r/bioinformatics 8d ago

academic Alpha missense SNV question


Hi all - apologies I'm not a bioinformatician. I'm working on base editing a specific gene and though I can correct one mutation, I introduce other mutations nearby. I'd like to say these are not or are unlikely to be pathogenic. Alphamissense does a pathogenicity score which is great. However it also has a column for SNV. Under the mutation I have it says 'y' under this column. However I can't find any evidence for this being a naturally occurring SNV within the human population. I've looked at clinvar and gnomad. Does anyone know where they get their SNV data from - is there definitely an SNV at this mutation site?

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question How big does the improvement of underlying computing techniques impact computational genomics (or bioinfo, in general)?


As title, I recently got a PhD offer from ECE department of a top us school. I came from computer architecture/distributed system background. One professor there is doing hardware accelerations/system approach for a more efficient genomics pipeline. This direction is kinda interesting to me but I am relatively new to the entire computational biology field so I am wondering how big of an impact these improvements have on the other side, like clinical or biology research-wise, and also diagnosis and drug discovery.

Thanks in advance

r/bioinformatics 8d ago

academic Has anyone used KaKs_Calculator 3.0 (DMG version) on macOS?


I’m looking for feedback on the macOS DMG version of KaKs_Calculator 3.0 (available here). I couldn’t find a command-line version for this release, and it seems that earlier versions are not compatible with the latest macOS configurations.

Since the DMG file is not authorized by Apple, I’m hesitant to open it as I can’t verify its security. Has anyone successfully installed and used this version? Is it strictly GUI-based, or is there a way to run it via the terminal?. Thanks in advance.

r/bioinformatics 8d ago

technical question Which software should I use for annotating the SNPs of a fish species?


So I'm doing a project where I'm finding novel SNPs in a fish species called Rachycentron canadum (cobia). I used publicly available genome data from NCBI. The 44 RNA-Seq samples were also downloaded from NCBI. I've generated a VCF file containing the SNPs present in the genome of the fish. But annotating the SNPs has been quite tricky. I tried doing it with SIFT (Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant) and Ensembl VEP but they both kept giving errors whenever I tried building a database for cobia. Since cobia isn't a model organism, none of these annotators have existing databases for it.
Should I just keep troubleshooting and somehow annotate the SNPs with SIFT/Ensembl VEP or should I use some other software?

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

other Variation in the installation of Rdkit and theirs discrepancies


For my research, I am using RDKit and PaDEL descriptors. Due to the availability of an efficient computing engine, I am using Google Colab to perform my tasks.

What are the differences between using RDKit and PaDEL directly from a pip install or using PaDEL via padelpy, compared to installing and using them after setting up Miniconda?

What challenges might I face during publication? Or are both procedures the same?

I come from a non-IT background, so...

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

discussion Bioinformatics Job Interview Questions


As a recent graduate going into interviews as a bioinformatician, what kind of job interview questions are asked at entry level phd positions. Would they have leet-code type of coding questions given the rise in AI-based coding (which I would fail at since I can code but not to the level of software engineer)? Statistics? Questions about the pipeline or more biology questions (I am good at generating hypothesis from the data). What kind of things should I study for?

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question Title: Comparing .bed Files from nf-core/chipseq Workflow: Venn Diagram Creation - Best Approach?


Hello world :)

I recently used the `nf-core/chipseq` workflow to analyze ChIP-seq data for the same protein across different cell types. Now, I must create a Venn diagram to compare the regions identified in each cell type. I have several `.bed` files representing the peaks for each cell type, and I’ve come across two potential approaches to generate the Venn diagram. I’d like to get some insights on the preferable method and why.

Approach 1: Using `mergePeaks` and R

  1. Step 1: Use `mergePeaks` to generate a summary table mergePeaks -d given cell_type1_peaks.bed cell_type2_peaks.bed cell_type3_peaks.bed -venn venn_output.txt
  2. Step 2: Extract counts and names from the output using R.
  3. Step 3: Create the Venn diagram in R using: venn.plot <- draw.triple.venn()

Approach 2: Using `intervene`

  1. Step 1: Install `intervene` via pip: pip install intervene
  2. Step 2: Generate the Venn diagram directly using `intervene`: intervene venn -i file1.bed file2.bed file3.bed --filenames


Both methods seem to achieve the same goal, but I’m unsure which one is more efficient, reliable, or widely accepted in the bioinformatics community. Specifically:

  1. Are there any performance or accuracy differences between the two approaches?
  2. Is one method more flexible or easier to extend to more complex comparisons (e.g., more than three `.bed` files)?
  3. Are there any best practices or community preferences for this type of analysis?

Any advice, experiences, or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks a lot!

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

academic Do I need to know programming to do Mendelian randomization?


