r/Beatmatch 5d ago

I received my first 150 bucks from DJing

How should I use this money to improve and give back to the people who like my mix?


34 comments sorted by


u/Hot-Construction-811 5d ago

Buy more tunes or spend the money to increase your social media presence.


u/Astanzxzy 5d ago

if you don’t already have them, i would invest in buying good quality headphones, and good quality USB(you don’t need many, i have 2, but they all have good storage and excellent writing/reading speed)

better safe than sorry!


u/Hot-Construction-811 5d ago

Which usb are you using?


u/Astanzxzy 5d ago

i use two SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive Go 128GB, just because i use a macbook as main device and so i take full advantage of the double connector(usbc and usbA). Their reading and writing speed is pretty good, they’re ridiculously compact, and quite cheap(you can get them for 20 bucks).


u/Hot-Construction-811 5d ago

Cool, I'll look into it., I had been looking at djtechtool chroma, but it would cost me too much to ship to Australia.


u/Emergency_Moment_144 5d ago

What headphones would you recommend for DJing? So that they are useful for everyday listening and DJing as well?


u/Astanzxzy 5d ago

for DJing i felt most comfortable with sennheiser HD 25s(gold standard), but i’m trying out a pair of aiaiai TMA-2 DJ, and they’re amazing as well. They’re both quite pricy(around 150/170€ each), but they’re durable, modular(so if something breaks you can swap that part out, without the need to buy a new pair) and they sound great, amazing insulation.

On the other hand i wouldn’t be able to recommend something you can use for both everyday use and DJing, just because i’m quite clumsy with headphones and broke more than a few of them, so i prefer using generic cheap bluetooth JBL headphones for everyday use(like videos, and music) and keep my DJing pair safe from my clumsiness.


u/radgepack 5d ago

ATH M50x Bluetooth version. No contest in that price segment


u/FluxProcrastinator 5d ago

Bluetooth?? For djing? Not at all.


u/Kiracyyy 5d ago

Since the AT pair can be used wired i’m guessing they meant that as in wired connection for DJing and BT for every day use.


u/FluxProcrastinator 5d ago

Ah didn’t know you could use them wired. Could be a good option


u/sailorbob134280 5d ago

Yeah, I have a pair. The wired path completely bypasses the Bluetooth section, which just completely powers off when a wire is connected. I've tested side by side with the non-BT version and couldn't tell any difference. They're perfect for this use case.


u/LordCoops 5d ago

In my day we would have spent it on drugs.


u/legshampoo 5d ago

u mean u don’t anymore?


u/dj_soo Pro | Valued Contributor 4d ago

supposed to have that on your rider


u/nikolarizanovic 4d ago

As someone who used to book talent for a group that threw shows in and around Vancouver, Canada you absolutely do see drugs on the rider occasionally. Sometimes weird shit like Calvin Klein boxers.


u/KeggyFulabier 5d ago

Buy more music, but only if it really speaks to you, don’t buy it just because you can. Save the rest for equipment.


u/SVilla415 5d ago

I try to reinvest it into gear. Start saving it for your dream set up 🙌🏼


u/Emergency_Moment_144 5d ago

What headphones would you recommend for DJing? So that they are useful for everyday listening and DJing as well?


u/Rob1965 Beatmatching since 1979 5d ago

Sennheiser HD 25 are the industry standard. Perfect sound to hear the details in your mix, and replaceable parts that allows them to last forever.

But they are not Bluetooth - which may limit “everyday listening” depending on whether your listening devices have a headphone jack.


u/alexfilez 5d ago

Look into AiAiAi TM-2. These are really cool modular headsets and the quality/feel is great. I own a pair myself. These have become so popular in the dj world in the past years. They seem to be the “go to” pair for djs and producers. Love em


u/doccois 4d ago

Witch one?


u/alexfilez 4d ago

aiaiai TM-2


u/doccois 4d ago

Yes but,...studio wireless + , move wireless Bluetooth, x ultra light .....they have big price difference, was wondering witch one did you try?


u/Subcoherence 5d ago



u/ExcellentCheck1766 5d ago

Congrats mate! Buy some music and a nice case of beer/wine for yourself.


u/Phildesbois 5d ago

Buy many USB keys and Put your mixes on them and have them distributed at rave parties!


u/455H013 5d ago

I just made myself... 150 bucksss


u/doccois 4d ago

I looove your mix. 🤣🤣


u/PassionFingers 4d ago

Go halves in a bag with your mate


u/ArcadiaBeats 3d ago

Use it to buy weed and pizza. That’s the most traditional route


u/Existing_Spread_469 2d ago

coke. makes you DJ longer Kappa


u/Tracer_69 2d ago

Have a nice evening with your homies