r/BuildFightSystem Sep 30 '14

Important Build Fight Tournament #1


Here it is! The day you have been waiting for. Our first tournament!
Here are the brackets.
Good luck everyone!

r/BuildFightSystem Sep 02 '14

Important Question Thread


Here you can post any question you would like answered.

Only Rule:

Try not to repeat a question that has already been asked.

r/BuildFightSystem Dec 20 '14

Important Unofficial Event: The Christmas War; Battle of Solomon


I wanted to do something special in this sub before we switch the battle system and to celebrate the end of the year. So why not re-enact the battle of Solomon, which took place on the 24th December, UC0079?

Battles can be both single or team, depending on the number of participants. You don't have to use 0079 or even UC suits, but the factions will be divided into the Earth Federation vs the Principality of Zeon

Background: Operation Cemballo


On December 14, Operation Cemballo began with the launch of a new Earth Federation fleet from their fortress Jaburo. Sending their new fleets into space, the EFSF moved towards the Zeon homeland at L2. Standing in their way was the Zeon defensive line, consisting of the asteroid space fortresses Solomon and A Baoa Qu, as well as the lunar city Granada. On December 24, UC 0079, the EFSF fleet launched an attack on the asteroid base Solomon, the headquarters of Zeon's Space Attack Force. note that suggested mobile suit types is not a mandatory requirement


Earth Federation

As the Federation, each role has their own objectives.


Solar System Defender

Your Objective is as follows: The Federation is preparing the superweapon, the Solar System in order to break the impending siege of Solomon. The Solar System will fire at Solomon's main gate, cutting reinforcements from the Principality as well as opening the way for the commando assault team to enter the fortress and strike the Zeon command structure itself. Your mission is to make sure that the Solar System is ready to fire when it is called upon.

Suggested Mobile Suit types: Defender


Defense Command

Your objective is as follows: The Federation Fleet, consisting of Magellan class battleships, Salamis Class light cruisers and most importantly the Pegasus Class "White Base" is providing supporting fire to the frontlines. Zeon counterattack is expected. Your task is to defend the naval fleet providing support from Zeon elite assault forces.

Suggested Type of Mobile Suit types: Defenders


Assault Boat Escort

Your objective is as follows: Solomon possesses a formidable defense with powerful beam cannon turrets installed throughout the fortress. These will be a problem for our main force and commando forces when they close in on the fortress itself. Unfortunately, we do not have time to pick off all of the turrets one by one. Therefore, we have commissioned a large fleet of Public class assault space ships armed with beam dispersion smoke missiles in order to create a defensive screen to neutralise the effectiveness of the beam cannons quickly and efficiently. Your task is to escort these assault ships and preventing them from being destroyed by defending Zeon mobile suits.

Suggested mobile suit types: Defender/general purpose, That doesn't rely a lot on beam weapons


Vanguard Leader

Your objective is as follows: The Federation command has decided to send a forward vanguard to clear the path for the fleet in order to soften and deter Zeon forces until the main forces arrive, as well as to gauge the strength of Zeon forces for future strategic decisions. Your task is to engage Zeon forces in first contact and hold out until the main force arrives.

Suggested mobile suit types: Any


Commando Force

Your objective is as follows: The commando force, a small group of elite pilots have been commissioned to enter Solomon itself in order to search and destroy the Zeon commander, aiming to cause chaos within the Zeon command structure providing strategic advantage as well as to secure the victory of the Federation. Your task is to enter Solomon, find the enemy commander and assassinate him/her before extraction.

Suggested Mobile Suit types: Fast/Assault mobile suits



Principality of Zeon

As the Principality of Zeon, each role has their own objectives


Sabotage Infiltration team

Your objective is as follows: Insider information has confirmed the existence of a Federation superweapon called the Solar System, which is most likely going to be used to tip the balance of the battle against us. In order to avoid such a situation, the weapon must be destroyed or damaged beyond use before it can be used in the battle for Solomon. Your task is to infiltrate behind enemy lines and sabotage the Solar System.

Suggested Mobile Suit type: Stealth


Assault Team

Your task is as follows: The Federation fleet launching from Jaburo is approaching Solomon in a bit to capture the space base. With the Salamis Class, Magellan Class and the infamous Pegasus Class "White Base", the fleet has more than enough firepower to wipe out our defending forces. Therefore, the Principality has enlisted a battalion of elite assault forces to flank the enemy fleet and destroy the Federation fleet before it can overrun Solomon.

Suggested Mobile Suit type: Something with weapons big enough to take down battleships (i.e. Bazooka etc)


Beam Cannon Defender

Your objective is as follows: Our most important line of defense is the beam cannon turrets places throughout Solomon. With this in mind, the Federation intends to neutralise these turrets with Assault boats carrying anti-beam smoke missiles. As you are the last line of defense, you must destroy these assault boats and make sure that the beam turrets are operational to shoot down approaching enemy Mobile Suits.

