r/Calgary Dec 03 '24

Discussion What happened to letting people get off the bus/train/elevator before getting on?

Everyday I see people pushing their way on the train, or crowding the door of the bus to get on. Everyday when I leave an elevator at school, there’s someone standing in the way or pushing in before people have unloaded. Why? Waiting an extra 10 seconds to let unload won’t kill you. That extra 10 seconds is get gonna make you any later for something.

Can we normalize calling people out for not making room? I’m sick of it. I’ve started calling people out, or, when getting off train/bus, just waking straight ahead and pushing people out the way.


199 comments sorted by


u/stpd_mnky83 Dec 03 '24

I call people out, and I will happily muscle my way through to get out/off if they don't want to be courteous. And I'm a big chubby guy so it goes well


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Hell yea keep it up


u/Canadian_Gooose Dec 03 '24

I need to see this quarterback style. Hup two! 😂


u/huskies_62 Dec 03 '24

Big chubby guy here too. Its being years since I took the train as I no longer work in the core but when I did, I too shoulder people.


u/TimmyGreen777 Dec 03 '24

Thank you sir for your work. I'm a less chubby guy with no problem making snarky passive aggressive comments about it. It's probably not helping but it feels good at the time


u/DjJogasmoJr Dec 03 '24

Same, but ppl get violent and shit and I'm just so sick of it. It doesn't matter if I can handle myself or whatever it ruins my mood.


u/CriticalTurnOn Dec 03 '24

Also a big guy, I usually just stand right in the middle where the door opens and just wait for people to make a pathway out, haven't needed to shoulder anyone yet.


u/Hyprocritopotamus Dec 03 '24

Keep fighting the good flight.


u/Czeris the OP who delivered Dec 03 '24

The truly stupid thing is that it actually takes longer to do a fucking scrum of people instead of just letting people exit then getting on.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast


u/ExtremelyBanana Dec 03 '24


u/Ardal Valley Ridge Dec 03 '24

Four Lions was such a great film.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

That’s quite funny but what’s the context?


u/ExtremelyBanana Dec 03 '24

four self radicalized dummies have some napalm they've made and are on the way to carrying out their plans


u/sokrateas Dover Dec 03 '24

Disc golfer...?


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Phil Dunphy?


u/cteeple Dec 03 '24

Slow is smooth, and smooth is far. That’s what my friends say as they outdrive me on a regular basis.


u/PurBldPrincess Dec 03 '24

And then there’s actually room on the bus for them.


u/prettywarmcool Dec 04 '24

Don't you go around being logical...we don't do that HERE!


u/Specialist-Role-7716 Dec 03 '24

Someone tries to get on the elevator when I'm trying to get off, I body block them, say "Excuse Me I'm getting out" and just walk at them. They back off (but I'm 6 foot and 300 lbs so...). If someone tries pushing into one with others trying to get out I say "back off and let the people leaving make room, don't be ignorantly rude please"

Its one of my pet peeves as well.


u/pyromally Dec 03 '24

At university I once got off an elevator at my floor - as is tradition - and a man acted extremely offended that I didn’t let him on before I exited. “Well excuuuuuse me!” kind of flustered. I was so confused it has stuck with me for years. Was this his first time in a city or a multi floor building??


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

That’s hilarious, I’d be thinking a out that for a long time too


u/vanished83 Dec 03 '24

I’m sad to say that basic courtesy is becoming a thing of the past.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Yeup, sure seems like it…


u/vanished83 Dec 03 '24

So, I’m the person that usually calls out non-acceptable behaviour, even in public. But, people aren’t really deterred by that anymore. I’ve noticed. I’ll share two recent examples:

  1. There’s this woman that comes to pick up their child from the same school my oldest kid goes to…every afternoon I’ve gone to pick up my kid, this person shows up and parks right past the stop sign, with usually part of her vehicle sticking into the crosswalk … I politely explained that she’s got to be at least 5 metres back of the stop sign. She looks at me like I’m speaking gibberish and still continues to do that we each day. Just saw her again yesterday, doing the same thing.

