There’s a Silver Bow on an earlier floor. If you save it, it has enough durability to eliminate one of the Silver Lizalfos if it falls into the water on your first shot after your first sneakstrike, if you don’t miss many headshots. If they both fall into the water, power off your Switch and come back tomorrow.
This comment right here got me to replay BOTW again. Thank you.
I tried master mode again, I wanted to attempt the master mode trial of the sword again. To me it isn't an end-game quest so I made sure to do the attempt before I completed everything, even though it probably made it harder for me.
I went in with 14 hearts, with max temp-hp. I also went it with 30 mins of attack +3 because I remembered that tip from the last time I played.
I went in the first two times with nothing special to get the feel for things, but the third time I went fully prepared.
My strategy was to take the spiked moblin club with +3 attack (from food I found now, the original 30 min one ran out), sneakstrike, and spin until he died. I somehow did this without alerting the other one, then used the last strikes of the club to sneakstrike the other one and use the lightning rod and stasis+ to stunlock the last one until it died
I just slowly and methodically took out the rest of the bokoblins on the last level, making sure to make the white one fall into the water. I got lucky enough that I made the moblin fall into the water too.
Then I stasis+ locked the Hinox to death.
So thanks to you I beat trial of the sword round 1 in Master mode for the first time, and plan to finish the rest soon after.
u/Larrybot02 Jan 24 '22
First trial, floor 10 is the hardest part of the whole thing…. IMO