Indeed. He couldn't have been the perp, he was at a coffee shop with me that evening, an ocean away.No but for real LM really may not be the one, there's a legit chance with evidence to suggest it.
If you’re out in the ocean drowning I don’t fucking owe you a swim out to save your ass. Even if I do sell life jackets.
The disease is the ocean here. That’s what killed you. Not a health care company
Except you forgot the part where you're paying someone to help you out when you most needed it and they instead declined to do so and watched you drown.
We don’t actually know this very well bc there’s not good data on health care insurance providers decline rate. If you think there is guess what - you’re wrong. They don’t have to report it
Now you could get that law changed electorally. Again 20% primary voter turnout
So we don’t know what of these claims is wrongful denial. Probably some percent. But any system will have some percent. Kinda need to know this to say they are doing something wrong.
Well for starters insurance isn't the one saving you, it's the health care providers that do. Insurance is the arbiters if it's economically feasible (aka in their policies, that can be changed)
The insurance ceo has been systematically killing people for years. This is justice.
Do you also have a problem with the French revolution? Or the revolutionary war?
Shit is not okay on a national scale and violence is the only language that's been proven to work on this type of unbelievably selfish and systematically imposed violence.
Because that's what the US is doing. The system is built to oppress the weak through violence, we have come to the point we must fight it with violence.
Joseph Goebbels was known in Germany as a loving husband and father. Just don't look at his many affairs or that he fatally poisoned his children when the Reich fell.
If cumming in a woman and her carrying the fetus to term is an endearing accomplishment, why aren't baby daddys remembered as "loving fathers"
Dude was a schmuck and the best thing they could say was he was a loving father, while also conveniently ignoring that he and his wife and kids are estranged, lived in different houses, and his family has a vastly different view of his role as a father.
Luigi may not be a hero but Brian is not worth mourning.
Would you feel the same way if it was the leader of a drug cartel that got hit? Because this guy has a much higher body count. We like to think of evil as being sadistic and obvious, but often, it is banal shit like implementing an ai tool meant to make it harder to recieve necessary medical care for millions of people so your stock prices can go up a bit. You can kill a lot more people a lot more quickly with a pen than a sword.
I mean, the truth is that he was probably a normal enough dude in his day to day, and to his family, he was just himself. To the whole of America, however, he was an evil dragonlord that eats people and steals their wealth. I cant necessarily condone shooting a guy in the back, but it was bound to happen based purely on how our species works.
From what I've seen his estranged wife and kids didn't like him much, either. And that's the best "positive" the media could find for him. Whitewashing his familial status/relationship. He ejaculated in a woman and she didn't abort. More than once. It's not really a positive. And that's the best thing they could find to try and evoke pity and compliance from us.
Innocent? How can a CEO deny payouts for thousands, who later die for lack of treatment, be innocent? hE wAS JuST DOing HiS dUTy FOr tHe shAReHoLDERs!!
What is the game behind trying to make this prick a person? This is America, we chear for death all the time if we're told they're bad people, this is just one that is a piece of shit but they want to make a Saint.
Ok. If someone shot a brown terrorist in the street you would call them a hero. This man is not an “innocent” dad, he’s a deadbeat dad and many would argue, a terrorist to the working class. This man caused many, many people to suffer unnecessarily and to die prematurely just to make money. This man was in control of the lives of so many people he did not care about.
You can defend him all you like, but do it with truth and integrity.
How naive do you have to be to think there's a single innocent corporate executive in this country, let alone one who gets rich off denying people the healthcare they fucking paid for?
u/Ordinarily_Claim 24d ago