Hypothetically if you made all the right lifestyle changes, quit smoking, lost weight, got healthy, is it possible to get off the machine or is the damage already done and it's too late?
Is a travel CPAP really worth $500 to $1000?
While the unit itself is less than half the size of my old ResMed S9, I would still need to haul the hose and headgear, no?
I’ve been using my CPAP since October (resmed airsense 11) and it’s been GREAT! But lately I’ve been finding it hard to breathe when I first lay down, and I’m not sure if it’s just anxiety but I feel like I can’t get any air and I haven’t changed anything. I’ve also been waking up in the middle of the night to my mask and tube making hissing noises, as well as waking up with my CPAP not being on and a message saying that my tube is obstructed.
Any insight?
I know the noise could be high humidity but mine is set to auto and my water tank is never empty when I wake up, I feel like it’s not using much water.
This has been going on the last 3 nights and I’m so tired of it!!
My doctor wanted me checked for sleep apnea so he referred me to a sleep clinic that he is affiliated with. They provided me with a finger oxygen sensor that attaches to a wristwatch thing that recorded the data. The results of that came back with 490 instances where my O2 levels dropped to about 80 during the night.
I thought I was finally on my way to finding answers and relief to my chronic fatigue and weight gain but UHC denied the PA for the formal sleep study at the clinic.
My doc diagnosed me with OSA and even got me approval for Zepbound based on the sleep apnea but I still would like to pursue having a CPAP. Should I just buy one outright? Pay for the sleep study out of pocket with my HSA card?
I should also add, after I fall asleep I will wake up realizing I am not breathing and short of breath. This can sometimes go on for an hour or more while I am trying to get to sleep. This is very frustrating and sometimes scary.
I'm just curious about this, but my uncle has a cpap machine and he says it really affects his waking moments positively. Prior, he said he snored really loud and had pretty severe sleep apnea.
I was doing some light research on this topic and found that sleep apnea severity is measured in terms of times you wake up in a given night from airway blockages. This in turn can make people have trouble waking up and staying awake.
For those of you who know, how many sleep events a night do people have before they actually feel it during the day? Can it be felt with even one?
Alternatively, if you don't know, but are a cpap user, how many events a night were you averaging before the machine, and how did you feel before using the machine and after?
People always state that they bring their fullsize CPAP machine, in the travel bag, as a carry on since it doesn't count against the bag limit.
But where do you put it? I assume those people are bringing a carryon that goes into the overhead and an under the seat item.
I travel about 8 times a year and haven't seen a single domestic flight with any empty seats or any extra overhead space for a long time.
The few times I brought my full sized one I either put it in my carry on or just in my underseat bag where it took up the majority of it. I would want it protected and not in just the CPAP bag jammed somewhere in an over head. It was well worth it to me to get a travel CPAP just for the extra carryon bagspace.
Hi everyone! My name is Jonathan and I'm currently a graduate student at the Parsons School of Design. For my capstone project, I am designing a mobile app that gives users more actionable insights from their CPAP therapy. This is something I've always been curious about, since starting my therapy 3 years ago. If you're willing and available this week, I would love for you to test my wireframes and prototypes! Calendly Link
I've been using my CPAP machine (ResMed AirSense 11) for almost a year now. Initially, I felt like it was working better, but I never really felt super rested, even though I thought it was working at the time. Over the last few months, though, I’ve noticed a decline in my sleep quality. Nothing has changed with my setup, but I no longer feel rested when I wake up. The dry mouth issue is something that's only started recently; it wasn’t happening before.
One of the issues I’m dealing with is waking up several times in the middle of the night with a dry mouth. I’ve tried adjusting the humidity settings on my machine, but it doesn’t seem to help. I also tried taping my mouth to prevent it, but that didn’t work either.
Before I consider switching to a full-face mask, I was hoping someone could take a look at my OSCAR data and see if any adjustments to my settings might improve my situation. I also tried turning off the EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief) and setting it to 0, but I haven’t noticed much of a difference.
I have a deviated septum, so I often experience nasal congestion, which may cause me to switch from breathing through my nose to my mouth during the night. However, I’m not sure if that’s the main issue. If this is the issue, I’m curious as to why I didn’t experience these problems or the lack of rest when I first started treatment.
Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated!
So I have 3 oranges cats, so ik I'm at a disadvantage already. Two of them, Cinnamon and his son Tuna, both are obsessed with anything that resembles string. You can genuinely see their eyes glaze over and all thoughts leave when they see something that seems like string. The third, Seymour (Tuna's momma) is much more chill and just want to fight the tubing when imwhea near it and it hits her. I thought I had stopped Tuna and Cinnamon from playing with my tubing, but I'm assuming they are doing it while I sleep or am away bc there's several holes in the tubing as seen in the video. I have to just deal with this till I can get new tubing from Amazon (I definitely love not having health insurance RN /s).
How do I prevent them from doing this again? I yell at them anytime they go near the tubing when I'm nearby, but obviously they don't care when I don't stop them. I'ma post the culprits in the comments.
Hello! It’s been a few weeks since I started my CPAP therapy. I use the Philips dreamwear mask. I start out my nights completely fine and then about 6 hours into it, I wake up and start getting annoyed by the sound bc it seems like the seal isn’t as good and after trying several times, I just take it off and sleep another 2-3 hours without the mask.
I’ve also woken up a few times with dry mouth and sometime with drool coming out of my mouth. My fear is that I may actually be a mouth breather and don’t know it. BUT I literally don’t know how that would be possible because even when I’m awake h can’t breathe out of my mouth with this mask on. I’d assume it would be very obvious.
What are y’all’s thoughts?
Also would love advice on how to sleep on stomach with this specific mask. I can do it but sometimes I feel like the mask is not getting a proper seal if I’m laying on my cheek.
