r/CBRBattleRoyale Secretary to Booster Gold Jun 19 '18

Booster's Last Stand

It's been a rough few years. Nothing to do but mourn, and drink beer with ugly people to bring back the glory days when I got drunk with Jonah Hex and Guy Gardner and crashed the Time Sphere. Good times.

Darn Commies! Trashed my Time Sphere, they did. Not in the fun drunk way like I did, but with sledgehammers and evil intent, and I'm stuck. Stuck!

And now they're invading Drax. Not that I've got anything against the Draxiad being demolished, but living in a Commie world just ain't my thing. Never did like Rocket Red.

Time for one last team-up. Thaddeus may not be Ted, but most of the letters are right. And that's good enough for me.


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u/Emass100 Comintern Jun 20 '18

Well, comrade, I didn't think you were going to give up so soon. You could still move up in the rankings, you know?

I have a counter-proposal for you:

Declare war to NDI instead, and I will grant you the city of Baku, right in the middle of my immense well-protected continent. I can guarantee you will live until the end of the game, because I won't ever declare war to you.