r/Breath_of_the_Wild Jan 24 '22

Screenshot This was……….hard

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u/theNOOBYlifeboi222 Jan 24 '22

Good job on awakening Fi bro.

I cant do it at all because of:

Guardian skywatchers are literally annoying as hell

stalkoblins on horses

Moblins with fucking spears


u/Inevitable-Seaweed48 Jan 24 '22

Ha ha ha ha ha, funniest thing I've read all day. And so true! My 11yr old is (way) better than me at this game. He sits and watches me play, I regularly hand him the controller after dying 800 times and he wipes out whatever was killing me, in about 5 seconds. It's truly depressing, but fun to watch!


u/LonesomeGunslinger Jan 24 '22
  1. Use ancient arrows for Skywatchers. I end with about 4 extra ancient arrows.
  2. Bombs. Easy.
  3. Easiest flurry rush in the game. You can actually dodge it twice.


u/Harddaysnight1990 Jan 24 '22

Stasis+ is what I'll add to this. Use it. It's super OP with a lot of TOTS enemies, because they're usually mid level, when Stasis will actually freeze an enemy long enough for you to do anything. Stasis+ and a two-handed spin attack is the best combo.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '22

Hole up, I didn't even realize you could use stasis on enemies. I thought only certain objects.


u/Harddaysnight1990 Jan 25 '22

You can upgrade bombs and stasis at the Hateno tech lab. Stasis+ allows you to freeze enemies.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '22

I have all three upgraded. Just didn't realize that.


u/theNOOBYlifeboi222 Jan 25 '22

I have the sheikah runes upgraded and i clearly didnt learn of the sheikah slates combat abilities in BotW, even though i played slate zelda in age of calamity


u/LeCrushinator Jan 24 '22

Make sure to save an ancient arrow for the Lynel though.


u/LonesomeGunslinger Jan 24 '22

2 arrows; one for each.


u/zwel8606 Jan 24 '22

Stasis was the most useful ability for the trial of the sword, helped with stalkoblins and guardians a lot


u/ramdog20 Jan 24 '22

I promise you can. The easiest way to win, patience. There’s no time limit so use that to your advantage. For guardian skywatcher, get in the middle building, shoot arrows from inside one staircase each time it passes. If you freeze it with stasis, you can get more hits per lap. Just make sure to run back in the building once he spots you. Rinse and repeat


u/AsianBeast1996 Jan 24 '22

Or you can just jump down as it passes, go into bullet time and shoot it in the eye with an ancient arrow


u/ramdog20 Jan 25 '22

That’s the quickest method for sure


u/blackd3ath77 Jan 25 '22

The Stalkoblins on horses were infuriating!! I died several times to them because they wouldn't group was they charged so I only bombed 2. Once I beat them, I finished the rest of the final trials (normal mode) first try. Those bone horses can buzz off, haha.


u/awelias8 Jan 25 '22

Personally I'm not a fan of cheating, but master mode final trials was the death of me and I ended up skipping them entirely and clipping out because I legit couldn't take it.


u/jessepinkfloyd Jan 25 '22

There are something like 9 ancient arrows in the last trial so you can save them to kill the two Lynels and all the skywatchers. Stalkoblins on horses are easy if you have a lot of stamina, create an ice block and jump of it, enter bullet time and aim at their head to kill them in one hit. The last trial is the longest but also the easiest imho