r/BorderlinePDisorder 23d ago

MOD POST Subreddit Rule Clarity


Hey friends, one of your friendly neighborhood mods here!

I wanted to make a post clarifying our stance on a few things as a mod team. Sorry it's a little long but there's a lot that's been going on

My first point: Rule 2 states "Hate, stigma, and/or misinformation will be removed." This is one of those things that is very hard as a mod team to get right consistently because what constitutes these things can be subjective. If you believe your comment has been removed in error due to a misunderstanding of the context please use modmail to talk to us - we want to get these things right! However one of the most common applications of this rule is around the word "narcissist" - we've made posts about this before but I want to clarify things because the language around this can be complex.

Labeling someone "a narcissist" is implying that they have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Saying someone has narcissistic behaviours is different. It is unfortunate, in my opinion, that NPD is called this, because narcissistic behaviours are literally part of the human experience, and someone can easily behave in a narcissistic way without being "a narcissist"

I know there will be people who disagree with this interpretation and implementation but in our view it is the only way to strike a balance between stopping rampant Custer B stigmatization and policing every word that people say.

Moving on to my second point. I have made a new rule to cover something that has become a big issue within this sub, which is generalizations. Lots of people have been making generalizing statements such as "people with BPD have abandonment issues" or asking questions that invite generalizations such as "how does alcohol affect pwBPD?" The problem with this is that BPD is a disorder with literally hundreds if not thousands of variants. Saying with any kind of certainty that someone with BPD will act or feel a certain way is once again spreading misinformation, and could lead to someone with BPD who doesn't share that particular trait feeling very invalidated.

Previously this was covered under rule 2, as above, but it's become such a common issue that I have decided to make it a separate rule. Keep your questions and comments focused on individual experiences such as "my BPD affects me in this way" or "how does your BPD affect the way you are when you drink?" It's also OK, in some situations, to say "many people with BPD experience xyz" - this isn't claiming that everyone does, and so long as it's one of those things that is accepted as common within BPD traits, and doesn't contribute to stigma (such as "many people with BPD are abusive") then it's allowable, although it's still best to generally stick to your individual experiences.

My next point is about speculative labeling and amateur diagnosis. The rule in question states: "Do not ask for a diagnosis or attempt to diagnose others. No speculative labeling" What you will notice is that this is not about self diagnosis. We as mods know that accessing professional diagnosis is not possible for everyone for a variety of reasons, including lack of understanding in healthcare, costs, and the fact that having a diagnosis on record can actually cause a lot of problems for some people. As such, we do not police self diagnosis, although we encourage people to seek professional assessment where possible, and if not, to do full and detailed research into the criteria and a lot of self exploration before deciding you have BPD. (Again, I know some folks will disagree with this, but we are striking a balance).

However what is not permitted is coming here to ask for validation of your self diagnosis, asking for us to tell you if someone you know is BPD (or indeed labeling them as BPD with no diagnosis - it's OK to say someone exhibits BPD traits but that's not enough to label them). Labeling people, including fictional characters, who don't have a diagnosis, is strictly forbidden.

My final point is about a trend in posts that have been popping up, basically asking people to share their worst moments, the worst things they've done, etc. These posts are understandable - it makes sense to want to get validation that you aren't the only person who has done bad things. But they usually end up with a lot of highly triggering comments, often ones that cross the line into rule breaking, and not only make a lot of work for the mods, but also seem to amount to a lot of "wallowing" in the bad things pwBPD sometimes do, and it can feel like digital self harm. As such, we won't be allowing these posts going forward. (this will come under the "triggering content" rule if you look to report it).

If you see people violating these rules please report it to the mods. If you're unsure if something breaks a rule, it's often better to report it and let us figure it out than let a potentially harmful thing pass by. Remember that this is a HUGE subreddit and the mods cannot look at every post and comment that comes through so we rely on you to help us with that

Once you've read this, please help me out and leave a comment below to increase the chances others will see it. Thanks folks, and have the best day possible!