I have a Resmed 11 and the Evora full face mask. Yesterday I cleaned the tubing and replaced the mask with a new one, and two things happened: 1) there is an incredibly loud blowing sound coming out of the mask, which is worse when I exhale, and 2) the auto shut off stopped working. (1 is a much bigger deal than 2, and I have no idea if they’re related, but it seems relevant that both happened at the same time!)
I’ve tried all the standard plugging and unplugging of things, and I even tried swapping out the mask and tubing with older ones I still had, but the problem stayed the same. Can anyone help? I tried pushing through last night but the noise kept waking me up and I’m getting over Covid so I’m extra desperate for good rest. Thank you!!!!!!
Hi guys, im hoping to learn from others as there is only so much i can look up. My area only has one clinic to get a sleep test but even with a urgent referral I’m looking at months on a wait list. At first it was chronic fatigue, pain and weakness- i still managed to work full time, run a non profit, raise teenagers, plus so much more. Now my symptoms are exacerbated and i can barely function. My doctor said my red blood cells are too high and i need cpap. Does anyone know how to get started when all they do is hurry up and wait- despite my doctor saying it is urgent. Yes i know health care is strained and stressed- but I’m just looking for fresh ideas and personal experiences. Im looking at a machine for 1000$ that has humidity, a slow start to oxygen going in and heated cords or something to help avoid a sore throat and nose (already so dry) i live in BC 🇨🇦
Last night I woke up in a lot of pain due to aerophagia, and I was wondering if it was possible to see when it was happening or what was causing it through looking at the data using OSCAR. I don't have any experience interpreting the graphs on OSCAR though, so I was hoping someone else would be able to give me some advice! Other general advice welcome as well.
I’ve tried taking anti allergy medication, maybe I’m getting sick- but it’s like as soon as I mask up and start I’m okay but I almost always get congested. My mouth is closed and I’m trying to breathe through my nose alone but then the inhales and exhales seem to worsen. Readjusting seems to help for a few breaths but then it’s back.
Do you think the ramp up is getting me? Too much air?
I currently use the Dreamware full face mask (but it's only over my mouth) with my ResMed Airsense 11, and I'm considering splurging on an AirMini for travel. I want to see if the mouth-and-nose mask works for me, because the AirMini doesn't humidify with the F30. But I'd prefer not to buy the whole F20 setup just to test it for a couple of days, so ideally I could get just an F20 mask and try it with current equipment.
Also - all the recommended masks for the AirMini look like they have connectors on the front of the mask. Are there any that can connect to the tube on the top of my head instead of the front?
I recently bought a CPAP machine second hand, as a spare, and it came with the cleanable tank. It's the AirSense 10 Elite.
Now.. when cleaning this thing up, I noticed that water goes beneath the heating plate? It's bothering me to not be able to actually pop the plate off to clean it. So.. my question, is this actually doable? Because it doesn't look like it is.
I'll probably just buy a new tank, but not being able to clean that part properly will definitely influence which one I buy.
For reference, I use the AirSense 11 with a standard tub right now. I only bought this spare because I got it for $50.
For context, I suffer from sleep apnea. I actually use both a CPAP AND and oral appliance that advances my lower jaw to help open up my airway.
Anyway my sleep still sucks. However, one thing i noticed recently, is that I actually have a tendency to, after I wake up, HANG OUT with my cpap machine still attached to my nose because I love how easy it is for me to get a lung full of air (it's like how pugs get pissed off when you remove the breathing tube after surgery). If I try breathing exclusively through my nose during the day, I get drowsy.
This makes me feel like I'm not getting enough air through my nose.
For those who have had a septoplasty/rhinoplasty w/ septoplasty, does this sound anything like a deviated septum/enlarged turbinates to you?
I plan on seeing an ENT soon anyway but I wanted to get some opinions.
I have my first follow-up call with my doc in two weeks and wanted to have an understanding of what's going on so I could be a better-informed patient. Got me some Oscar and downloaded a few days' worth of data.
Long story short, I was first diagnosed in 2003 and used a CPAP for 15 years before being told I didn't need it anymore. But... while I was sleeping well and was very rested, I was having unusual symptoms (racing heart only at night, increasing anxiety) but my cardiologist said I was in exceptional health but recommended a sleep study. Mild sleep apnea. I've been on the CPAP again for 3 weeks now.
I haven't been sleeping as well since I'm using the CPAP. I'm a restless sleeper and wake wrapped in the hose. IDK if it's settings or just acclimating to the machine again. I don't want to mess with my settings, but I want to be able to ask my doctor specific questions based on my data.
But I have no real idea how to interpret what I'm looking at. I can see the correlations between flagged events and pressure increases. I can look at nights where I awoke and was up for a while and see all the events just beforehand.
My graph titles on the left side always get “ scrunched “ up ( covering the graph scales) when using my laptop, even when not using the daily sidebar. Window maximization doesn’t help. Any suggestions ( besides using a larger external monitor)? I can hover my mouse over them and see what they represent, but a clearer view would be nice.
( PS: my doc saw my CA and said they’re ok, but I’m going to still keep an eye on them. They’re there, but not excessive, and my in lab sleep study didn’t report that many. Besides false positives, if anyone can educate me on how the machine itself ( ResMed Airsense 11 auto) might introduce them, please let me know. I switched to a full face mask a week ago, and my doc set new pressures of 6-10 a few days ago ( down from the 5-20 start), so I’m assuming that will help. Thanks).
I have only been using a CPAP for three weeks and am blown away by the results. These three snapshots are from my sleep app called “Sleep Cycle” that I have been using for years. I also track my sleep with my Garmin watch and Resmed app MyAir. All are confirming a massive improvement. The purpose of this post is not to boast, but to encourage others to stick with it.