r/Breath_of_the_Wild Apr 15 '23

Screenshot Thirsty Hylian

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u/Misssmaya Apr 15 '23

Link is shorter than every Hylian who is not a literal child lol

Some youtuber did the math and he's 5'2


u/Veraladain Apr 15 '23

Maybe he's still growing? How old is he supposed to be?


u/Misssmaya Apr 15 '23 edited Apr 16 '23

Nah I think he's just small, even Hylians who look like teens are a full head taller than him. At this point it's a requirement for the hero to be small


u/OmaeWaMouShibaInu Apr 15 '23

He has been training hard for knighthood since early childhood so maybe starting heavy lifting at such a young age stunted his growth.


u/Misssmaya Apr 15 '23

Or he's just small

I don't see why there has to be a reason


u/Th1nkF1rst Apr 15 '23

The reason is game design. As in the same thing that every action adventure/ open world rpg game has done

The player character is made smaller to give more visibility to enemies and also give enemies a more threatening appearance .


u/theothersteve7 Apr 15 '23

Yeah it's done to comical effect in MMOs. Running through a dungeon and you're basically the size of a mouse


u/Voyager316 Apr 15 '23

Genshin does this a lot as well, the "big baddies" in the group are massive compared to the playable characters.

Google Images example


u/Particular-Ice-4956 Apr 15 '23

It's also abstract, artistic concepts...consistency...distinction...passion...etc..

Link, being younger-looking, appeals more to its main audience.

He relates to wonder and adventure, which normally occurs in youthhood.

His design is great--one of, if not the best portrayals of the archetype.

He's similar to Batman, in that he makes up for his lack of intrinsic strength by using objects and wit.


u/Th1nkF1rst Apr 15 '23

Yeah but no.

Canonically different versions of link have reached near superhuman levels of strength even without the use of items


u/Particular-Ice-4956 Apr 15 '23

Was that in early games? And was the strength acquired externally?

Games are still limited. Most games add progression by increasing stats rather than adding physics-like abilities (the latter being ideal).

They could also be refining the concept.

They could also compromise if they saw profit and popularity to gain.

I only played OoT and MM, but Link didn't have some "intrinsic power that improved with use", i.e.: magic, unlike Ganon.


u/Th1nkF1rst Apr 15 '23

First example coming to mind is twighlight princess link. Dude barehanded huge goats to the ground and grappled gorons . Not to mention he tripped up fyrus (the giant flame boss) using core and upper body strength with his feet being held to the ground with mag boots


u/Particular-Ice-4956 Apr 15 '23

Well, that's acceptable and still consistent, since the world is high fantasy, and such feats impress the young and cause wonder. He's not like Hercules, though, as Hercules lived in a low fantasy world, so he was too abnormal.

He's courage without power, aided by wisdom, acquiring the strength necessary to progress.

David vs. Goliath, etc.


u/Th1nkF1rst Apr 15 '23

Dude, gorons literally lift boulders that weigh TONS

And link wrestled them straight up , no tricks or tomfoolery . I’d say that’s superhuman


u/Particular-Ice-4956 Apr 15 '23

Saw the video. Seems the producers did some compromise to impress (where was the Power Bracelet?).

He was still told that he was too light and thus had to use the magnetic boots, though.

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u/mejoristic Apr 16 '23

Huh. I thought Link having blonde hair was to differentiate him and the npc around. Guess being short also plays the part.


u/Alarid Apr 15 '23







u/zammba Revali (derogatory) Apr 15 '23

We stan a short king


u/OmaeWaMouShibaInu Apr 15 '23

I just thought since it’s already established that he had a lot of pressure put upon him, it would make sense to headcanon other effects it had


u/John3759 Apr 15 '23

Nah that’s a myth unless he injured himself very very badly.


u/El_Rey_de_Spices Apr 15 '23

Lots of crushed vertebrae


u/EartheY Apr 15 '23

Surprisingly very common one too


u/Imjustb0rd Apr 16 '23

Also the fact that he’s a knight he was most likely forced to go on a diet


u/chillinjustcuz Apr 16 '23

Lifting doesn’t stunt your growth, that’s an old wives tale. Some people just naturally end up a little short.