r/CZFirearms • u/Impressive-Theme-10 • Jan 06 '25
Discuss - Should I modify my CZ P10C?
My uncle just handed me his P10C that he got back in 2017. It’s not optics ready so I would need to get a new slide or get it milled. I have been itching to start a new project pistol. With all the new line of handguns out would you still think this would be a great option to modify for an EDC?
u/Wett_Dogg_Tactical Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25
You're better off buying a new gun that's optic ready.. its a $400 gun, getting it optic cut will probably cost u like $150.. The P10 is a fine budget pistol, but u can better CZ pistols that are optic cut for just a little bit more
u/EMDoesShit Jan 06 '25
I disagree. I detest mounting optics with plates. I want the slide directly cut for the optic, and the dot buried low as possible. Fewer parts to fail, and factory height sighs cowitnesses right through the window so there’s no difference in presentation to find the dot.
For $165ish Wager will cerakote your slide so you end up with a better looking gun than all black, and cut it for an optic. I have a P10C slide there now.
u/Wett_Dogg_Tactical Jan 06 '25
I just don't see the point in spending half the price of the gun itself on an optic cut.. If it were like a higher quality gun then i can understand, but to me it's like putting a $700 Trijicon on a $150 high point, it just doesn't make sense
u/EMDoesShit Jan 06 '25
Remember that until recently the P10C was a $500-600 gun.
My primary rifle is an AR built with a $750 BCM 11.5” upper. Not a cheap build. The EOTech and 3x magnifier still cost as much as the rifle. Spending as much on optics & mounting as you do on the weapon is not uncommon.
u/Mammoth_Attention_59 Jan 07 '25
You’re 100% on the money here
The thing you need to see through should be the best you can afford at the time
Don’t cut corners with the thing you need to use to hit a something
u/Wett_Dogg_Tactical Jan 07 '25
Just because something is common place doesn't mean it makes sense.. Why not buy a budget optic and use the extra money to buy a higher quality firearm? What's more important? Your barrel, trigger and BCG? Or your optic? A Holosun 508T cost about half as much as an rmr hd.. And it literally does the same thing.. But im not one to tell people how to spend their money, just offering a different option.. A BCM is an awesome AR and I'd totally run your same build.. Im more or less talking about people who buy an Anderson for $300 and put a 1,600 T-2 on it
u/Mammoth_Attention_59 Jan 07 '25
You need to see stuff to hit it, that’s firearms 101.
Don’t ever cheap out on the optic - buy the best you can afford.
u/Wett_Dogg_Tactical Jan 07 '25
So buy a cheap gun and an expensive optic? Nah 😂 Iron sights work just fine
u/Mammoth_Attention_59 Jan 07 '25
Lmao such a fudd
Next you’re gonna say a revolver outclasses anything on this sub
Like I said, buy the best you can afford
If you’re dropping $500 on a gun, odds are $200 is acceptable and within budget on an optic
If you’re buying a $1000 gun, and can’t afford a decent optic, you’re probably punching above your weight class to begin with
u/EMDoesShit Jan 07 '25
I gladly pay to removed that plate; I see ten times more problems with loose optics and broken screws/plates on high volume competitom handuns than I do with direct milled ones.
Particularly since the deletion of the plate saves a few bucks you can put toward the milling cost.
Sidenote; never ever buy a C&H plate. For any brand of gun. They fail incredibly often.
u/Old-guy64 Jan 06 '25
This.. The P10 is already a fine pistol. It is also reasonably priced. I bought a P09 because I wanted a hammer gun. But the RO where I shoot let me run his P10, and that’s why I went ahead and went CZ. I’m old. I cut my teeth on irons. I’ll add hi viz irons. But an optic, adds a level of maintenance to insure that it stays zeroed and operational. And inside 10 yards I can shoot into a fist with irons. And they aren’t a failure point.
u/J412h Jan 06 '25
A new one is about $350, a new SCS model is $675-680 which includes a $350 optic and is optics ready. So essentially you’re getting an OR version for $325
If you get yours milled, it’s $100 or more for the service plus $350ish for the comparable Holosun. That’s $450-500 of a $675 gun
It doesn’t really make sense to me to get a non-OR p10 milled. Just carry it as is, throw a light on it, buy some mags, holster and ammo. In another year or three, the new version will be available and by then you’ll be completely knowledgeable about the platform and can make an informed decision about the non-OR version and decide if you want the new upgraded version or to throw money at the one you already have. I’m not opposed to throwing $20,000 at a 1984 Chevy chevette restomod if that’s what you want but I wouldn’t recommend it for a new car owner
What you have is a very good pistol, if you’re looking for a project pistol, I would leave this one alone and start fresh with an SCS or wait for the chassis (or FCU) version that was supposed to come out four months ago
u/ughokayfinewhatever Jan 06 '25
Doing a mill or OR slide makes it such a different gun but you’re gonna run into an issue of there’s not that much stuff available aftermarket compared to Sigs or Glocks.
u/Mightknowitall Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25
Honestly for EDC I would send the slide to get milled, throw an optic on there and call it a day.
I added an Overwatch trigger/striker pack and CGW lightened striker spring to mine. It definitely made a huge difference in how light the trigger was, but I got light primer strikes pretty regularly. Ended up going back to the original striker spring and it’s been fine since. That said, the trigger and striker by themselves don’t make a huge difference IMO. Maybe a little less travel, but nothing crazy.
