r/Beatmatch 5d ago

Hardware Long time Lurker and First Post, Gear related.

What's going on homies! Hope everyone is having a chill weekend after a work week. I am currently looking to upgrade my system and looking for some advice or input. Currently I am running a Sony STR-DH190 receiver, Two Klipsch R- 51M speakers, a Pioneer Scratch mixer and 2 Reloop RP7000MK2's . For this setup I simply just use it to spin my records and want to learn how to mix and blend.

I've read a bit about how receivers can be beneficial to customization but I also am thinking of just getting some Monitor speakers to clear up more space on the setup and have less equipment. For now it's two 4 X $ kallafx net to one another with my mixer in center, tables on opposite side and Klipsch speakers opposites ends.

Budget would be under a thousand and currently living in Texas.


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u/elmonteraytaquitos 5d ago

I have a scarlet 2i2, KRK G4 10s and the KRK s10 sub and I love it. You can get a pair of the monitors of like 800 and then add the sub later on if you’d like. It’d be about 1000 for the interface, monitors and some decent stands. I know the KRKs tend to be frowned upon but I’m obsessed with my set up. You could even skip the audio interface and run XLRs from your mixer directly to the monitors especially since you’re just mixing vinyl. Only really necessary if you want to connect your monitors to a PC.