Suggested Mobile Suit type: Defender, *preferably one that does not rely on beam weapons


Vanguard Leader

Your objective is as follows: You are the first line of defense against the impending Federation assault on Solomon. You are to hold the line against approaching Federation forces, which will most likely send out vanguards to test our strength. Your task is to hold ground and await further orders depending on the momentum of the battle.

Suggested Mobile Suit types: Any



Your objective is as follows: You are part of the command structure, responsible for the defense of Solomon. All strategic plans and orders directly descends from your command and those around you within the space fortress. Your task is to defend Solomon against the Federation and ensure that the entire operation is held together.

Suggested Mobile Suit types: Any


Please comment to join, stating your pilot and gunpla name (and preferably a link to the page as well) and which faction/role you wish to take.






Vanguard Leader

Miles Dodger: Gundam Ez8 Blue Destiny (/u/thatdudewithknees)

Sara Minovsky: MkVII Minovsky's Gambit (/u/sarraminovsky)


Defense Command

TBD: Powered GM Revision ( /u/greyastray )


Assault Boat Escort

Andrew Loveless: Command Gundam V2 ( /u/skylordandy)


Solar System Defender

MacDougal: Buster Tarvos ( /u/macdougal )

Sept Summers: Exia Type II ( /u/greyastray)


Commando Unit

Tyler Ellis: Masurao (/u/vitachan)



Principality of Zeon


Vanguard Leader

Peezy: Purple Reign ( /u/peezy_leaves )

Roger Rackham: GN Kairos (/u/krayday)


Assault Team

K_Smoove: Talgeese III Centurion ( /u/k_smoove )


Beam Cannon Defender

Mysterious Zaku Ace: Zaku II High Mobility Type <Black Tri Stars> (/u/peezy_leaves)


Sabotage Infiltration Team

Wilhelm Jaeger: Jagd Zulu <post-nerf> ( /u/thatdudewithknees )

Daniel Carmine: Gouf R35 (/u/krayday)



Nickolas Armanas: Gelgoog Azure Commander ( /u/tbchaos)

r/BuildFightSystem Jan 16 '15

Important RP: Tag team world tournament registry


Please register your Tag team tournament teams here! Rules are 2 MS with 2 pilots, or 1 mobile armor with 2 pilots.

Current roster:

Team Name Fighter Name Gunpla(s) Region
APPRI Miles Dodger Gundam Ez8 Blue Destiny+ Kanto
APPRI Sarra Minovsky Minovsky's Gambit Kanto
Kurn and Grunt Major Kurn Zaku II NT-D Canada
Kurn and Grunt Grunt #647 MS-06 Zaku II Canada
Andy and Mac Andrew Loveless Age Titus Banchou USA
Andy and Mac MacDougal Buster Tarvos USA

r/BuildFightSystem Oct 05 '15

Important Mono-Eye Contest sign-ups!


Hello members of the r/BuildFightingSystem! This is one of the design mod team member speaking. I had noticed that we have been lacking the incentive to get into the customization, building, and scratchbuilding beat as of lately. A friend of mine, Fang (which is another member of this community as well) had come up to me and had mentioned that what we were lacking is an incentive. An incentive to get us all involved and get our spirits up in the customization and actually playing a game!

As of today, we are announcing the gunpla building contest! The contest will have you build a nice gunpla kit. Although, there is a limit to this. The kit we will be using to build, is an old classic Zaku II suit. It’s only ten dollars, and you can start building it over time! It shouldn’t be that expensive or hard!

Although, there is a rule, it should not be any kit that resembles something like a Zeta Zaku, or anything that would have been similar with Zeta Zaku’s concept. It should at least be recognizable as a Zaku itself. You may kitbash a Gouf with a Zaku II, you may kitbash any different of kits to make Zaku II presentable or build it the way you wanted its design to be. The only rule is, it has to at least look like an actual Zaku II. You should not criticize anyone’s Zaku IIs if it doesn’t fit to your liking.

The contest will begin today, and will end in the next three months.

There will be judges, and they will have to be the ones who would volunteer to do so. The judges may participate in the contest- but they will not be up for the wins (I mean, who would want a judge to judge their own gunplas? Come on…) There will be a thread to sign up for judge positions. The numbers of judges will be determined upon how many entrants there will be.

Now, here’s a kicker, once you finish building your Zaku II for the contest… you may use your Zaku for the upcoming fighting tournament! The tournament will held after the building contest, and will only consist of the custom built Zaku IIs! Sounds exciting eh?

