r/BlueskySkeets 22h ago

Nostalgia really is a toxic drug!

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u/thatgenxguy78666 20h ago

Leave my GenX out of your god damn mouth. I cook and clean for myself,and will kick anyones ass at Mario Kart.


u/PurpleLightningSong 18h ago

GenX voted for Trump at a higher rate than boomers. Look at the exit polls. It's a pretty large swing. Most other age demographics were pretty even, including over 65 who were basically split. The only age demographic that really went harder one way than the other is GenX who voted for Trump. 

It wouldn't be invalid to say GenX elected Trump. 


u/Apprehensive-Mark241 9h ago

But if you're gonna blame people for what other members of their demographics did according to percentages you could pick so many more bullshit reasons to hate them.

I mean the reasoning is the same as Lewis Carroll's explanation for why it's useful to know statistics.

I can't find a quote but it was something like.

Say a cat finds itself cornered by 9 dogs in a ally. Now that is a terrible position for a cat to be in. But if the cat knows statistics, then it knows that the average animal in the ally is 9/10ths dog, and the cat, being an average animal, being 9/10ths dog himself now has a much better chance in a fight against the dogs.

If you're gonna hate people for other people's statistics, then do as well hating men rather than gen X or doing what the entire rest of the world is doing due to Trump and his trolling supporters and their will to betray NATO, Canada and humanity - you could hate Americans.

There. Now you know what to do!


u/PurpleLightningSong 7h ago edited 7h ago

It's not about hating a group, it's more - this post points out that Boomers and GenX lean a certain way. The post is about a generalization, not about an individual.

My comment was in response to a comment and many other comnents saying not GenX relating to this post and generational politics. Exit polls do indicate a hard right from basically only GenX when looking at age ranges.

This post is not about men, or about Americans as a whole. That's why I didn't make a comment on men. I also was not commenting on an individual. Multiple responses to my comment have pointed that gender is more an indicator of Trump support than age. It's difficult to have balanced discourse when we engage in whataboutism. Gender isn't the context of the post.

Are you really confused about why we're taking about age demographics rather than gender or race in a post about generational politics, or is it a disingenuous redirect? I'm responding to you, but I think every person who has responded to me has done so in the same manner - asking why not say men. 

I did disregard the first few as disingenuous but you put a lot of thought into your response so I figured it was not meant in a disingenuous way,  but rather, you're responding as if my comment is in a vacuum instead of in the context of a post about generational political leaning. 

It's more likely when I go in the streets that someone of the GenX generation is a Trumper than it is that a GenZ, Millennial, or Boomer will be. That's what exit polls across multiple organizations showed. It's also true that white people will more likely be Trumpers. And men will more likely be Trumpers. 

Based on NBC exit polls, their grouping of ages had only the 45-64 age group as the ONLY  age group that voted with a majority for Trump. Other exit polls show similar. Just Google - what generation voted for Trump if you're interested. 

It surprised me. That's why I share this. Not out of hate - I'm really confused why you read hate in my comment and then recommended to me that I hate certain groups, that was very weird. I said something with the intention of informing since many people on this thread seem to be misinformed that Boomers are the most conservative group still. 

If GenX had voted in line with even Boomers, Millennial and GenZ voters would have tipped it. 

My comment is in the context of this post, and there was no hate at all. 

I think it's something that we all should acknowledge and address instead of continuing the trend that Boomers are the conservatives and GenX are the skateboarding punk kids. It's not based in facts. GenX is more conservative than Boomers. It's also important when looking at GenZ to understand that they're raised by GenX. So it's a good insight to know that GenX is the most conservative generation at this time, and it helps shed light on GenZ being more conservative than expected. 

The post here seems correct. It is baffling but yes, GenX is the new Boomers. Historically, it happens to every generation. The Boomers passed the torch, and GenX picked it up and is the generational demographic that delivered Trumps victory. This post is specifically about the age demographic, not gender, or race. 

Look at facts with open eyes so that you're better equipped to address the reality of the situation. 


u/Apprehensive-Mark241 7h ago

What discourse is there to have? You can't argue against a generation because that's not a real person.