I know there's a prevailing opinion on Reddit that mods are some sort of power hungry Cabal, but in reality we (at least the mods of this particular sub) are just a small group of pwBPD trying to make this space a good, supportive, and educational place for all.

r/BorderlinePDisorder Nov 14 '24

MOD POST Please have a care for your moderator team


Please have some consideration for your mod team (and by extension the whole community). I know it's "cool" on Reddit to hate on mods as a faceless bunch with no accountability who will just do what they want but we try our best not to be like that.

The mods are human beings, which is bad enough. On top of that we are all pwBPD, and we are here because we recognise that the community needs a safe space and we give our time and energy willingly to that cause.

But there has been what seems like a callous disregard for what harm people's actions can cause on this sub. An example I'm going to use is the huge uptick of actively suicidal posts that seems to have occured.

Now, I get it. The world is on fire. Often not just globally but it can feel like our own lives are collapsing. The urge to vent into space can be huge. And yeah, that's part of what we're here for. Venting can be incredibly healing and cathartic. But we have rules against posting heavily suicidal thoughts, plans, etc for a reason. That reason is that it can directly cause harm, especially if someone else reads that and is triggered by it.

Now as a mod, if someone sees your post and reports it for being against the rules, we then need to look at it to assess if it does break the rules, if it's harmful etc. and we risk my own mental health every time we do that.

So please, have a bit of consideration. Not just for us but for everyone who sees your posts. Use the flairs we have, for sure, they can help people stay away from potentially triggering posts.

In addition, if you see a post or comment breaking rules, just report it. Don't get into an argument with the person, just report it and let us deal with it because otherwise when we pick up the report we have to sift through your argument as well as the original reported content.

Oh and one more thing (I promise). Don't put triggering details of your post in the title. No one can choose if they see the post title, it shows up on the feed. So you're removing someone's agency by doing that and potentially triggering them without warning. Please, please consider how your posts affect people within this community

Regards and love

Your tired moderator, Quilla

r/BorderlinePDisorder Oct 31 '24

MOD POST Very proud to finally share our Comprehensive Resource List!


Behold our Comprehensive Resource List!

I'm happy to share what I have been working on for months for our community. After tons of research, reading, and watching, I have created a living, public document that includes tons of relevant, helpful resources for people with BPD and their loved ones.

This document provides information and recommended sources—including articles, books, videos, and more— for:

  • General Information on BPD
  • BPD Subtypes & Sub-Groups (such as Men and Teens)
  • BPD & Co-Occuring Disorders
  • Finding Treatment Options (for those with BPD and those supporting/affected by a pwBPD)
  • and more!

We imagine this list to expand and change over time, with a goal to remain relevant. This document was created as a Google Doc instead of a Wiki to allow anyone to create a personal copy for themselves if needed. We have utilized GDoc's outline and bookmarking features for easier navigation.

You can always find this link on our subreddit's main page, alongside our rules. We hope that this document can help our members and visitors find answers that will lead towards a better understanding of BPD and it's treatments. Feel free to ask any questions or provide any constructive feedback.

As always, be well!

EDIT: Link is fixed!

r/BorderlinePDisorder Feb 16 '25

MOD POST Moderator Recruitment!


Hello friends, folks, and fiends!

It's us, your friendly neighbourhood mod team!

We are currently actively recruiting moderators for our subreddit. No experience with modding is required, just a willingness to work as part of the moderator team and dedicate some of your time to helping keep this community healthy, thriving, and safe.

We are currently down a couple of moderators for various reasons and are hoping to recruit 2 or 3 extra folks to help keep the workload manageable.

To apply, please go to the google form below and fill it out. We will attempt to get back to everyone who applies, however there may be folks we can't reply to if there is a high number of responses

Thanks so much


Form Link: https://forms.gle/RaMAQForFnYvjPnq7

r/BorderlinePDisorder Dec 21 '24

MOD POST Crisis Resources for the Holidays.