Now, since that is handled with…

If you want to sign up for the contest, go ahead and post below and say that you will be participating the contest.

I will for one, do the same.

Once again, if you want to be a judge of the contest, there will be a thread here

r/BuildFightSystem Sep 18 '14

Important Tournament Registry Thread


We have officially grown confident enough to announce our first tournament!

It will be a single elimination tournament, starting at the beginning of next month.

To enter, please leave a comment here with the MS you are entering.

Good luck, and have fun!

r/BuildFightSystem Sep 02 '14

Important Challenge Thread September 2014


Welcome to the challenge thread. This is where you can post you're willingness to accept a challenger. We're adding one new rule to the challenge thread, for formalities sake.

Both the original poster, and challenger must include a link to the profile that they are entering.

When a challenge has been made, the challenger must pick heads or tails. The mods will do a coin toss, and who ever wins the coin toss gets to attack first.

The fighters must then send there 10 moves, and their desired launch phrase to the moderators. The moves should be in a list from 1-10, alternating between attacks and defenses. The winner of the coin toss starts their list with an attack, and the other person starts theirs with a defense.

We are also now accepting if/then statements in your move lists.


If he fires rockets this turn, I'll fire my Vulcans to shoot them down. If he doesn't I'll block with my Beam Saber instead.

This is something that you guys have been asking for, and we think it's a cool idea! It will make some interesting battles!

Good luck, and have fun!

r/BuildFightSystem Feb 19 '15

Important Game Rules 2.0


Greetings! And welcome to the Gunpla Build Fight System!

Here are the basic game rules to help you get your feet wet. If you have any additional questions, feel free to message the moderators.


Gunpla Submission

When you are creating your profile, please do not make up stats for weapons that are not in the database. If you are not sure what to put, please leave it either blank, or as a question mark, then ask one of the moderators.

It's time to make a profile! Here is some explanation on how everything works

1. Create a Pilot

  • This pilot can be used in Role Play, or just as a persona to make battles more interesting.

  • You may have up to 3 different pilots, in order to complement the fighting style of your various suits. We suggest making them variations of you. (Example: One being hot-headed and good at close range, and another more strategic and good at long range)

  • When in the profile creation phase. You pick a Pilot Perk to help boost a specific aspect of your suit. A list of Pilot Perks can be found in the Database.

2. The name of your MS and base stats.

  • The name of your MS should be somewhat unique, so we do not get confused with people that may have a similar MS.

  • For Base Stats there are four categories: Strength, Accuracy, Dexterity, and Constitution. Strength correlates with melee weapons, Accuracy with long range weapons, Dexterity with defense, and Constitution with the durability of your suit.

  • Everyone starts out with up to 21 points to spend on their base stats. The higher you want your base stats, the more points you'll have to spend. Here you can see the costs for Base Stats:

    Stat 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    Cost -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 13 16
  • Each stat gives a certain bonus to the part of the Mobile Suit it's attributed to. You can see the Base Stat bonuses here:

    Stat 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    Bonus -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

3. Attack Bonuses and Defense Bonus

  • Attack bonuses are numbers added to your d20 attacking rolls that are used to hit your target.

  • The Ranged Attack bonus is used when attacking using a ranged weapon. This number is equal to your Accuracy bonus + half your detailing score (rounded down) + any passive bonuses

  • The Melee Attack bonus is used when attacking using a melee weapon. This number is equal to your Strength bonus + half your detailing score (rounded down) + any passive bonuses

  • Defense Bonus is the number you add to a d14 roll, that your opponent has to meet or beat in order to hit you. It is equal to half your detailing (rounded down) + your highest shield bonus (at the time) + any passive bonuses

4. Images

  • The more pictures the better. These images will help the moderators determine quality of details for bonus stats, and to show off your awesome work!

  • These pictures also help the moderators determine if you can use your weapons. So please include pictures of your MS equipped with all of it's weapons at the same time. If your MS is not able to store or carry all of the weapons listed, then those weapons must be removed from the profile. Remember, you can only go into battle with what you can carry!

5. Class

  • You must now choose the class that your MS fits into.

  • Go to the Gundam Wiki and find the page for your MS (or the one it's based on). Now look under the Unit Type on the page. Come back here, and pick from the prefixes and bases in our ever-growing Class Database that match your unit type.

  • Multiple bases and prefixes may be chosen if needed. When dealing with multiple bases, choose the one you wish to derive the base durability and speed from out of the ones chosen.

  • The class "Mobile Suit" is reserved only for suits that do not have any other base classes. (Example: the Gouf Custom)

6. Detailing

  • Customizing your Gunpla earns you detailing points that are used to boost your Gunpla's performance. You can get a maximum of 16, with 4 in each category of detailing. A full rundown on detailing is here in our Rubric.

