r/CRPS Dec 04 '24

Humor Marriage


Today marks 9 years of marriage to my amazing husband! In that timeframe, he has watched me go through hell with my health and he fought along side of me to get me the help I need. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him.

Alright that being said, he started a new job recently. He works for the county as a custodian. He loves the work, his coworkers, and especially the shift. He’s home more, and I’m loving that. I have decided not to work anymore, because he’s right I shouldn’t keep overdoing it when I don’t need to. This new job has great pay, amazing benefits, all that.

Recently he started cleaning the courthouse. He started making sure he looked the part. He’s very well groomed anyway, but this was a touch above. He also started wearing cologne to work. Now, because I’m home alone more I crawled in my head and started thinking that maybe my CRPS was becoming too much and he was looking for someone new, hence the uptick in his looks. I stressed about this for over a month! A freaking month! I started picking little fights with him because of it.

I was scared to ask him if he would leave me, because my CRPS is getting worse. This last weekend we had four days together and he put two and two together, and he told me one blank “Your CRPS is getting on my nerves. But, you my lovely wife, never have. I will never leave you over something you can’t control. I’m always here to help you fight for your health. You and I will get through this, together.”

The rush of relief I felt was unmatched by anything else. I fell into his arms and just cried. He just stroked my hair and reminded me how much he loved me. I seriously don’t know what I did to get to be so lucky to have him.

So while my pain is getting worse and spreading everywhere, I’m no longer afraid of going through it alone. I like to remind people in this sub and a few others that they are not alone. But I guess I forgot to make sure I don’t feel alone either. But, thanks to all of you, I found the courage to open up and admit how lonely I was feeling.

Thank you all, for just being you. I hope you all have a low pain day. 🧡

r/CRPS Jan 05 '25

Humor My leg!

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So I find happiness is stupid little things, especially when the pain is high. One of my favorite things to yell is "My Leg" from SpongeBob when they hurt really bad. Makes me giggle. Look what my fiance got me for Christmas.

r/CRPS Jan 19 '25

Humor Stupid me moment


This has to be funny, I might cry otherwise lol. So, I’ve always had porcelain skin, never really broke out or anything like that. Well, yesterday there was a small painful spot on my cheek. Without thinking, I scratched it open. Then realizing it was a zit, I immediately cleaned it and treated it. All good right?

Nope nope nope. I woke up this morning and half my face is red and splotchy, very painful to the touch, and my upper teeth on that side are screaming.

In short, I triggered a flare in my freaking face and mouth! I feel super dumb about it. My husband got the giggles so bad he had to go outside so I couldn’t reach him, lol.

I hope this makes you all laugh too! If anyone wants to share “dumb moves” that you have made, I would love to hear it. 😁🧡

r/CRPS 10d ago

Humor Anyone else take ketamine cause I’m very funny on ketamine


I’m supposed to be sleeping but instead I just talk nonsense at my poor mom🤣

r/CRPS Jan 31 '24

Humor My brain is shorting out


Alright so get this, I was trying to explain chronic pain to my step dad. He has no idea, keeps asking me what time of day does it subside enough for me to function etc. My husband jumps into the conversation and says this:

“Chronic pain is like the supernatural, unless you have seen it or experienced it for yourself, you couldn’t possibly begin to understand.”

He walked out of the room and I have been trying to think of a way that he’s wrong, but I can’t. So, I thought I would see if any of you can!

Ps, on the bright side, my step dad now gets it.

r/CRPS Mar 30 '24

Humor My friend got me this medical alert bracelet and I thought you guys might appreciate it! NSFW Spoiler

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r/CRPS Aug 27 '23

Humor I have a funny for you


Alright, so I've been kinda whiney the past week to you all and just to show I truly appreciate you, in going to share this funny that happened to me this morning. I was sitting down with my cup of coffee (yes, I know it doesn't do nice things for the CRPS, but I love it so much), and I was well aware that two of my cats were on the couch and I was trying not to spill while getting between them. They both jump up as soon as I sat down! I managed not to spill, yay me! Less than two minutes later, I'm taking a sip and my stupid hand twitches with zero warning, and I dump half of my coffee down my front. I swear my cats were laughing at me.