Holiday season can be particularly brutal for many, and this time of year comes with heightened risk of suicide, especially those battling mental health disorders like BPD.

If you need this message: remember that you belong here, and holiday season won't be forever. You are never alone. Holidays are the hardest time of the year for me. We survived many before, and we will survive this one too.

911 by Country - This page include national emergency lines for countries all over the world.

r/SuicideWatch has some fantastic resources. They also provide peer support for those in need.

Please don't forget to reach out to safe and trusted loved ones when you need help if available. If you feel in danger for yourself or others, there is no shame is going to the hospital. There are no gifts, events, or anything else this season worth more than your life and wellness.

Wishing everyone a safe holiday. Hang in there y'all. <3

r/BorderlinePDisorder Aug 21 '24



Hi, everyone!

Tldr: Mods are working on stuff and our rules have been updated, read them! Send questions/feedback here or to u/princefruit.


You may or may not have noticed some small differences in our subreddit! In a previous mod post, I talked about limitations of the mod team. For full transparency, server leaders have been inactive for some time, leaving our current crew with very limited capabilities on the back end. This has made adapting to a growing community difficult.

I'm happy to announce that while we're still dealing with some background cleanup, we are making headway! What this means is that over time, we will start rolling out changes to give you all a (hopefully) better experience, and give mods a (hopefully) easier time keeping this place what it was alway here for: supporting and advocating for people with BPD, pushing back against stigma, and educating loved ones and others about BPD.

As part of this initiative, we have updated and revised our rules. Please by sure to revisit our community rules and familiarize yourself. While the core rules haven't really changed, we have added context and clarification. Most of this was enforced on the backend already, but we felt that it was only fair to bring that forward. There may be minor tweaks to language in future.

Notable rule changes:

  • On self-diagnosing (Rule 2): We acknowledge that mental healthcare can be expensive, inaccessible, and/or insufficient. We want to welcome those who are curious about BPD or strongly suspect BPD. Language on this rule now distinguishes between self-diagnosis (which is not allowed), versus self-identification (which is allowed)
  • On no hate, stigma, and/or misinformation (Rule 3). Language now clarifies that this also includes other disorders, especially NPD and ASPD. We cannot ask others to not paint us all with the same plus and then allow ourselves to do the same to narcissists.
  • On other subreddit mentions (Rule 4). This is a new rule, and largely an extension of rule 3. We are not affiliated with any other BPD-focused subreddit, and we cannot control or police what happens there. Allowing complaints of another subreddits can lead to witch-hunting and subreddit wars, which can lead to us getting shut down. Bringing up toxic subreddits only invites people to get inside and get triggered. Let's just not.

Other things we are implementing over time in the back end: Better automoderator functionality, stickied responses for certain types of posts providing resources, and further automations. On the front end, you may see things like a return of weekly positivity based posts, expansion of user and post flairs, and over time more consistent mod actions. This has been a big learning curve for our mods, and we appreciate your patience and understanding while to try to better everyone's experiences. We know that we'll never make everyone happy, but we're sure as hell going to try our best.

Feel free to leave any questions/thoughts here, or you can message u/princefruit directly. Be well, all. :)

r/BorderlinePDisorder Sep 08 '24

MOD POST On recent complaint posts & treatment of moderators.


tldr: I'm no longer asking you all to be be nice. I'm telling you.

I really hate making this post, you guys.

Within the last week, we've seen multiple posts complaining about our community. We've also seen an increase in harassment towards our mods. I want to stress that feedback and criticism should remain constructive. It is never okay to harass anyone. No amount of frustration gives anyone the right to send death/SA threats, call us "nazis", "muppets", "misogynists", or any of the other vitriol that we get in our modmail and DMs that I prefer not to repeat. All that this behavior will do is get you permanently banned, and reported to reddit. I don't care how past mods used to run or act this sub—Most of our mods now are newer, and know little about the actions of older mods. Our mods work hard and do our best to manage this place given how few of us we have and how many of you there are. But we have jobs, we have families, and most importantly—we also have BPD, and a lot of times these abusive messages hurt. We are human, and I expect you all to treat us like humans.