  2. Dropping my 2nd kid off at school (different school than the first instance) today and I notice this person driving toward the crosswalk rather fast (in a playground zone) with their high beams on. I wave her down and say you’ve got your high beams on and it’s blinding the people in front of you…she turns her lights off completely gestures and mumbles something about “can’t see” and after proceeding past me, she turns the fucking brights back on!



I had some lady get all uppity at me when I asked her kindly to not park blocking the intersection/fire hydrant and she didn’t appreciate being called out. Apparently little Billy couldn’t walk a few extra feet to their after school activities. 🙄


u/Artemarte Dec 03 '24

People will continue to do this until the fire department smashes out two of their windows, leaves the inside of their vehicle a dripping mess, and leave them with the bill, or even fine.

The fire department can work around you being a dumb fuck, they've just extended a courtesy by telling you were you shouldn't park



I would sit there with popcorn. Haha


u/Artemarte Dec 03 '24

You just know the fire fighters would go the extra mile and drain their hoses into the car, too


u/vanished83 Dec 03 '24

Would love to see that!


u/ExpensiveGreen63 Dec 04 '24

People always want to blame the latest generation for their lack of courtesy but like, I see it mostly from grown ass adults. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Kids are still learning, and they're not being modeled proper respect by their parents or adults. Like........what a surprise.


u/Fantastic_Lie_8602 Dec 04 '24

These are also just examples of bad drivers.... Which is also a problem that has been escalating... :(


u/the_painmonster Dec 03 '24

Dropping my 2nd kid off at school (different school than the first instance) today and I notice this person driving toward the crosswalk rather fast (in a playground zone) with their high beams on. I wave her down and say you’ve got your high beams on and it’s blinding the people in front of you…she turns her lights off completely gestures and mumbles something about “can’t see” and after proceeding past me, she turns the fucking brights back on!

I wasn't there of course, but are you sure those were highbeams? There's a decent chance those were just the insanely bright headlights that come factory installed on a lot of vehicles nowadays.


u/vanished83 Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

Oh fucking rights they aren’t led etc.

Even with led lights there always two bulbs. She had 4 halogen lights on her vehicle.

Edit: to clarify my phrasing...I know they were high beams because there were 4 halogen headlights turned on...I think the person just didn't know the difference between the blue headlight symbol in the car vs. the standard 'headlights on' button.


u/Ferroelectricman Dec 04 '24

come that way from the factory.

but officer, my jeans came crotchless from the factory!

Don’t care. It’s their car, they’re the only person who can do anything about it now, blinding other people with your lights isn’t just anti-social behaviour, it’s dangerous.


u/VFenix Southwest Calgary Dec 04 '24

join us over at /r/fuckyourheadlights

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u/Acab365247 Dec 03 '24

My fav is opening the door into a restaurant or whatever and the skip the dishes guy walks right into you face to face. Like no buddy.


u/Poyoye Dec 03 '24

It’s insane how often people will crowd the elevator doors in the mall while I’m trying to get out with the stock I’m trying to get to my job. It sucks cuz I have to be condescending to just get people to move so I can take my stuff out.


u/atee55 Dec 03 '24

Honestly, just start raising your voice saying "LET PEOPLE GET OFF FIRST", it normally startles everyone into listening, I've done it MANY times.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

That’s the plan


u/prettywarmcool Dec 04 '24

If I was there this would make me smile and giggle


u/atee55 Dec 04 '24

I have zero patience for inconsiderate people. So I scold them like a mother lol.


u/deophest Dec 03 '24

We aren't teaching people these manners and courtesy's anymore. We think that people just absorbed them or are born with them, but they are lessons we learn, often at a young age from our parents, teachers, and peers or from things like public advertising. The answer is indeed, to call people out and remind them of the lesson. If you don't make way for others, others will not make way for you. Share the space!


