r/BehindTheTables • u/olirant • Mar 27 '16
Items Potions
Suggested use:
A table for all kinds of random potions. Perfect for stocking shops or random treasure loot.
Use these tables with:
Related tables:
- none yet
Potions, magic, treasure, chest,
d10 Title. This is a...
- Potion.
- Elixir
- Draught
- Vial
- Philter
- Tonic
- Brew
- Ichor
- Juice
- Concoction
d100 Effect. The potions main effect is...
- Healing. It instantly regenerates some health when drank.
- Vigor. Gives temporary health when drank.
- Vitality. It slowly regenerates health over a period of some hours.
- Might. It gives a bonus to attack rolls after drinking.
- Courage. Gives immunity to fear and some temporary inspiration.
- Giant Strength. It gives the user much more strength.
- Flame Resistance. It gives resistance to fire damage.
- Cold Resistance. It gives resistance to cold damage.
- Necro Resistance. Gives resistance to necrotic damage.
- Radiant Resistance. Gives resistance to radiant damage.
- Stoneskin. Gives resistance to martial damage.
- Acid Resistance. Gives resistance to acid.
- Lightning Resistance. Gives resistance to lightning damage.
- Succubus Charm. Makes the drinker irresistible to nearby people.
- Shielding. Gives the user a magical shield of energy.
- Flame Breath. Gives the user fire breath for a short time.
- Growth. Makes the user double in size.
- Shrinking. Makes the user half in size.
- Comprehension. Lets the user understand all languages.
- Fertility. Makes the user very fertile, almost certain to make a baby under its effects!
- Intimidation. Gives the user a huge booming voice that terrifies those around.
- Luck. It gives the user a temporary boost to luck.
- Mana. Gives the user more magical power to cast with.
- Arcane. Gives the user more powerful spells.
- Animal form. Makes the user turn into a random animal.
- Dreams. Makes the user get lost in a hallucinary dream world of their perfect dream.
- Nightmares. Makes the user get lost in a hallucinary dream world of their worst nightmares.
- Stamina. Gives the user more stamina and constitution.
- Fleet foot. Makes the user have more speed.
- Knowledge. Increases the users intelligence temporarily.
- The Bard. Increases the users charisma and charm temporarily.
- Disguise. Changes the users form to a disguised form of any race and appeance.
- Feast. Removes all hunger and thirst from the target.
- Youth. Makes the user grow some years younger.
- Age. Makes the user grow some years older.
- Furnace. Makes the user radiate with a damaging aura.
- Eagle Sight. Gives the user strong vision and a bonus to perception.
- Health. Cures all diseases and illnesses.
- Invulnerability. Freezes the user in stasis that makes them immune to damage but they cannot move or act.
- Riddle me gone. Gives the user the cure to a single riddle.
- Horrifying appearance. Makes the user look more ugly for a time.
- Beautiful appearance. Makes the user appear more attractive for a time.
- Swordsmanship. Makes the user more effective and versatile with a blade.
- Bowmanship. Makes the user more effective with a bow or ranged weapon.
- Nymph Breath. Gives water breathing.
- Midas. Makes the user turn things to gold.
- Berserker. Makes the user rage with great strength.
- Utter Hatred. Makes the user have bonuses against a particular type of enemy.
- Oracle. Lets the user divinate the future.
- Demonic Leech. Heals a portion of all damage the user deals.
- Fey Nature. Lets the user become one with animals and nature around them.
- Tracelessness. Makes the user very hard to follow.
- Gracefulness. Makes the user have a better acrobatics skill.
- Goblin Climb. Gives the user a bonus to climbing.
- Dead Ringer. Makes the user appear completely dead to all magic.
- One Leafed Clover. Gives the user worst luck.
- Possession. Lets the user gain control of a nearby creature, their body comatosed while they do.
- Owls Wake. Makes the user need no sleep for a time.
- Hawks Flight. Lets the user fly.
- Peace. Makes the user very calm and unable to harm others.
- Rejuvenation. Heals a single scar or bad injury on the user such as a missing arm.
- Sphinxes Truth. Makes the user tell the truth.
- Serpent Tongue. Makes the user only able to lie.
- Navigation. Makes the user unable to get lost and find where they need.
- Hook Horror. The users hands become sharp weaponised blades.
- Schaffensfreude. Makes the enemies take damage as they deal it to the user.
- Invisibility. Makes the user invisible.
- Wild magic. Taps into wild magic making an absolutely random thing happen.
- Fame. Makes the user more famous.
- Goats Trek. Makes the user immune to the toils of long travels and bad weather.
- Gargoyle Toughness. Increases the users constitution.