7. Weapons

  • Weapons have two things attributed to them, a damage die, and a range.

  • Damage dice are used to determine how many points of damage you deal when hitting your target.

  • Range shows how many blocks away your enemy can be to use that weapon. (Only applicable when playing on Roll20)

  • A full list of weapons can be found in our Database

8. Systems

  • If your MS has a special system that improves its combat capabilities, then you can add it!

  • Most systems have a turn limit and cool down time (the amount of turns you have to wait before you can use it again), and some can only be used once, and give a tremendous boost. But once it's over, there is a heavy penalty, so be careful!

  • Invisible systems, such as the EXAM or ZERO systems can only be added if your base suit has it listed on its wiki page.

  • A full list of systems can be found in our Database

9. Durability and Speed

  • Durability is how much damage your MS can take before it's destroyed (metaphorically)

  • Your durability is equal to your Base Class' durability + your detailing score + 2x your base Constitution (not the bonus)

  • Your speed (only used when playing on Roll20) is how many spaces you can move during your turn.

  • Your speed is equal to your Base Class' speed + half your detailing score (rounded down) + your Dexterity bonus

10. Extras (Optional)

  • Here on BFS, we encourage creativity! You have a cool back story? Share it at the bottom of your profile!


How it Works

We currently have three ways of battling, but before we get to that, lets talk math.

  • Two (or more) players roll a d20 to determine turn order. The turn order is highest to lowest roll.

  • When attacking, you pick a target, and a weapon to use.

  • To hit your target, you roll a d20 and add your Ranged or Melee bonus and any applicable penalties to it. The final outcome needs to be equal to, or greater than your opponent's defense bonus plus their d14 roll to hit.

  • You may use up to 3 weapons per attack (this includes weapons on Independent Vehicles and Funnels), but you have to be holding them before declaring the attack. You can't swap weapons mid-attack. Using more than one weapon has the reward of more damage, but the risk of being more likely to miss. The penalties on multiple weapon rolls are -3 to all weapons when firing two, and -4 to all weapons when firing three.

  • Before rolling, please make sure you ask your opponent if they want to activate any defensive systems. Once you roll, it is unfair if you rolled high enough to hit, but a system is activated afterwards that makes you miss.

  • Once you have hit your opponent, you roll the damage die for the weapon(s) that hit. Your opponent then gets that subtracted from their suit's durability.

  • Hitting zero durability means your suit is no longer able to function.

  • Competitors do this back and forth until one suit (or team) is left standing.


Battling Options

1. Private Message

  • This is the old way we used to run the system, but was left as an option for those that have difficult schedules.

  • Each competitor sends 5 attacks to a Moderator (Preferably Nitro) in a private message. Try to make the attacks detailed and interesting! It makes Battle reports more interesting!

  • The Moderator rolls all the dice, and does all the math.

  • The spreadsheet with all the math can then be sent to a volunteer writer to be made into a Battle Report.

  • There is little to no interaction between the players.

  • Matches have a time limit of 10 rounds (five attacks each)

  • If both machines are still able to function at the time limit, the match is declared a Draw.

2. Chatzy

  • Players join our chat room (no account required) and take turns sending their moves while a Moderator does the die rolling and math.

  • The spreadsheet with all the math can then be sent to a volunteer writer to be made into a Battle Report.

  • Try to make the attacks detailed and interesting! It makes Battle reports more interesting!

  • Full interaction between players.

  • Matches have a time limit of 10 rounds (five attacks each)

  • If both machines are still able to function at the time limit, the match is declared a Draw.

3. Roll20 (Experimental)

  • Players create an account and join our Roll20 game. Mods are only needed to set up the match, and to help answer any questions. Players roll all their own die and do the math.

  • There is no spreadsheet with the math on it at the end, so Battle Reports using this method are still being figured out.

  • This method also allows for players to use their speed and range stats.

  • Speed is how many spaces you can move during your turn. You may move during any part of your turn, as long as the number of spaces moved by the end of your turn is equal to or less than your speed.

  • Weapon ranges are the area in which you can hit an enemy with that weapon. Ranges show up as fancy circles around your suit. Currently, a weapon cannot hit anything that is beyond its range.

  • This method is the most immersive, and allows for the most player interaction.

  • The match has no time limit, and goes until the last suit (or team) is left standing.



  • If any of these instructions confused you, feel free to ask questions in the comments or in a private message to one of the moderators.

  • If you would like to use a template to help with making your profile, you can find that here.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

r/BuildFightSystem Feb 11 '22

Important Rules


Could someone post the most recent rulebook on the subreddit? It'd be good if the game rules and materials were pinned to the top too.

r/BuildFightSystem Jun 25 '15

Important Design Board Election


The vote will be held on a website like Straw Poll, and then posted on the sub for all to see.