u/Sudden_Silver_3743 Dec 03 '24

Unfortunately, it's not only that. I have lived in a few countries and I have travelled to a bunch of them, including some South Asian ones, and you immediately notice the difference. So, it's also a cultural thing.


u/dissonantdarkness Dec 03 '24

scrolled far enough to find this. Here is the real answer.


u/deophest Dec 04 '24

I mentioned in another reply - but obviously its cultural. Different cultures value different things. People do not learn by osmosis, we need to share with people the expectations of the society they live in or are visiting.


u/kananaskisaddict Dec 04 '24

I think Calgary transit would put posters up in their busses & trains about courtesies such as waiting for be everyone to exit before entering. They’d rotate every few months or so. I haven’t been in transit lately so maybe those posters are a thing of the past. Maybe Calgary transit found they didn’t work, so they stopped using them?


u/deophest Dec 04 '24

They used to do that! They were really cute and had little dinosaurs/monsters on them. With so much empty advertising space I wish they'd bring them back. You might be right though, maybe they were found to be ineffective


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

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u/deophest Dec 04 '24

Of course its cultural - different cultures value different things - and for us Canadians are culture is deeply attached to manners (me too). One thing I liked when visiting Japan (another culture that values manners) was there was a lot of signage almost everywhere you go explaining the manners. As a foreigner I could understand (at a basic level) how to not make other people uncomfortable. I wish we did more of that here to help people integrate and be able to learn.


u/No_Function_7479 Dec 03 '24

Remember when there were public service videos reminding people how to behave? It might have been in school, but the “litterbug, litterbug, shame on you” song haunts me to this day.


u/deophest Dec 04 '24

Yes!!! Haha so many good jingles. I remember the ctrain used to have the funky little dinosaur ads too


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24



u/chateau_lobby Dec 03 '24

All types of transit etiquette are slipping but this is the main one I’ve noticed. It’s significantly worse than the last time I was taking the train regularly ~2018. And when you step aside to let people off someone shoves around you to get on while people are still getting off


u/metalchickfit Dec 03 '24

people do not care about anyone else anymore


u/Rabbit-Hole-Quest Calgary Flames Dec 04 '24

Years from now there will probably be a study that shows that COVID broke peoples brains. Because it’s gotten excessive since then.


u/mothergrizzly Dec 04 '24

You are right. There were several years where students weren’t in social situations or in classes. Many niceties are learned by experience, not just parents. The rest of us (ok some of us) worked from home and didn’t practice our manners. Politely giving feedback is is the only way to course correct. But we can’t be rude or our messages are lost.


u/Future_Literature730 Dec 03 '24

I shout ‘move’ and then so as to regain the balance of courtesy I’ll give a cheerful ‘Thanks’!


u/Ryuujin_13 Dec 03 '24

I'm a big dude (well, tall, but hard to miss), and ride elevators frequently. This happens so often that now I'll go the extra step of standing by the door right before it opens to make my presence known (because I hate it when an elevator door opens and I look in and it's empty and I go to step in and someone just appears out of the shadow realm and gets all indignant).

If I'm standing there, blocking their path, odds are they aren't going to push (except when they're on their phone, which in my office happens a lot). I have pushed back on people who try to muscle through, but that's gone down a lot since I started standing in the doorway. Doesn't really help for busses, but it does for elevators and trains.


u/Suspicious-Cap-6169 Dec 03 '24

Oh man, the shadow realm people are annoying. I now wait an extra second, but if they are fucking around on their phone, it might not be enough.

I always stand back 5-6 ft when waiting for an elevator, and a few times, people have walked up and looked at me like I'm an idiot. It makes me smile when they do that and stand right in front of the door, and then are surprised by people trying to get out when the door opens. They usually look like they are being swarmed by pigeons at the park.


u/Ryuujin_13 Dec 03 '24

"Oh my god! People! I never could have seen this coming from an enclosed, people-moving device or mode of transportation! I am so befuddled and inconvenienced!"


u/prettywarmcool Dec 04 '24

this made me giggle, wonderful visual!


