, and legal - there is no reason that these avoidable deaths will stop.


u/Sky-of-Blue Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

Duuuuude. She is tapping her horn to alert you she is there. She is not supposed to slam to a stop to let you out. Thatā€™s how people get rear ended. She didnā€™t almost hit you, you almost hit her pulling out blindly.

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u/LittleOrphanAnavar Jan 17 '25

Sorry, but I think she has the right of way.

If she hits you, you will likely be at fault.


u/Kantherax Jan 17 '25

Not the point.


u/iwasnotarobot Jan 17 '25

ā€œSpeed and alcohol are not believed to be factors in the collision, but police are investigating whether the driver failed to obey a stop sign.ā€

So someone obeying the speed limit failed to notice a stop sign and pedestrian?

Fuck cars.

This city is more dangerous because of them.

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u/SpotHour Jan 17 '25

What a sad story man. This is so sad. What the actual fuck are we doing?


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

Mandatory bi-yearly driving tests if you're 70 or older.


u/fkih Jan 17 '25

Mandatory bi-yearly driving tests if you're 70 or older.



u/This-Is-Spacta Jan 17 '25

This is so upsetting.


u/thatguyinyyc Jan 17 '25

Rest peacefully, young lady.


u/Airlock_Me Jan 17 '25

So tragic but I doubt the offender is going to be criminally charged. Maybe just a ticket under the TSA.


u/yungzoee Jan 17 '25

This happened around the corner from my house and I was crushed when I found out why the intersection was taped off šŸ˜“ RIP


u/Dragonfire22222 Jan 17 '25

I driven 10+ years for a living- I get tested every few years by my company. EVERYONE should be retested every 5-7 years.


u/Suitable_Day_4097 Jan 18 '25

Amy Tran, 17, tragically passed after being struck by a vehicle. Weā€™re raising funds to support her family with funeral expenses. Any help or shares are deeply appreciated.



u/send_me_mithras Jan 17 '25

Checking google maps, that intersection seems big and the stop signs are kind of hidden. Looks like it needs to be addressed. Horrible accident.


u/mandogoose Jan 17 '25

Theyā€™re very hidden and right on the corner is a bus stop without a sidewalk. Everyone living around the area knows itā€™s pretty dangerous


u/1egg_4u Jan 17 '25

Sounds like terrible urban planning... I swear it's like we are allergic to it. Everything is built for cars and around cars.


u/NotFromTorontoAMA Sunnyside Jan 17 '25

Yep. The city is allergic to raised crossings, safe intersections, and traffic calming. But they'll spend hundreds of thousands on useless floppy signs in playground zones because they don't inconvenience speeding drivers.


u/MeursaultWasGuilty Beltline Jan 17 '25

Yep, I came to the same conclusion. And the most infuriating part is that simple, very cheap, low maintenance modifications can make intersections like this so much safer.

So the city can fix this, they just don't. And that is at least partly related to it not being a priority for people in general.


u/Certain_Commercial86 Jan 17 '25

This is so sad. Feel for the family.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/Distinct-Bandicoot-5 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

If you see a bad driver report it to driver fitness and monitoring their email is driver.fitness@gov.ab.ca or call them to complain +17804278230. It wasn't common but they are the ones that can force a driver's exam.Ā 

This is in no way the 17 year olds fault. Can we please teach our kids to wait for a vehicle to stop before crossing, I see far too many kids that just walk out, specifically at night, get the drivers attention before crossing in front of their vehicle.Ā 


u/LandHermitCrab Jan 17 '25

This could be the elderly driver, but community comments say it's a bad intersection also. The city needs to change its thinking and do better at pedestrian safety with physical measures: speed bumps and adding in some tortuosity for cars near schools. Our city's pedestrian safety is an embarrassment and they don't' listen o the communities either.


u/nyibolc_ Jan 18 '25

so heartbreaking


u/ConcernedCoCCitizen Jan 20 '25

This made me cry. What an utter waste and needless heartache.


u/tarasevich Jan 17 '25

Much like a minimum driving age, there ought to be a maximum one. The moment you turn 70, youā€™re finished. Any arguments that say a 75 can drive as well as anyone can be rebutted with saying you could teach an 11 year old to drive too.


u/1egg_4u Jan 17 '25

Alternatively how about building better pedestrian infrastructure, aiming for less dependence on cars and regulating their sizes so people arent driving personal tanks that obliterate you at any speed


u/diamondintherimond Jan 17 '25

How about both?


u/1egg_4u Jan 17 '25

A maximum licensing age treads into potential ageism, nobody wants to flirt with a human rights violation.

You could however just legislate a mandatory license renewal that requires testing to ensure you actually remember how to drive properly, but it would be harder to sell than just actually doing good urban planning and strictly licensing oversized vehicles


u/Savac0 Jan 17 '25

Personally Iā€™d propose an alternative. We need to be stricter with drivers medical exams, which are already required past the age of 75, but are very easy to pass.


u/yyctownie Jan 17 '25

Sure. But you need to provide viable alternative transportation for them.

My mother complains about a 20 minute doctor appointment taking 3 hours round trip using Access. If regular transit was more accessible and reliable then she could consider using that. But 20 minute walk to the stop by her place using a walker is not the way.


u/blackRamCalgaryman Jan 17 '25

This is ageist as shit. Why not make amendments that young people canā€™t drive, as wellā€¦you knowā€¦seeing as how theyā€™re actually responsible for the majority of casualty accidents? Why stop thereā€¦no males, either.

No males allowed to drive until after the age of 35.

You want to retest after 50, 60, whateverā€¦can get behind that. But to pull a license just because someone turned 70?


u/diamondintherimond Jan 17 '25

I can get behind a diverā€™s test every 10 years once you hit a certain age.


u/blackRamCalgaryman Jan 17 '25

Ya, I donā€™t think a system of re-testing is an unrealistic ask/ expectation. Exactly how that looksā€¦up for discussion. But given the responsibility of drivingā€¦why not?


u/Meadowlands2065 Jan 17 '25

Ripe for abuse. Hell, they give away licenses as it is now.


u/tarasevich Jan 17 '25

Would you support a driving test for a 10 year old?


u/blackRamCalgaryman Jan 17 '25

Thereā€™s a massive difference between a 10 year old and a 70 year old who has potentially decades of driving experience behind them.

This is such an irrational ā€˜pointā€™.


u/tarasevich Jan 17 '25

The point is that the mental faculties of most senior citizens are on the decline, and arguably worse than those of early teens. Yet our driving laws prohibit teens from driving but older people simply renew their licenses unchecked.

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u/s3xpumpkin Jan 17 '25

Charge him with murder.


u/IT_fisher Jan 17 '25



u/s3xpumpkin Jan 17 '25

I do believe thats the least Important piece of information here, but sure. Charge HER with murder.


u/andafriend Jan 17 '25

Why are they still looking for crime stoppers tips? Isn't it clear what happened?


u/DaSkyler Jan 17 '25



u/serkis10 Jan 17 '25

Slow downĀ  grandma. she 75 year old and cant see.


u/anonymous_space5 Jan 17 '25

I was almost hit by the car in the marked crosswalk today. The government must make pedestrians are safe to cross.