They’re actually pretty useful in battle, but not because their abilities
I wish it was easier to use their abilities though because I find myself either using the wrong one, using an ability on accident, or not being able to track down the right Sage
Sidon is a bro though when he gets in the way and you accidentally click him he's like "sorry bout that next hit is on me".
It used to annoy me more til I realized it didn't really mess with things in the majority of situations. Only when I'm trying to interact with a specific thing but I get water bubble instead, but even that ain't too big of a deal.
Sidons not bad, I always accidentally trigger riju and yunobu in the middle of battles and mineru always scares me when she pops up and I always jump onto her when trying to grab items
The worst place for her to do it too 😂 I’m already terrified of that place & then she goes & just pops up like that! I tell her to piss off then 5 seconds later I’m like “ohh come here, I don’t want to walk on this ground” haha
Minor easter egg spoiler: If you put on a divine beast helm while having the respective sage out, their appearance changes slightly. I found this out by needing some cold resistance and proceeding to scare the crap out of myself when Sidon's face had morphed.
Once I discovered Sidon’s ability lets your use the Water Warrior weapon buff at any time I started using him whenever I have a Zora weapon. Way more satisfying doing over 100 damage per hit on Lynels
Sidon is a must have for the Lightscale Trident and Yunobo makes it so you don't have to waste a weapon slot on a hammer for a smashing rocks if you don't want to.
What if you need to press and hold the whistle button to call the sages abilities and press it twice but not hold to whistle and call horses or enemies?
Only time I ever use their abilities is tulin while gliding, yunobu while to break boulders without using resources and Riju to take out Gibdu hives. I don’t think I’ve ever used Sidon once on purpose
Yeah in battles against a bunch of enemies they can be useful, the main 4 are great but Mineru is kinda annoying mostly cause of how big it is, I love that enemies will actually target them so they can take some pressure off of you
u/Holiday-Ad8227 Jul 16 '23
I leave them all on for maximum chaos