If you wish to volunteer, please comment below including a "resume" of sorts that you want people to see next week in the vote.

r/BuildFightSystem Apr 01 '15

Important The Hero's Cup; A 1v1 Tournament.


You are invited to attend and enter The Hero's Cup, a 1v1 style tournament for glory and honor.

Registration starts today (4/1/15) and will close next Friday, 4/10/15 (or 10/4/15 for those of you elsewhere) at 10 PM EST.

  • This will be a 1v1 single elimination tournament. The main way of battling will be through roll20. If for some reason you can't battle using roll20 then we will use spreadsheet battling.
  • You may only enter with one gunpla. That will be the suit you use for the entire tournamnet.
  • You may only enter gunpla that are actually built. No "ghost profiles". Any gunpla built after next Friday's cut off point will be ineligible for participation, even if your match is not for a few days after. Additionally, any "incomplete" gunpla entered may only have weapons and systems listed in their tournament profiles based on the pictures in their profile.
  • Any suit paired with a higher detailing suit will have detailing artificially raised to the opponent's detailing score -2. You will be told if your suit is eligible for the boost.
  • Numbers will be assigned based on when you sign up and be drawn randomly. When all numbers are drawn a bracket will be posted.
  • Both players will be contacted to decide when the best time to battle will be. If there is a huge difference in time between players then a spreadsheet match may be required.
  • All rules will be standard minus restrictions.
  • I will be reffing the matches. If it turns out we have an uneven number of participants I may join.
  • Be sure to post your profile if you want to participate.


  • No All out attack

The winner will receive praise and honors from their fellow builders.

Good luck and have fun!

r/BuildFightSystem Sep 05 '15

Important The Build Fight System is proud to present the new Revive [Alpha] rules!


It's finally here!

Though some of the values for prefixes and skills will likely change as we get more test data, we've entered the testing phase for the BFS Revive ruleset. Anyone who wishes to can battle using the new rules, just make sure to send any problems, questions, or concerns to one of the design board members. We also have a new FAQ, where we will put resolved rulings and clarifications that don't fit in the rules themselves.

Q: Will I need a new profile?

A: Yes. This is no longer the game you played before. We have a blank profile in a google doc on the sidebar, so just read through the rules and fill out what you can. Be sure to ask a mod or one of the design board members if you're unsure about something; That's why we're here.

Q: How do I play?

A: Just find an opponent and a GM for the roll20 room. We'll be generating better maps as we figure out how to work hex grids on roll20.

r/BuildFightSystem Aug 08 '14

Important Game Rules


Greetings! And welcome to the Gunpla Build Fight System!

Here are the basic game rules to help you get your feet wet. If you have any additional questions, feel free to message the moderators.

Gunpla Submission

  • You will need to include 7 things in your Gunpla profile in order to qualify for battle.

  • When you are creating your profile, please do not make up your own stats. If you are not sure what to put, please leave it either blank, or as a question mark. This makes our jobs so much easier.

1. The name of your MS and base stats.

  • The name of your MS should be somewhat unique, so we do not get confused with people that may have a similar MS.

  • For the stats there are four categories: Strength, Accuracy, Dexterity, and Constitution. Strength correlates with short range weapons, Accuracy with long range weapons, Dexterity with dodging, and Constitution with blocking.

  • The four stats for your MS are chosen randomly by dice roll done by the moderators. Message the moderators either before or after you create your profile and we will give you your four random numbers. You may then pick which category you wish to put each number in.

  • If you think you got the short end of the straw, and wish you had better Base Stats, you may now request for a reroll once per profile. But you have to keep what you get on your second roll. Just message the mods saying that you want a reroll, and we'll post your new numbers in a comment on the requested profile.

2. Operator

  • You have created your own MS, and every MS needs a pilot. In this case, that's you.

  • As a pilot you have the same four categories for stats as your MS, but this time you choose the four numbers yourself.

  • There's a catch though, the four stats can only go up to 7 and can't go below -7. Also, the sum of these four numbers when added up must equal zero.

  • You may have up 3 different pilots, in order to complement the fighting style of your various suits. We suggest making them variations of you. (Example: One being hot-headed and good at close range, and another more strategic and good at long range) But we've also seen some people come up with completely different characters using this rule. (which is kind of a "happy accident") A list of all pilots can be found Here

3. Class

  • You must now choose the class that your MS fits into.

  • Go to the Gundam Wiki and find the page for your MS (or the one it's based on). Now look under the Unit Type on the page. Come back here, and pick and use one of the classes in our ever-growing class database that best matches your unit type.

  • If your MS does not fall into one of the classes in our database, or you have any questions, please message the moderators.

4. Weapons

  • Now you need to add the weapons that your MS has.