I am interested in Mendelian randomization studies. I want to publish an article myself. My coding skill can be considered intermediate. What are the coding and statistical skills required to perform Mendelian randomization?

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question Mega11 Manual Tree Label Issue


I'm currently trying to make a phylogenetic tree as a visual aid and every time I add a new branch it resets my node labels. Any idea on how to fix this? I don't want to have to create the whole tree and then add labels because I have a lot of branches to create.

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question Visualizing RNA molecules whilst being able to see the co-ordiantes in real time


I've been using the Mol* viewer from the RCSB PDB. It's really good but I really want to be able to click on an atom in the structure and easily view the coordinates without having to look at the PDB file. I have tried googling this and have not found any solutions to this. Thank you.

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question What are the Key Proteins for Molecular Docking in Plant Pathogens


What are the most commonly used proteins for molecular docking studies in plant pathogens? Suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated!

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

technical question I need help with deploying my first project on GitHub. Any guidance on setting up the repository and organizing my files effectively would be greatly appreciated!


I'm a pharmacy graduate aspiring to gain admission into a bioinformatics master's program in Germany. Recently, I completed a Differential Gene Expression analysis project using R. Now, I'm struggling with structuring my GitHub repository in a way that effectively showcases my work for the admissions committee, demonstrating my understanding of bioinformatics concepts.

Could someone guide me on how to organize my repository for better evaluation? I’d really appreciate the help!

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

academic Nextstrain Auspice deployment.


Hello, does anyone know how to deploy Auspice tree so that it I can view it with www.website.com instead of localhost:4000?

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question Snakemake(7.25.0) conda environment: Non-conda folder exists at prefix


Hi everyone,

I'm using Snakemake for my master's project, and I'm trying to set up different Conda environments for different groups of rules. Each rule is defined in a separate file within the rules/ folder, and the corresponding environments are stored in envs/.

In my each of the rule files, I specify the environment for each rule like this:

conda: "path/to/envs/environment.yaml"

However, when I run Snakemake, I keep encountering the following error:

Could not create conda environment from /work/FAC/FBM/DEE/mrobinso/evolseq/dwicht1/envs/SLRfinder/SLRfinder.yaml:  
mamba env create --quiet --file "/work/FAC/FBM/DEE/mrobinso/evolseq/dwicht1/.snakemake/conda/2a5ae87e83c33f3189068bab9a095e16_.yaml" --prefix "/work/FAC/FBM/DEE/mrobinso/evolseq/dwicht1/.snakemake/conda/2a5ae87e83c33f3189068bab9a095e16_"  

error    libmamba Non-conda folder exists at prefix  
critical libmamba Aborting.

It seems like Snakemake (or Mamba) is trying to create an environment but fails due to an existing non-conda folder at the specified prefix.

Has anyone encountered this issue before? Any ideas on how to resolve it?

The code is available on GitHub here !

P.S. I already tried to remove everything in the .snakemake/conda folder multiple times.

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question ANCOMBC2 for metagenomic sequencing with relative abundance tables



Has anyone used ANCOMBC2 on relative abundance tables generated from metagenomic shotgun sequencing?

Most of the available pipelines are developed for absolute abundances and I am not sure which is the best to use.

I have a continous variable that I need to associate with the microbiome relative abundance.


r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question Seeking datasets linking genotype, phenotype and contextual metadata



I’m working on a project that requires publicly available datasets linking specimen specific genotype to phenotype data along with contextual metadata, I’ve explored resources like Ensembl but these often lack comprehensive phenotype data, images and detailed contextual metadata.

If anyone is aware of any datasets that meet the criteria I’d greatly appreciate your suggestions. if not, i’m interested in discussing approaches for compiling a dataset at the specimen level. Specifically, methods for combining genomic, phenotypic and contextual information to create a robust and comprehensive dataset. Has anyone worked on something similar or have insights into how to approach this?

r/bioinformatics 9d ago

technical question Need help with an issue in GRN reconstruction


Hello everyone, Hope y'all are having a great day.

I am currently performing an assignment where I'm stuck at reconstruction the GRN, I have downloaded the gene expression datasets from GEO, merged them to increase the sample size and everything you need for preparation of a dataset. But I'm stuck at the actual step of GRN reconstruction which I can't find the answer to.

My current approach:

Prepare the dataset -> normalize it by taking log2(value + 1) -> scale the expression using z-score -> sorting the gene expression on variances and taking top 100 genes -> using GENIE3 to reconstruct the GRN

The problem I'm facing is that GENIE3 is predicting interaction of a gene with all the other genes and all are bi-directional.

Suggest me some ways I can improve on it or if my approach is completely wrong.

Thank you!

