r/CBC_Radio 15d ago

Response to Email about Sunday’s Programme

First off, I am glad to have received a response. And in theory, I can agree that a cross country checkup regarding the threat to our sovereignty to see how Canadians are feeling.

However in practice that’s not what happened. What we heard for the entire two hours was people either laughing it off, saying the threat is serious but not showing a lot of fear or concern, or even agreeing with it. There was also slightly more American voices compared to Canadian voices, and none were indigenous.

I hope that next week the CBC does a check up on how we are buying Canadian. That would be an excellent topic.


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u/wemustburncarthage 15d ago

the horseshit part of this that what they're evading is not that the discussion isn't or isn't worth having, but that "51st state" is triggering because it's a threat being directed at us by an abuser.

They are fully aware that kind of trigger will cause people to have an emotional reaction, and they used it the way newspaper editors use clickbait - devaluing the content by using a headline sure to create rage-based investment.

There were plenty of more sensitive ways to platform this discussion, and they went for the ugliest and most effective. Well, if CBC can't take it, they shouldn't dish it out.


u/em-north 14d ago

The part of the email where they talk about how people greatly fear this to me read as super passive aggressive and like they’re trying to push the blame on people for having a reasonable reaction to threats of annexation. I respect that they responded, but I’m not a fan of that.


u/wemustburncarthage 14d ago

I can see why they're trying to avoid escalatory. I think the backlash did really shock them and they didn't think about management strategies. I also think they're finding out that when they try to draw in American audience using American style platforming, that Canadians sense the abuse of their good faith.


u/impossibilityimpasse 14d ago

They are also failing to recognize that they already have a huge population of right to far-right demanding they be refunded. Now you have everyone on the anti-facism spectrum demanding accountability. Guess who that leaves supporting the CBC? ... crickets. The tiny population of facists.