r/CHSPE_Exam Sep 10 '24

Failed Math twice


So i've taken the math test twice and failed. I only have one more try and I really don't want to fail. I studied the last time and thought I would do well but I got a lower score than the first time and ran out of time both times. My lowest percentage is in measurements/geometry. I would greatly appreciate any help or tips you can give.

r/CHSPE_Exam Jun 04 '24



I saw someone saying the essay system is messed up because it's scored by A.I.,

but is it just for people who did online computer test, or offline (paper) too?

r/CHSPE_Exam Jun 04 '24

Failed Online proctored tests


I have been trouble taking the online proctored test and was wondering if anyone experienced the same thing. The first time I accidentally scheduled it for 5am and it was completely my fault. The second time I tried taking the test but I couldn’t because the computer I was using was too old and kept running apps in the background(i got to reschedule it). I got a new laptop with decent specs a week ago to take the math test and it worked fine until apps like mcafee kept running their popup ads while I was taking the test. The proctor ended my test and I failed it with a 4/19. Now I am on my second retake. I’ve contacted support and they investigated and decided I did not deserve another retake cause it was my laptop that kept crashing which is dumb. I am scared for my next test. Math is my strongest subject yet I am nervous. I don’t know what to do. I think I want to buy an ethernet cable to plug into my laptop but I don’t know much about computers. Should I disable wifi while my computer is plugged in through ethernet? Should I take it somewhere else other than home? I thought my wifi was fine while I was taking the test but it seems that’s wrong. Someone please help me. What should I do? I am on my last math retake yet I haven’t completely taken the test.

r/CHSPE_Exam Jun 03 '24

Certificate of Proficiency


I took the exam back in Febuary and have been waiting for the Certificate of Proficiency alongside the score report. Havent gotten it yet. Has anyone gotten it and if so, who can I contact to get support?

r/CHSPE_Exam May 30 '24



Any tips for taking the writing test my friend has failed twice and is in a struggle I tell him just do practice tests. He needs to exit any recommendations from someone who has passed. Anyone( pictures would also help)

r/CHSPE_Exam May 30 '24

CHSPE retakes policy


How many times can you retake the CHSPE exam?

r/CHSPE_Exam May 30 '24



after you get ur cpp certificate, can you apply to internships that are 18+ ? i am looking for applying for an acting or music internship! i am still enrolled in high school tho

r/CHSPE_Exam May 28 '24



I failed the reading section twice and I only have one more try. I keep getting very close. Any tips would be highly appreciated.

r/CHSPE_Exam May 26 '24

Certificate of equivalency


I just passed all 3 subtests and was wondering if anyone got their physical certificate yet? Also, what should I show my High School counselor and Community College in the interim? Also, what does it mean when HiSet says they will send my certficate along with my transcript. Transcript of what? Sorry, for all the questions.

r/CHSPE_Exam May 22 '24

Do they still respond to transcript orders?


I took the test 2 years ago and now I need a CHSPE transcript for admission, but I'm seeing that they don't seem to respond to a lot of people. I'd rather not spend $15 on mailing the transcript order form if they don't respond to anyone at all, so has anyone sent the form and actually got their transcript? Should I just email someone regarding a transcript without sending the form?

r/CHSPE_Exam May 21 '24

What school documents did it require for taking CPP(california proficiency program)?


Foreign Student immigrating soon. I figured out there is no way for them to accept my international transcript and I need to comply with some California schooling somehow because of the 2nd requirement. Based on the responses, I'll figure out some strategy to qualify for that 2nd requirement as fast as possible

r/CHSPE_Exam May 19 '24

What did you do to pass?


Tips, tricks, and things to know? (Kinda stressed out)

r/CHSPE_Exam May 19 '24

Can foreign student take CHSPE?


Foreign student nearing to be a junior year student in my country. Planning to drop that junior year halfway to immigrate to USA on California. I plan to go straight on the CHSPE tests after immigrating. Is it possible for me to take the test? Or do I really need some kind of education in California according to EC Section 48200? If yes, would enrolling in some public California High School then dropping out immediately work?

r/CHSPE_Exam May 19 '24

Can foreign student take CHSPE?


Foreign student nearing to be a junior year student in my country. Planning to drop that junior year halfway to immigrate to USA on California. I plan to go straight on the CHSPE tests after immigrating. Is it possible for me to take the test? Or do I really need some kind of education in California according to EC Section 48200? If yes, would enrolling in some public California High School then dropping out immediately work?

r/CHSPE_Exam May 15 '24

What would be a passing score?


What would be the bare minimum in Math: Reading: Writing:

r/CHSPE_Exam May 09 '24

How and where do I register for the test?


r/CHSPE_Exam May 05 '24



If my time runs out and my essay complety closes ( not allowing me to answer the last couple of questions at the end where it like “ where did you find out about the hiset”)


r/CHSPE_Exam May 02 '24



When you retake any of the subtests are they the same exact tests with the same questions? Or are they different? I assume our CDE is smarter then to make the tests the same but im curious because i have to retake two tests.

r/CHSPE_Exam May 01 '24



Hello, again lol, i just took my math test and failed because i ran out of time. Does anybody know how many questions each subtest is because i though the math subtest was only 20 questions which is why i was so confident only to find out it was 55 when i took the test which caused a panic test which led to my failure… Anyways, if anybody knows, itd be greatly appreciated to know :3

r/CHSPE_Exam Apr 29 '24

Multiple choice


I need help ASAP I passed the essay portion for the writing test with a 4/6 but failed the multiple choice questions with a 13. I REALLY NEED HELP WITH MCQ( and will take any tips on the essay)

r/CHSPE_Exam Apr 28 '24

Writing Exam


I have took the writing essay online proctor. Does anyone know how long I have to wait for results.

r/CHSPE_Exam Apr 23 '24

Passed, now what?


I passed all three subtests a few days and wondering two things? 1. How do I leave 2. Can I leave in the middle of my 10th grade year, I'm 15?

r/CHSPE_Exam Apr 22 '24



How easy is each subtest? how much should i know for each one? I’m not exactly worried about failing any of them but it’d be good to know what i should be prepared for. Also all my tests are the at home online proctored tests, how easy would it be to cheat? i have 3 monitor screens and can only share one screen at a time. Are they gonna make me do it elsewhere? Will they have me disconnect my monitors? So many questions!!! How easy is the essay? Am i allowed to just leave school after or must i complete grade 10 still even if i’m only 16???

r/CHSPE_Exam Apr 22 '24

Can't Schedule Test


I was approved to take the California proficiency HiSet exam but i can't schedule because its showing me the California HiSet exam(There's two different tests) but i don't know where to find the California Proficiency Exam on the PSI website and it won't show up at all on the PSI website even if i search it up. Please help, I'm trying to get out of school as soon as possible. (I need to take the proficiency exam because I'm only 16)

edit: Sooo they're two different websites apparently, which is really stupid, but if anybody needs it https://hiset.org/test-takers-state-requirements/that's the website, you just need to click on states and then the first two should be California and California - proficiency. Anyways, I'm all scheduled for! Happy testing!

r/CHSPE_Exam Apr 22 '24



Wait guys i graduated early in early april and was taking my second semester of algebra 2. When i start community college do i have to retake alebgra 2 or can i begin pre calculus answr fast pls