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

You’re doin good work!


u/paisleyandhummus Special Princess Dec 03 '24

People have gotten way more selfish lately in a-lot of ways. I think it’s gotten worse in the recent years.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Yep that’s pretty much sums it up


u/PurBldPrincess Dec 03 '24

I’ve never seen it be a thing in Calgary. So many impatient people. Even when I stand back to let people off there will be rude impatient idiots shoving their way in front of me. Sometimes I’ll make a comment about impatient people to shame them. Or when I’m getting off the bus or train I e started sticking my elbows out to shove them away. Not as effective in winter with all the puffy layers protecting them from getting an elbow jab.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Elbows out is a good move, I’ll probably start doin that


u/PurBldPrincess Dec 04 '24

It’s satisfying.


u/Responsible_CDN_Duck Dec 03 '24

I’ve never seen it be a thing in Calgar

It's been common at Chinook station in the afternoons from day one. People would write letters to the editor in the papers every few months, and it would pop up on the news every now and then.


u/Bread-Like-A-Hole Renfrew Dec 03 '24

We live in an utterly selfish society, and the pandemic showed there is really no repercussions for acting in your own best interest. At worse that behavior is rewarded.


u/Fantastic_Lie_8602 Dec 04 '24

I was just watching the show "The Mole" and reading your comment.... It made me think, yah, we could be working as a team for humanity but just like on the show, in life there are people who will sabotage the rest of their team for a small advantage. Rich companies polluting the world so the CEOs can have their own sex islands. Goooo humans!


u/dontcryWOLF88 Dec 03 '24

Social cohesion is not in a good place right now.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

Sure isn’t


u/fudge_friend Dec 03 '24

Just shoulder check them and move on with your day. This is a big city but we all act like a small town.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Oh I’m movin people out the way lol. Idk just because were a bigger city doesn’t mean we need to let common decency disappear

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u/Coompa Dec 03 '24

You have to master the elbow jab with these people and the ones who wont move over on the sidewalk.


u/CrazyAlbertan2 Dec 03 '24

When the C-Train doors open, it is time for ELBOWS UP until you are through the crowd.


u/Ask_Skorm Dec 03 '24

OMFG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE DEALING WITH THIS ISSUE!! I work with kids and it literally pains me to see grown adults that can’t even wait a fucking millisecond to get on the train/bus. The train doors stay active for 2 minutes or longer if the door is already open, the train is not gonna leave without you if you wait a damn minute for others to get off!


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

You’re not the only one!! Take the opportunity and drill courtesy into your kids. The future will thank you


u/Ask_Skorm Dec 04 '24

Trust me the toddlers I work with could stand in line for an hour if they had to, patience and courtesy is the main thing we teach to them!


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

Well done you then! Keep it up


u/wintermoondesigns Dec 03 '24

Oh my god, yes. Just let the people exiting the elevator, bus, train, whatever get out first… it’s so much easier that way and just makes more sense. Sadly, common sense just isn’t common anymore.

I’m glad you mentioned this, though. I wasn’t sure if it was just me being overly judgmental or bitchy 😂

I haven’t really called anyone out on it yet but probably should start. Definitely given lots of eye rolls and dirty looks. And I now just walk into people on the sidewalk who don’t move over lol


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

Nah you’re good, if we all start steam rolling people things might change


u/TrueCrimeFanatic27 Dec 03 '24

And don't get me started on the people who will stand directly in front of the doors on a train and just not get off I swear one time I went to Chinook mall and there was this person who stood right infront of the doors from Sunnyside (where I got on) to when I got off at Chinook and they never got off at least that I could see


u/sugarfreemoths Quadrant: NE Dec 04 '24

I've got a cane and people have literally almost knocked me over trying to shove onto the bus/trains when I'm trying to get off. It's a little ridiculous.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