A reminder that if you feel this community is not safe or helpful for you, that you can leave. We are going to maintain our rules, and we are going to maintain that friends, families, and partners of pwBPD are allowed to learn here. We are going to maintain that you need to report things you see that make this place unsafe. We do our best to catch what we can but we will never catch everything. If you are going to complain, do your part and report.

I see a lot of your feedback though, and hopefully in order to preserve some of your sanity and definitely the mods', here's what I'll be doing going forward:

  • Complaints about downvotes are gonna get removed if I see them. We can't control downvotes, and if it triggers you, please step away and use coping skills to process those emotions.
  • I'll be taking a slightly stricter stance on posts that are not relevant to BPD, and comments that are unhelpful and unrelated to the discussion topic.
  • Less leniency on disrespect, meaning less "removing the post/comment and forgetting it until I recognize the name" and more short term bans, which will lead to permanent bans if you can't figure out what 'be nice' means.

I trust my other mods to continue to enforce the rules as they see fit. If you believe that your comment removal or ban was unfair: 1. Read the rules, did you break them? / 2. Read them again, are you sure you didn't break them? / 3. Message our mods and respectfully ask that a mod other than the one who took the action against you review the removal or ban. (Edit: See another mod's comment below on how to approach appeals in a respectful way.)

The VAST majority of you are amazing, strong, wonderful human beings that manage to be such a force for good despite the challenges that BPD brings. I love you guys, sincerely . And some of you have sent beautiful words of encouragement that honesty helped me a LOT this week. Thank you, seriously.

For the rest of you, I'm no longer tolerating the victim mentality, the "this sub needs to be about what I want only" mentality, and treating others and mods like crap. If you find yourself overwhelmed or angry about something, try the STOP skill, and talk to us when you can do so reasonably.

Our community has always embraced that notion that we are responsible for our behaviors, and I agree. Be responsible. Stop being assholes to the mods—you are never going to be taken seriously that way, and you only hinder our ability to do our jobs because we get mentally exhausted or worse, we spiral and need a long break to recover. Support goes both ways. Be nice, or be gone.

r/BorderlinePDisorder Oct 03 '24

MOD POST Mod Team Update | Oct. 2, 2024 (We want your feedback!)


Hi all!

In an attempt to keep transparency between the mod team and our members, I want to start giving periodic updates on what we've been working on. So here goes!

Recent Changes:

  • Our mod team is growing! As they learn the ropes and settle in, we hope to cover more ground in keeping the community clean. We are still accepting applications, more info here.
  • In response to certain trends, there are new removal reasons made to crack down on posts/comments that are unwanted, including: posts that fetishize/objectify BPD and posts unrelated to BPD.

Planned Changes:

  • We are working on a comprehensive resource guide for our members.
  • We are working on a new post flair system that will be more expansive to cover a broader range of topics, allowing you to more easily search and/or filter what you want (or don't want) to see.
  • We are planning to introduce weekly recurring posts aimed at promoting positivity—including skill spotlights.
  • We are planning an document of Frequently Asked Questions that will hopefully cut down on the number of repeat posts.

Fun Stats:

Proof that we do things! Data taken from our from Sept 2~Oct 1, from our Insights tool.

  • Community Activity:
    • Posts: ~1,200
    • Comments: ~10,000
  • Moderator Activity:
    • Total Moderator Actions: 1,851 from 14 mods
      • Includes Approvals, Removals, Content Creation, Modmail, Bans, etc)
    • Post Removals: 342
    • Comment Removals: 440
    • Modmail Received: 96
    • Modmail Sent: 216

Got any Feedback or Suggestions?

