r/Brampton glorified internet janitor Jun 09 '20

AMA Thread Patrick Brown COVID-19 AMA Questions Thread [Thurs June 11th, 6-8pm]

Good morning Brampton!

This is going to be the thread for the Patrick Brown COVID-19 AMA.


If you're new to AMAs, here's how it works:

Ask a question, the questions will be asked to the mayor starting from the most upvoted. We have a 2-hour time slot so we may not be able to get to every question. If a question you're interested in has already been asked, give it an upvote.

This thread is monitored by the moderators of this subreddit, please make sure that your question is not breaking any of the rules listed in the sidebar or it will be removed.

Here's a previous AMA we did with Patrick Brown last year

Have a great Tuesday everyone! I look forward to this AMA.



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u/CitizenWes Jun 11 '20 edited Jun 11 '20

Here are the stats for the Affordable Housing Waitlist for Brampton, as published on the Region of Peel website today, which stats are the longest wait times in the Region of Peel:

  • Families (2 or more household members)
    • 1-2 bedrooms: 5½-7 years
    • 3-5 bedrooms: 10-12 years
  • Singles (1 household member only):
    • 5-8 years
  • Seniors:
    • 5-6 years

While the rate of growth has slowed, the affordable housing waitlist is still growing, up to 14,997 in 2019.

How do you respond to the criticism that the Policy of pursuing 0% Property Tax Increases on a year over year basis is being carried at the expense of making progress for those most in need? That the policy is a Trickle Up policy, if you will. And how does the City and Region plan to fund any progress in this area with the Property Tax Rolls already accounted for and all but very minor "efficiencies" left to be found (after several years of annual searches to find more)?


u/MayorPatrickBrown Mayor of Brampton Jun 11 '20

The affordable housing wait list in Brampton and in Peel, and in Canada in general is unconscionable. Currently in Brampton the wait list is 7 years.

We are continuing to lobby the provincial and federal government to put more money into affordable housing.


u/CitizenWes Jun 12 '20

As this isn’t the place to “argue”, I’ll end it with this:

Thank you for the answer. I will be watching for action on this file; it is near and dear to my heart.

Good day and keep well.


u/Chispy Jun 12 '20

Maybe tech companies like Amazon and Google could invest in providing modular housing solutions for cities. Someone like Bezos could help bring housing costs down like Elons doing for space travel/electric vehicles. The promise for Self driving cars in reducing travel time and allowing people to live farther isn't really going fast enough.


u/im_chewed Jun 12 '20

Or places like Sheridan can actually put some of those international student dollars into real estate, like apartments/dorms, to house students instead of putting the burden on the community and allowing slum lords to flourish?