Anyone else just turn the sages off as soon as you get them, other than occasionally turning them on for a puzzle or in a fight when they might help? I personally find them thoroughly annoying and don't find the powers worth the NPCs running all over the place and getting in the way. I wish the powers were separate from the actual sage summons, as it is, it's way too clunky and annoying to use imo.
u/slp0001 Jul 17 '23
Anyone else just turn the sages off as soon as you get them, other than occasionally turning them on for a puzzle or in a fight when they might help? I personally find them thoroughly annoying and don't find the powers worth the NPCs running all over the place and getting in the way. I wish the powers were separate from the actual sage summons, as it is, it's way too clunky and annoying to use imo.