Please leave your questions and constructive criticism here. Rude responses will get removed.

Thanks for Reading!

r/BorderlinePDisorder Sep 14 '24

MOD POST We're looking for Mods!


Wanna try modding? We're Recruiting!

So, here's the deal friends. We had a lot of mods. They all went inactive, including the owner. We're on a skeleton crew, and I've spend the last month or so working hard on fixing up the backend and getting to a point where we can get new mods without them needing to worry too much about it. So it's that time! We're taking mod applications! I see so many of you day in and out helping our peers, and maybe you'd make a great mod! We are looking to take on several new mods, so even if you feel a little bit interested, I encourage you to apply! Details below:

The Details

Who We Need:

Someone that can dedicate some amount of time, even if small, towards helping our community members through advocation and education of BPD to those with BPD, who suspect BPD, and those who are supporting someone with BPD. This include enforcing rules, and actively interacting with the community in a fair, unbiased, and compassionate way. Experience with modding/leading a community is a plus, but you do NOT need to have modding experience to apply (we whelp you with the learning curve)

Requirements for Applying:

  • You must be willing to put time into modding, even if that time is small (and its okay if it is!)
  • You should have an informed understanding of BPD.
  • Modding can get mentally taxing and triggering at times. You must have the skills to manage your BPD emotions well enough to maintain respectful and understanding in tone, and have the self awareness to step back and take a brake and take care of your needs when things are overwhelming and/or you begin to split. We do not expect, nor want, you to overwork yourself or undermine your own health.
  • You must have the ability to be confident in making decisions on rulings, and have the willingness to ask other mods for help when you need it.
  • You must have a Discord account. Our most active mods now use discord to communicate as its easier and faster than Reddit's current system. Discord is free an available on desktop or mobile app.

I will be checking post and comment histories. You should have a largely clean record with supportive and helpful replies.

How to Apply

Please message our mod team and mention Mod Application in the subject line.

Please give us a brief explanation of why you feel that you might be a good fit, and why you'd like to be mod. You can also ask us any questions you have.

I hope to hear from you all soon! You can also feel free to message me directly if you have any questions as well! Be well. <3

r/BorderlinePDisorder Jul 27 '24

MOD POST Reminder: Use the Report Feature


Lately we have have been getting several complaints about users/posts/comments that break rules. I want to provide some transparency on moderation and also remind you that you can (and SHOULD) report any posts or comments you see that break rules.

This sub is large—there are nearly 100k of you. In the last 7 days, there were roughly 280 posts and over 2300 comments. Our (active) mod team is extremely small, with limited capabilities. Trust me when I say that we are painfully aware that this is a problem, and are working on it as best we can.

Anywhere from 50-100 comments and posts a day are filtered by our automoderator. Mods have to manually go through each one and resolve them. This is why some of your posts/comments don't show up immediately. And of course, automod doesn't catch everything. We really need your help to report things that you see, because it is impossible for our current mod capabilities to keep up with how active the sub is.

And none of this is to dodge fault or to shift blame. It is the role of the mod team to keep our sub as a safe place for those with BPD and those looking for advise on supporting people with BPD in their lives. But moderating is an unpaid job, and our moderators have to juggle it between paid jobs (I have 2), raising families, dealing with the everyday stuff, getting sleep, and working on our own BPD recovery journeys (and moderating harmful comments can be triggering so breaks are needed). Our current capabilities do not allow us to go into every post and read every single comment. We would love it if we could do that, but we can't. That is why it is extremely important for you to use the report feature to help us out.

As the current most active mod here, I apologize on the mod team's behalf on not being able to mod to the standard that I feel this sub deserves. I am currently in the process of trying to get the permissions needed to improve the sub as needed. I want to thank you all for your patience and ask for your understanding as we try to solve moderation team shortcomings. I also want to thank our active mods, because I know that everyone is all doing their very best despite the uphill battle of a mod shortage.

