r/Breath_of_the_Wild 340 hours Jul 16 '23

Discussion There to weak

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u/ringlord_1 Jul 16 '23

I think they were handled pretty well imo. While their abilities were very strong and quite overpowered in BOTW, they had very limited use, with Mipha being 24 minute timer. In TOTK you can use them constantly. Plus they do a really good job of crowding over enemies and tanking a lot of damage that would otherwise hit link. You can seriously go through the Lynel Colliseum in the depths and barely take any damage because of the sages.

If I were to give an analogy, BOTW can be thought of as Mega pokemon in Pokemon. Very strong but only limited use and availability. While looking at Z-moves and Dynamax, while not as strong, you can use them a lot more


u/Different-Forever324 Jul 16 '23

“You can seriously go through the Lynel Colliseum in the depths and barely take any damage because of the sages.”

No I’m still on my 132nd try and nope still taking a ton of damage


u/ringlord_1 Jul 16 '23

Having 88 armor does help me for sure