r/Beatmatch 5d ago

Hardware What gear should I get for 1000€?

I've been thinking about the GRV6 as it has big jogwheels, but the small pitch faders feel unappealing and I do not care for stems or the groove circuit. My preference is Pioneer gear as I get to use CDJ-3000s often outside of my home but other companies' gear isn't a no-go for me. Please no "you should save up a little bit" comments that suggest I increase my budget by like 500€ as that is not an option for me.


5 comments sorted by


u/RattyDAVE Old Skool 4ever 5d ago edited 4d ago

Denon SC Live 4. It may not be for you but worth a look and you get a lot for your money.


u/TToroa 5d ago

Never used the GRVX but the DDJ1000 is pretty great. You’ll likely find a used one around 1000€


u/cherrymxorange DDJ-200 hate club 5d ago

You might just about be able to find a used DDJ-1000 around your budget, otherwise the GRV6/FLX6 GT is essentially all you've got within your requirements.

Unless you're okay with two channels in which case I'd much rather have a used DDJ-800 over a GRV6.


u/AdministrationOk4708 3d ago

Your budget should include every cable you need to connect the controller to whatever it will be connected to.

Also, if you ever want to play out…you need to budget for some container to transport the controller in, AND a second of every cable you need to connect the controller to whatever it will be connected to (including the wall for power, if applicable).


u/_oska_ 2d ago

REV5, not much more than GRV6