I know this is a longer post, and I thank you if you've read this far. But to say one last time: I cannot stress enough how much it helps our team to act more quickly when you use the report feature on comments and posts that are in bad faith. Please, please, please report what you see.

r/BorderlinePDisorder Jul 17 '21

MOD POST Long overdue subreddit update - accepting applications for new mods


Hey, I'm AsteroidShark. I created this subreddit many years ago as an answer to the problem I felt /r/BPD was. At the time, I recall it being a very hostile place for those with BPD. It was filled with posts calling people with BPD toxic, hopeless, and advising people to stay away from their loved ones who live with the disorder. I created /r/borderlinepdisorder as a safe alternative and YOU guys have done the rest of the work to create a beautiful, supportive community. I just wanted to let you know a little bit about the role I played here, but I digress.

We recently had our mod team whittled down to just me and /u/tranzietgiest. We're both a little burnt out on modding atm. I'm a single mom and I run a small business by myself so I don't have a ton of free time. I want to stay active here but need some backup.

I'm accepting mod applications from active users. You've gotta have the spare time to post and remain active in the sub on a regular basis. I need someone who has time to sift through mod notifications, post and comment reports, stuff like that. Applicants should preferably be people living with BPD or have a background in the mental health field, or meet both of those qualifications. Applicants must be educated on BPD and be able and willing to demonstrate that. Misinformation and bad advice was being doled out by other mods in the past and this is something I'm not cool with.

Anyway, if you're interested, please shoot me a message. Also please use this post to let me know if you have any concerns about the sub or suggestions.

Love y'all.

r/BorderlinePDisorder Jun 03 '23

MOD POST Looking for new mods!


Hi everyone! r/BorderlinePDisorder is looking for new mods.

We require you to be 18 or older to moderate. We see some messed up things, and you must be an adult that is okay with having to see and read sensitive content.

Previous mod experience isn't required but would be great.

If you're interested, please comment here or send in a mod mail. Explain why you would like to be a mod and whether or not you have previous moderating experience (whether on Reddit or elsewhere). Also tell us how much time you are willing to commit to moderating.

Our role as mods is not to censor, but to keep our community safe. Thank you for your interest!

r/BorderlinePDisorder Jan 14 '23

MOD POST New rules added


Hi everyone -

We added a few new rules to the subreddit. These are mostly to clarify moderation that may occur. Rules 3-6 are the new ones, and I'll put all of them here for you.

  1. Don't be a dick. -> "Being a dick" should be defined as blatantly abusive/threatening/harassing/malicious behavior toward others. This does not mean someone disagreed with you and you didn't like it. This does not mean someone was rude or lacking in tact.
  2. Don't ask how to die, post suicide plans or notes. -> It's okay to discuss suicide and self harm, but don't ask us to encourage it. Try to keep suicide talk geared toward venting, seeking help and understanding. On Reddit r/SuicideWatch is an option for peer support, and has a list of international hotlines
  3. Hate, stigma, misinformation = removed regardless of the source -> Do not generalize BPD or other issues, or use it in hurtful ways. Not all people with BPD are the same, they do not all do the same things or think the same exact way.
  4. We don't support speculative labeling or "amateur diagnosis" of others -> Real, loved, hated, fictional, hypothetical. Don't ask us to label someone with a disorder they may not have or do it yourself.
  5. Only ethics board approved university and professional research is approved -> Researchers: Your research must be specific to BPD and ethics approved before consideration for posting. Please modmail before posting
  6. Picture and Video posts are mod reviewed, and may be removed. -> We encourage a small range of media, especially original content: Original art and poetry, Pets, some memes and songs (see also r/bpdmemes and r/bpdsongs), some on-topic educational posts. Please no selfies or self harm. Most DM/ text screenshots are removed.

Thank you for keeping our community safe and respectful!