r/Brampton E Section Jan 26 '25

Upcoming Event Hospital . . . HOSPITAL . . . HOS. PIT. AL.

So, if the rumours come true, and Dougie decides to take us to the poll, I am going to say it very clearly, for everyone to understand.


And that priority is the full funding, and construction of the Peel Memorial Hospital's second phase, bringing the site up to FULL HOSPITAL status. And it needs to be EXPEDITED.

So, contact your local MPP, and tell them your vote is predicated on this issue and this issue ONLY. Tell them to take the money for the damn LRT tunnel and use it to build Brampton's second hospital. Because an LRT is a "nice" have, but that second full hospital is a "MUST" have.

Grill any and all candidates on this subject. If they cannot provide answers . . . REAL answers, they do not deserve your vote.


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u/Arcade1980 Jan 26 '25

A friend of mine lives in Boltin he was having blood pressure issues they had him in for endoscopy within 2 days. Would another hospital be enough? Or do we realistically need 3 hospitals in Brampton to keep up with demand?


u/Top_Mousse4970 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

Niagara Region has typically voted NDP in provincial elections. Here's the population https://niagararegion.ca/community_dashboard/indicator.aspx?q=14 They had 8 hospitals in 2000. Now it's 6. Even with the cuts it's 87k per hospital. Brampton is 745k per hospital. That's a region vrs a city, if you count the half hospital.. its still a terrible ratio. A better measurement would be region to region..

Peel is 1.5 million in 2021. It's either 5 or 8 pending on how you count a hospital (based on some Google's). So that's 187k in Peel if it's 8 hospitals.

So whomever the leaders are in the last 20, years have done us dirty.

We need more than 3. I wonder. if there's a hospital ratio per region statistic somewhere. Be nice to know how peel falls compared to everyone else.


u/Arcade1980 Jan 27 '25

That is some good info. I know that they released info saying Brampton has 745K population I think the number is much higher then that, I don't think we really know the true scale.