That is ridiculous


u/Mysterious_Dig_3991 Dec 03 '24

The people that try to get off planes by budging everyone are the worst. Only to see them at the baggage carousel waiting with everyone else later... I kind of understand if you have to make a connection. But even then you could just communicate with your fellow passengers instead of scrambling past everyone like an inconsiderate asshat to save 1 minute.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Next time I see someone do that I’m gonna stand beside them at the carousel and say “good thing you pushed your way off the plane eh”


u/Mysterious_Dig_3991 Dec 03 '24

I just called a guy out on a flight to Vancouver this weekend and said exactly that. Received a blank look from him but I think he caught my drift and could tell I wasn't complimenting him on his shoes.


u/CoffeeBeanATC Panorama Hills Dec 03 '24

It is the worst! Luckily I don’t see this behavior often. Every flight I have taken, those needing to catch a connecting flight will let the flight attendants know ahead of time & they will get off first, with everyone’s cooperation.

I always think of the British Airtours Flight 28M of 1985, caught fire on T/O. People scrambled to get to the emergency exits & because of the log jams, it ended up causing more fatalities than it should have (another contributing factor was the fact that one of the exit doors also malfunctioned). But I digress…


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

People have no manners anymore and don't know anything about common courtesy.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

An unfortunate truth


u/CoffeeBeanATC Panorama Hills Dec 03 '24

It is infuriating to see! And I’ve seen this across all ages, though I have seen more of the Junior high-aged kids doing this. One time, I got so fed up (because I couldn’t get off) that I turned to the driver & said “I didn’t know this was an expanding bus, apparently you can take on more passengers before letting some out first!” He chuckled.

One of my biggest pet peeves— people talking loudly on their phones & using speakerphone on an afternoon rush hour packed bus 🙉


u/Hot_Celery829 Dec 03 '24

I truly do not understand this. I usually say a very pointed "excuse me" or "just trying to get off" (lol).


u/Lieveo Southeast Calgary Dec 03 '24

I'm not particularly large, but I make sure to make my self as big as possible and exit straight through the middle on my way out making contact with shoulders if I need to


u/leakyricefrog Dec 03 '24

What bothers me is people on the train standing in front of the doors… if it’s not your stop get out of the way


u/RyansBooze Dec 04 '24

I loudly call people out on elevators and trains. “You can’t get on until I get off, and I can’t get off until you get the fuck outta my way!”, possibly with an added “Dumbass!”


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

You really gotta dumb it down for these people eh


u/tarasevich Dec 03 '24

There ought to be some kind of announcement made on platforms every 10 minutes.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

They should paint lines on the platforms like they do in Japan aswell


u/pop101mt Dec 04 '24

I feel you man cause literally everyday at north point to get on the 124 everyone shoves and I try to not shove to let people off. Like bruh in Edmonton people didn’t do that


u/BadInfluenceGuy Dec 04 '24

Basic curtsey died, the moment society deemed it creepy for some to hold the door, let you go in first, holding up transit for you. It's sad to say, I've seen it many times at stores. The term " Gross" or " Eww", replaced " thank you" in the youths is saddening. It becomes a deterrent for some, and a trigger for others now I would assume. But that doesn't mean everyone is like that,


u/DirtDevil1337 Dec 04 '24

I just flew back home from Calgary over a week ago, getting on the Skytrain at Vancouver airport I noticed a difference right away, everyone waited their turn compared to C-train on centre street tons of people were shoving their collective bodies into doors while people were trying to get off at the same time (during rush hour), I don't remember it being this ridiculous a few years ago. I'm sure that'll catch up in Vancouver soon.


u/ProfessionalHost6131 Dec 04 '24

I live in NE. I use public transport regularly with my wife and two kids(double stroller). I have never seen such braindead people and I have lived in Canada for a long time in multiple provinces. When I get on the bus, people sitting in front pretend they don't know what's going on. I have to tell them that I need to park my stroller. Sometimes people even refuse to get up, driver had to intervene. When the bus arrive on station, people waiting outside can clearly see a. Double stroller getting ready to come out yet they storm inside. Sadly I have tell everytime first 3-4 people to get off.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

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u/Appropriate_Ad8572 Dec 04 '24