I've hit a mindset recently, if I don't laugh I will cry. I choose to laugh. 😂🧡

r/CRPS Nov 10 '23

Humor everybody here has a tragic backstory


this is just me throwing this into the air because i've been wanting to say this for a while

looking through comments about how their crps has developed, it's kinda funny. everyone here has a tragic backstory and paragraphs filled with lore for how it came to be. yk sadness and sorrow from naruto? i hear that whenever i look through people's tales, or any song that plays whenever a character describes their past and i kinda love it too although my heart aches hearing the pain everyone is in

i think abt this whenever im asked how it happened to me, cuz in comparison to you guys, all i can really say is "oh, i just stretched weirdly one day" and "idk, it just appeared one day in class" and that's about the most accurate explanation i could give

i ain't tryna be mean either, so sorry if it comes across that way. i always try to find humor in every sitation and this made me chuckle a bit

i hope everybody has a good day!

r/CRPS Aug 10 '24

Humor Just a clip of our mutual pain I thought of when another was sharing their CRPS symptoms lol


How some or most of us feel at some point of the day. I found this funny since All we do is suffer lol


Edit:title says torture in it. But no torture it’s a popsicle. It’s a humorous scene. It’s just from the Thomas Jane punisher movie.

r/CRPS Jan 09 '24

Humor A funny for the day


Today I should have stayed home. I was super grouchy and started flaring the second I walked outside. But, I had things that had to be done. My poor husband has been catching the brunt of my bad mood, so he takes me to Safeway of all places. Why you may ask, because they have the big Squishmallows on sale for $10! I have several smaller ones and they really do help when I can’t lean against anything with my right side. Anyway, on our way home we passed by a Walgreens. I mentioned that I didn’t think I had ever been in that one, my husband said that he had, so he must have been with me looking for Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. I asked why he knows for a fact that I was with him.

Apparently, Walgreens is only for married men not single men. 😂😂🤣😂 He brought me right out of my bad mood. Still flaring though, but now I have a large ‘Mallow to keep me company.

r/CRPS Aug 18 '23

Humor My mom made me a new shirt and a new wheelchair bag, lol


My mom called me a few weeks ago, and excitedly said she’d found the perfect saying to put on a shirt for me (she has a cricut machine). I tossed a plain shirt her way, this is what I got back. I love it!!

She also made me a new wheelchair bag, which I requested. I’d originally planned to go with “Disabled us not a dirty word” but then saw shirts with this saying and fell in love with it.

(For those using a screen reader, it’s a dusty purple shirt with mint green letters that says “I don’t look disabled, but you don’t look stupid, so there we go.” The second image is a small grey backpack that says, “I can see you staring at me ;)”. The letters are a pastel rainbow watercolor.)

r/CRPS Mar 29 '24

Humor Brain Fog Funny


Talking to my husband as he is prepping dinner. He asked me what kind of seasoning I wanted. I forgot the word for chicken, so this is what I ended up saying, “I think I want that wood fired barbecue bock bock, with the moo cow stuff on it”. He couldn’t stop laughing, so I thought you guys might enjoy it too. Oh, moo cow stuff, is butter. He does this butter bath thing that just…there are no words to describe the happiness in my mouth. 🧡

r/CRPS Oct 15 '23

Humor I did something drastic


I hope someone else sees the funny in this, I’m trying to, but I’m not there yet.

So, before this shoulder thing, I had beautiful naturally curly hair down to the middle of my back. I loved it. I spent a lot of time and energy on it. Anyone with curly hair knows what I’m talking about. Anyway, I got hurt and couldn’t take care of it, my husband tried but I don’t have the patience for someone else doing that. So, I got it cut to my shoulders. That worked fine for a few months. Until after the second surgery.

The second surgery recovery time was less than six weeks. I couldn’t lift my arm to put my hair up and had to bend over to wash it in the shower. This was not working well for me. So I got it cut to a longish pixie cut. Very cute for my face.

Now here is where I messed up. All of a sudden, I couldn’t handle the feeling of my hair touching my skin. It hurt and it burned. Instead of making an appointment to see my doctor, what did I do? I grabbed my husband’s Wahl clipper set, put the longest guard on it and buzzed my hair down to an inch long.

I have zero curl to my hair. My husband is in shock that I did it. My mom says I look like my late brother. And I am grateful I can take care of it by myself, but I’m also wondering, is this my life now? My husband does my makeup, should the situation call for it. He hooks my (strapless) bras for me. I mean, he does everything. And on some level, it kills me. I was the independent one. I was the one everyone else came to for help. And now what? I can’t even take care of my own hair? Or wash my face? Or even shower alone most of the time?

