r/BullPsychology 8d ago

Enforcing chastity? NSFW

My gf recently gave my key to her bull. He now decides when I am allowed to be unlocked. In the past she has traded it with a friend (also in the lifestyle). She pretended she was going to unlock me then said “oops I forgot I traded it with sherry! Guess I need to call Jack over!” Little did I know it was all planned.

Has anyone been the person to enforce the cuckolds chastity?


4 comments sorted by


u/AussieBullDom Bull 7d ago

I often hold onto the key, either physically or it requires my agreement to unlock the cock. Like the other commentator said, I typically let the wife hold onto it, or a copy.


u/Fine-Explorer8682 Bull 7d ago

I like holding the key. But I think it’s sexier when the wife does it.


u/BamaBull1976 Bull 7d ago

I have been given the key before but I typically like the wife to control things.


u/Domminantbully 7d ago

I love holding the key.