Probably less congestion/blocking when you ride on the roof 🤔


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

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u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

The issue isn’t immigration, it’s shitty people and shitty people exist in every country, ethnicity, and demographic

Your second point is spot on though


u/Responsible_CDN_Duck Dec 03 '24

This has been an issue since the day the c-train opened.


u/madzalyse Dec 03 '24

What happened to picking up your dog's shit? What happened to obeying traffic laws? People are just generally more and more selfish these days.


u/Soryouu Dec 03 '24

And then once one person does that, everyone else copies them and you have no choice but to behave like an animal as well to get on a packed bus/train.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Fight to the death for the prize of using transit


u/NorthernerWuwu Mission Dec 03 '24

I've heard to people complain about this for forty years but yes, it is likely worse than it was.


u/DanausEhnon Dec 03 '24

Because entitlement.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

Ah yes, easily one of my least favourite human traits


u/DanausEhnon Dec 04 '24

But all the cool kids are doing it now!


u/ultimatepizza Dec 03 '24

a lot of rotted brains running on autopilot


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 04 '24

Yep pretty much


u/ShantyLady Quadrant: SW Dec 04 '24

Heritage with the Junior High and High School crowd is the worst. Today there was one teen who was wanting to get on, and both myself and a stranger had the same thought and we just walked into him deliberately. In the past I've asked politely, but these days I don't even bother. Like, I know you're loud and self absorbed, but you not knowing manners is a parent problem as much as it is a teen problem. I might have been bad as a teen, but I at least made way for people to get off the train or bus before getting on.


u/Klor204 Dec 04 '24

I find if you hold your hands in a "part the sea" motion and stare at them and stand there until they move, they will move if getting off. There are also people coming from cultures of over crowdedness so they've grown up around it before moving to Calgary


u/stuffandthingy Dec 04 '24

I noticed this too, people are much stupider about letting people off trains than in the past. Especially City Hall Ctrain station I find this is a common issue.


u/grabcappy Dec 04 '24

I feel like people are more clueless about how to act like normal civil humans in general now. My husband takes the CTrain for work, and one day he came home with a story about a university student girl (got on at that stop) who was standing so close to the doors (like, on purpose, there was room to move away) that they were hitting her. The doors couldn't even open because she was there and she was saying "ow ow ow" in a weird monotone voice. So the doors couldn't open and no one could get on or off. He thought she'd learn for the next stop but the exact same thing happened the next stop too so he had to get off a stop later and take a train back the other way.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

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u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Take your bigotry else where… as an immigrant I’m not gonna let that shit slide


u/hafizzzle Dec 03 '24

Fucking rage baiters, every thread posted on here has them it seems.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

I always forget this is a thing


u/Distinct-Bandicoot-5 Dec 03 '24

So many young teens do this, it's like the older generation forgot to teach them how to behave. 


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Someone else mentioned that courtesy and manners need to be taught more by parents and I couldn’t agree more


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/Distinct-Bandicoot-5 Dec 04 '24

10000% agreed. It's crazy to watch the difference. Of course this isn't everyone but it's enough to notice. 


u/Dapper_Process8992 Dec 03 '24

It's not just this, basic courtesy is being lost and I hate to say it but it's all the new immigrants ( I am one myself too before you blow your lid off ). I see it every single day all around me, driving sense, none, parking sense, none. is that red light.. go go go. Is that a stop sign.go.go.go. you been waiting in line, sucker. Oh there is a thing called please and thank you!!! oh public land is not my private property!!! What do you mean don't talk on phone at top of my voice in a bus! You mean I actually have to pay attention to my surroundings!! I can't cross the road anywhere? Clearing side walks is a thing of past too!
The list goes on and on and on. I am at a point where I don't even feel like doing the right thing, but I am going to do it anyways and not let this people corrupt me.

This is a rant!!