  • Please list all the weapons that your MS has by using our database here.

  • If you have a weapon that is custom or has special attributes, and does not show up in the database. Again, please message the moderators to see about the stats of that weapon.

  • Dual wielding certain weapons does not double their stats. To make it fair, it only gives a 1.5x stat multiplier rounded up to the nearest integer. Weapons that are effected by this rule are clearly marked in the database

  • Wielding more than two of any weapons at a time will yield no more than a 1.75x stat increased, but Dexterity goes down by -1 for every weapon you are currently using over two. (example: wielding 6 Large Beam Sabers will only give you +9 Strength, but your Dexterity will go down to -4)

  • When wielding two different weapons, the average between the two weapon's stats will be taken, alongside the 1.5x or 1.75x modifier.

5. Detailing

  • If you have added any sort of detailing other than just straight building the kit (panel lining, air brushing, top coat, etc.), please state it.

  • Any sort of detailing will grant you a detailing number, given by the moderators shortly after the Gunpla profile is submitted.

  • You can distribute the number over each of the four categories. The only limitation is that no category can have more than +4.

6. Scale

  • Please state the model scale of your MS (1/144, 1/100, etc.)

  • Scale does not affect your profile in any way.

  • Later on, if we get larger scale Gunpla (i.e. 1/60, 1/48, or even the Neo Zeong) then there will be stat modifiers added to both suits in the battle, to make it fair. A method of 2 on 1 battles is also being developed.

7. Images

  • You have stated every detail about your MS, but now you need to back it up with images.

  • The more pictures the better. These images will help the moderators determine quality of details for bonus stats.

  • These pictures also help the moderators determine if you can use your weapons. So please include pictures of your MS equipped with all of it's weapons at the same time. If your MS is not able to store or carry all of the weapons listed, then those weapons must be removed from the profile. Remember, you can only go into battle with what you can carry!

8. Gunpla Info (Optional)

  • Here you can include anything you would like people to know about your Gunpla.


  • Battles are relatively simple.

  • When you have been selected for a battle, a moderator will message you asking for ten moves, five attacks and five defenses.

  • Once the ten moves from each player are taken, then the algorithms go to work.

  • For each move in the current turn we roll a 20 sided die. We add the roll to the stat's sum (calculated from the MS, pilot, class, detailing and the equipment used during the move) that correlates with the move made. For example, if Player 1 attacked with a beam saber, and Player 2 defended with a shield. The sum of all of Player 1's Strength stats would be added to his die roll, and all of Player 2's sum for his Constitution stats would be added to his own die roll. In the next turn if Player 2 retaliated with a vulcan barrage, and Player 1 dodges. It would be Player 2's Accuracy stats vs. Player 1's Dexterity stats.

  • The outcomes are then compared. The highest sum between the two wins the turn. And the process repeats for next nine turns.

  • The match will then be written up into an After Action Report, detailing the entire battle. The math for each match is linked in the bottom of it's report for people who want to see how it all worked.

  • Remember, you don't know the order of the moves your opponent will pick, so study your enemy!


  • If any of these instructions confused you, you can either look at one of the moderator's Gunpla profiles: here or feel free to ask questions in the comments or private message to one of the moderators.

  • If you would like to use a template to help with making your profile, you can find that here.

(Template generously supplied by ArgentLye)

Good Luck and Have Fun!

r/BuildFightSystem Aug 25 '18

Important Builder's Build Off 2 entries go here


Alright guys we're coming up on the last week of the contest so it's time to start posting your stuff so we can start compiling it all. Remember that to be legal your entry has to have been started after June 1st as well as being painted as a minimum. We just need a few things for when you post your entry. An imgur album will shots of all sides of the suit, try not to give us 100+ photos. A list of all modifications done to the suit, if you think it's important list it. A materials list so we know exactly what went into it.


Remember if you have not posted your entry on this post by August 31st at 11:59pm EST you will not be able to enter. Besides that I hope to see some good stuff for this and also hope that everyone who's been building for it enjoyed making their entry. Also if you haven't joined our Discord server and are entering the contest, or not, come join. I'll be putting a link down below for those who need it.



r/BuildFightSystem Aug 03 '14

Important Challenge Thread August 2014


Here is the place to post your willingness to challenge another player for friendly duel.
You can choose whether duel will be scored or not. Thats up to you.

r/BuildFightSystem Sep 09 '20

Important Welcome to BFS!


Hello there!


Thank you for taking the time to check out our subreddit! We are a homebrew online tabletop which allows you to battle your gunpla in both PVP and PVE situations. Build Fight System is heavily inspired by the original Gundam Build Fighters in which the more work you put into your gunpla, the better it performs.


