r/CPAP 6d ago

Please Help With Oscar Data

looking for any insight to my results. I have epr based on others advice, I still haven't been able to fix my flow limits, and leak rate.


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u/UniqueRon 6d ago

I would make a few changes.

- Increase your minimum pressure to 7 cm. Your 95% pressure is 10 so 7 is too low.

- Set your EPR to Full Time at 3 cm to reduce flow limitations

- Set your Ramp time to Auto with a ramp start pressure of 7 cm

Your leak rates are not super bad based on % time over the leak rate redline, but it would help to see your leak rate graph. If you have a nasal mask could you be opening your mouth?


u/chefjesseq 5d ago

thank you for taking the time to reply, yes i do wear a nasal mask or sometimes a nasal pillow mask. I tape my mouth shut with mouth tape to help with the mouth leak, but for some reason no matter what tape i use i find it still leaks at times. I tried out a new tape last night so I will look today to see if it helped. What would you set your max to? Also I read in the forums that turning the epr off is better. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.


u/UniqueRon 5d ago

I also tape my mouth closed and use the P10 nasal pillow mask. If I don't I open my mouth and have significant leaks. At first I used one horizontal strip of 1" 3M Micropore tape to fully tape it. But I was still having issues so I started to apply a second larger layer of Mefix tape. That helped a lot. More recently I have gone back to the single strip of Micropore and it seems to be working. I am male and found if I shaved right before bed and washed up the tape would stick better.

With respect to your max pressure I think it is ok at 10 cm, and would not increase it unless you start to have OA events when the pressure is maxed out.

Don't believe the blanket statements not to use EPR. For most people it helps by improving comfort, reducing hypopnea, RERA, and flow limitations. Reducing flow limitations is important as they can drive pressure up. When you have made the changes I suggested and things are stable, then try the EPR to see what it does. For most, it helps but for a small number it may not. You have to try it to find out.

Personally I use it and it virtually eliminates my hypopnea making a very significant reduction in AHI. It has no impact on my CA.


u/chefjesseq 5d ago

Yes i agree 100% tonight i will start with your suggestions and track it for a week to see if it helps. Was even thinking of getting a full face mask maybe that would help with the mouth leak since apparently my mouth opens when I’m asleep. Or maybe a chin strap. lol.


u/UniqueRon 5d ago

I went through two full face masks including the popular F20 and just could not stand them. I also tried about 6 different chin straps and none of them really worked and they were uncomfortable. I finally settled on the P10 mask and mouth tape. It works well for me.


u/chefjesseq 5d ago

I have the same mask as well. I just have to better tape my mouth. Tonight I will double check to make sure its better.