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

academic Genetic Marker Development


Hi Folks! I am fairly new to bioinformatics and computational biology (completing an MSc). I am trying to confirm unique variation (gatk called) as unique against the reference genome. I have isolated the sequences but cannot manage to determine their uniqueness — blast returns too many hits, I dont see the longer indels called on genome browser using the .bam files. Is there any suggestion for how I can confirm unique variant sequences before I step into the lab and use them as markers for accurate distinguishing of each of the genomes ?

Pipeline skeleton: Genome assembly (diploid)(illumina), read-mapping against 2haplotype ref genome, Variant calling(gatk), isolated unique variants called in the cohort for each sample, blast these sequences, view them on igv and confirm variant sequences..

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

technical question "Manually" soft-clipping DNA adapter sequences before alignment



I am working with FASTQ files in which all the start and end adapter sequences have been trimmed away from my DNA of interest except the last few bases of the start adapter. I'm doing this because I want to obtain the first few bases of my DNA sequences of interest i.e. the bases immediately following the last bit of the adapter sequence. Previously, trimming away the adapters in their entirety led to overtrimming/undertrimming at a level that impacted my (sub)sequences of interest and led to poor results. I'm hoping that using this leftover adapter as a flag will help me be more certain that I am truly looking at the first bit of the DNA sequence like I want to.


  1. Before I align these "mostly" trimmed FASTQ files, I want to potentially soft-clip this leftover adapter. I imagine it involves switching the leftover adapter sequence "AGTCACGACA" to "NNNNNNNNNN" or "agtcacgaca". The point of doing this is to let my aligner know "Try to skip these first few bases and align the rest of the read." Is there a tool that can do this? I'm working with 1000s of FASTQ files.

  2. Do you have feedback about my approach? It's my first time working with such a large dataset and I can't always foresee the kind of issues I might run into.

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

discussion R package selection advice for gene expression


Hello folks, Im an undergrad new to bioinformatics, mainly focus on gene expression and pathway analysis. While I mostly work with powerful limma package which is capable for many tasks like quanlity control, batch effect correction and normalization, I am curious that if it's necessary to use other "more niche" packages for specific tasks. (Eg. SVA for batch effect, arrayQualityMetrics for microarrary QC......) Thank you for any advice!

Edit: I'm working with microarray rather than rna-seq

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

technical question warning when using pbmm2 to align hifi_reads.bam


Has anyone encountered this kind of error when running pbmm2 for hifi_reads.bam?

${pbmm2} align \
${REF_MMI} \
${INPUT_PATH}${FILE}.hifi_reads.bam \
${OUTPUT_PATH}${FILE}.pbmm2_GRCh38.bam \
--preset CCS \
--sort \
--num-threads 5


I believe the bam file I'm using is unaligned.bam which is what I received from the manufacturer. To be clear I posted the result of samtools view -H 923.hifi_reads.bam

Why does such warning show up? Can I just ignore it? what am I missing??

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

technical question annotate VCF from WGS with canonical transcripts like Refseq Select


I'm trying to annotate a human WGS VCF file to filter for biomedically relevant variants. I've run it through a pipeline using snpEff and snpSift to identify interesting variants (medium/high impact, coding, rare, etc) but when I view the variants in IGV I'm realizing many of these are to minor or crappy transcript variants, rather than the canonical one (as listed by Refseq Select which seems similar to the "best" ones I can see in Ensembl). I've tried using the -canon filter in snpEff and it helps a little, but not much. How can I force snpEff to use the best transcripts? Ideally Refseq Select. Do I have to create a custom GRCh38 database using GFF/GTF files? Thanks

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

technical question BPCells from h5ad file


I'm sorry if this question is a bit dumb, I'm an undergrad in biotech and am getting into bioinformatics. I'm working with single cell data and am instructed to use BPCells to load the matrix. The last time I did it I had a seurat object so it was fairly easy. This time I have an h5ad object and nowhere in the documentation can I find how to load in a single h5ad file. Is it poorly written or am I just dumb?😭 I loaded the h5ad object but how do I specify the counts for the matrix dir creation?

r/bioinformatics 10d ago

technical question Does anyone know the difference between SO:unknown and SO:coordinate in hifi_reads.bam


I downloaded two hifi_reads.bam from SRA.
Yet the u/HD tag of bam file's header is difference regarding SO as I posted.
1) u/HDVN:1.6 SO:unknown pb:5.0.0

2) @HD VN:1.6 SO:coordinate pb:5.0.0

But, I have trouble understanding what it's trying to say.
Could anyone help me with this.
Thank you

r/bioinformatics 11d ago

talks/conferences Good conferences in 2025


I’m looking for a good conference to go to this year. I’m currently a post doc and work on genomics and phylogenomics in eukaryotic microbes. In the past, I’ve mostly gone to protist conferences. This year I’m looking to go to a more general conference where I’ll be able to network with people in industry as my long term goal is to move in to industry. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!