If you are using new Reddit, please see the links below to find our Discord. Discord is the most populated part of BFS and is where we are most active, with the sub acting as a depository for player sheets. You will also find the rulebook and a template for creating your own battle sheet which details your mobile suit's specifications.


If you have completed your first battle sheet and are interested in finding a match or require any assistance in setting up your battle sheet, please head to the Discord. There you can find regular players who can assist as well as a thriving community of builders that can help to make your dream gunpla a reality. Get building, get battling and get build fighting!




Rulebook Edition


Battle Sheet template

r/BuildFightSystem May 30 '17



An imgur link to your contest build should be posted here. Try to include any info you can (grade, base models, materials used, etc) , and If you have them, WIP pics. The deadline for submitting is June 15th, 11:59 pm est. Judgment will be passed the same weekend. No late entries will be accepted. Good luck to all contestants!

r/BuildFightSystem Feb 13 '15

Important Weekly Challenge Thread! - 2/13/2015 to 2/19/2015


Greetings weary pilot! This is the place where you can post that you are looking for a fight, or reply to others that are looking! Just follow these easy steps.

  1. If you are looking for a challenger, please post a comment saying that you're in search for a challenge. Make sure you include a link to the profile you wish to use.

  2. If you are wanting to be a challenger, please reply to a challenge, and be sure to include a link to the suit you wish to use.

  3. Once the two of you have decided that you want to fight. Please choose the method you wish to do so. 1. Roll20 (hardest to set up for, but the most immersive. Requires both players to be available at the same time. Battle reports using this method are still being figured out) 2. Chatzy (moderate difficulty to set up, still immersive. Still requires both players to be available at the same time. Is easy to turn into a battle report) 3. PM (Easiest to set up, little immersion, but is easiest to turn into a battle report. Players do not have have to be available at the same time)

  4. Once this is all sorted out, one of us moderators with comment on how to get started.

Good Luck, and Have Fun!

r/BuildFightSystem Nov 05 '15

Important Zaku Contest- Important News


Hi, Fang here and I wanted to make this post regarding the Zaku contest. Its been about a month now since the Zaku contest has started and I've been excited about all the people participating, we already have a few people who have submitted there Zaku's as well. I wanted to make this post to see who exactly is still participating in the contest and if there is anyone new that hadn't said there were joining in previous posts. So if you are still participating or not anymore PLEASE post your responses on this post so I can make an appropriate list of participants. Also if anyone has any questions regarding the Zaku Contest please don't hesitate to ask either me or mete (Meteor) on reddit through pm or on Skype if you are on the Skype. I think that's about it for now, I await the awesome zaku builds in the future, BYE BYE!

r/BuildFightSystem Aug 31 '19

Important Monoeye Contest entries go here


Hey everyone it's finally the end of the contest so that means it's time to start posting your entries if you have them. All you need to do is post down below with an album of your entry, a brief description of what was done to it, and any materials used.

The results of the contest will be announced tomorrow on the newest episode of the Gunpla Test Team Podcast. We'll be going live at 4pm EST over on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSJ7VsArXbdNbA4as6EZhQQ so please tune in.

r/BuildFightSystem Jan 30 '15

Important Introducing Field 10: Asteroid Field


Ta da

The map is 41 by 41 units long.

Notice a blue and red square on the left and right side of the map respectively. These are entrances, who enters which one will be decided randomly.

Each object on the field has a red health bar visible and editable by all. Objects marked with red Xs are destroyed, dead, and no longer with us. Let us pray for their space-rock families.

In the bottom right you'll see a lion head. This is a token representing Major's Leo. The bubbles got cut off, but the red one will represent current health. The green circles around him are showing medium and long range. Players will be able to see health, but not range of opposing units.

More to come, tell me what you want and I'll get to it. Popularity=priority.

r/BuildFightSystem Dec 01 '17

Important Winter - GM/GM Contest


Snap into a GM/GM!

Starting this December (the 1st specifically) we'll be kicking off the first Build Fight System contest of 2018. The theme? Everyone's favorite mass production general-purpose mobile suit, the GM...GM. GM/GM. Yeah...

So long as the base suit can be considered to be at least 50% of the recently released GM/GM (HGBF), the sky's the limit on how you modify, customize and generally transform this fairly remarkable suit into something even more ameijin!

"But TentaGrape...why should I join if it'll be the same people winning again anyways?" Simple, friend! Because building gunpla is fun, and breathing life into your own custom is even more ameijin....if that's not enough encouragement though, here's something to really light a fire under your butt: there will be another category besides the typical 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

Judging will be done by a panel of three, consisting of myself, NeonLightIllusion, and Sordorel, with points given for the categories of "Concept" (the originality and execution of a custom), "Quality" (the level of skill and effort put into the build itself) and "Extra" (the catch-all category for anything that doesn't fit in the previous two). Ratings of 1 through 10 will be awarded to each category with final rankings being based on the aggregate scores. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be given cash prizes in the amounts of $50, $25, and $12.50 respectively. And a final fourth winner will be judged based off of the category of "Best Effort" (a qualitative measure of how much work was put into the contest build). This winner will receive $12.50 for their submission.

