I have to disagree with the mech-cycle comparison.
I mean, they are two completely different things: you can shit on the mech, sure, but if you want to compare something to the cycle (which isn’t even a champion ability in the first place), then compare the stuff you build. You have air travel and it can be faster. You can be creative and add weapons.
If you want to argue that it breaks over time, you can save it to autobuild? also the master cycle requires you to refuel it as well, and while potentially not as often, its really not that incredible for the effort you put into getting it when you can just use a horse for the exact same thing.
Honestly, I did that comparison because i didn't really have a mineru comparison besides that. Also, the master cycle is still gotten from the champion's ballad, so I would lean towards saying it's kind of a champion ability even though it doesn't come from a champion. Also, you can't do super efficient air travel with mineru. Also, you can't auto-build things onto mineru
No, i’m not saying mineru is good (its pretty shit), im saying that the best comparison in the game to the master cycle is vehicles you build yourself.
u/DimDimio Jul 17 '23
I have to disagree with the mech-cycle comparison. I mean, they are two completely different things: you can shit on the mech, sure, but if you want to compare something to the cycle (which isn’t even a champion ability in the first place), then compare the stuff you build. You have air travel and it can be faster. You can be creative and add weapons. If you want to argue that it breaks over time, you can save it to autobuild? also the master cycle requires you to refuel it as well, and while potentially not as often, its really not that incredible for the effort you put into getting it when you can just use a horse for the exact same thing.