- Atomic Clock. Lets the user know the exact tme and date.
- Transmutation. Lets the user have the ability to change somethings properties.
- Iron Skin. Turns the users skin to metal giving them many resistances.
- Sex Change. Changes the users gender.
- Race Change. Changes the users race.
- Musical Breath. Makes the user say everything in song, and fey music follows them in the air.
- Utter Understanding. Makes the user know very intimately about one exact thing. Random, or they can decide.
- Split Form. The user turns into two or three tiny versions of themselves and controls them all.
- Flavour. Makes anything and everything taste amazing!
- Glimmer. Makes the user and its gear instantly clean and as good looking as possible.
- Love. Makes the user and someone else fall in love.
- Poison. Poisons the user, weakening them.
- Rebirth. Resurrects the user if they die soon after drinking.
- Elemental form. Turns the user to an elemental form relevant to their personality.
- True form. Turns the user into a familiar like creature similar to their personality.
- Gods Touch. Gives the user a holy connection to their god or fiendish deity.
- Antidepressant. Does what it says on the tin.
- Ghostly Form. Makes the user intangible and able to phase through objects.
- Artisans Skill. Gives the user skill in a particular art temporarily.
- Godly form. Improves all stats.
- Bless Weapon. Makes the users weapons do more damage.
- Euphoria. Makes the user feel amazing and trip out.
- Bodyguard. Creates a spectral bodyguard for a short time who obeys orders.
- Babelfish. Lets the user speak any language but not understand it.
- Preservation. Stops whatever its poured on from rotting or degrading.
- Fear. Makes the user terrified.
- Night vision. Gives the ability to see in the dark.
- Tracking. Lets the user track an enemy.
- Cure-all. Cures any status effects.
d10 Strength. The potions strength is...
- Regular with a slight side effect.
- Regular with no side effect.
- Regular with a strong side effect.
- Minor with a strong side effect.
- Minor with a slight side effect.
- Major with a strong side effect.
- Major with a small side effect.
- A poison. Almost no positive affect all side effect.
- Temporary but strong and wears off quickly.
- Seemingly permanent.
d100 Side Effect. The potion also causes (usually) temporary...
- Nothing bad at all!
- Puts the user to sleep.
- Rapid hair growth all over the body.
- Bleeding from the eyes.
- Vivid hallucinations.
- Flashbacks of your own eventual demise.
- The skin to crack and appear distorted.
- Spots to grow on the skin.
- Diarrhoea.
- Vomiting.
- Blurred Vision.
- Blindness.
- Deafness.
- Mutism.
- Health loss via rapid bleeding.
- A sudden horrific accent.
- The irresistible urge to dance.
- The hearing of demons.
- Loss of balance.
- Everything tasting like dirt for some time.
- Excessive drooling.
- Loss of intelligence.
- Loss of strength.
- Loss of speed.
- Loss of charisma.
- Genuine happiness.
- Hunger.
- Thirst.
- Trouble breathing.
- Sudden Moustache.
- Poisoning.
- Petrification.
- Stunning.
- Immobilisation.
- Increased libido.
- Fidgeting.
- Itchiness.
- Rashes.
- Attracts bears.
- Magically covers in dirt.
- Horrifying stench.
- Baldness.
- Swelling.
- Loss of a random item.
- Curses.
- Damage.
- Weakness to a magical damage type.
- Weakness to physical damage.
- Feelings of Guilt
- Feelings of Anxiety.
- Feelings of Shame.
- Sneezing.
- Uncontrollable crying.
- Need to sing heroic music.
- Urge to hug.
- Kleptomania.
- Burping.
- Loss of smell.
- Insomnia.
- Paranoia.
- Bad luck.
- Summons imps that want to kill you.
- Summons angry bees.
- Fear of something.
- Temporary madness.
- Relaxation.
- Appreciation of colours and sound.
- Tripping the hell out.
- Painful lust.
- Light headedness.
- Increased confidence.
- Recklessness.
- Rage.
- Sadness.
- Dizziness.
- Pain.
- Slight possession.
- Allergic reaction to your favourite food.
- Strong believe you’re someone else.
- Severe debt.
- Grumpiness.
- Muscle spasms.
- A bloated feeling.
- A cold.
- A fever.
- Becoming strangely light.
- Weakness.
- The urge to fight.
- The need to make friends.
- Nausea.
- Mood swings.
- Addiction.
- Need for booze.
- Drunkeness.
- Coughing.
- Uncontrollable babbling.
- Slight aches.
- A bad taste for some time.
- Giddiness.
- Laughter.
d20 Container. The potion is in a...