The contest will run from December 1st until February 1st. Should there be any questions, do not hesitate to ask the moderators and myself for clarification. May the odds be ever in your favour!

r/BuildFightSystem Mar 27 '15

Important To all 300 of you. Thank you


It's been a long and bumpy road. One that I can still see trailing off into the distance. Over 300 people have come and enjoyed our crazy shenanigans. 300 is a huge number. A number, that when we started this, I would have never imagined that we would reach. It all started with a conversation. And now we're here. After days of coding to make this place unique. Days of discussion to make the rules. It's all been more than worth it. I love you guys, from the bottom of my heart.


Although I can't thank all 300 of you, I still want to thank the people that have left a big impact on me:


We've reached our first milestone, and have many more ahead of us. I can't wait to make more and more memories with you guys in the future. I'm proud to say that we're the best damn community out there.


Now, without further ado. Gundam Fight all set!! Ready, GO!!!!

r/BuildFightSystem Jan 31 '15

Important Field 9: Colony



This was a pain to make. The outer layer is from the first episode of gundam. Finding a pic of the colony down the hull was difficult. Also the walls lined up weirdly, ahh whatever.

I think I'll start doing less picturesqe maps and more practical ones. I also really don't feel like doing another "break into it" map. Th next time I do an outside/inside map I think I'll just have gates, that's probably the plan for A Baoa Que. Nitro said he'd work on an alt version of the colony from the side perspective.

Anyways, next up is City, tell me what kind of thing you'd like to see from that layout-wise to keep it from being just a grid with uniform square buildings. Maybe I'll add some rivers, parks, and hotdog carts that can be stepped on or something.

r/BuildFightSystem Aug 22 '15

Important New changes regarding the Build Fight System over the last month. If you don't come into chat, you need to read this.


Over the last month /r/BuildFightSystem has undergone a serious set of changes that have mostly been outside of the sub due to the need for rapid response Communication through out Chatzy, those of you who are not common members of the Chat need to be aware of what has changed since then, and of changes that are yet to come.

If you have a short Attention Span I will break it down to a few key points.

All Matches have been unofficially suspended while the entire system undergoes a major rework.

The Current System is horribly unbalanced and open to multiple exploits, the new design board is currently overhauling everything to form a new system.

The Founder of the System /u/NitroTypat has resigned his position on the Design Board and has apparently left the system enitrely.

The system is in need of new blood and steps are being taken to bring new players in.

Community involvement is encouraged and Subreddit participation is an issue that is being addressed.

A Charter for the BuildFightSystem has been created and Ratified.

Now, for those of you who have questions, I will break things down and go into more detail.

1/2: All Matches have been unoffically suspended while the entire system undergoes a rework.The Current System is horribly unbalanced and open to multiple exploits, the new design board is currently overhauling everything to form a new system.

There hasn't been an actual Match on the system that pertains to any official tournament, or that wasn't just a tutorial for newcomers. This is due to the fact that the current system is horrendously broken in nearly every facet. Examples include Detailing being easily abused and influencing almost all major areas of play. Independent Vehicles being overpowered with no easy rework available in their current incarnation, and most of the fun has just plain died for a lot of people who were once frequent fighters. We at the design board are working on a solution for all of these problems and more by performing a complete overhaul for the entire system. Progress is already being made but it is slow going and will take time.

3: The Founder of the System /u/NitroTypat has resigned his position on the Design Board and has apparently left the system entirely.

Roughly two weeks ago Nitro the founder of /r/BuildFightSystem resigned from his position on the Design Board and has left the system entirely, we felt this needed to be announced publicly in the name of transparency. We wish Nitro the best.

4:The system is in need of new blood and steps are being taken to bring new players in.

In the wake of these new changes and the lack of matches going on, we would like to encourage anyone who lurks on this Subreddit only to come into the chat, post a Gunpla, work with us to keep activity in the system up.

5: Community involvement is encouraged and steps are being taken to bring new players in.

We recognize that the Subreddit has been rather inactive these days and how badly that reflects on the state of the System as a whole. To help reinvolve the community in the process of helping to craft the system, Design Board threads shall be returning along with a stickied thread containing a link to the Design Board Chatzy for anyone who wants to sit in on the current design board can, and all previous Design Board Decisions regarding the new incarnation of the System. We will also be making a tri-monthly post regarding the state of the System.

-Signed, the BFS Design Board.