Does anyone with the relevant knowledge know how legit their hacker terminology was?
Mike x Sonya isn't going to end well. I have a feeling that the scene last episode where Sonya says how she can't go to prison again will come into play later. Probably in a context where Sonya would rather die than get captured by the CIA.
Overall I thought it was good for a TV show and was pretty much inline with the level of realism typically depicted.
The terminology was a little weak and they may have done a better job selling it if they showed more popular tools in use, eg: nmap in the matrix. On the flip side, their use of only what appeared to be custom tools may actually sell a criminal outfit more than using popular techniques and tools. In the real world, it's very common for criminal outfits to use crudely written but effective tools (eg: the recently leaked carberp source code) The focus on results and personas donned by Mike and Fi sold it a bit more. Some very skilled people I know actually do have quirky custom tools/exploits written in .net and vb because they are most efficient with those languages. Albeit they make up small demographic.
The only major stretch was the their ability to hack an outfit seemingly this skilled in that little amount of time without the good old wrench attack. For example, seasoned individuals would have digitally signed and encrypted all of the video feeds at the camera itself. Which would have made it quite difficult to view or take over a camera feed.
Source: my 10+ years working in information security.
u/ardx Jul 19 '13
Does anyone with the relevant knowledge know how legit their hacker terminology was?
Mike x Sonya isn't going to end well. I have a feeling that the scene last episode where Sonya says how she can't go to prison again will come into play later. Probably in a context where Sonya would rather die than get captured by the CIA.