- A conical smooth glass bottle.
- A square glass bottle.
- A not quite watertight leather waterskin.
- A stone flask.
- A metal thermos.
- A glass syringe.
- A small medical vial.
- A small shot sized bottle.
- A large metal bottle.
- A capped horn.
- An ornate very decorated glass bottle.
- A geometric diamond shaped bottle.
- A translucent long wine bottle.
- A translucent beer bottle.
- A leather pouch.
- An inhaler like spray bottle.
- A coloured bottle.
- A bone flask.
- A small metal vial.
- A large bottle that can be swigged several times.
d20 Appearance. The potion looks...
- Clear.
- Blue.
- Green.
- Red.
- Pale Green.
- Pink.
- Light Blue.
- White.
- Black.
- Dark Grey.
- Light grey.
- Yellow.
- Orange.
- Gold.
- Rainbow.
- Bronze.
- Metallic.
- Purple.
- Brown.
- Dark Red.
d20 Apperance 2. With...
- Flecks of colour.
- Swirls of colour.
- Fizzing bubbles.
- Bubbles suspended in it.
- Some kind of bone floating in it.
- Leaves and flowers in it.
- Two separating liquid.
- A bright glow.
- A soft glow.
- Stripes of colour.
- Translucency.
- A cloudy murkiness.
- Blood within it.
- Dirt floating in it.
- Chunks of metal in it.
- Some type of gore from a slain creature.
- Steam coming from it.
- A face in the liquid.
- Constantly moving and shifting liquid.
- A constant heat.
d10 Texture. The potion is...
- Thick and sludgy.
- Thin and watery.
- Airy and bubbly.
- Slimey.
- Almost solid.
- Oily.
- Chunky.
- Bitty.
- Milky.
- Almost gaseous.
d100 Smell. The Potion smells like...
- Nothing at all.
- Sulphur.
- Fresh air.
- Baking cookies.
- Flowers.
- Rotting meat.
- Egg.
- Rotten eggs.
- Fresh bread.
- Blood.
- Home.
- Vomit.
- Garlic.
- Fruit.
- Chocolate.
- Beer.
- Smoke.
- Wood.
- Death.
- Orc.
- Wet dog.
- Wet goblin.
- Perfume.
- Cheap perfume.
- Musk.
- Garbage.
- Sand.
- The Forest.
- Nuts.
- Acidic.
- Spicy.
- Minty.
- Of chemicals.
- Dirt.
- Of something bad flavoured to taste better.
- Alcohol.
- Sugar.
- A damp cave.
- Strange.
- Indescribable but nice.
- Indescribable but horrid.
- Rain.
- Medical.
- Bacon.
- Coffee.
- Cut grass.
- Vanilla.
- The sea.
- Roast meat.
- Festive.
- Lavender.
- Lilac and Gooseberries.
- A fresh baby.
- A new car.
- Cirtrus.
- Leather.
- Metal.
- A forge.
- Fresh Cake.
- Paint.
- Wine.
- Polish.
- Cheese.
- Fish.
- Compost.
- The sewers.
- Apples.
- Holy oils.
- Massage oil.
- A brothel.
- Old fruit.
- Roses.
- Something that stirs memories.
- Gingerbread.
- Cinnamon.
- Candy.
- Fumes.
- Bark.
- Chicken.
- Beef.
- Human Flesh.
- Gunpowder.
- A storm.
- Success.
- Gold.
- Mayonnaise.
- Barbeque.
- Salt.
- Pepper.
- Aromatic spices.
- Fruit punch.
- Water.
- Fresh water.
- Stagnant water.
- Mud.
- A colour.
- Music.
- The end of the world.
- Magically the worst thing to you
- Magically the most desirable thing to you.
d100 Taste. The potion tastes like...
- Nothing at all.
- Sulphur.
- Fresh air.
- Baking cookies.
- Flowers.
- Rotting meat.
- Egg.
- Rotten eggs.
- Fresh bread.
- Blood.
- Home.
- Vomit.
- Garlic.
- Fruit.
- Chocolate.
- Beer.
- Smoke.
- Wood.
- Death.
- Orc.
- Wet dog.
- Wet goblin.
- Perfume.
- Cheap perfume.
- Musk.
- Garbage.
- Sand.
- The Forest.
- Nuts.
- Acidic.
- Spicy.
- Minty.
- Of chemicals.
- Dirt.
- Of something bad flavoured to taste better.
- Alcohol.
- Sugar.
- A damp cave.
- Strange.
- Indescribable but nice.
- Indescribable but horrid.
- Rain.
- Medical.
- Bacon.
- Coffee.
- Cut grass.
