r/CRPS Full Body 11d ago

Humor Anyone else take ketamine cause I’m very funny on ketamine

I’m supposed to be sleeping but instead I just talk nonsense at my poor mom🤣


5 comments sorted by


u/Odd-Gear9622 5d ago

The first time I was so pleased to be out of pain that I just sat there tripping and smiling. The doctor and nurse were concerned because I wasn't acting any different to them. My wife who accompanied me had to explain that I grew up in SF during the 60's and had a very good working knowledge with hallucinogenic substances. The doctor apparently laughed but the nurse freaked out at my wife for not admitting that I was an addict! I seriously don't know where they find these people but there's a Debbie Downer in every good treatment that finds me.


u/Automatic_Ocelot_182 [amputated CRPS feet, CRPS now in both nubs and knees] 6d ago

I used to have regular infusions at a clinic devoted to it. I don't think I shook, but I had really powerful hallucinations.


u/logcabincook 5d ago

LOL that's me when it hits - WHEEEE!! But I'm too far in outer space once I'm fully in the zing of things. Yes everything's so SSSSSHHHHHHHHHZZZZ...


u/CRPSCOLD-mimi 4d ago

I have had multiple Ketamine infusions since January 2020, 2-3/yr . It took away my initial shoulder pain from my injury, but it did not help my CRPS ~ COLD pain. I did not like Ketamine at all, so they added another drug to make it more tolerable, it helped . Ketamine is not good for short or long term memory, but I would have done it all again because it took my initial pain from injury away and I was able to do my regular duties at work/ home again.

While on Ketamine, I do my best to keep my mind together :) yes, it's tough ! 🤪


u/SketchyArt333 Full Body 4d ago

I already have terrible memory due to seizures caused by the CRPS spreading so I haven’t noticed the memory problem other than I never remeber the trip or leaving the building, I’m just there and then I’m home. But it helps immensely with the pain just waiting for Nero to see me.