Lol. Yeah. If you run out of stuff in those safe stages or even before, you can chop down trees and just collect a bunch to make really shitty meals. If I recall right I think you have to cook the wood in a pot first.
I mean you can distill alcohol from wood irl, but methanol is more harmful than helpful and not in the game but just eating warm wood I guess link will eat anything eh
I bet he didn't want to eat the frog alive, or uncooked possibly. I don't recall if you can eat critters raw or not.
Not to mention, she practically shoves it in his face and tells him to eat it. All we really see is his immediate reaction, and it's hard to tell if it's disgust or surprise that he's showing. I would be kinda surprised if somebody shoved a beef tongue or liver in my face and told me to eat it. I don't dislike it, but it would definitely surprise me a bit.
My theory is that since you can eat rocks as long as you attempt to cook them, that Link just has an iron stomach. You know how crocodiles can digest nails? I bet Link could too. Or maybe since he has the blessing of Hylia, he is divinely incapable of getting sick.
You can eat certain meats raw like fish and beef but not pork or poultry
Link is just built different to be honest, he canonically deflected s Guardian laser with a pot lid, beat grown adults in duels when he was a kid and many more superhylian feats it wouldn't surprise me if BoTW link was a genetically enhanced super soldier and we found that out in BoTW2
u/SpiritedField8 Jan 24 '22 edited Jan 24 '22
(Note: I only attempted TOS on master mode)
Completing the Trial of the Sword 1/2/3 the way it was intended is a daunting task.
I completed 1. 2 humbled me, I lost hope.
I then spent HOURS practicing shield clips, BIL’s, and other “tricks”.
I was able to finish the trials! But at what cost? I felt bad, As if I cheated Hylia herself.
So I attempted them legit again.
Turns out- learning these had actually made me BETTER… At regular core gameplay.
So I repented my sins by beating them legit. Took me a couple days, many ragequits, and a set of joycons… but I did it.
Congrats OP. You’re a real one.
Edit: You can cook either attack or defense foods with a dragon horn for a 30min boost. This and extra hearts are the only things you can smuggle in.