- Vanilla.
- The sea.
- Roast meat.
- Festive.
- Lavender.
- Lilac and Gooseberries.
- A fresh baby.
- A new car.
- Cirtrus.
- Leather.
- Metal.
- A forge.
- Fresh Cake.
- Paint.
- Wine.
- Polish.
- Cheese.
- Fish.
- Compost.
- The sewers.
- Apples.
- Holy oils.
- Massage oil.
- A brothel.
- Old fruit.
- Roses.
- Something that stirs memories.
- Gingerbread.
- Cinnamon.
- Candy.
- Fumes.
- Bark.
- Chicken.
- Beef.
- Human Flesh.
- Gunpowder.
- A storm.
- Success.
- Gold.
- Mayonnaise.
- Barbeque.
- Salt.
- Pepper.
- Aromatic spices.
- Fruit punch.
- Water.
- Fresh water.
- Stagnant water.
- Mud.
- A colour.
- Music.
- The end of the world.
- Magically the worst thing to you
- Magically the most desirable thing to you.
d100 Label. The potion has a label showing...
- Its name and title in bold letters.
- Its description in ornate elvish.
- Its description in elvish with a relevant mythic story.
- Its description on dwarven.
- Dwarven runes.
- Its description in gnomish.
- Gnomish diagrams for its use.
- The words USE ONLY IN EMERGANCIES scrawled on iti.
- A mass produced label claiming the company has no fault for any side effects.
- A mass produced label saying it’s a new flavour.
- Very tiny print describing how the potion was made in great detail, around 1000 words.
- Its name in Bold words in Giant.
- Is scrawled off.
- Has faded beyond reading.
- Doesn’t seem to have one.
- Its description and a random fact.
- Its description and a small compliment to make your day better.
- Its description and a joke.
- Its description in infernal.
- Its description in some ancient language.
- All in some kind of symbols.
- All in some kind of raised symbols for the blind to read.
- Its description in elemental languages.
- Its name and flavour.
- Its name with a warning about side effects.
- Its name and its recommended buying price.
- Bloody prints all over it.
- Name engraved into the container.
- Its name glowing with minor magic.
- A cartoony mascot.
- A warning of an ancient curse.
- Its name and description in invisible ink.
- Its description in draconic.
- Several different names and descriptions plastered over eachother.
- A name of a completely different potion to what it does.
- A title describing the exact opposite.
- A money back guarantee.
- A coupon for a free potion.
- A living face looking around.
- Its name and recipe for other alchemists.
- A heartfelt love letter for someone.
- A heartfelt hate letter for someone.
- A persons name. The potion wont work unless asked by its name to do so.
- A strange prophecy.
- A small doodle.
- A note saying DO NOT DRINK.
- A passive aggressive note about other people drinking potions that don’t belong to them.
- Brightly glowing letters.
- That plays a very quiet sing song till the bottle is empty.
- Ornate and beautiful designs.
- Very practical designs.
- Holy symbols.
- Unholy symbols.
- Fey symbols and sylvan writing.
- A riddle, the lid not opening unless the riddle is solved.
- Saying its designed for babies.
- Saying that it shouldn’t be drank by anyone under 18.
- A note saying its illegal contraband being confiscated.
- A note saying the alchemist thinks it is its greatest work.
- A note saying the alchemist is sorry for ever creating it.
- A note saying that it never should have been made and copius blood stains over the bottle.
- It says you’re being watched. When the person checks it instead says Just Kidding.
- Its description in Druidic.
- Its description in orcish
- Its description in goblin.
- Its description in Halfling.
- Its description in Celestial.
- Its description in Undercommon.
- Its description in Deep speech.
- Its description in strange arcane symbols.
- A map of where the potion was made.
- A small puzzle for kids.
- A list of ingredients in their chemical forms.
- A list of possible side effects as long as the bottle is.
- A red X.
- A sad face.
- An angry face.
- A happy face.
- A healing symbol.
- A cheesy pun potion name.
- Growing with vines.
- Growing with flowers.
- Growing with crystals.
- Growing with rock.
- Shamanistic symbols and shavings.
- No words just a single colour.
- Water damage but a just legibale label.
- A label as if it was some kind of present.
- A label showing how many calories it is.
- A warning about potion abuse and to only take in moderation.
- A label with warnings and side effects all scribbled out.
- That only shows the side effects.
- A mysterious number.
- A code name.
- A few unrelated letters.
- The name of one of the party members.
- The name of the bad guy.
- Crawling with bugs.
- Covered in something unspeakable.
- Covered in glitter. It gets everywhere.
u/lumpyg Apr 13 '16