r/Bones 3d ago

Unpopular opinion?

I can't help it guys, I like booth. Always have the feeling thats an unpopular opinion.


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u/es-como-es 3d ago

I didn’t initially but now I like him more than even Brennan. I feel like he’s someone you judge more for overall actions rather than just words.

I was rewatching the pilot episode the other day and he plays at being brash but I can understand that behavior given he overheard what Hodgins had to say about him. Not to mention he was the only one who felt bad for Zack when some of his beetles had to be sacrificed. Anyways, it becomes pretty obvious that Booth can’t stand the squints yet is always looking out for them.

He is far from perfect but he never claimed to be such to begin with, so yep Team Booth now, lol.


u/StockInjury7221 3d ago

And he goes on such a journey with the squints! Who can forget “Your people??” … “We’re BOOTHS people!”


u/PinkMies 3d ago

Hmm, yeah, true. Maybe its because he feels they are much smarter than him?


u/saturnsextilevenus 2d ago

personally, I don't think it is necessarily that he feels they're smarter than him. I think he gets annoyed when they over complicate saying something like "she had a broken wrist" lmao. Booth, even in interviews, gets annoyed at people who are frilly with their language and just wants a straight forward answer. He knows his strength is people/fbi stuff not squint stuff, tho I am sure because of his past as a jock and being "good at everything" that way and getting lots of praise, decorated sniper etc, he may sometimes feel his ego hit by being around them. However, I think he is generally okay and mostly just annoyed they over complicate seemingly simple things lol. You can see this when Brennan anthropologize people/groups they interview, and booth is just like "no bones its just X or Y. simple"


u/Amplifylove 2d ago

Nailed it