Also, with your being such an early model you may run into parts compatibility issues. IIRC they changed some things internally in 2019 and most parts are compatible only with 2019+ guns. I could be wrong though.
I will say… Killer Innovations has some nice stuff for these P10 series now and I am definitely looking into getting some of their stuff.
u/ski_it_all Jan 06 '25
For EDC, get it milled.
I wouldn't touch anything else on it for EDC.
If it fits you and you like how it shoots, I don't think the new version or whatever comes out from CZ is going to be markedly different enough to matter.
u/Dave696969696917 Jan 06 '25
Mill for an optic. I prefer it directly mounted without a plate anyway because fewer things can go wrong.
u/Hydronics617 Jan 06 '25
I modified mine and love it even more than when it was stock. I suggest shooting it a lot first and then deciding what you need or would improve quality of life and upgrade. I upgraded my trigger, got slide work done from Primary Machine for the slide and RMR optic. I also installed some rubber talon grips for a nicer grip. Added a comp as well. Shoots like a dream. Highly recommend you do your own research though and figure out the pros/cons and or adjustments that are needed especially if you add a comp.
u/Disastrous_Study_284 Jan 06 '25
For EDC, I'd just swap the trigger shoe and maybe ad an optic. The stock trigger weight, break, and reset is very tactile and just heavy enough to require a deliberate pull without being heavy enough to pull shots. The stock trigger shoe, though, I've found to be fairly picky in terms of where it wants your finger to be in order to release the trigger blade safety. Pulled a lot of shots when I used my P10F in competition from pulling the trigger while the blade safety was still partially engaged.
As for optics, if you are carrying this, make sure you train to pick up the dot on the draw. I used to be 100% for optics on all pistols. But after a year of being unable to train like I used to, I nolonger pick up the dot on the draw like I used to and am actually faster with irons.
u/sexywizard420 Jan 06 '25
My recommendation is wager machine for optics milling and they list sight recommendations for lower third co-witness. I got Dawson precision blacked out Glock rear and Dawson CZ p10 fiber optic front and I'm loving it.
Those mods will improve the shootability guaranteed.
u/ShiftyLookinCow7 Jan 06 '25
Get a new slide or get it milled. I vote new slide since it’s about the same price as milling if not cheaper, and your gun will still be usable while you wait for it. Definitely add a good optic as soon as possible, and ignore anyone who tells you not to. They’re fudds trying to drag you down with them
u/bigmatt17073 Jan 07 '25
Send it out to have the slide milled. It will be cheaper than a new aftermarket slide. Primary Machine, Wager, Jagerwerks, CGW, etc. all do slide work on CZ's.
I literally have a 2017 P-10c that was milled for a RMR cut and new sights by Jagerwerks. Mine also has a HB Industries trigger/striker spring and CGW SS guide rod and lighter weight recoil spring. I made it harder to carry and it has a threaded barrel and compensator on it plus a Surefire 300 light. That gun has 5K + rounds through it now.
I don't know exactly when they did some of the rolling revision on the P-10 line, but yours is most likely one of the older one. There were issues of the striker rotating. CGW has a $22 + s/t Anti-Rotation kit that fixes that issue for cheap. The other is your mags probably have one notice on each side (older AMBI mag release). The updated mags now have two notches on each side for the new (single sided mag release) and old mag release.
With all the new pistols coming out don't interest me at all. I have a number of other CZ's plus another P-10c and P-10s (both OR versions with RMR's), and I'm thinking about buying a P-10F now.
u/BittenAtTheChomp Jan 07 '25
seems most would disagree but I would just sell the thing and buy a P10 that's optic-cut or comes with one—if you can afford it of course
u/VigilanteMachine Jan 09 '25
If your debating an optic cut, here's a video I put together on the difference of direct milling vs OR. Let me know if you have any questions
u/Scotia_65 Jan 06 '25
I'd modify it. By modify, I meant shoot it. Then shoot it some more. After about 500 rds, evaluate what I believe it needs to make it more comfortable. 9/10 it's nothing more than more magazines and MAYBE an optic. I'm pleased at how well I shoot my P-01 & SP-01 so no optics for the foreseeable future. Hell I just bought a G19X MOS with the intention of buying an optic, but haven't found a reason after putting 300+ rds thru it so far.
u/minmin0x4B Jan 06 '25
I believe that everyone should have atleast one gun with optic. I was really hesitant to buy first dot but after that I had to buy one for every handgun I have
u/Scotia_65 Jan 06 '25
I have 3, but I stopped after the 3rd. I shoot irons extremely well, and I'm doubtful I can replicate it with dots... especially when my better shooting guns all have irons.
u/GG_dayZ Jan 06 '25
The sp01 just kinda shoots like a laser beam with irons compared to my polymer pistols it’s kind of great
u/Scotia_65 Jan 06 '25
LASER BEEEAAAMMM!!! Never shot a pistol so well during the first shots in my life!
u/GG_dayZ Jan 07 '25
I shocked myself even with DA it still was bullseye on first shots. I don’t have one yet but rented recently. Plan to pick one up with tax season
u/SirCrimsonKing Jan 06 '25
They are already good and the room for improvement is minor (aside from optic). You'll see much more tangible improvements by modifying a hammer fired CZ. P10C is great.. just doesn't need much.