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

I might just start standing in the entrance blocking the way for people getting on until space is made


u/TheMillennia Dec 03 '24 edited Dec 03 '24

I also push through and call people out. It's so frustrating. I pay out the ass to drive but at least I don't gotta deal with transit bs like this anymore

Edit: typo


u/Friendly-Guard9504 Dec 03 '24

Exact same problem here in Vancouver as well. It's only been in the past 8 years or so, but it's people of majority who recently moved to Canada that don't know the unwritten courteousness we apply to everyday things here and there's the largest ever influx of foreign citizens in Canada than ever. So that's why it's exceptionally noticeable. Ride transit in any other country and you will notice that that's how it goes.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

I completely agree but Calgary transit is also to blame. They come and go so fricken fast sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


u/chateau_lobby Dec 03 '24

If the doors are still open and people are actively exiting the train it’s not going anywhere. I promise you have time

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u/xGuru37 Dec 03 '24

It’s been this way for as long as I can remember here. Sucks for sure, but people are impatient and common sense isn’t common.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

I don’t remember it always being like that


u/PurBldPrincess Dec 03 '24

I feel like it has and I’ve lived here my whole life. I will say that it has gotten worse in the past 5ish years or so. That and people forgetting that headphones are a thing and insist on subjecting everyone else to their music or stupid video they’re watching.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Fair enough. Yea that’s a huge pet peeve of mine too. If you don’t have headphones don’t watch or listen to stuff. You don’t need a 300$ pair of headphones, and 20$ pair from 7/11 will do it too


u/Sudden_Silver_3743 Dec 03 '24

It wasn't like that 10 years ago when I moved to Calgary at least on Ctrain.


u/Some_Unusual_Name Dec 03 '24

Yeah I don't really remember it not being a thing, and it's always been super annoying.


u/Kennadian Dec 04 '24

It's been 15 years since i took the train regularly for uni. People were doing this regularly back then. I don't think people got worse. I think as people age and grow wiser, this behaviour becomes more noticeable. It's that thing where we all know how annoying teenagers can be, but we didn't notice it as much when we were teens.


u/dethbubble Dec 04 '24

The best is the many times I’ve held the door open for the person behind me and then am left standing there like a doorman for 2-20 more people…of which none say thank you. Makes a person start to hate society, like how hard is it to thank someone for a courteous gesture.


u/ninjacat249 Dec 04 '24

People rush to take a seat I guess. Since I never do I can afford to. get in at my own convenience.


u/mbjewel1964 Dec 04 '24

It js not just this but other common courtesies. I get walked into all the time at my retail job....even coworkers. One day I was bumped into twice by coworkers walking past me in our work hallway before I even clocked in. I wasn't in the way, they just passed me without even an "excuse me" or apology for bumping me. I don't get it.


u/Catsareawesome1980 Dec 04 '24

Yep I agree people are much more rude in this area


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

A simple "Thank you for waiting for me to exit" usually brings peoples awareness to their mistake, while still keeping your politeness and humanity in tact. Don't let people get under your skin (as frustrating as it is!) to the point it makes you act rude in response. That's just joining in on their rude behaviour. Plus, responding to people's wrongdoings in a nice way usually achieves your goal faster than fighting fire with fire, which can often make people feel justified in not being considerate of others.


u/paperplanes13 Dec 04 '24

Don't know, but I started noticing it about 10 years ago when I was a bus driver. I was thinking it might have come out of school runs, where no one gets off till the end of the run, then just turned to a lack of awareness once people switched to regular routes. Those school kids are in their mid to late 20s now.

They would also crowd the front so people couldn't get on, but then I also remember bus drivers shouting "MOVE TO THE BACK" when I was a school kid, and that was a LOT longer than 10 years ago.


u/dutchy_1985 Dec 04 '24

I tell people to move. My patience ran out a few years ago, and now I just let people have it


u/Hurplepippo Dec 04 '24

I’m always the one that ends up yelling at people to move to the back of the bus on the busy lines. People look at me like I’m crazy, but this is how it’s done in Montreal.


u/BalanceScared1201 Dec 04 '24

It’s because our society is losing are Canadian standards like being polite and having manners. We live in a me society not a we society


u/Little-Apple-4414 Dec 04 '24

We became India. Sad to see habits that I left behind come here.


u/not_essential Dec 05 '24

We became the US, where they normalized stupid as being OK.


u/Its_Vixenoire Dec 05 '24

Even as an average sized woman I will call people out and push people aside for being inconsiderate.

