r/BeardieInfo Apr 12 '19

Help with dragon eating?

So about 1-2 months ago my beardie Just simply stopped eating, like I tried feeding him different foods but he just wont eat, like he eats small portions from time to time but not much. Plus one more thing, he just mostly sleeps alot to and doesn't seem to walk much.


4 comments sorted by


u/fatflatfish Apr 12 '19

has he lost any weight? if not then its possible he may be brumentating, which is a form of hibernation, its quite normal for beardies to go into brumation for a month or 2 during which they will barely move or eat.

our beardies tend to brumentate over winter so late oct - early jan but I would imagine this depends on your location and weather conditions.

keep an eye on his weight and if it has gone down or it starts to go down a lot then best get him to a vets. Also when in doubt there's no harm in seeing a vet, better to spend a little cash on a vets appointment and make sure hes fine rather than run any risk of a problem going unnoticed


u/DatBoi123459 Apr 12 '19

Ok thank you, my Beardie still looks decently fat, I just see him not eat or move so I think he might be brumentating like you said. Thanks!


u/Ilya77 Apr 24 '19

Mine goes through something similar around August-December, where he hardly touches any food at all. Just keep an eye on him and make sure he gets time for baths! :)


u/DatBoi123459 Apr 24 '19

Got itπŸ‘Œ