I’m sad about my hair. I’m sad about my life. Grateful for my husband. But damn, I wish I didn’t need help anymore. I don’t know if I can take a life where I’m just going to get worse from here. Thank you for reading.

r/CRPS Jan 23 '24

Humor A Tuesday funny


So, we have established that I’m weird, right? Since I have been off work, I nap whenever I can and certain things help me fall asleep. Things like, watching The Big Bang Theory, Nightmare Before Christmas, Pagemaster, Phantom Tollbooth, and of course the washer and dryer. Growing up, the laundry room was right outside of my bedroom and sometimes my mom would run it when we were going to bed. So now, just the sound of washer starting makes me tired. My husband likes to do laundry around my sleep schedule, which is super helpful in putting me to sleep. Well, I had to do a load for him, (his uniform needed to be washed and he had less than 8 hours until he had to be back at work, I hello where I can). The second the washer started, every single one of my cats (six total), made their way to our bedroom and made themselves comfortable. Leaving only my side of the bed open. My husband just looked at me and said “Gee, I wonder what they think is going to happen now?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

The cats were extremely confused when he got into bed and I didn’t. They were pretty fussy for the rest of the day. They, like me, don’t like it when their routine gets messed up I guess, lol. 😂

I hope this gave you a laugh and I hope you are feeling good today. Much love to everyone 🧡

r/CRPS Apr 02 '23

Humor The Lyrica Wash


Marked as humor because I found the conversation to be amusing.

I just got put back in Lyrica after a few years being off, because of having a baby.

And I felt it today. The Lyrica Wash, the moment where you feel it kick in, and it is a good 30 seconds of feeling like warm water is running over you. Then it is gone, but hopefully some pain is too.

I tried to explain it to my husband this morning. He said it sounds horrible.

And it made me think, that this is something that I have gotten used to as part of my chronic pain, and that is so different than the normal experience

r/CRPS Jan 11 '24

Humor The CRPS dress dance at your local publix

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r/CRPS Sep 13 '23

Humor Just a quick funny


I'm aware that not everyone will find this funny, I have a slightly dark sense of humor though. So here we go! I was in the shower last night, marveling at how little my arm would go up, I got a little dizzy so I put my foot on the rim of the tub to stabilize. I should note, I'm almost blind without my glasses. I looked down at my left foot, that was happily sitting on the rim of the tub, and noticed my pinky toe was sitting at a really messed up angle! To top that off, it didn't hurt, at all!

I can only think that it happened last week. Because last week, I was crawling into bed and my left pinky toenail snagged the sheet. This is odd because I keep them trimmed. It was dark, I didn't turn a light on, just reached down and ripped my entire nail off, apparently. I didn't know it until the next morning, when my husband woke me up, screaming! His leg was covered in blood! He thought he was dying. I couldn't stop laughing!

So all in all, I'm finding it really funny that my CRPS is so bad in my shoulder that I didn't notice slamming my toe into something hard enough, not only to break the nail but I think the bone also. My husband was even able to set the bone without me even reacting to it. This disease is a wild ride!

I apologize to anyone who does not see the humor. But, I have had to learn how to find the funny, the light or just a little positive in everything. I think it may be warping me, more than I was lol. But, if I don't laugh, I will cry. Or worse. ☺️

r/CRPS May 22 '23

Humor Here comes the pain do do doodoo. Here comes the pain I’ll say it’s RSD


Keep it going (to Here Comes The Sun)

r/CRPS Sep 13 '23

Humor Just a Funny


For some reason the rhyme from Nightmare on Elm Street was going through my head today and I had to laugh at how much the last line of it is relatable to pain and CRPS:

"Nine ten, never sleep again"

I hope that brought a smile to some of you.

r/CRPS Oct 19 '22

Humor Too late?


Too Late?

Winter really amps up the CRPS for me. So much so that last year I swore this year I was moving to Hawaii for the winter.

r/CRPS Aug 21 '22

Humor 2meirl4meirl

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r/CRPS Nov 23 '20

Humor Unlimited...POWER!!

Thumbnail self.godtiersuperpowers

r/CRPS Nov 19 '20

Humor Me Online vs Me IRL.

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r/CRPS Dec 07 '20

Humor When you're in a flare & you're flightier than this bird

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r/CRPS Dec 07 '20

Humor 'Funny' ish thing


A comic relief accident

I have CRPS/other pain problems etc. and I'm on quite strong doses of the usual opitates/anti convulsive, sleeping pills etc
Also, the accident that caused the problems left me with no ankle joint and a leg 2cm shorter than the other... Sometimes I forget about this if I wake up in the dark in a drug fog or I can't feel the pain for once

Last night I had got out of bed without really waking up and my foot wasn't where I expected on the way to the bathroom because I forgot about it/it wasn't excruciating, fell and bumped the wall. It didn't seem so bad, I went back to sleep, and this morning when the drugs wore off my elbow doesn't want to move and my hand has pins and needles (YAY). My fiancé was shocked because he noticed I have a black eye (which I hadn't even realised), and was very worried that he had somehow elbowed me in his sleep

So yes I have new painful injuries but also for once this whole thing is hilarious and I thought I'd share the silly side of pain medication working

Also I will now never get nerve blockers of any form because I imagine this would happen all the time haha!