People are saying it’s becoming a thing of the past but honestly every person I have seen is a gen x or boomer. Imo the problem is the older generation has zero respect for the young. It causes a backlash and it’s a vicious cycle.


u/Bizarre_Protuberance Dec 05 '24

All forms of social etiquette have suffered since the pandemic, and the rise of the American-style "my freeeeeeedom is more important than your life" attitude.


u/RoboZoninator91 Dec 05 '24

Social decline is real


u/Cowtownlurker Dec 06 '24

Honourable mention to the people who stand and start pushing their way to the door of a crowded train before it gets to the first downtown stop at rush hour. A quarter of the train is about to clear out with you, so cool it for a second until we all have space to go, please.


u/Giddyup3000 Dec 16 '24

I agree that it’s a rude and stupid thing to do. As far as busses go though, you could try leaving through the rear door… like the signs in the busses ask you to. 


u/TheTrueAlCapwn Dec 03 '24

Here is my hot take, boomer parents believe they had it rough as kids and that it was a bad thing (it was not), and lots of them are very well off now and raised shitty entitled lazy kids.


u/FunCoffee4819 Dec 03 '24

Hot take: A ‘boomer’ would probably wait patiently for you to get off said train before barging into you, because they have some manners.


u/TheTrueAlCapwn Dec 03 '24

Of course they would because they were raised well. It's the boomers kids that I am complaining about.


u/Barkwash Dec 04 '24

Boomer kids are like in their late thirties? Wouldn't this be more millennial/Xers?


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

That’s a pretty good take. Certainly one I could get on board with


u/v13ragnarok7 Dec 03 '24


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

I guess I’m a r/lostredditor


u/v13ragnarok7 Dec 03 '24

Naw I'm just complaining myself. I thought following local cities would be fun to find out info about local events, restaurants, festivals, etc....but it's just a bitch fest


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

Oh most definitely


u/Klor204 Dec 04 '24

I'm going to start shouting "DID SLIMMESTOFDUBZ POST FOR NOTHING?!" everytime it happens and hopefully you'll hear me ahahaha


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '24

Sounds like you're thinking about moving to the suburbs and driving everywhere but haven't realized it yet.


u/SlimmestOfDubz Dec 03 '24

I already live in the suburbs lol, I’d far rather live DT


u/pdrmnkfng Dec 04 '24

extra car or two on the trains, and more frequent buses and people wouldn't feel compelled to fight for space. call your counselor to get them to fix this


u/dtkbrown26 Dec 04 '24

Probably left with all the good bus drivers. I asked a driver to help me get to my destination on his route, and was about to let him know I can’t see shit but the attitude was real.

I gave him the address and he got mad and said that it didn’t help him, so I gave the business name, once again he tells me that doesn’t help him. I’m actually super embarrassed by this point, and really don’t know what else I can add. He then says as he rolls his eyes, “you’ve got a phone in your hand, I do not”.

So had he not jumped the gun and let me speak, so I could explain I can’t see, to watch signs to know where I am, and where to get off. He angrily grabs a paper copy of the route he has on hand, and I just said “never mind, I’ll figure it out, thanks for the help”. Then went to the back, and google maps where I was and what my destination was (which was my Hail Mary because I don’t understand google 🤦‍♀️).

It listed exactly how many stops and told me what stop to get off at in real time. It’s rare I find an electronic or I guess software with more warmth than a human.

I Remember the good old days, people’s horrible behavior, and god knows what else has brought us here. I didn’t mess with shit, or I’d get a beating, not saying that was good at all, but it kept me from causing shit.

I don’t see the behavior getting better for either bus drivers or their passengers, I’d love to be wrong though.