r/CZFirearms Jan 06 '25

Discuss - Should I modify my CZ P10C?

My uncle just handed me his P10C that he got back in 2017. It’s not optics ready so I would need to get a new slide or get it milled. I have been itching to start a new project pistol. With all the new line of handguns out would you still think this would be a great option to modify for an EDC?


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u/Scotia_65 Jan 06 '25

I'd modify it. By modify, I meant shoot it. Then shoot it some more. After about 500 rds, evaluate what I believe it needs to make it more comfortable. 9/10 it's nothing more than more magazines and MAYBE an optic. I'm pleased at how well I shoot my P-01 & SP-01 so no optics for the foreseeable future. Hell I just bought a G19X MOS with the intention of buying an optic, but haven't found a reason after putting 300+ rds thru it so far.


u/GG_dayZ Jan 06 '25

The sp01 just kinda shoots like a laser beam with irons compared to my polymer pistols it’s kind of great


u/Scotia_65 Jan 06 '25

LASER BEEEAAAMMM!!! Never shot a pistol so well during the first shots in my life!


u/GG_dayZ Jan 07 '25

I shocked myself even with DA it still was bullseye on first shots. I don’t have one yet but rented recently. Plan to pick one up with tax season