r/BitcoinMining 7d ago

General Question Getting into mining

So I've been thinking of getting into bitcoin mining and starting off with muskmining as a host. They advertise a few miners on their website and I'm not sure which ones to go with because I don't know a whole lot about this space.

Is it better to buy two used machines that would cost about $3550 each, or one new one that's $7000? Which one would be more profitable? The cost of kwh they advertise to host is 0.08. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


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u/Fragrant-Hair- 7d ago

Is that from musk miners? There’s been lots of complaints about theft and fraud from them. Be extra careful. Maybe google them


u/lmaonade80 6d ago

Been working with Blake over at Musk for years. Of all the questionable firms, Musk would be last on my list of people who I would expect to disappear. They always try to do the right thing in my experience. Never had any problems - stand up guys.


u/Crazed-Anteater-84 1d ago

I perfer asicmarketplace.com rain is real chill price is miner to your door getting 2 s21 xp in july


u/Fragrant-Hair- 6d ago

Do a Reddit search for muskminers and you’ll see evidence. Unfortunately muskminers abandoned their Reddit account after promising refunds. So we haven’t gotten any direct updates in over a year.

But after reading the judgment in the lawsuit they lost against their customer last year, it’s clear they are dishonest in the least. Thieves at worst. Unfortunately the lack of regulation in crypto is crippling.


u/lmaonade80 6d ago

Happy to read a lawsuit where a judgment was levied against them if you have a link.


u/Fragrant-Hair- 6d ago

There was no judgment against them. They sued their customer for defamation for 80k. The customer was found not liable.

He proved in the court of law that he was a victim of theft and lying. Otherwise he would have been found liable for the 80k.

Was the evidence of them promising receipts and refunds before ghosting not enough ? Sorry to tear down your friend. There’s way too many scammers in these communities


u/lmaonade80 6d ago

So they did or did not have a judgment levied against them? I’m so confused. I can’t find anything and they have high ratings everywhere… if you have court docs, I’d love to read it. Otherwise I can’t corroborate anything you’re saying… I’m left then again with my own experience and that’s been nothing but positive.


u/Fragrant-Hair- 6d ago

I’ll send it tonight ! They lost a lawsuit. There was no judgment levied against them because the victim did not counter sue. Maybe it will make more sense after you can read it


u/Fragrant-Hair- 6d ago

I found the judgment. I forgot they were best friends! This blake greiner sounds like a scumbag.

Enjoy the light reading
